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  • Aare, Magnus, 1974- (författare)
  • Prevention of Head Injuries - focusing Specifically on Oblique Impacts
  • 2003
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The massive number of injuries sustained in trafficaccidents is a growing problem worldwide, especially indeveloping countries. In 1998, more than one million peoplewere killed in traffic accidents worldwide, while about tentimes as many people were injured. Injuries to the centralnervous system and in particular to the headare especiallycritical to human life. This thesis contains five researchpapers looking at head injuries and head protection, proposingnew and more efficient ways of protecting the head, especiallyin traffic accidents.In order to define the national dimensions of the patternsof injuries incurred in motorcycle and moped accidents inSweden, a statistical survey was performed on data spanning a13-year period (Paper A). In Sweden, 27,100 individualsreceived in-patient care for motorcycle and moped accidentinjuries between 1987 and 1999. The motorcycle and moped injuryrate reduced in the second half of the study period, so toowere the total number of days of treatment per year. Males hadeight times the incidence of injuries of females. Head injurieswere the single most frequent diagnosis, followed by fracturesof the lower limbs. Concussion was the most frequent headinjury. These statistics clearly show the need for better headinjury prevention systems.According to the statistics, the most common type of impactto the head in motorcycle and moped accidents is an obliqueimpact. Oblique impacts generate rotations of the head, whichare a common cause of the most severe head injuries. Thereforea new test rig was constructed to reproduce oblique impacts toa helmeted dummy head, simulating those occurring in real lifeaccidents (Paper B). The new test rig was shown to provideuseful data at speeds of up to 50 km/h and with impact anglesvarying from purely tangential to purely radial. Thisinnovative test rig appears to provide an accurate method formeasuring accelerations in oblique impacts to helmets.When testing the performances of motorcycle helmets,discrepancies are usually seen in the test results. In order toevaluate these discrepancies, the finite element method (FEM)was used for simulations of a few oblique helmet impacts (PaperC). Amongthe parameters studied, the coefficients of frictionbetween the impacting surface and the helmet and between thehead and the helmet had the most significant influence on therotational accelerations. Additionally, a thinner andconsequently also weaker shell and a weaker liner, providedbetter protection for the impacts studied.Since there are no generally accepted global injurythresholds for oblique impacts to the human head, a study wasdesigned to propose new injury tolerances accounting for bothtranslations and rotations of the head (Paper D). In thatstudy, FE models of (a) a human head, (b) a Hybrid III dummyhead, and (c) the experimental helmet were used. Differentcriteria were proposed for different impact scenarios. Both thetranslational and the rotational effects were found to beimportant when proposing a predictor equation for the strainlevels experienced by the human brain in simulated impacts tothe head.In order to reduce the level of head injuries in society andto better understand helmet impacts from different aspect, aballistic impact was also studied (Paper E). The effects ofdifferent helmet shell stiffness and different angles ofimpacts were simulated. In this study, the same FE head modelfrom Paper D was used, however here it was protected with amodel of a composite ballistic helmet. It was concluded thatthe helmet shell should be stiff enough to prevent the insideof the shell from striking the skull, and that the strainsarising in the brain tissue were higher for some obliqueimpacts than for purely radial ones.In conclusion, this thesis describes the injury pattern ofmotorcycle and moped accidents in Sweden. This thesis showsthat the injuries sustained from these accidents can bereduced. In order to study both translational as well asrotational impacts, a new laboratory test rig was designed. Byusing the finite element method, it is possible to simulaterealistic impacts to the head and also to predict how severehead injuries may potentially be prevented.
  • Aarno, Daniel, 1979- (författare)
  • Intention recognition in human machine collaborative systems
  • 2007
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Robotsystem har använts flitigt under de senaste årtiondena för att skapa automationslösningar i ett flertal områden. De flesta nuvarande automationslösningarna är begränsade av att uppgifterna de kan lösa måste vara repetitiva och förutsägbara. En av anledningarna till detta är att dagens robotsystem saknar förmåga att förstå och resonera om omvärlden. På grund av detta har forskare inom robotik och artificiell intelligens försökt att skapa intelligentare maskiner. Trots att stora framsteg har gjorts då det gäller att skapa robotar som kan fungera och interagera i en mänsklig miljö så finns det för nuvarande inget system som kommer i närheten av den mänskliga förmågan att resonera om omvärlden. För att förenkla problemet har vissa forskare föreslagit en alternativ lösning till helt självständiga robotar som verkar i mänskliga miljöer. Alternativet är att kombinera människors och maskiners förmågor. Exempelvis så kan en person verka på en avlägsen plats, som kanske inte är tillgänglig för personen i fråga på grund av olika orsaker, genom att använda fjärrstyrning. Vid fjärrstyrning skickar operatören kommandon till en robot som verkar som en förlängning av operatörens egen kropp. Segmentering och identifiering av rörelser skapade av en operatör kan användas för att tillhandahålla korrekt assistans vid fjärrstyrning eller samarbete mellan människa och maskin. Assistansen sker ofta inom ramen för virtuella fixturer där eftergivenheten hos fixturen kan justeras under exekveringen för att tillhandahålla ökad prestanda i form av ökad precision och minskad tid för att utföra uppgiften. Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på två aspekter av samarbete mellan människa och maskin. Klassificering av en operatörs rörelser till ett på förhand specificerat tillstånd under en manipuleringsuppgift och assistans under manipuleringsuppgiften baserat på virtuella fixturer. Den specifika tillämpningen som behandlas är manipuleringsuppgifter där en mänsklig operatör styr en robotmanipulator i ett fjärrstyrt eller samarbetande system. En metod för att följa förloppet av en uppgift medan den utförs genom att använda virtuella fixturer presenteras. Istället för att följa en på förhand specificerad plan så har operatören möjlighet att undvika oväntade hinder och avvika från modellen. För att möjliggöra detta estimeras kontinuerligt sannolikheten att operatören följer en viss trajektorie (deluppgift). Estimatet används sedan för att justera eftergivenheten hos den virtuella fixturen så att ett beslut om hur rörelsen ska fixeras kan tas medan uppgiften utförs. En flerlagers dold Markovmodell (eng. layered hidden Markov model) används för att modellera mänskliga färdigheter. En gestemklassificerare som klassificerar en operatörs rörelser till olika grundläggande handlingsprimitiver, eller gestemer, evalueras. Gestemklassificerarna används sedan i en flerlagers dold Markovmodell för att modellera en simulerad fjärrstyrd manipuleringsuppgift. Klassificeringsprestandan utvärderas med avseende på brus, antalet gestemer, typen på den dolda Markovmodellen och antalet tillgängliga träningssekvenser. Den flerlagers dolda Markovmodellen tillämpas sedan på data från en trajektorieföljningsuppgift i 2D och 3D med en robotmanipulator för att ge både kvalitativa och kvantitativa resultat. Resultaten tyder på att den flerlagers dolda Markovmodellen är väl lämpad för att modellera trajektorieföljningsuppgifter och att den flerlagers dolda Markovmodellen är robust med avseende på felklassificeringar i de underliggande gestemklassificerarna.
  • Aas, Erik, 1990- (författare)
  • A Markov Process on Cyclic Words
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The TASEP (totally asymmetric simple exclusion process) studied here is a Markov chain on cyclic words over the alphabet{1,2,...,n} given by at each time step sorting an adjacent pair of letters chosen uniformly at random. For example, from the word 3124 one may go to 1324, 3124, 3124, 4123 by sorting the pair 31, 12, 24, or 43.Two words have the sametype if they are permutations of each other. If we restrict TASEP to words of some particular type m we get an ergodic Markov chain whose stationary distribution we denote by ζm. Soζm (u) is the asymptotic proportion of time spent in the state u if the chain started in some word of type m. The distribution ζ is the main object of study in this thesis. This distribution turns out to have several remarkable properties, and alternative characterizations. It has previously been studied both from physical, combinatorial, and probabilitistic viewpoints.In the first chapter we give an extended summary of known results and results in this thesis concerning ζ. The new results are described (and proved) in detail in Papers I - IV.The new results in Papers I and II include an explicit formula for the value ofζat sorted words and a product formula for decomposable words. We also compute some correlation functions for ζ. In Paper III we study of a generalization of TASEP to Weyl groups. In Paper IV we study a certain scaling limit of ζ, finding several interesting patterns of which we prove some. We also study an inhomogenous version of TASEP, in which different particles get sorted at different rates, which generalizes the homogenous version in several aspects. In the first chapter we compute some correlation functions for ζ
  • Aas, Erik, et al. (författare)
  • Limiting directions for random walks in classical affine Weyl groups
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Let be a finite Weyl group and the corresponding affine Weyl group. A random element of can be obtained as a reduced random walk on the alcoves of . By a theorem of Lam (Ann. Probab. 2015), such a walk almost surely approaches one of many directions. We compute these directions when is , and and the random walk is weighted by Kac and dual Kac labels. This settles Lam's questions for types and in the affirmative and for type in the negative. The main tool is a combinatorial two row model for a totally asymmetric simple exclusion process called the -TASEP, with four parameters. By specializing the parameters in different ways, we obtain TASEPs for each of the Weyl groups mentioned above. Computing certain correlations in these TASEPs gives the desired limiting directions.
  • Aas, Erik, 1990- (författare)
  • Stationary probability of the identity for the TASEP on a Ring
  • 2012
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Consider the following Markov chain on permutations of length n. At each time step we choose a random position. If the letter at that position is smaller than the letter immediately to the left (cyclically) then these letters swap positions. Otherwise nothing happens, corresponding to a loop in the Markov chain. This is the circular TASEP. We compute the average proportion of time the chain spends at the identity permutation (and, in greater generality, at sorted words). This answers a conjecture by Thomas Lam.
  • Aas, Erik (författare)
  • TASEP in any Weyl group
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • We investigate a Markov chain dened by Thomas Lam [6], whichgeneralizes the multi-type TASEP on a ring to any Weyl group. For groups of typeC we dene an analogue of the multiline queues of Ferrari and Martin (which com-pute the stationary distribution for the classical TASEP). While our constructiondoes not suce for nding the stationary distribution, the construction gives thestationary distribution of a certain projection of Lam's chain. Also, our approach isincremental, in the sense that the construction appears to t into a pattern of 'con-jugation matrices', which remains to be fully worked out. We conjecture an explicitformula for the partition function of the model. Finally, we prove a theorem for theclassical TASEP which ts into the picture of viewing TASEP in a permutation-freeway.
  • Aas, Wenche (författare)
  • Constitution, dynamics and structure of binary and ternary actinide complexes
  • 1999
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Stoichiometry, ligand exchange reactions, coordinationgeometry and stability of complexes of type UO2LpFq(H2O)3-n(p= 1–2,q= 1-3), where L is one of the bidentate ligandspicolinate, oxalate, carbonate or acetate have beeninvestigated using single crystal X-ray diffraction, an arrayof19F-,13C-,17O- and1H-NMR techniques and potentiometric titration usingboth F-and H+selective electrodes. The experiments wereperformed in a 1.00 M NaClO4medium. The equilibrium constants were determinedat 25°C while most of the kinetic experiments were done at- 5°C. The equilibrium constants for the stepwise additionof F-to UO2L and UO2L2indicates that the prior coordination of L toU(VI) has a fairly small effect on the subsequent bonding offluoride, except for a statistical effect determined by thenumber of available coordination sites. This indicates thatternary complexes might be important for the speciation andtransport of hexavalent actinides in ground and surface watersystems. A single crystal structure of UO2(picolinate)F32-has been determined showing the same pentagonalbipyramidal symmetry as in aqueous solution studied by NMR. Theexchangeable donor atoms are situated in a plane perpendicularto the linear uranyl group. The complexes show a variety ofdifferent exchange reactions depending on the ligand used. Ithas been possible to quantify external fluoride and the otherligands exchange reactions as well asintra-molecular reactions. This type of detailedinformation has not been observed in aqueous solution before.Water takes a critical part in the exchange mechanism, and whenit is eliminated from the inner coordination sphere a muchslower kinetics can be observed.19F-NMR has showed to be a powerful technique tostudy these reactions, both because of the sensitivity of thisNMR nucleus and also the possibility to observe reactions wherefluoride is not directly involved in the mechanism. TernaryTh(edta)F1-2and (UO2)2(edta)2F1-4have been investigated using1H and19F-NMR. The fluoride complexation to Cm(III) wasstudied using time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS)and the stability constant for the CmF2+complex was determined at 25°C in 1.0 mNaCl.Keywords. Ternary complexes, actinides,dioxouranium(VI), curium(III), thorium(IV), ligand exchange,isomers, NMR, potentiometric titrations, aqueous solution,oxalate, picolinate, acetate, EDTA.
  • Aastrup, Teodor (författare)
  • In situ investigations of the metal/atmophere interface
  • 1999
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis presents a new experimental setup for surfaceanalysis studies, incorporating chemical information frominfrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRAS) andquantitative information from quartz crystal microbalance(QCM). The integrated IRAS/QCM surface analysis system enablesin situstudies to be conducted of the metal/atmosphereinteraction on a sub-monolayer level. In combination withtopographical information from tapping mode atomic forcemicroscopy (TM-AFM), it was possible to follow the formation ofcorrosion products providing information about chemicalidentity, quantity and lateral distribution. The newlydeveloped system was used to study the influence of relativehumidity (RH) and levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3)and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) down to concentrations of subparts-per-million (ppm), on the initial stages of atmosphericcorrosion of copper.Exposure to RH led to the formation of small grains ofcuprous oxide (Cu2O), with an average diameter of approximately40 nm. The grain nucleation rate increased with increasing RHdue to the increasing amount of physisorbed water on thesurface.Exposure to RH and SO2 led to the formation of coppersulfite (CuSO3•xH2O) species as well as reduction in therate of Cu2O formation. The formation of CuSO3•xH2Ooccurred through the dissolution and consecutive precipitationof surface-bound copper sulfite complexes.The roles of O3 and NO2 in the SO2-induced atmosphericcorrosion of copper was also investigated. O3 was found to havea two-fold effect, resulting in the oxidation of the coppersulfite species to copper sulfate and the enhancement of Cu2Oformation. NO2 promoted the oxidation of copper sulfitespecies, though less efficiently than O3, and reduced Cu2Oformation. In addition, copper nitrate formation wasobserved.IRAS was also used to investigate the interaction betweenSO2 and surfaces made of platinum and palladium. Sulfuric acidformation was observed on both metals, showing the importanceof the surface on the formation of the metal/atmospherereaction products.Keywords:Atmospheric corrosion, IR-spectroscopy, IRAS,QCM, AFM, SO2, O3, NO2, Cu.
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