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Träfflista för sökning "AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES Business and economics) srt2:(2010-2011);mspu:(doctoralthesis)"

Sökning: AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES Business and economics) > (2010-2011) > Doktorsavhandling

  • Resultat 41-50 av 229
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  • Johansson, Sara, 1975- (författare)
  • Knowledge, Product Differentiation and Trade
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the influence of knowledge on the export performance of firms in different regions. More specifically, this study focuses on the impact of knowledge on the structure of regional export flows, in terms of horizontal and vertical product differentiation, as well as the geographical distribution of export flows. The thesis consists of four separate papers, which contribute to the overall analysis of knowledge, product differentiation and international trade in different ways. The second chapter presents a study of the effects of regional accessibility to R&D on the diversity of export flows with regard to goods, firms and destination markets. Chapter 3 provides an empirical analysis of vertical product differentiation, i.e. differentiation in terms of product quality, and examines the impact of educated labor and R&D on regional comparative advantages in goods of relatively high product quality. Chapter 4 contains a study of how the regional endowment of highly educated workers affects the structure of export flows, i.e. how the endowment of educated workers impacts on the number of product varieties exported, the average price per variety and the average quantity shipped out. The final chapter presents a micro-level analysis of firms’ propensity to participate in international markets and their propensity to expand export activities by introducing new export products or establishing export links with new destination countries. In summary, the empirical results of this thesis convey the message that regional accessibility to knowledge, embodied in highly educated labor and/or developed through R&D activities, plays a fundamental role in shaping the content and structure of regional export flows. More specifically, the present empirical observations suggest that the regional endowment of knowledge stimulates the size of the export base in terms of exporting firms and number of product varieties. The recurring significance of the accessibility variables in explaining spatial export patterns show that the knowledge endowment of a region must be defined in such ways that it captures sources of potential knowledge spillovers from inside as well as outside its own regional boundaries. This outcome shows that regional variations in knowledge endowments originate both in the actual spatial distribution of a nation’s knowledge labor across regions, and in regional differences in the geographical accessibility to internal and external knowledge labor.
  • Kim, Jaewon, 1978- (författare)
  • Trade, Unemployment and Labour Market Institutions
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The thesis consists of three papers, summarized as follows.        "The Determinants of Labour Market Institutions: A Panel Data Study"    This paper analyses the argument that labour market institutions can be thought of as devices for social insurance. It investigates the hypotheses that a country's exposure to external risk and ethnic fractionalisation are correlated with labor market institutions. Extreme bounds analysis with panel data of fourty years indicates that countries that are more open to international trade have stricter employment protection, strong unions, and a more coordinated wage bargaining process. Moreover, there is evidence that union density is negatively associated with the degree of ethnic fracationalisation.  "Why do Some Studies Show that Generous Unemployment Benefits Increase Unemployment Rates? A Meta-Analysis of Cross-Country Studies"    This paper investigates the hypothesis that generous unemployment benefits give rise to high levels of unemployment by systematically reviewing 34 cross-country studies. In contrast to conventional literature surveys, I perform a meta-analysis which applies regression techniques to a set of results taken from the existing literature. The main finding is that the choice of the primary data and estimation method matter for the final outcome. The control variables in the primary studies also affect the results. "The Effects of Trade on Unemployment: Evidence from 20 OECD countries"    This study empirically investigates if international trade has an impact on aggregate unemployment in the presence of labour market institutions. Using data for twenty OECD countries for the years 1961-2008, this study finds that an increase in trade leads to higher aggregate unemployment as it interacts with rigid labour market institutions, whereas it may reduce aggregate unemployment if the labour market is characterised by flexibility. In a country with the average degree of the labour market rigidities, an increase in trade has no significant effect on unemployment rates.
  • Klingelhöfer, Jan, 1976- (författare)
  • Models of Electoral Competition : Three Essays on Political Economics
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis consists of three essays in theoretical political economics. In "The Swing Voters' Blessing", I model elections with quality differences between two ideological candidates. The quality differences are only observable to a limited number of informed voters. I show that if uninformed voters follow an optimal strategy of only making their voting decisions dependent on their ideological position relative to the median voter, the candidate who is preferred by the median voter wins. Furthermore, I show that the existence of boundedly rational uninformed voters who always support the candidate whose policy offer is most attractive increases the welfare of the majority of voters. It forces candidates to announce positions closer to the median voter's bliss point."Lobbying and Elections" contributes to the literature on lobbying. Besley and Coate (2001) use their well-known citizen candidate framework and find that if citizen candidates with sufficiently extreme preferences are available, lobbying has no influence on implemented policy. I show that this result does not apply in a more realistic model with ideological parties instead of citizen candidates because the parties cannot adjust their policy positions. In a two-party system, even if forward-looking voters are aware that lobbying will take place, their choice between policies is different when lobbies do and do not exist.   "Lexicographic Voting" reconsiders the division of the literature into models with forward-looking voters and models with backward-looking voters by developing a model that incorporates motives from both literatures. As long as there is no uncertainty about preferences and parties can commit in advance to the ideological dimension of policy, but not to a maximal level of rent extraction, voters can constrain the latter to the same extent as in a purely backward-looking model. At the same time, the policy preferred by the median voter is implemented.
  • Lachowska, Marta, 1981- (författare)
  • Essays in Labor Economics and Consumer Behavior
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis consists of three essays on labor economics and consumption behavior. “Consumption and Information: A Study of Consumer Behavior using Daily Data” studies the joint dynamics of information and consumption using data on a daily frequency. I find that spending reacts sharply to informational shocks, but in contrast to previous research findings, this reaction fades in a very short period of time. Additionally, my data allow me to move beyond representative agent models in studying the response of individuals facing different levels of income stability. Unlike papers using aggregate data, I am able to contrast the reactions of different types of consumers. I find that individuals who face less secure income streams cut back more than those with a secure income. I argue that this behavior of consumption cannot be adequately explained using canonical consumption theories, such as the permanent income hypothesis model or the buffer stock model. “The Importance of Outside Options for Wage Formation: Survey Evidence” considers a central prediction of the matching model of Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides. This model suggests that outside options of the worker and the firm matter for wage formation. This prediction has recently been questioned on theoretical grounds. In this essay, I address this issue empirically by using data from unique survey questions to assess the importance of outside options for hourly wages. My findings imply that the disutility of being unmatched matters for wage formation. Together with other research documenting the prevalence of wage bargaining on the labor market, my results imply good news for the Nash bargaining solution of the Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides model. “Give Me a Break. A Longitudinal Analysis of On-the-Job Leisure” addresses predictions of models of wage formation. Models of efficiency wages predict that pay and monitoring are substitutes in motivating workers to exert effort. If worker autonomy is the reverse of monitoring, a positive relationship between autonomy and wages is implied. If, on the other hand, workers obtain utility from autonomy in a perfectly competitive market, the market will reduce any advantages of holding autonomous jobs. Thus, there will be a negative correlation between autonomy and wages. In this essay, I analyze a common, but little-studied feature of worker autonomy: how much leisure employees can take at work. I find a positive relationship between on-the-job leisure and pay in the 1960s and 1970s, but a negative correlation since the 1980s. This change could be due to a labor market structure described by the neoclassical model or lower monitoring costs.
  • Li, Yushu (författare)
  • Essays on statistical testing using Wavelet methodologies
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis consists of five essays on the application of wavelet methodology to different tests in time series analysis. Essay I proposes a nonlinear Dickey-Fuller F test for unit roots against the first order Logistic Smooth Transition Autoregressive LSTAR (1) model. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is analytically derived while the size and power properties for small samples of the tests are investigated using Monte Carlo experiments. The results show that there is a serious size distortion for the test when Autoregressive Conditional Heterskedasticity (GARCH) errors appear in the Data Generating Process (DGP). To solve this problem, we use the wavelet technique to filter out the GARCH distortion and to improve the size property of the test under GARCH error. We also discuss the asymptotic distributions of the test statistics in GARCH and wavelet environments. Essay II uses the wavelet technique to improve the over-rejection problem of the traditional linear Dickey-Fuller tests for unit root when the data is associated with volatility such as a GARCH (1, 1) effect. We prove that the asymptotic distribution of the test in the wavelet environment is still the same as the traditional Dickey-Fuller type of test. The finite sample property is improved when the data suffers from GARCH error. An empirical example is illustrated with data on the net immigration to Sweden during the period 1950 to 2000. Essay III applies the wavelet ratio statistic to the Im-Pesaran-Shin (IPS) type of test and compares it with the IPS test by using Dickey-Fuller t statistic. Simulation results show again in power by employing the wavelet ratio test instead of the Dickey-Fuller t statistic in the panel data case. As the IPS test is sensitive to the cross sectional dependence, we further compare the robustness of both test statistics to the cross sectional. Finally we apply a residual based waves trapping methodology to reduce the over biased size problem brought up by the cross correlation for both test statistics. Essay IV uses simulated data to investigate the power of different causality tests in a two dimensional vector autoregressive (VAR) model. The data are presented in a non-linearenvironment that is modelled using a logistic smooth transition autoregressive (LSTAR)function. We use both linear and non-linear causality tests to investigate the uni-direction causality relationship and compare the power of these tests. When implementing the nonlinear test, we use separately the original data, the linear VAR filtered residuals, and the wavelet decomposed series based on wavelet multi resolution analysis (MRA). The simulation results show that the non-parametric test based on the wavelet decomposition series (which is a model free approach) has the highest power for exploring causality relationships in nonlinear models. Essay V first presents a power controlled turning points detecting method based on the theory of likelihood ratio test in statistical surveillance. Next we show how the outlier will influence the performance of this methodology. Due to the sensitivity of the surveillance system to the outliers, we finally present a wavelet multi resolution (MRA) based outlier elimination approach, which can be combined with the on-line turning point detecting process and will also alleviate the false alarm problem introduced by the outliers.
  • Lindblad, Hans, 1960- (författare)
  • Essays on Unemployment and Real Exchange Rates
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In the first essay, Persistence in Swedish Unemployment Rates, we study if there is no or weak tendency in unemployment rates to revert back to previous levels. Persistence is caused by: natural rate shocks, long unemployment cycles, and spill-over from cyclical to permanent unemployment. We find evidence of high persistence. The results suggest that the quick rise of unemployment rates during 1992-1994 was caused by large permanent and cyclical shocks in combination with spill-over effects. In the second essay, The Equilibrium Rate of Unemployment in a Small Open Economy, we challenge the common and simplifying assumption that the economy is closed. We set up and estimate a structural unobserved components open economy model for the unemployment rate and the real exchange rate. Our estimates indicate that the foreign sector is of substantial importance when explaining movements in the NAIRU. In the third essay, A Simultaneous Model of the Swedish Krona, the US Dollar and the Euro, we simultaneously estimate the real exchange rates between the Swedish Krona, the US Dollar and the Euro. The exchange rate movements are well explained by potential output, the output gap, terms of trade, the fraction of prime-aged people in the population, and structural government budget deficits. The models work well in an out of sample exercise. In the last essay, Wages, Employment, and Unemployment: The Effect of Benefits, Taxes and Labor Mobility, we study how wages and employment are affected by unemployment insurance and labor mobility. We show that the wage effect of higher unemployment benefits can be either positive or negative, depending on the specification of union utility function and the taxation scheme for financing the benefits. The common claim that wages are lower when a sector bears a higher fraction of unemployment costs does not hold in general. We also show that labor mobility across sectors and increased competition reduces wages and unemployment.
  • Lundqvist, Heléne, 1982- (författare)
  • Empirical Essays in Political and Public Economics
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis consists of four self-contained essays. Essay 1: Despite the key role played by political payoffs in theory, very little is known empirically about the types of payoffs that motivate politicians. The purpose of this paper is to bring light onto this. I estimate causal effects of being elected in a local election on monetary returns. The claim for causality, I argue, can be made thanks to a research design where the income of some candidate who just barely won a seat is compared to that of some other candidate who was close to winning a seat for the same party, but ultimately did not. This research design is made possible thanks to a comprehensive, detailed data set covering all Swedish politicians who have run for office in the period 1991—2006. I establish that monetary returns are absent both in the short and long run. In stead, politicians seem to be motivated by non-monetary payoffs that can be realized with a successful political career. Essay 2 (with Matz Dahlberg and Karin Edmark): In recent decades, the immigration of workers and refugees toEurope has increased substantially, and the composition of the population in many countries has consequently become much more heterogeneous in terms of ethnic background. If people exhibit in-group bias in the sense of being more altruistic to one's own kind, such increased heterogeneity will lead to reduced support for redistribution among natives. This paper exploits a nationwide program placing refugees in municipalities throughoutSweden during the period 1985—94 to isolate exogenous variation in immigrant shares. We match data on refugee placement to panel survey data on inhabitants of the receiving municipalities to estimate the causal effects of increased immigrant shares on preferences for redistribution. The results show that a larger immigrant population leads to less support for redistribution in the form of preferred social benefit levels. This reduction in support is especially pronounced for respondents with high income and wealth. We also establish that OLS estimators that do not properly deal with endogeneity problems – as in earlier studies – are likely to yield positively biased (i.e., less negative) effects of ethnic heterogeneity on preferences for redistribution. Essay 3: While the literature on how intergovernmental grants affect the budget of receiving jurisdictions is numerous, the very few studies that explicitly deal with likely endogeneity problems focus on grants targeted towards specific sectors or specific type of recipients. The results from these studies are mixed and make it clear that the knowledge about grants effects is to this date still insufficient. This paper contributes to this literature by estimating causal effects on local expenditures and income tax rates of general, non-targeted grants. This is done in a difference-in-difference model utilizing policy-induced increases in grants to a group of remotely populated municipalities inFinland. The robust finding is that increased grants have a negligible effect on local income tax rates, but that there is a substantial positive immediate response in local expenditures. Furthermore, there is no evidence of dynamic crowding-out – i.e., that the immediate response in expenditures is reversed in later years. The flypaper behavior displayed by the treatment group can potentially be explained by “separate mental accounting” – i.e., voters treating the government budget constraint separately from their own. Essay 4 (with Matz Dahlberg and Eva Mörk): Public employment plays an important role in most countries, as it is closely linked to both the quality of publicly provided welfare services and total employment. Large parts of those employed by the public sector are typically employed by lower-level governments, and one potential instrument with which central decision-makers can affect public employment is thus grants to lower-level governments. This paper investigates the effects of general grants on local public employment. Applying the regression kink design to the Swedish grant system, we are able to estimate causal effects of intergovernmental grants on personnel in different local government sectors. Our robust conclusion is that there was a substantial increase in personnel in the central administration after a marginal increase in grants, but that such an effect was lacking both for total personnel and personnel in child care, schools, elderly care, social welfare and technical services. We suggest several potential reasons for these results, such as heterogeneous treatment effects and bureaucratic influence in the local decision-making process.
  • Meyersson, Erik, 1979- (författare)
  • Religion, Politics, and Development : Essays in Development Economics and Political Economics
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis consists of three essays in development and political economics."Islamic Rule and the Emancipation of the Poor and Pious". I report new findings on the causal relationship between political Islamic control and female participation in public institutions. Using a regression discontinuity design among Turkish municipalities I show that local Islamic control increased female participation in secular education more than secular control did. One mechanism for this is increased investment by religious organizations, tailoring facilities towards the poor and pious."Islam and Long-Run Development". I show new cross-country evidence on the long-run impact of Islam on economic development. Using the proximity to Mecca as an instrument for the Muslim share of a country's population, I show that Islam has had a reducing long-run impact on income per capita, as well as lower female participation in public institutions. But it has also had a positive impact on several measures of female health outcomes. This emphasizes the link between lower incomes and lower female participation in public institutions, over one where Islamic influence has adverse health outcomes."The Rise of China and the Natural Resource Curse in Africa". In examining the economic and political consequences of Africa’s increased reliance on selling oil to China, our empirical strategy uses exogenous variation based on China's economic rise and consequent demand for oil in interaction with the pre-existence of oil in Sub-Saharan Africa. Results show that selling oil to China is unique in having large positive growth effects while not having detrimental consequences for institutions or human rights abuses.  In the case of Africa, the Chinese oil trade has served as a crucial injection in a region where growth has been chronically low, without causing detrimental consequences for political development.  
  • Netzell, Olof, 1974- (författare)
  • Essays on lease and property valuation
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The first two papers in this dissertation discuss a fairly recently developed research field, Space Syntax, and how the findings in this field may be used to understand spatial economic patterns such as geographic distribution of market rents. Both papers use standard econometric methods to investigate the relationship between rents and the so called integration value developed within Space Syntax. The integration value may be understood as a measure of the accessibility of a certain location in a street network. The measure is constructed using tools from graph theory and uses the shape of the street network as its only input. The papers estimate hedonic models of office and retail leases from central Stockholm to test whether the integration value can help explain rents. A statistically significant effect of integration value on both office and retail rent is found. It appears as if Space Syntax adds important information to the understanding of intraurban rent patterns. Illiquidity is a main feature of most property markets and market participants are therefore directed to property appraisals to obtain information about market values. The reliability of property appraisals is therefore an important research topic. The third paper studies the “rationality” of valuations by testing if capitalisation (cap) rates from individual discounted cash-flow (DCF) valuations are consistent with economic theory. Standard econometrics is used to study the variation in cap rates. For the most part the results support the hypothesis that appraisers are “rational” in the above mentioned sense. Illiquidity of direct property also poses a problem when constructing property price indices.  Lack of price observations and heterogeneity among the few observations available is likely to introduce noise in price indices based on transactions. Valuations are therefore often used instead to construct indices. These indices however suffer from a bias due to so called “appraisal smoothing”. In the fourth paper it is shown that, given certain assumptions, one may filter out noise in a transaction-based price index by regressing it on a valuation-based index (contemporaneous and lagged one period). The procedure may in some circumstances improve pure valuation- or transaction-based indices.
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  • Resultat 41-50 av 229
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (229)
Lind, Hans, Professo ... (2)
Klofsten, Magnus, Pr ... (2)
Lindvall, Jan, Docen ... (2)
Hultkrantz, Lars, Pr ... (2)
Lindgren, Monica, Pr ... (2)
Shukur, Ghazi (1)
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Söderblom, Anna (1)
Nilsson, Jonas, 1978 (1)
Bengtsson, Lars, Pro ... (1)
Abouzeedan, Adli, 19 ... (1)
Klofsten, Magnus (1)
Nilsson, Fredrik, Pr ... (1)
Löfström, Mikael (1)
Rehn, Alf, Professor (1)
Boter, Håkan, Profes ... (1)
Bengtsson, Maria, Pr ... (1)
Vanyushyn, Vladimir, ... (1)
Steigenberger, Norbe ... (1)
Raviola, Elena (1)
Helin, Jenny, 1972- (1)
Eriksson, Liselotte, ... (1)
Freier, Ronny (1)
Lundmark, Martin, 19 ... (1)
Wadensjö, Eskil (1)
Hensvik, Lena, 1981- (1)
Hilletofth, Per (1)
Mörk, Eva, Professor (1)
McKelvey, Maureen, P ... (1)
Cui, Lianguang (1)
Borgström, Benedikte (1)
Johansson, Dan (1)
Sundevall, Fia, 1974 ... (1)
Isaksson, Ann-Sofie, ... (1)
Nilsson, Mats, docen ... (1)
Thulin, Per, 1963- (1)
Lindberg, Gunnar (1)
Crevani, Lucia, 1977 ... (1)
Bohlin, Lars (1)
Edvinsson, Rodney, D ... (1)
Nilsson, Jan-Eric (1)
Vondolia, Godwin Kof ... (1)
Nilsson, Kerstin (1)
Andersson, John (1)
Alem, Yonas, 1974 (1)
Alexandersson, Gunna ... (1)
Segnestam Larsson, O ... (1)
Andersson, Sven (1)
Locking, Håkan, 1962 ... (1)
Klein, Paul, Profess ... (1)
Krusell, Per, Profes ... (1)
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Marie Cederschiöld högskola (1)
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