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Sökning: L4X0:1653 9575

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  • Werner, Ann, 1976- (författare)
  • Smittsamt : En kulturstudie av musikbruk bland tonårstjejer
  • 2009
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Avhandlingen behandlar tjejers musikbruk samt hur detta formar genusidentitet. Den bygger på ett medieetnografiskt fältarbete om musikkonsumtion och musikproduktion bland tjugotre tjejer mellan fjorton och sexton år i en mellanstor svensk stad. Med teoretiska utgångspunkter i feministiska kulturstudier undersöks både talet om musik och materiella praktiker som fildelning. Analysen är uppdelad i tre teman: i det första temat studeras betydelsen av nya medier och digitalisering för tjejernas musikbruk samt hur maktrelationer av genus, ålder och klass påverkar användandet av medier i hemmet. I avhandlingens andra tema studeras istället vilken roll känslor spelar i musikbruket och hur det känslosamma lyssnandet artikulerar genusnormer och heterosexualitet. I det tredje temat undersöks hur musiksmaken formas i de kompisnätverk tjejerna ingår i samt hur de normer kring smak som skapas speglar samhälleliga diskurser om mångfald och jämställdhet samtidigt som de skapar hierarkier bland tjejerna. Avslutningsvis knyts temana ihop i ett resonemang om hur ”smittande” överföring genom musikrelaterad medietekniker, känslor och smaker begränsas av olika barriärer som återskapar maktrelationer knutna till genus, ålder, klass, etnicitet och sexualitet.
  • Berg, Linda, 1974- (författare)
  • InterNacionalistas : identifikation och främlingskap i svenska solidaritetsarbetares berättelser från Nicaragua
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to explore what solidarity workers from Sweden narrate about and from activities in Nicaragua. I focus on how identities reflect nationalising, racialising and gendering imaginations, and how these are being handled within the context of an international solidarity movement – with the ambition to strive for global justice. My search for answers takes its point of departure in a wide gender-oriented postcolonial perspective. With an understanding of identities and places as relational and plastic, postcolonial theory attempts to see the inevitable dilemmas of colonialism, to visualise people who have been sacrificed in the name of colonialism and nationalism. It is a theoretical field concerned with the struggle for the word, values and actions categorised by a (post)colonial order. The dissertation is divided into six chapters. After the introductory chapter, chapter 2 contains a discussion of the concept solidarity as a valuable designation for these activities, connected to a national self-image and as a determining factor for the informants' understanding of their identities. One fundamental theme in this study is the tension concerning “white”, “western”, “Swedish” solidarity workers speaking for and working with people in Nicaragua. In Chapter 3, “To make oneself trustworthy”, I take a closer look at this and discusses how the interviewees verbalised strategies to handle possible positions and the paradoxes of their employment. In chapter 4 “Nationalising gender”, I examine the speech of women, men, machismo and gender equality – and how they interrelate with other factors within the stories from the period in Nicaragua. The difficulties to intervene as a Swedish volunteer or coordinator in Nicaragua were well known among the interviewees/narrators and their organisations. How and what activities for change could be in different parts of the world were, and are, repeated questions within (at least this part of) the Swedish international solidarity movement. This is one reason why the solidarity organisations emphasised the importance of creating space for social change via information and moulding of public opinion. In Chapter five, “Describe Nicaragua”, I analyse the written stories by solidarity workers. I take departure in a few of the dominating themes and clarify how Nicaragua was mediated to a Swedish speaking reader. I argue that the stories of the solidarity workers are captured between recognising difference and creating stereotypes and exotic projections. Even though their object is the opposite, they tend to produce representations which demand the Other to stay in the place of difference. In the very last part I discuss some problems with being the “voice of the poor”. The dissertation concludes with a short summary of some of the most central themes. Here I refer to the narrated liminality and inherited boundaries of the employment. I discuss the anti-imperialist and feminist work with a national dead weight and the efforts to create alternative images and translocal subject positions. I end the study by reflecting on the difficulties of an internationalist “we” and with reference to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, I call for “unlearning our privileges as our loss”.
  • Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, Hanna, 1976- (författare)
  • Lagom lika, lagom olika : en diskussion om makt, retorik och bi-teoretiska/sexuella subjektiviteter
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of the dissertation is to discuss the use of various notions of bisexuality – focusing on notions of male bisexuality and openness – in a material from interviews and media. The discussion is set in the perspective rhetoric discursive psychology in relation to bi research as a rhetorical context. The dissertation is intended to be a contribution to both a scientific and a social discussion of bisexuality and bi research, as well as of ideals of openness, moderation and subjectivity. The interview material consists of interviews with men aged between 21 and 31 years who identify as bisexual or have bisexual experiences. The media material consist of articles from Swedish daily newspapers from 1995–2005 where talk of bisexuality is used. I use two different materials in order to demonstrate the rhetorical context’s importance for constructions of subjectivity. Constructions of bisexual subjectivity and the use of talk about bisexuality look different, depending on the rhetorical context in which an individual rhetorician speaks. Definitions play a part in the possibility of talking about oneself as bisexual. In both the media and the interview material, the use of different definitions creates distinctions between different subjects. In the interview material, the creation of distinctions occurs both as regards differences between bisexual subjects and various types of monosexual Other and as regards different sorts of bisexual subject. The use of different definitions serves to bi-normalise certain types of bisexual subject positions and bi-alienate others. In a number of instances, different definitions are used side by side, as they are in the media material. The instances show how a definition or a type of bisexual subjectivity that is bi-alienated in relation to one rhetorical context can equally well be bi-normalised in relation to another. In both the media and the interview material an ideal of moderation is repeatedly used to construct an ideal and an anti-ideal, where the latter is characterised by too little or too much. Moderation serves to express authentic subjectivity, while too little and too much express inauthentic subjectivity. The importance of this lies in its implications for the legitimacy of talk, by which I mean the possibility of claiming to talk from the position of a particular subjectivity and the power to define this subjectivity. Briefly, it is a matter of interpretative privilege – the right to interpret and define experience and to be recognised as a legitimate subject. Subject positions that are constructed as authentic constitute legitimate subjects, while those that are constructed as inauthentic become illegitimate subjects.
  • Bohlin, Anna, 1971- (författare)
  • Röstens anatomi : läsningar av politik i Elin Wägners Silverforsen, Selma Lagerlöfs Löwensköldtrilogi och Klara Johansons Tidevarvskåserier
  • 2008
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to investigate the voice in Elin Wägner’s novel Silverforsen (1924), Selma Lagerlöf’s Löwensköld trilogy (1925–1928) and Klara Johanson’s causeries in the feminist weekly newspaper Tidevarvet 1923–1924, in relation to women’s suffrage. Swedish women were finally granted the right to vote in 1921. The female political voice arroused high expectations of societal change: the female body was supposed to provide a female perspective on politics. However, the connection between the body and the voice was imagined differently by different theorists of emancipation. Therefore, in order to pinpoint the functions of the voice, the functions of corporeality need examination as well. The readings of the novels and causeries by Wägner, Lagerlöf and Johanson reveal striking discrepancies in the functions of the voice in relation to corporeality.The examination of the functions of the voice includes an account of the genre, the mood and the narrator’s voice as well as the characters’ ability to speak and the workings of the voice in the societies established in Silverforsen, the Löwensköld trilogy and Johanson’s causeries. A central argument of the dissertation concerns Wägner’s, Lagerlöf’s and Johanson’s various constructions of identity. Identity proves to be of equal importance to legitimate political action. Though, while Wägner’s notion of identity is based primarily on sex and inspired by the voice of God, Lagerlöf complicates the criteria for identity, featuring nationality, family and social class as primary distinctions. Johanson, for her part, rejects the idea of a shared gender identity all together. She still emphasises the need for politics to voice identity, although identity in her account includes only one single person.Contemporary theories on gender by Ellen Key, Mathilde Vaerting, Rosa Mayreder, Otto Weininger, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Alexandra Kollontay and Olive Schreiner form a context for the relations between voice, corporeality and emancipation developed by the novels and causeries. The readings of the literary texts are also, in their turn, intended to shed light on the theories of emancipation. This study proposes a new metatheoretical model instead of the heavily criticized distinction between essentialism and constructivism, by focusing the relation between corporeality and meaning, using the rhetorical tropes to analyse these relations. The tropological model may specify the body of the early twentieth century identity politics.
  • Danielsson, Jonas, 1973- (författare)
  • Skräckskönt : en etnologisk studie
  • 2006
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of the present study is to explore how horror movie fans use the films to gain access to certain emotions, and the discussions to which the movies give rise. Through this, I hope to attain a deeper understanding of how the horror movie fan chooses to view the genre. While horror movie fans experience a raft of emotions as they watch, this is not the whole story; they also reflect upon these emotions and question certain responses, eg. why laugh at one form of violence but not the next, or how can one killer elicit empathy in the viewer while others do not. In order to understand this popular genre I have based my thesis mainly on interviews with the actual horror film fan, here represented by 9 women and 11 men. Special emphasis in the theoretical body is placed on Bakhtin’s notion of the grotesque, a ”world turned upside-down”, and dialogical truth. The horror movie fan might be described in the same fashion – as someone who through the films he watches sees and acknowledges an alternative cultural system which is otherwise suppressed. They can experiment with ideas of other kinds of rules, norms and hierarchies than those already in place in society. The horror movie fans talk about special themes as more important than others, and these “key symbols” have helped in constructing the thesis. I have for that reason formed the analysis in the region of emotions like fear, disgust and desires, but also more intellectual discussions on film violence and evil. It is clear that a controlled sense of fear is one of the main forces sparking the initial interest the informants felt for horror and urging them forward in their quest for more. It is also clear that feelings of disgust the horror movies evoke are a part of the fans’ discussions about the world and the evil therein. The horror movie fans speak about evil as something inherent in everyone, and something which must be acknowledged in order to live a “full” life. Despite of all this I consider pure enjoyment and entertainment to be the very foundation of their shared interest, and that the horror movie fans try to make strong distinctions between “fact” and “fiction”. These conscious distinctions could also be one of the reasons that the fans find these types of movies entertaining. Those who are incapable to make these clear distinctions are therefore, more or less, unable to see the purpose of the fascination with horror narratives.
  • Du ska inte tro att du är något : om Jantelagens aktualitet
  • 2017
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Att det har gått över åttio år sedan Aksel Sandemose formulerade Jante­lagen hindrar inte att den fortfarande är ett gångbart namn på kollek­tivismens avigsidor: den svenska avundsjukan, småsintheten, det dåliga självförtroendet och så vidare. I denna antologi vrider och vänder åtta forskare på vårt förhållande till denna "lag". Utifrån litteraturvetenskapliga, filosofiska, medieveten­skapliga och etnologiska perspektiv diskuterar de huruvida de återkom­mande hänvisningarna till Jantelagen i själva verket säger mer om den individualism som utger sig för att vara lagens motsats än om lagen själv. Finns det rent av något i Jantelagen att bejaka i en tid när den liberala individualismen alltmer framstår som en återvändsgränd och subjektets autonomi blir alltmer diffus?
  • Hill, Helena, 1968- (författare)
  • Befria mannen : idéer om förtryck, frigörelse och förändring hos en svensk mansrörelse under 1970- och tidigt 1980-tal
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The point of departure of the present thesis is the Swedish men’s movement that was formed in the mid-1970s. In the wake of the second wave of the women’s movement and its success, an increasing number of men started to question their own position in society. Men formed men’s groups and went to men’s camps. In 1978 the society Befria mannen (‘Liberate the Man’) was formed, whose goal was to contribute to abolishing gender roles and at the same time support the women’s struggle. This society is the main source of the thesis. Other important actors that are studied are Riksförbundet för sexuell upplysning (RFSU ‘the National Swedish association for Sexual Information’) and independent debaters about the male role issue. The theoretical point of departure of the thesis has been taken from theories about hegemonic masculinity, unmanliness and heteronormativity.The thesis analyses the men’s movement’s development from a chiefly pro-feminist orientation to a movement assuming an antagonistic attitude to the women’s movement. In parallel with this development there was also a change in the view of masculinity. From having embraced gender role theory, in which gender roles were seen as culturally constructed and dysfunctional, the men in the men’s movement went on to assert the importance of their own masculinity. They had thereby adopted the ideology of gender difference, an ideology that had had become increasingly common throughout society in the 1980s.Concurrently with changes in the men’s movement, a change in the reception of the movement is also discernible. The initially enthusiastic reception in the media changed into a critical and sometimes disparaging attitude. By questioning hegemonic masculinity ideals, the men’s movement had challenged the existing gender order. The men were more and more often stereotyped and characterized as “unmanly” and “feminine”. This gave rise to a fear of not appearing as a “real man” at the same time as norms for what was the right and natural way of being a man were produced and reproduced.The men’s movement’s statements and practices may on the one hand be considered subversive. Merely by acting differently, they showed that it was possible to exist in different ways and that masculinity was not a stable and unchangeable phenomenon.But the criticism against them and the definition of them as unmanly also gave rise to fear. The fear of being labelled as a velour daddy and softy may therefore also have served to consolidate the norms for masculinity and for who should be regarded as a “real man”.
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (15)
populärvet., debatt m.m. (1)
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Jönsson, Maria, 1975 ... (2)
Ehn, Billy, Professo ... (2)
Nilsson, Bo (1)
Nordlund, Christer, ... (1)
Bertilsdotter Rosqvi ... (1)
Berg, Linda, 1974- (1)
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Lundgren, Britta, Pr ... (1)
Johansson, Anna, 198 ... (1)
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Bränström Öhman, Ann ... (1)
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Granqvist, Raoul, Pr ... (1)
Lindqvist, Beatriz, ... (1)
Dahlgren, Lars, Prof ... (1)
Sandell, Kerstin, Fi ... (1)
Bränström Öhman, Ann ... (1)
Hill, Helena, 1968- (1)
Bohlin, Anna, 1971- (1)
Eskilsson, Lena, Doc ... (1)
Leppänen, Katarina, ... (1)
Öhman, Anders, 1953- (1)
Johansson, Anders, 1 ... (1)
Hemer, Oscar (1)
Hjelm, Jonny, Profes ... (1)
Danielsson, Jonas, 1 ... (1)
Liliequist, Marianne ... (1)
Arvidsson, Alf, Prof ... (1)
Rönnberg, Margareta, ... (1)
Faxneld, Per, 1978- (1)
Werner, Ann, 1976- (1)
Fornäs, Johan, Profe ... (1)
Martinsson, Lena, Do ... (1)
Fyhr, Mattias (1)
Eskilsson, Lena, FD (1)
Rydström, Jens, Fil. ... (1)
Lundgren, Anna Sofia ... (1)
Olsson, Annika, Filo ... (1)
Forsare, Malena (1)
Norlander, Kerstin, ... (1)
Larsson, Kristina, 1 ... (1)
Dahlberg, Kajsa, 197 ... (1)
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