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Search: mat:dok lärosäte:mau år:(2011)

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  • Abrahamsson, Peter (author)
  • Intra-oral soft tissue expansion and volume stability of onlay bone grafts
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Implantat är idag en väl etablerad behandlingsform. I många fallfinns dock inte tillräckligt med käkben för att på ett optimalt sättkunna rekonstruera patientens bett såväl ur funktionell som estetisksynpunkt. I dessa fall används olika tekniker för att tillförakäkben. Problemet med dessa tekniker är att benvolymen minskarunder inläkningen speciellt om ben transplanteras till laterala ochvertikala positioner. Vidare kan det vara svårt att få tillräckligtmed mjukvävnad för att uppnå estetiskt tillfredställande resultat,speciellt i överkäksfronten. Avhandlingens övergripande mål är attintroducera och utvärdera en ny teknik för mjukvävnadsexpansionför att optimera förutsättningarna för en efterföljande bentransplantationav tillräcklig volym för kommande installation avimplantat.I de experimentella studierna har kanin använts som försöksdjur.I delarbete (I) placerades en osmotisk mjukvävnadsexpander bilateraltunder benhinnan (periostet) på åtta djur via en extraoral entré.Efter två veckor hade periostet expanderat och en subperiostalficka bildats. Djuren avlivades och vävnad togs för histologisk undersökning.Denna visade inga inflammatoriska reaktioner eller resorptionerav benet. Periostet hade expanderats och nytt ben hadebildats i periferin av expandern genom att periostet lyfts långsamtoch stimulerat till bennybildning. På samma sätt som beskrivits ovan placerades expandern i delarbetena(II) och (III) på 13 respektive 11 kaniner.Efter 14 dagars expansion sövdes kaninerna på nytt, expandernavlägsnades och partikulerat käkben placerades på utsidan av mandibelnbilateralt (delarbete II). På ena sidan täcktes det med ett titannätoch på andra sidan med ett resorberbart nät. Efter tre månadersinläkning hade benbildning skett under båda näten. Volymen underdet resorberbara nätet var större (p<0.05) men inga skillnad noteradesi mängden mineraliserat ben. Två resorberbara nät perforeradeden orala slemhinnan. Detta berodde troligen på att det resorberbaranätet var svårare att konturera och anpass mot underkäken.I delarbete (III) placerades partikulerat ben och Bio Oss, separeratav ett kollagenmembran, unilateralt på mandibeln under etttitannät som i sin tur var täckt av ett kollagenmembran. Volymennybildat ben i anslutning till autologt ben respektive Bio Oss registreradesefter 3 månaders inläkning. Inga skillnader i benvolymförelåg. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) visade i båda studiernaatt ben växte i direkt kontakt med såväl autologt ben sombensubstitut.Till den kliniska studien (delarbete IV) rekryterades 20 patienterkonsekutivt. De fördelades slumpmässigt i två grupper. I experimentgruppenopererades 10 patienter med en osmotisk mjukvävnadsexpander.Efter två veckor avlägsnades denna och benuppbyggnadgjordes med partikulerat ben täckt av ett titannät ochett kollagenmembran. Efter sex månaders läkning installerades implantat.I referensgruppen gjordes benuppbyggnad med benblockföljt av en implantatoperation efter sex månader.Ett optiskt mätinstrument användes för att registrera förändringari mjukvävnaden efter såväl subperiostal expansion sombenuppbyggnad. Dessa förändringar lagrades i en PC där värdenakunde analyseras och jämföras.Resultaten från den kliniska studien stämde väl överens med deexperimentella. Expandern expanderade periost och täckandemjukvävnad. Det föreligger dock en risk att expandern perforerarmjukvävnaden. Den optiska mätningen visade en volymsförbättringefter mjukvävnadsexpansionen. Den expanderade vävnadenkunde användas till att täcka ett bentransplantat som skyddades av ett titannät samt ett kollagen membran. Trots tidigare vävnads expansionexponerades titannätet genom slemhinnan i två fall. Fixturinstallationkunde utföras som planerat både i den experimentellagruppen samt referens gruppen. Det optiska mätinstrumentet(PRIMOS® optical 3D) var ett lättanvänt och repeterbart mätinstrumentsom levererade vävnadsförändringar med stor exakthet.
  • Annersten Gershater, Magdalena (author)
  • Prevention of foot ulcers in patients with diabetes mellitus
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Amputation in patients with diabetes mellitus preceded by a foot ulcer is a serious complication. Patients with the highest risk of developing a foot ulcer are often found in home nursing settings. The overall aim was to focus on how registered nurses are working with prevention of foot ulcers in patients with diabetes mellitus in outpatient settings: - to identify factors related to short term outcome of foot ul-cers in patients treated in a multi-disciplinary system until healing was achieved. - to assess what was documented by registered nurses regarding diabetes care in a Swed-ish municipality’s home nursing service; to what extent nursing actions were planned for, performed and evaluated according to the goals of metabolic control, treatment and prevention of complications.- to explore registered nurses’ professional work with foot ulcer prevention in home nursing settings. - to explore whether participant driven group information has an impact on ulceration in a patient group with previ-ous diabetes foot ulcer. Study I used logistic regression analysis to identify factors related to outcome in a cohort of 2480 consecutive patients with diabetic foot ulcer at a multidisciplinary foot clinic. Results: Healed primarily: 65% (n=1617), 9% (n=250) after minor am-putation, 8% (n=193) after major amputation and 17% (n=420) died unhealed. Primary healing was related to co- morbidity, duration of diabetes, extent of periph-eral vascular disease and type of ulcer. In neuropathic ulcers, deep foot infection, site of ulcer and co-morbidity was related to amputation. In neuro-ischemic/ischemic ul-cers amputation was related to co morbidity, peripheral arterial disease and type of ulcer. Study II was a cross sectional assessment of all nursing records of patients with dia-betes (N=172) in a municipality’s home nursing setting and analyzed with manifest content analysis. Results: The overall standard of nursing records was insufficient. Evaluation of blood glucose was documented in 61% (n=105) of the records, weight was documented in 6% (n=10), blood pressure in 10% (n=17) and ongoing foot ul-cers were documented in 21% (n=36). Study III was a qualitative interview study of 15 registered nurses from four munici-palities, analyzed with manifest content analysis. Results: Registered nurses in home nursing settings worked mainly through health care assistants. The nurses used lead-ership and education as the main tools to enable the nursing process. They mainly relied on experience based competence. Study IV was a randomized controlled trial comparing participant driven education in group with standard information, in patients with diabetes and previous foot ul-cers. An interim analysis was made 6 months after intervention of 131 included pa-tients. Results: After 6 months follow up, 58% (n=57) of the 98 evaluated patients had not developed a new foot ulcer. There was no statistical difference between the two interventions. The most common reasons for ulceration were plantar stress ulcer and minor external trauma. Five patients had deceased and 10 had withdrawn con-sent to participate. Conclusion: Patients with diabetes and high risk of developing foot ulcer constitute a fragile group that needs special foot protective attention. This requires a well edu-cated staff in the home nursing organization. In the future patient education should target low risk patients.
  • Blomé, Gunnar (author)
  • Organizational and economic aspects of housing management in deprived areas
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This dissertation consists of five papers with different objectives. The overall objective is to improve knowledge of effective policies regarding socially deprived large housing estates. All studies deal with the real estate context from a housing company decision-making perspective. The first two papers focus on organisational issues and the following three papers deal with economic issues related to the development of a specific housing area. The research is based on case studies which involve specific methodologies such as interviews, direct observation and collecting data from company accounts. The main message of this thesis is that landlord policies and resources spent on operation and maintenance contribute to local area development. It is also underlined that there is a need for a paradigm shift in Swedish housing, since the regulatory framework appeared to be inadequate. The experience from this study shows that many problems can be solved within the existing laws and through efficient customised property management, but landlords need more effective incentives to improve their policies further. The first two papers address issues about how to organise local management resources in large housing estates. Three different functions were identified: customer service, (e.g. fault-reporting); the letting process; and caretaking (day-to-day management and control over indoor and outdoor areas). The models where more decisions are decentralised lead to better information about the local conditions, make it easier to coordinate work in an area, create more motivation for the staff and make it easier to involve the tenants. This was particularly valuable for socially deprived estates, but the decentralised model raised some moral hazard problems, e.g. the local team create their own agenda, are pressured by certain tenants to give them advantages and that the result is lack of control and consistent housing policy in the company. The third paper deals with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in housing management. Different types of costs are identified and related to the estates’ social condition. The results indicate that a CSR-based management policy leads to approximately 4.5 percent lower annual operation and maintenance costs which improved the company’s profitability, especially if the higher standard of maintenance, made higher rents possible. The study also identified three other benefits of CSR; improved tenant relationship, goodwill and business opportunities and the study is a first step towards a better understanding of the economic consequences of CSR in a real estate-context. The fourth paper analyses the return of the Swedish slumlords, with a focus on a specific area in Malmö. The tenants stayed even though the rent was higher and the quality was lower than in neighbouring areas because of a combination of three factors; rents were paid by different forms of welfare payment, lack of alternatives because of queues to other areas and because some tenants saw an advantage in the “no questions” asked policy that the slumlord followed. It is further argued that the property owners found this slum strategy as profitable either because they hoped to find a “bigger fool” to sell to or because the decision makers in the company had not invested their own money. The study concludes that both tenants and investors were in the end losers, but not the company managers.The fifth paper is an economic evaluation of renovation in socially deprived housing estates. The empirical data indicates that it is profitable to use a clear and active housing management strategy, especially if the rent levels are affected by the standard of management by the landlord. The results also show that the landlord’s policy had positive social effects, both in the form of tenant welfare and in the form of lower costs for Police and the Fire department. The study also indicates that it can be difficult to justify large scale investment purely from a business perspective.
  • Denward, Marie (author)
  • Pretend that it is Real! Convergence Culture in Practice
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Mediekonvergens definieras och förklaras oftast som en teknisk och industriell företeelse, som den process där ny teknik anpassas till den befintliga medieindustrin och dess produktionskulturer. I dagens hybrida medielandskap kan mediekonvergens också beskrivas som den sociala process och de aktiviteter som medieanvändare deltar i när de rör sig mellan olika medier i jakt på underhållning och erfarenheter. Mediekonvergens kan alltså bättre förklaras som en dubbelriktad process där de tidigare tydliga gränserna mellan produktion och konsumtion suddas ut. Avhandlingen behandlar den transmediala berättarproduktionen Sanningen om Marika och belyser flera av de olika typer av mediekonvergens som ägde rum i produktionen. I skapandet av detta s.k. deltagardrama kombinerade Sveriges Television, och det nystartade spelutvecklarföretaget The company P, sin expertis i teve- och spelproduktion. Under fem månader 2007 erbjöds Den svenska publiken kunde under 2007 delta i produktionens varierande aktiviteter, från tevetittande, webbaktiviteter i chattar och forum till deltagande i gatuspelsaktiviteter. Studien genomfördes med etnografiska fältstudier under produktionens design-, produktions- och implementationsfas. Analysen visar att, trots att företagens samarbete resulterade i olika former av konvergens, problem uppstod. Företagens olika medielogiker och dess skilda produktionskulturer skapade spänningar och friktion. De olika logiker och de kvalitetskrav som TV, internet och spel har försvårade skapandet av den hybrida produktionen, bl.a. användes olika metoder för publikens deltagande. Dessutom suddade de olika TV-genrerna som användes ut gränsen mellan fiktion och fakta. Spelaktiviteterna designades för att överbrygga skillnaden mellan fakta och dikt, bl.a. för att förstärka deltagarnas upplevelser. Analysen av deltagarnas upplevelser visar att deras uppfattningar och tolkningar skilde sig mycket åt. Vissa förstod att produktionen var fiktion, andra trodde att de deltog i ett verkligt sökande efter en försvunnen person. Slutligen konstateras att producenternas målsättning för deltagande och initiativtagande inte helt lyckades. Den asymmetriska relationen mellan medieproducenter och medieanvändare som alltid finns, underströk frågor om hierarkier, brist på deltagarens egenmakt och ojämlikhet mellan aktörerna.
  • Egard, Hanna (author)
  • Personlig assistans i praktiken : Beredskap initiativ och vänskaplighet
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Personal assistance is a user-directed service that was founded by a section of the disability movement, namely the American Independent Living movement, in the late 1960s. Today, the concept and ideology of personal assistance services (PAS) has spread worldwide, and constitutes a part of the support system for people with disabilities in many countries. The service differs from several other publicly financed services since users of personal assistance are given the opportunity to employ and supervise the staff providing the service. Organizing services in this way is presumed to enhance self-sufficiency of persons with disabilities and improve their chances of so-called independent living. This dissertation deals with personal assistance services (PAS) in the Swedish context. The aim is to illuminate and understand how personal assistance is carried out socially. To explore this, an ethnographic field study was conducted. The field study focused on face-to-face interaction of adult users with physical impairments and their personal assistants. Analysis and interpretation of the empirical material was primarily guided by Goffman’s dramaturgical perspective and concepts. Results show that the users and their personal assistants balance and shift between different modes of interacting with and approaching each other; by doing so they create and withhold definitions of the situations that are crucial for carrying out personal assistance services. “Preparedness” refers to their passivity, but also readiness, in situations when the users and personal assistants are idle. “Initiative” refers to their negotiations, but also agreements, concerning how the practical help of the personal assistance should be carried out. “Friendliness” refers to their small talk but also to the informal way of approaching each other.
  • Haag, Per (author)
  • Porcelain veneering of titanium : clinical and technical aspects
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Guld- och andra legeringar har i många år använts som material vid framställning av kronor och broar för ersättning av skadade eller förlorade tänder. Emellertid har tvivel uppstått kring lämpligheten av att använda guldlegeringar i tandersättningar, då guld har visat sig kunna ge biverkningar i form av allergiska reaktioner. Detta gäller inte minst de legeringar av guld som på senare år använts för att emaljeras med porslin. Dessa händelser gjorde att intresse för titan initierades. Redan tidigt på 80-talet startades i Japan försök med användning av titan som ersättning för guldlegeringar vid behandling med kronor och broar. Titan som olegerad metall skiljer sig emellertid i två avseenden från gängse legeringar för ändamålet: det har en fasomvandling vid 882° C som förändrar dess inre och yttre egenskaper och dessutom en expansion som ligger emellan de på marknaden då tillgängliga porslinstyperna för dentalt bruk. I Japan utvecklades en teknik för gjutning av titan, där efterbehandlingen av götet innebar mycket arbete för att återställa titanets egenskaper, och det porslin som togs fram hade också brister i form av en rå yta och otillfredsställande estetik.I Sverige introducerade 1989 ett nytt koncept där bearbetningen av titan skedde med industriell metodik,fräsning, gnisterodering och lasersvetsning. Detta för att undvika fasomvandlingen vid 882° C. Under nittiotalet sattes dessutom flera porslinsprodukter för titan ut på marknaden, och ett stort antal kliniska studier och in vitro studier genomfördes, med varierande resultat.I delarbete ett, en klinisk prövning genomförd på en folktandvårdsklinik i Klippan, Skåne, behandlades 25 patienter med 40 kronor kronhättor i rent titan, påbrända med porslin. Efter två år kunde 36 av de cementerade kronorna undersökas för utvärdering. Dessutom intervjuades patienterna angående uppkomna och kvarstående besvär i form av isningar eller svårigheter att hålla rent mellan kronor och granntänder, så kallad food impaction. Denna utvärdering visade oförändrade värden för färg, form, yta och passform. Avseende ytförändringar, registrerades en porslinsfraktur på en krona (3%). Patienternas respons var mycket positiv och inget fall av överkänslighet förelåg vid 2-årskontrollen, men i 3 fall rapporterades problem med kontaktpunkter.Delarbete två är en systematisk genomgång av i vetenskapliga tidskrifter publicerade artiklar om bindstyrkan mellan titan och porslin. Jämförelser av bindningstyrka har gjorts mellan olika legeringar och porslin, mellan olika fabrikat av titanporslin, efter olika typer av bearbetning av titanytan, vid olika sammansättning av titanporslinet och efter olika alternativa brännförhållanden. Generellt kan sägas att med denna typ av test har bindstyrkan mellan rent titan och porslin i de flesta fall visat sig vara lägre än mellan olika legeringar och porslin, att det finns en skillnad i bindstyrka melan olika fabrikat av titanporslin, att titanytans bearbetning och kompositionen av titanporslin kan påverka bindstyrkan samt att bränntemperatur och- miljö kan ha betydelse för densamma.Delarbete tre avser att belysa precisionen i bränntemperatur hos olika typer av porslinsugnar samt hur underhåll och kvalitetskontroll fungerar på svenska dentallaboratorier. Då titanporslin bränns vid en temperatur som är mer än 200ºC lägre än vid påbränning på de flesta metallegeringar ställs specifika krav på precisionen i ugnen. Den optimala bränntemperaturen anses vara 750° C . I denna studie uppmättes den verkliga bränntemperaturen under hålltiden på 1 minut med hjälp av ett termoelement som kopplats till en avläsare. Brännprecisionen på de undersökta ugnarna varierade kraftigt, i de flesta fall ligger den faktiska ugnstemperaturen klart över vad ugnens display visar, vilket innebar en risk för att ett alltför tjockt titanoxidskikt bildas. Avseende underhåll och kvalitetskontroll på undersökta laboratorier kan konstateras att de flesta av intervjuade laboratorier inte klarar de krav som kan ställas avseende underhåll och kvalitetskontroll.Delarbete fyra har avsett att i form av trepunkts böjtest dokumentera effekten på bindstyrkan mellan titan och porslin vid 30ºC högre bränntemperatur vid huvudbränningen än vad fabrikanten rekommenderar. Testet genomfördes med två olika typer av titanporslin, där det ena har en oxidbränning inlagt som första steg i brännprocessen,och det andra, har påbränning av en bonding agent som första brännfas. Dessutom har i denna studie hälften av provkropparna belastats med termocykling, det vill säga flyttats mellan varm och kall miljö i ett antal cykler. Studien har visat att effekten av en lätt höjning av bränntemperaturen ( +30 ºC) inte påverkat bindstyrkan vid denna typ av test. Vad gäller resultatet avseende bindningsstyrka vid en jämförelse mellan de olika typerna av brännprogram visade sig principen med oxidbränning ge signifikant högre värden för bindningsstyrka än bränning med bonding agent. Detta resultat kan motsäges dock efter en analys av de frakturerade provkropparna med SEM och EDX. Denna analys visade tydligt att vid oxidbränning inträffade frakturen i det spröda oxidskiktet och inte i det väl integrerade interface med både porslinskomponenter och titanoxid som uppvisades vid bränning med bonding agent. Orsaken till dessa motsägande resultat kan möjligen förklaras med att oxidbränningen kan skapa en styvare titandel av provkroppen, som motstår testsituationens nedböjning längre, utan att därför innebära högre värden för bindstyrka. Av samma skäl bör ej heller porslinsbindning till andra metaller med olika styvhet jämföras med denna typ av test.Vid beaktande av detta och resultat från tidigare studier, om effekten av förhöjd oxidbildning på bindstyrkan, kan den standard som idag används för att utvärdera bindstyrka mellan metall och porslin, ifrågasättas. Resultat från andra studier har givit liknande resultat, nämligen att upphettningen av provkroppens metalldel vid oxidbränning påverkar metalldelens styvhet vilket gör att trepunkts böjtest kan ifrågasättas.
  • Hamit Eminovski, Jildiz (author)
  • Interactions of Biopolymers and Metalcomplexes at Biological Interfaces
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The present work concerns interaction between biopolymers at interfaces. Examples from real systems such as saliva and bacterial surfaces as well as model systems have been studied. Using atomic force microscopy (AFM), normal forces between the surface of the filamentous bacterium Microthrix parvicella and AFM-tips have been studied, before and after treatment with specific polyaluminium compounds used at wastewater treatment plants to control the growth of the bacterium. Measurements were performed using hydrophobized and hydrophilic tips in order to explore the interactive spectrum of the bacterium and also the changes of which, if any, on treatment with polyaluminium chloride. No preferential interaction was found to any of the tips. However, the studies revealed that long-range steric repulsion dominates the interaction on approach. It was also found that the steric repulsion is reduced by addition of polyaluminium compounds, indicating a compaction of the polymer layer on the surface of the bacterium.A mucin model system, i.e. Bovine Submaxillary Mucin (BSM), adsorbed at solid surfaces has been studied using ellipsometry and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D). Using the optical method ellipsometry, time resolved data on the adsorbed amount per unit area and the average layer thickness of adsorbed BSM films were determined. From QCM-D measurements the Voigt mass per unit area and viscoelastic properties of an adsorbed BSM film (including coupled water) were determined. Combining these two methods the water content of BSM adsorbed at gold, hydrophobized, and hydrophilic silica surfaces was estimated. From the results structures for BSM adsorbed on gold, hydrophobized, and hydrophilic silica were proposed. Furthermore, effects by the addition of polyaluminium chloride of different hydrolysis ratio were investigated and compared to those of AlCl3 and a ferric chloride formulation. Hence, compaction of the BSM film was initiated at concentrations as low as 0.001 mM AlCl3. At higher concentrations, related to those used at wastewater treatment plants, addition of polyaluminium chloride formulations and AlCl3 induced an initial rapid decrease in thickness followed by an increase. An increasing adsorbed mass was also observed. Combining ellipsometry and QCM-D data it was determined that aluminium species precipitate in or on top of the pre-adsorbed BSM film and the ensemble swells over time. By rinsing the precipitate layer was removed, but with some fraction remaining associated to the film. The rate of removal was slow and proceeded over a period of tens of hours. Combining the data, the swelling of the precipitate was monitored and the water content calculated. It was obvious that the increase on adsorption and decrease on depletion is mainly related to swelling. The impact of surface characteristics was also investigated and surface charge influences in terms of electrostatic interactions between the surface and the cationic aluminium compound were inferred. Friction forces between hydroxyapatite surfaces coated with human whole salivary (HWS) films were measured and the friction coefficient of the salivary films was determined. Measurements were performed using AFM-colloidal probe using two hydroxyapatite spheres. The salivary film was found to show high compressibility and mechanical resistance. Treatment with an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate, however induced desorption and an irreversible structural change of the film.
  • Hansson, Fredrik (author)
  • På jakt efter språk : om språkdelen i gymnasieskolans svenskämne
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • A common feature of existing research is that the linguistic part of the subject Swedish in upper secondary school appears to be diffuse and seems to lack core and theoretical framework. The purpose of the thesis ’Hunting for language’ is to describe and investigate how the linguistic part of Swedish is handled in upper secondary school. The study was carried out in two classes of college-preparatory programs during the first semester of the students in high school. In addition to observations of lessons, interviews with students from each class, with their Swedish teachers and with their headmasters were conducted. Further, texts produced by students and teachers were collected. One background for the study consists of different conceptions of the subject Swedish and of how these conceptions are related to changes of school policy. Another important starting point is Bernstein's theory of pedagogy with its concepts of classification, and invisible and visible pedagogies. In these, the dichotomy of implicit and explicit teaching is vital and is contained, for example, in the issue of explicit versus implicit writing instruction. The study shows that the linguistic part is justified in different ways. An emphasis on benefit in terms of personal growth for one’s own career appears in the textbook and the policy documents, as well in interviews with students and school leaders, which is consistent with the principle of school and education as a private good. The teachers further include an idea of personal growth, but the link to a future career is not as strong. The policy documents and the teachers also show a citizenship perspective. On the whole, the classification of the linguistic part stands out as weak. The idea of implicit learning is prominent, while, at the same time, the students and the teachers believe that teaching should be explicit. It is clear that different ideas about language and language development are intermingled in the subject Swedish without being made visible. Thus, the linguistic part of the subject Swedish appears as an example of an invisible pedagogy. The observed teaching practice shows a domination of implicit instruction and a presupposed implicit learning. A strong external classification in terms of clarity regarding material selection and opening explanations by the teachers contrasts with a weak internal classification indicated by the absence of a linguistic metalanguage when working with, for instance, genres. Finally, explicitness and use of metalanguage are emphasized. The subject of Swedish must try to accommodate the wishes of the students concerning language as a tool for their personal projects, while, at the same time, values embedded in the language and in the reality that language constructs are challenged and brought up for discussion.
  • Ingvarsdotter, Karin (author)
  • Mental ill health and diversity : Researching human suffering and resilience in a multicultural context
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The general objective of this dissertation was to study the putative underutilisation of mental health services in a multicultural context. The method followed a qualitative interview-based naturalistic approach, and the interview format was primarily semi-structured. Special attention in the method section has been given to the role of the interpreter in research. For some time the research areas of underutilisation of mental health care among immigrants, and that of children of immigrant parents suffering from mental illness, have been dominated by a vulnerability approach. Results from the present thesis show that this one-dimensional picture of immigrants as a category associated with psychopathology ought to be balanced with that of strength and resilience. It was also found in the studied group that underutilisation of mental health care is partly due to the perception of mental conditions as normal life crises, rather than illnesses. Thus, instead of focusing on health care resources, interviewees conveyed their need for greater social and financial support. The results of this study suggest that there is a lack of extended possibilities, for both adults and children of immigrant background, to express their own needs outside a predefined context. Investigating aspects of resilience in future research on mental ill health in multicultural contexts would challenge the focus on vulnerability, and perhaps so promote resilience.
  • Jonsson Malm, Carolina (author)
  • Att plantera ett barn : internationella adoptioner och assisterad befruktning i svensk reproduktionspolitik
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The purpose of this thesis is to study the norms and values surrounding the family and the nation-state in Swedish family policy as they appear in Official Government Reports (SOU) on international adoption and assisted reproductive technology (ART) between 1953 and 2007. I argue that the committees’ reports can be viewed as normative statements constituting a hegemonic state discourse. The methodological approach is based on the ideas of Michel Foucault, especially the concepts relating to governmentality, such as power, knowledge, discipline and normalization, and the theoretical framework is inspired by feminist, postcolonial, and intersectionality critique of the nuclear family, heteronormativity, nationalism, and citizenship. In my analysis, focus is on similarity and difference, continuity and change, in the governmental committees’ notions of what is natural, normal, and morally right when it comes to reproduction and family relations. International adoptions have been regarded as humanitarian aid for third world countries, but they have also been associated with corruption, kidnapping, baby-selling, and the exploitation of poor countries. The committees’ have worried about the adopted children’s ability to adapt, their psychological health, and the question of origin. The right to know one’s origin is also considered to be of great importance for children conceived after ART. Reproductive technology was met in the beginning with suspicion and distrust, however, the techniques have been naturalized, and there has been a gradual liberalization of ART legislation in Sweden, which has opened up opportunities for alternative families. A central conclusion of this thesis is that the Swedish reproduction policies in late modernity are very complex, partly full of contradictions and ever changing. What is constant is the will to govern. Governing is achieved through positive governing such as information, education, treatment, benefits, and financial support, or through negative governing such as exclusions, prohibitions, penalties, and correctional measures. The reports are characterized by an interdependence between power and knowledge. Scientific knowledge, especially medical, psychological, and social scientific knowledge, is important for the committees’ arguments, but at the same time the scientists too are subject to government regulation, as some scientific disciplines and research fields are privileged over others. Processes of normalization and disciplination seem to be fundamental for surveillance of the individuals concerned and the society at large. I suggest that the committees’ main goal is to create responsible, society-changing, and self-governing citizens who live up to the norm.
  • Kjellgren, Martin (author)
  • Taming the Prophets : Astrology, Orthodoxy and the Word of God in Early Modern Sweden
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The purpose of this thesis is to analyse a displacement of the limits between allowable and illicit knowledge in the orthodox, Lutheran discourse of early modern Sweden. Focusing on the debate over astrology, exemplified in the works of Laurentius Paulinus Gothus (1565-1646) and Sigfridus Aronus Forsius (d. 1624), the thesis aims to challenge the view of how the Reformation, regarded as a preliminary stage to the Enlightenment and modern rationalism, contributed to the so-called ‘disenchantment of the world’, thus driving astrology and other ‘occult sciences’ out of the fields of established science. Throughout the sixteenth century, astrology had been fairly accepted. The principles of astral influence were included in physical theory, and astrology was still indispensable in medical practice. In the Reformation debate, astrology had even been used as a prophetic method in apocalyptical tracts and in preaching, and from the 1580s onwards, Swedish clergymen and intellectuals had issued astrological almanacs and prognostications. However, in the first decades of the seventeenth century, the clerical approach to astrology seemed to harden. Swedish bishops condemned astrology as a gentile, forbidden practice, and in 1619 the diocese chapter of Uppsala issued a verdict against astrological predictions. To explain this trend, a few central factors are emphasized. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the relationship between worldly and clerical authorities changed. The division of responsibilities became clearer and the cooperation between Crown and Church was intensified. This meant that the clergy reached a new position where apocalypticism lost much of its political applicability. In the meantime, astrological literature had become accessible to the common man through the agency of the book printers. Hereby old arguments against astrology were accentuated among the orthodox in order to thwart the potentially prophetic claims of the astrologers. The main issue was not to reject astrology as such, but to maintain the clerical authority in confessional as well as in epistemological issues.
  • Larsson, Christel (author)
  • Zirconium dioxide based dental restorations : studies on clinical survival and fracture behaviour
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMAN-FATTNINGAtt förlora tänder påverkar en människas utseende och funktioner såsom tal och tuggning. Det finns därmed ett behov att rehabilitera och ersätta förlorade tänder för att upprätthålla en god livskvalitet. För många patienter är en fastsittande konstruktion första-handsval, och en vanlig ersättning är en bro i metallunderstödd ke-ramik som fästs till kvarvarande egna tänder eller implantat. Me-tall-baserade rekonstruktioner innebär emellertid en viss risk för allergisk reaktion och det finns därmed indikation för att söka efter alternativa material.Keramer karaktäriseras av starka kemiska bindningar som gör dem obenägna att reagera med sin omgivning och därmed mycket vävnadsvänliga. De har även andra tilltalande materialegenskaper och erbjuder goda estetiska möjligheter och har använts fram-gångsrikt inom tandvården under lång tid, framförallt för små konstruktioner i framtandsområdet. Då keramer är känsliga för dragkrafter förekommer emellertid spröda frakturer, framförallt i övergången mellan led, den s.k. connectorn, i brokonstruktioner.Under senare år har en typ av keramer, baserade på zirkonium-dioxid, utvecklats. Yttria-stabiliserad tetragonal zirkoniumdioxid polykristaller, Y-TZP, har en unik förmåga att genom fasomvand-ling från en kristallstruktur till en annan, m.h.a efterföljande vo-lymsökning, kunna sluta en påbörjad spricka och hindra denna från att tillväxa. Detta material har potential att framgångsrikt kunna användas även för större brokonstruktioner och i kind-tandsområden. Det finns emellertid otillräcklig klinisk uppföljning av dentala zirkoniumdioxid-baserade konstruktioner, framförallt över längre tid, och information om helkeramiska broar på implan-tat saknas helt.Det övergripande målet med detta avhandlingsprojekt var att ut-värdera hur zirkoniumdioxid-baserade konstruktioner bör designas för ökad hållfasthet samt att utvärdera klinisk överlevnad av im-plantat-stödda zirkoniumdioxid-baserade konstruktioner.I delarbete I jämfördes implantat-stödda helkeramiska broar i två olika keramiska material; ett aluminiumoxidmaterial förstärkt med zirkoniumdioxid (grupp 1) och ett tät-sintrat Y-TZP material (grupp 2). Arton patienter randomiserades till endera av de två grupperna. Vid uppföljning efter ett år var alla broar i funktion, inga totalfrakturer noterades, men frakturer förekom i ytporslinet. Dessa förekom signifikant oftare i grupp 2 där 54% av broarna uppvisade yt-frakturer jämfört med 8% av broarna i grupp 1. Delarbete IV är en 5-års uppföljning av samma patientgrupper och resultaten visade fortsatt inga totalfrakturer men ökad före-komst av ytporslinsfrakturer; 69% (grupp 2) och 17% (grupp 1).Delarbete II utvärderade brotthållfastheten för partiella Y-TZP-baserade broskelett med olika dimension på connectorn; 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 och 4.0 mm. Resultaten visade signifikant ökad brotthåll-fasthet för varje ökning i connector-dimension och rekommenda-tioner för dimensionering av connectorer föreslogs.Delarbete III utvärderade implantat-stödda Y-TZP-baserade 9-10 leds-broar i tandlösa underkäkar. Vid treårs-uppföljningen var alla broar i funktion, inga totalfrakturer konstaterades, men där-emot frakturer i ytporslinet. Dessa noterades hos nio av de tio pati-enterna, på 34% av ytorna.Delarbete V utvärderade brotthållfastheten hos kronor med oli-ka typer av Y-TZP kärnmaterial, olika design på kärnan samt olika ytporslin. Kronorna cementerades på tandliknande understöd, för-utom en grupp som cementerades på en implantat-liknande modell. Resultaten visade signifikant högre brotthållfasthet samt skillnader i frakturmösnter för kronor med en anatomiskt utformad kärna jämfört med kronor med en enkel jämntjock kärna. Kronor stödda av en implantat-liknande modell uppvisade signifikant högre brotthållfasthet. Typ av kärnmaterial eller ytporslin påverkade inte brotthållfastheten.
  • Lindqvist, Sylwia (author)
  • Transaction cost and transparency on the owner-occupied housing market : An international comparison
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This dissertation consists of four essays with specific objectives. The overall objective is, however, to seek a further understanding of the issue of cross-border residential transaction markets. While the first two essays focus specifically on transaction processes and costs in a number of selected countries, the two subsequent essays shift their attention towards the EU’s Internal Market and the impact of differences between the countries, with relation to the transparency of transaction markets. The research is primary based on studies of written sources, subject-specific literature and legislation. The main message is that organization of the transaction process affects transaction costs in different ways. It can be argued that efficiency is associated with a lowering of transaction costs. The efficiency of different structures depends on our perspective. Transparency is associated with the organisation of transactions and their needs, though the term is somewhat unclear. Generally, the term may refer to the ability of transaction participants to observe information concerning the transacting process, thereby increasing their knowledge to make informed decisions. Thus it can be argued that a better basis for the decision-making process presupposes information disclosure, more standardized transaction practices, synchronized legal systems, and both legible and transparent regulations. This leads to the design of a transparency system, which is based on an understanding of the need for the system and its goal. Although reaching transparency will be both complex and time-consuming, this study draws attention to certain key aspect of the need to encourage transparency. The first two essays focus on how residential transactions are organized in selected countries and on the costs for carrying out these transactions. Essay II works with two hypotheses concerning the relation between the organizational structure and the transaction costs. The study shows that transaction processes and costs differ considerably between the countries and as a result it is difficult to arrange the countries in a clear way according to their rules. Moreover, there is no clear connection between a broker’s education level and how large a part in the process s/he plays. The total transaction costs excluding taxes vary from approximately 3 up to 8.5 percent. The costs are lower when the recording system is well arranged, when a broker has a bigger part in the process and when a conveyancer is impartial. In the countries where a broker has a higher education level and plays bigger part in the process, the broker’s commission is not any higher when compared to other countries in the study. The study shows also that transaction costs are lower in the countries where the broker has a more neutral role and where fewer parties are involved in the process. Thus in order to avoid high transaction costs, it is important to avoid situations where both buyer and seller have their own agents. Furthermore, the availability of standardized information about properties may increase the efficiency of the market even though it increases the short run transaction cost. Essay III provides a theoretical framework for an analysis of the concept of transparency in residential property transactions within the EU’s internal market and tries to identify the essential factors that need to be addressed with respect to transparency of procedural, regulative and economic features. Essay IV seeks a further understanding of the issue of transparency in the residential property transaction market and attempts to define the state of transparency on the basis of selected EU-countries, in accord with five specific dimensions. The essential points are that an increase in cross-border transactions increases demand for easy access to information in other countries, and that the studied literature focuses on the coordination of legal systems, which produces systems that are more uniform and legally secured, and on broadening the mortgage market. Some of the aspects analysed in the study are far from transparent while others may be considered relatively transparent. The degree of transparency in the EU’s internal market is determined by how transparency is defined, since something may be transparent based on a certain criteria but not on others, especially when the concept is a relative one and subject to changes. The study raises some key aspect as a basis for discussion about the encouragement of transparency.
  • Lundström, Mats (author)
  • Decision-making in health issues : Teenagers' use of science and other discourses
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The purpose of this thesis is to develop knowledge about young individuals’ reasoning and how they justify their standpoints concerning trustworthiness and decision-making in issues connected to health where available information is contradictory or uncertain. This purpose has been addressed in three different steps. In the first step almost 300 students in Swedish upper secondary school answered a web-based questionnaire, which had different types of multiple choice questions about pseudoscience and science. The results demonstrated large differences in acceptance between the different pseudoscientific statements. But there was no statement where the majority of the students agreed with the statement. There was no apparent relationship between the students’ pseudoscientific beliefs and their factual knowledge about the human body. However, the analysis revealed that students who have taken three or more science courses in upper secondary have relatively lower faith to pseudoscientific ideas. The results did not indicate any sex difference with regard to strength of faith in pseudoscientific ideas. In the second step, first year students from the science programme were observed and video-taped during two lessons, while discussing different explanation models in health. They worked in peer-groups with three to five students. The students discussed two different cases which contained a question and then two proposed answers that differed a great deal from each other with respect to scientific level. The results demonstrated that the students used four different types of epistemological resources; relativistic, normative, authoritative and scientific, when supporting their arguments about trustworthiness. No student clearly used resources from pseudoscience. The use of scientific epistemological resources was rare. Instead normative or authoritative resources appeared to be more available or more context appropriate for the students in this study. The study also demonstrated that students were able to use different epistemological resources in different situations, for example when the teacher joined the discussion and put some challenging questions to the group. In the third step, seven teenagers, 17-19 years old, participated in a video diary study and an individual interview. Four girls and three boys documented their decision-making about the new influenza and vaccination against it. The data collection was thus mainly performed outside school, in everyday life surroundings, when the teenagers justified their decision about the vaccination. The different statements and answers were categorised using discourse psychology. The categorised repertoires were of two main types; experienced emphasis and important actors. The first category comprised risk, solidarity and knowledge. In the second family and friends, media, school and society were included. The school repertoire was seldom used by the students, indicating that school and science education are not available interpretative repertoires in this context. The results demonstrate the difficulties for the teenagers to use science knowledge, in the format of correct facts or concepts. However, at the same time the results demonstrate presence and reasoning concerning the importance of scientific knowledge. This scientific discourse seems to be important when teenagers reason, make decisions and justifies their decisions in health issues. The results also raise methodological questions concerning how to investigate scientific literacy. Video diaries is suggested as an appropriate data collection tool to investigate scientific literacy in an out-of-school context. With the use of video diaries, the possibilities to investigate everyday life and decision-making go beyond the classroom.
  • Löf, Camilla (author)
  • Med livet på schemat : om skolämnet livskunskap och den riskfyllda barndomen
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Skolämnet livskunskap har vuxit fram i svenska skolor under det senaste decenniet, ofta utifrån en ambition att främja hälsa och att konkretisera skolans värdegrundsarbete. Mot bakgrunden att livskunskap inte är obligatoriskt i svensk skola och därför saknar nationella riktlinjer har ämnet i den lokala skolpraktiken kommit att omfattas av en mängd olika arbetssätt och program. Avhandlingens syfte är att förstå och belysa hur skolämnet livskunskap växer fram, definieras och organiseras i skolans kontext. Studien omfattar hur aktörer i de olika praktiker som omfattas av skolans fält (politiker, statliga myndigheter, kommunala tjänstemän, pedagoger och barn) tolkar och organiserar livskunskap som skolämne. Särskild uppmärksamhet riktas mot den syn på barn och barndom som skapas genom organisationen av detta komplexa ämne. Studien har en barndomssociologisk ansats (James & Prout, 1997; Corsaro, 2005), kombinerad med kritisk diskursanalys (Fairclough, 2010). Det empiriska materialet är insamlat med flera olika metoder: som exempelvis policydokument på såväl nationell som lokal nivå; intervjuer med kommunala nyckelpersoner; samt ett etnografiskt fältarbete och videoinspelningar. Studien fokuserar framförallt grundskolor i Malmö, en stad där man satsat särskilt på livskunskap som skolämne som en del av kommunens folkhälsoarbete. Analysen visar bland annat hur ämnet i skolans vardagspraktik snarare utgår ifrån lokalt avgränsade sociala problem, än från de gemensamma värden som framhålls i läroplanen. Sättet att organisera ämnet i klassrummet medför i vissa situationer en förskjutning av lärarens roll, från att vara pedagog till att bli mer terapeutisk. Innehållet i ämnet rör sig ofta på ett för barnen privat plan och barns privata relationer lyfts upp till offentliga samtal i syfte att lösa konflikter. Barnen gör dock i flera fall motstånd mot lärares upplägg och innehåll.
  • Melin Svanborg, Lory (author)
  • On the importance of nanometer structures for implant incorporation in bone tissue
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Introduction Replacing lost teeth with dental implants is today a reliable treatment method associated with good long-term clinical results. Different surface modifications alter the surface topography at micro- and nanometer level of resolution as well as chemical properties, which have shown to be of importance for osseointegration. Research within the field of implantology is still intense and aims at further improving the implant properties to achieve successful treatments for patients with compromised bone as well as developing a surface that provides faster integration to shorten the treatment period. Furthermore, more basic science data is needed to increase our understanding of the mechanisms involved in osseointegration. The significance of the surface topography on the micrometer level for implant integration is well known. However, the knowledge of how and to what extent nanostructures may be of importance in early bonehealing and osseointegration remains to be investigated. Aim The overall aim of this thesis was to describe a technique to characterize commercial oral implants on the nanometer level when nanostructures are applied on a microroughness and to investigate whether or not the nanometer surface roughness was correlated to the more well-known micrometer roughnesss; to study the real-time initial cellular interactions of human osteoblasts and fibroblasts to different implant surfaces with and without a coat of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite; and to evaluate the early bone response to a nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite coating (nano-HA) applied on smooth cylindrical and moderately rough screw-shaped implants. Materials and Methods Twelve different commercial screw-shaped dental implants with different surface modifications were examined using optical interferometry together with Gaussian digital filters and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Human osteoblasts and fibroblasts were used when investigating the initial cell-surface interaction to different surfaces modifications with optical tweezers (OT) and quartz crystal balance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D). To evaluate the effect of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (nano-HA) compared to nanosized particles of titanium in early bone response, smooth cylindrical titanium implants with no microroughness were inserted in rabbit tibia. The implant surfaces were examined using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and interferometry. To evaluate the biological response, histological analyses including bone contact (BIC) and bone area (BA), as well as qualitative analysis were performed. Furthermore, screw-shaped sandblasted and acid etched titanium implants coated with nano-HA of different thicknesses and un-coated controls were evaluated in rabbit tibia as well as femur. Interferometry, SEM and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) were used to characterize the implant surface topography and chemical composition. Biomechanical and histological evaluations including BA, newly formed bone and qualitative evaluations were performed. Results The studies showed that it is possible to characterize the surface nanoroughness of commercially dental implants using interferometry. A 1x1μm Gaussian filter was found useful to identify nanoroughness in terms of height deviation. It was demonstrated that the implants do have distinct roughness on the nanometer level of resolution and that the nanoroughness is not correlated to the microroughness when comparing mean surface roughness (Sa). Significant differences in Sa on the nanometer scale were found among some of the implants investigated. However, to detect specific nanostructures an additional SEM examination is necessary. The results from optical trap experiments showed that both osteoblasts and fibroblasts responded in a similar way towards most of the surfaces. No difference in initial cell attachment could be detected between the surfaces when using the QCM-D technique. A nano-HA coating applied on smooth cylindrical implants did not enhance bone responses in terms of bone contact (BIC) and bone area (BA) values as compared to nano-titania. Screw-shaped sandblasted and acid etched titanium implants with applied nanothick (~20nm) coating of nano-HA with similar Sa values on both micro- and nanometer scale of resolution presented similar removal torque values, BA values and showed similar amounts of newly formed bone as compared to un-coated controls when placed in cortical bone. The same result was demonstrated in trabecular bone with a submicron thick coating of nano-HA onto sandblasted and acid etched screw-shaped implants. Conclusions Within the limits of the studies in this thesis, it was demonstrated that commercially available oral implants do have nanoroughness of various amounts and that the nanoroughness is not correlated to the microroughness. It was demonstrated possible to observe cell attachment using optical trapping and QCM-D, however no obvious differences between the surfaces could be detected. A nano-HA coating applied on cylindrical titanium implants did not enhance early bone response compared to a nano-titania coating when evaluated in cortical bone. Furthermore, sandblasted and acid etched screw-shaped implants with applied coatings of different thicknesses of nano-HA perform similar as un-coated controls when evaluated in cortical and trabecular bone.
  • Mellgren, Caroline (author)
  • What's neighbourhood got to do with it? : the influence of neighbourhood context on crime and reactions to crime
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The overarching aim of this thesis is to contribute to an increased understanding of how the neighbourhood context acts to influence individual reactions to crime. The general framework is that the social and physical make-up of residential neighbourhoods influences individuals, over and above individual background characteristics. Disorder is an important neighbourhood-level factor and its presence is more or less pronounced in different neighbourhoods. It acts as a sign of a general urban unease and has potential negative consequences for the individual as well as for the community at large. Four studies have been conducted each with its own specific objective. The first study reviews the Swedish crime survey literature in order to assess the national evidence for neighbourhood effects, paying special attention to methodological issues. Overall, the current literature provides mixed evidence for neighbourhood effects. Methodological issues were identified as obstacles to drawing general conclusions and specific areas that need improvement were identified. The second study examines the origins of disorder at the neighbourhood level and the relationship between disorder and crime. Two theory-driven models of the relationship between population density, disorder, and crime are tested alongside an examination of whether these models are equally applicable to data collected in two cities, Antwerp in Belgium and Malmö in Sweden. The results found some support for direct effects of disorder on crime in both settings, independent of structural variables. Some differences between the two settings were observed suggesting that the disorder-crime link may vary by setting. To further examine the influence of neighbourhood context, the role played by neighbourhood level disorder in relation to worry about criminal victimization has been tested in a multilevel model in the third study. Overall the hypotheses of the influence of both neighbourhood level and individually perceived disorder, in shaping individual worry were supported. Individual background explains most of the variance but neighbourhood context has independent effects on worry. Individual level perceived disorder mediated the effect of neighbourhood disorder on worry suggesting that the effect of context is indirect through its effect on individual perception. The fourth study investigates whether it is possible to identify any unique neighbourhood effects on the extent to which residents apply crime preventive strategies. Initially some of the total variance in the dependent variables was found to be situated between neighbourhoods. This indicates that the neighbourhood context may influence individuals’ willingness to take crime preventive action. As expected, individual characteristics explained a majority of this between-neighbourhood variance. An important finding is that the contextual variables appear to have different effects on different activities, highlighting the need to study different actions separately.
  • Memmott, Talan (author)
  • Digital rhetoric and poetics : signifying strategies in electronic literature
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The dissertation explores computational and media-based signifying strategies in electronic literature from the point of view of reading, writing, programming and design, with a focus on the rhetoric and poetics of heavily mediated, multi-modal digital artifacts. With the introduction of images, animations, audio, and the procedural into the area of literary practice it is perhaps no longer sufficient to consider electronic literature within the domain of traditional concepts of rhetoric or poetics. Signification in media-rich electronic literary work occurs across semantic and semiological systems, and technological paradigms. As such, it is important that both practitioner and scholar understand how these attributes of digital media operate poetically and rhetorically, how they facilitate and sometimes undermine meaning-making in electronic literature. Throughout the text many of the complex issues around electronic literature are exposed, and through this reading strategies and potential avenues for new or alternative critical methods are offered. In its breadth of considerations, this dissertation provides a substantial overview of my research interests and involvement in the field of electronic literature for many years. In addition, the dissertation provides something of a chronology of the field from 2000 to 2011, tracing the evolution and emergence of different manifestations of digital rhetoric and poetics.
  • Narby, Birger (author)
  • Factors shaping demand for prostethic dentistry treatment with special focus on implant dentistry
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Aim: The main aim of this thesis was to investigate how attitudesinfluence the latent and manifest need, desire, demand, and utilizationfor dental implant treatment, considering the gatekeeping processbetween need and demand, and between demand and utilization ofdental treatment.Material and Methods: A conceptual analysis of the need anddemand concept from the literature was a first step in the study. Asecond step was to examine changes in attitudes toward desire forimplant treatment over time, also in relation to dental status, in apopulation of middle aged and older individuals in Sweden based ontwo questionnaire studies, one in 1989 and the other in 1999 amongthe same 3000 participants. The individuals who responded bothin 1989 and 1999 constituted a panel of 56% of the 1989 surveysample. Logistic regression models were done with desire of implanttreatment as dependent variable. In paper V, a qualitative studyusing grounded theory was done on the treated patients’ subjectiveperspective on receiving a fixed implant-supported denture.Results: An emancipatory perspective with the patient-dentistdialogue was regarded as central for an optimal treatment result inthe prosthetic treatment decision-making process. A main findingwas that need is established only in a communicative dialoguewith mutual respect between the profession and the patient. Thestudy implied that the gatekeeping concept relates to a complexprocess rendering great differences between demand and actualutilization. The main result from the questionnaires was the huge11increase in interest for implant-treatment from 1989 to 1999. In1999 almost all (94%) of the study population expressed desirefor implant treatment; as many as 92 % percent of those who didnot express a desire for implants in 1989 had changed their mind10 years later. The regression analysis showed that older people,non-city residents, and those with one or several missing and unreplacedteeth, changed desire for implant treatment between thestudy years. Effects of age, residence, and better dental statusdisappeared during the ten year study period. Those edentulousand those with removable dentures expressed less desire than thosewith all teeth remaining, or only one or a few teeth missing, in1989. High income significantly increased the probability to desireimplant treatment for the study panel at both study occasions. Thequalitative study, using the method for grounded theory, gave ascore category and main finding the importance of the patients´trust and confidence in the dentist and his/her staff, in the processof transforming desire for dental implant treatment into manifestdemand, and also making it more likely for the patients´ to becomesatisfied with the treatment result regardless of complications.Conclusion: There is no objective need in prosthodontic treatment.Manifest need and demand change over time, and are influencedby the patients´ attitude and situation, and by the dentist’s practiceprofile. True need can only be identified in a dialogue between theprofessional and the patient.Income and dental status, but not age, place of residence, norconcern for dental appearance, influence desire for implant treatmentat the end of the studied 10-year period. Individuals with removabledentures, or those being edentulous in one or both jaws have a lowerprobability to desire implant treatment than those with all teethremaining, or with missing teeth replaced by fixed partial dentures.The qualitative study underlined the importance of the relationshipbetween the professional and the patient. The patients´ trust andconfidence in the dentist and his/her staff were decisive in the processof making a demand for implant treatment manifest and turningit into actual utilization. The informants from this study describedtheir confidence and trust as dependent on a communicative dialoguewith mutual respect between the patient and the professional.
  • Nygård Larsson, Pia (author)
  • Biologiämnets texter : Text, språk och lärande i en språkligt heterogen gymnasieklass
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This study concerns text, language, and learning in a linguistically heterogeneous upper secondary class in Sweden where students aged 16 to 17 are studying biology. One starting point for the dissertation is the importance of language in all school subjects. Another premise is that language as a resource for learning and communication is a high challenge for students who are studying through their second language. The perspectives adopted in the dissertation are those of language and second-language didactics, and of multimodality. The dissertation is based on field notes, audio recordings, collected texts, and interviews. A major question is the extent to which the students are given the potential for coherent meaning making. Another crucial question is how different student groups succeed in the subject of biology, and their potential to move towards the use of more academic language. In the foreground of the study are text analyses in which the notions of intertextuality and recontextualization are an important foundation for understanding, and where textbook, teaching, and student texts are related to each other. The study shows, among other things, the importance of visualization of taxonomic relations, through which connections within a subject can be made explicit. The results also hint at the potential of different visual representations to bridge the gap between everyday and more scientific modes of expression. Mobility between and within discourses can thus be viewed as multimodal. The dissertation also uses the notion of text activities, which can be compared to the Sydney School`s concept of genre. The findings reveal relatively large differences between different chapters in the biology textbook, with regard to text activities, linguistic features, and the degree of multimodality. Differences thus arise in the degree to which these texts are a challenge to the reader. The findings show, moreover, that different images can be regarded as visual text activities and can thus be analysed on the level of text structure. The discrepancy between different student groups in the class is relatively large. The second-language students rarely achieve high grade levels. Lower grades, in turn, mean that standards are set relatively low for written work, and there is also strong teacher mediation at this level. Higher grade levels, on the other hand, require more advanced text activities and more independent reflexive writing and reading. The latter indicates a need for explicit metadiscursive discussions in the classroom. The results also suggest a need for broader language and text production, especially for second-language students.
  • Ordell, Sven (author)
  • Organisation and management of Public Dentistry in Sweden : Past, present and future
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Professionella organisationer innebär utmaningar i management ochorganisation jämfört med producerande företag eftersom kontrollenav arbetet ligger inom de professionella grupperna själva. Ledning ien politiskt styrd organisation som Folktandvården (FTV) innebärextra svårigheter.Syftet med denna avhandling var att bidra till bättre förståelse av organisationoch ledning av människovårdande organisationer, i synnerhetFTV, och därmed bidra till en långsiktigt hållbar verksamhet medhänsyn till de professionella grupperna. Syftet var också att peka påvissa framtida svårigheter för FTV och möjliga lösningar för dessa.Fyra artiklar ingår i avhandlingen och i en bilaga beskrivs framväxtenav svensk offentlig tandvård.Den första artikeln definierar de professionella kliniska grupperna isvensk tandvård; tandläkare och i viss grad tandhygienister.Den andra artikeln granskade den yttre miljön för tandvård i Sverigei form av politiska beslut, dvs. lagar och förordningar. Resultatenvar att det kan finnas ett gap mellan de formella målen och de faktiskabeteendena från den politiska nivån. Vissa politiskt attraktivaidéer kan återkomma trots goda argument mot dem. Möjligheternaatt påverka de politiska besluten genom att aktivt deltaga i de tidigaskedena av processerna noteras även. Den tredje artikeln byggde på ett frågeformulär till folktandvårdschefernaom management och organisation i respektive FTV. Detkonstaterades att idéer om ledning och organisation vanligtvis varinbäddade i hur respektive landsting var organiserat. En stark tro påstordriftsfördelar noterades också, såväl för administrationen somför själva tandvården.Den fjärde artikeln jämförde övergripande arbetstillfredsställelsebland offentligt anställda tandläkare i Danmark och Sverige. Detvar viktigt för de svenska tandläkarna att det fanns kollegor påklinken. Professionell utveckling och inflytande på arbetsplatsenbefanns också vara viktigt. Folktandvårdstandläkare som intevar födda i Sverige hade lägre arbetstillfredsställelse än andra. Dedanska tandläkarna var i allmänhet mer nöjda än de svenska. Enförklaring kan finnas i klinikernas omvärld med mycket starkarekonkurrens i Sverige samt i tandläkarnas förväntningar på innehålleti yrket.SlutsatserTandläkarna i Sverige är en etablerad profession och tandhygienisternaär en framväxande profession; tandhygienisterna, och samhälletskulle sannolikt gynnas av en tydligare avgränsning och definitionav deras unika kunskapsområden.Politiskt beslutsfattande är inte nödvändigtvis rationellt och andrabeslutsmodeller kan ge en bättre förståelse av politiska processer.Folktandvårdscheferna har en utbredd tro på stordriftsfördelar i administrationenoch i vården. Detta kan utgöra ett framtida problemför tandvårdsservicen i glesbefolkade områden.Övergripande arbetstillfredsställelse, som en del av det goda arbetet,var baserad på en atmosfär vid kliniken som var inriktad på ochgrundad i professionella värderingar.Kanske kan ett närmare samarbete mellan tandläkarhögskolornaoch FTV ge de nyexaminerade tandläkarna en mer realistisk syn på de professionella utmaningarna i offentlig tandvård, och ge skolornasforskare tillgång till folktandvårdens omfattande patientmaterial.Den framtida arbetsfördelningen mellan allmäntandläkare, tandhygienisteroch specialisttandläkare bör analyseras ingående.Den minskande tandläkarkåren och svårigheterna att behålla tandläkarei FTV kan mötas genom att anpassa organisationen ochledningen. Mycket större flexibilitet och möjligheter för tandvårdsteamenatt själva organisera sitt arbete kan vara vägar framåt. Producentkooperativ,franchising och liknande former bör prövas pånytt, men sådana driftsformer kräver omsorgsfullt konstrueradekontrakt med goda uppföljningsmöjligheter. Möjligheterna för FTVatt ge patienterna god servicekvalitet kommer att vara beroende avfortsatt demokratisering och mindre detaljkontroll på klinikerna.Balansen mellan det goda arbetet för tandvårdens personal, en effektivorganisation och bra service till befolkningen behöver studerasytterligare.
  • Osanami Törngren, Sayaka (author)
  • Love ain't got no color? : Attitude toward interracial marriage in Sweden
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This dissertation focuses on the geographical area of Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden, and examines the majority society’s opinions and attitudes toward interracial dating, marriage and childbearing. The dissertation is driven by two theoretical frames: the theory of race as ideas constructed through the perception of visible differences and the theory of prejudice and stereotypes. Mixed methods have been chosen as a means of exploring people’s attitudes toward interracial relationships. Quantitative data was collected by means of an attitude survey and the qualitative data was collected by means of follow-up interviews with some of the respondents who participated in the survey. The study shows that although their attitudes vary depending on the different groups in question, the majority of the respondents and interviewees could imagine getting involved in interrelationships and would not react negatively if a family member got involved in such a relationship. The quantitative results address the importance of intimate contacts, in other words having friends of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds in having more positive attitudes toward interracial dating, marriage and childbearing. Age, gender, education and the place of upbringing also affects people’s attitudes. The qualitative inquiry probes the reasoning behind the survey results and points to the complicated relations between individual attitudes and the sense of group position. The interviewees’ words depict color-blind ways of talking about attitudes toward interracial marriage and different groups. Ideas of race emerge in this color-blind reasoning and the role of visible difference is highlighted both through the quantitative and qualitative inquiries.
  • Palla, Linda (author)
  • Med blicken på barnet : Om olikheter inom förskolan som diskursiv praktik
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Med blicken på barnet syftar till att synliggöra hur barn skapas som subjekt när deras beteenden förbryllar, oroar eller utmanar personal i förskolan och hur utrymme för, eller begränsningar av, barnens möjligheter till att vara, kunna eller göra olika därmed framträder. Vidare belyser studien hur hanterings- och styrningsförslag av barnen och deras beteenden formuleras i specialpedagogiska sammanhang inom förskolan som diskursiv praktik. Huvudsaklig grund för studien är situationer där avdelningspersonal och specialpedagog möts för samtal samt texter som producerats i samband med dylika samtal. Studien vilar på en poststrukturalistisk teoribildning och har genomförts med ett diskursanalytiskt angreppssätt. Studien har genomförts utifrån antagandet om att språket medverkar till hur människor konstituerar, socialt konstruerar och förändrar sin verklighet. Även om det finns rörlighet och förändringskraft i språket kan, genom att ett specifikt sätt att tänka och tala inom en kontext reproduceras och fixeras, viss kunskap och vissa föreställningar bli dominerande och till slut tas så för givna att de inte längre ifrågasätts. Studien erbjuder en alternativ bild som kan öppna upp för reflektion och andra sätt att tänka och tala än de som har blivit och utmärkt sig som naturliga och dominerande i specialpedagogiska sammanhang inom förskolan.
  • Petrén, Sofia (author)
  • Correction of unilateral posterior crossbite in the mixed dentition : studies of treatment effects, stability and cost-effectiveness
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Enkelsidigt korsbett är en av de vanligaste bettavvikelserna i växel-bettet, dvs. i de åldrar då barnets tänder byts ut från mjölktänder till permanenta tänder. Korsbett innebär att överkäkens och un-derkäkens bredd inte passar ihop när man biter samman käkarna. Detta innebär att när patienten skall bita ihop glider underkäken åt sidan och patienten ”biter snett”. Om korsbett inte behandlas finns risk för problem i form av avvikande funktion och smärttillstånd i käkar, ansiktsmuskler och käkleder samt att ansiktet kan bli asymmetriskt.God tandvård innebär att använda effektiva behandlingsmetoder med god långsiktig stabilitet och kostnadseffektivitet. Det över-gripande syftet med denna avhandling var att i växelbettet jämföra och utvärdera olika behandlingsmetoder för att korrigera enkelsi-digt korsbett med avseende på effektivitet, stabilitet och kostnads-effektivitet. För att uppnå ett så högt vetenskapligt underlag som möjligt, utfördes randomiserade, kontrollerade studier (RCT-studier), vilket innebär att patienterna som är med i studien har lottats till respektive behandlingsgrupp. Avhandlingen är baserad på följande studier:Delarbete I är en systematisk litteraturöversikt där den tillgäng-liga vetenskapliga litteraturen avseende behandling av enkelsidigt korsbett utvärderades från ett evidensbaserat perspektiv. Översik-ten omfattade tidsperioden januari 1966 till oktober 2002 och ut-ökades senare till december 2010.Delarbetena II, III and IV är RCT-studier. Delarbete II jämför-de och utvärderade de olika behandlingsstrategierna Quad Helix, expansionsplåt, composituppbyggnad på underkäkens kindtänder samt avvaktande för att invänta eventuell spontan korrektion. Delarbete III analyserade den långsiktiga stabiliteten och föränd-ringarna tre år efter behandling med Quad Helix respektive expan-sionsplåt och jämförelser gjordes med patienter med normalt bett. I delarbete IV utvärderades kostnadseffektiviteten mellan Quad Helix och expansionsplåt genom att utföra en kostnads-minimeringsanalys. Konklusioner i delarbete I, inklusive den kompletterande litte-ratursökningen:•Det finns måttlig evidens för att behandling med Quad Helix är mer effektiv än behandling med avtagbar expansionsplåt. •Det finns begränsad eller otillräcklig evidens för behandlingar-nas stabilitet, effekter på livskvalitet och inverkan på käk- och ansiktsstrukturerna.Konklusioner i delarbete II och III:•Quad Helix är en effektiv behandlingsmetod och är överlägsen expansionsplåten. •Composituppbyggnad på underkäkens kindtänder är inte ef-fektivt för att korrigera enkelsidigt korsbett, och spontan kor-rektion sker ej vid avvaktan/utebliven behandling.•Om korsbettsbehandlingen lyckas, antingen med Quad Helix eller med expansionsplåt, kan man förvänta sig likvärdig lång-siktig stabilitet och prognosen är gynnsam.•Trots aktiv expansion av överkäken på de patienter som tidi-gare hade korsbett uppnåddes aldrig samma vidd i överkäken som hos patienter utan tidigare korsbett (normalpatienterna).Konklusioner i delarbete IV:•Quad Helix är mer kostnadseffektiv än expansionsplåt. •Quad Helix hade lägre direkta och indirekta kostnader och färre misslyckade behandlingar som behövde göras om. •Även när enbart de lyckade behandlingarna räknades var be-handling med expansionsplåt dyrare än Quad Helix. Klinisk betydelse:För att korrigera enkelsidigt korsbett i växelbettet är Quad Helix överlägsen expansionsplåten med avseende på behandlingseffektivi-tet och kostnader och är det primära behandlingsalternativet. Båda behandlingsalternativen, förutsatt att behandlingen lyckas med ex-pansionsplåten, har god långsiktig stabilitet.
  • Pigg, Maria (author)
  • Chronic intraoral pain - assessment of diagnostic methods and prognosis
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The overall goal of this thesis was to broaden our knowledge of chronic intraoral pain. The research questions were:•What methods can be used to differentiate inflammatory, odontogenic tooth pain from pain that presents as toothache but is non-odontogenic in origin?•What is the prognosis of chronic tooth pain of non-odontogenic origin, and which factors affect the prognosis?Atypical odontalgia (AO) is a relatively rare but severe and chronic pain condition affecting the dentoalveolar region. Recent research indicates that the origin is peripheral nerve damage: neuropathic pain. The condition presents as tooth pain and is challenging to dentists because it is difficult to distinguish from ordinary toothache due to inflammation or infection. AO is of interest to the pain community because it shares many characteristics with other chronic pain conditions, and pain perpetuation mechanisms are likely to be similar. An AO diagnosis is made after a comprehensive examination and assessment of patients’ self-reported characteristics: the pain history. Traditional dental diagnostic methods do not appear to suffice, since many patients report repeated care-seeking and numerous treatment efforts with little or no pain relief. Developing methods that are useful in the clinical setting is a prerequisite for a correct diagnosis and adequate treatment decisions.Quantitative sensory testing (QST) is used to assess sensory function on skin when nerve damage or disease is suspected. A variety of stimuli has been used to examine the percep¬tion of, for example, touch, temperature (painful and non-painful), vibration, pinprick pain, and pressure pain. To detect sensory abnormalities and nerve damage in the oral cavity, the same methods may be possible to use.Study I examined properties of thermal thresholds in and around the mouth in 30 pain-free subjects: the influence of measurement location and stimulation area size on threshold levels, and time variability of thresholds. Thresholds for cold, warmth and painful heat were measured in four intraoral and two extraoral sites. Measurements were repeated 3 times over 6 weeks, using four sizes of stimulation area (0.125–0.81 cm2). The threshold levels were highly dependent on location but less dependent on measuring probe size and time variability was small, and this knowledge is important for the interpretation of QST results.Study II applied a recently developed standardized QST examination protocol (intended for use on skin) inside the oral cavity. Two trained examiners evaluated 21 pain-free subjects on three occasions over 1–3 weeks, at four sites—three intraoral and one extraoral. Most tests had acceptable reliability and the original test instruments and techniques could be applied intraorally with only minor adjustments. Study III examined the value of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in pain investigations. Twenty patients with AO and 5 with symptomatic apical periodontitis (inflammatory tooth pain) participated. The results indicate that when AO is suspected, addition of CBCT can improve the diagnostic certainty compared to sole use of periapical and panoramic radiographs, especially because of the superior ability of CBCT to exclude inflammation as the pain cause.Study IV assessed the long-term prognosis of AO, and analyzed potential outcome predictors.. A comprehensive questionnaire including validated and reliable instruments was used to gather data on patient and pain charac¬teristics and pain consequences from 37 patients in 2002 and 2009. Thirty-five percent of the patients reported substantial overall improvement at follow-up, but almost all still had pain of some degree after many years. The initial high level of emotional distress was unchanged. Low baseline pain intensity predicted improvement over time.
  • Pihl, Maria (author)
  • Microbial biofilms on peritoneal dialysis catheters
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Då njurarna slutar fungera produceras ingen urin, och avfallsprodukterna stannar kvar i blodet. Detta tillstånd kallas uremi (”urin i blodet”) och leder till döden om det inte behandlas. Det finns två artificiella sätt att rena blodet på, hemodialys och peritonealdialys. I peritonealdialys fylls bukhålan med dialysvätska, som drar ut slaggprodukter och överflödigt vatten från blodet, genom bukhinnan (peritoneum). För att kunna fylla och tömma buken på dialysvätska behövs en kateter (slang), som opereras in genom bukväggen. Om bakterier, till exempel från huden, kommer in i bukhålan kan de fästa till kateterytan och bilda en biofilm. Biofilmer kan ge upphov till infektioner i bukhålan som leder till bukhinneinflammationer, vilket kan vara mycket smärtsamt. För att ge patienterna en bättre livskvalitet och minska sjukvårdskostnaderna är det önskvärt att reducera antalet bukhinneinflammationer. Syftet med vårt arbete har varit att få fram kunskap som bidrar till en bättre förståelse av biofilm-relaterade infektioner i buken. Vi studerade 15 katetrar uttagna från patienter som fick en ny njure (och därmed inte hade några infektioner) och 2 som var uttagna på grund av infektioner. Att inte ha några symptom på infektion betydde dock inte att katetern var fri från bakterier, och på 12 av dessa 15 katetrar hittade vi bakterier. Mängden bakterier var dock ganska liten och det verkade som om bakterierna och immunförsvaret hade uppnått en balans, där de fungerade tillsammans. De vanligaste bakterierna som hittades var hudbakterier, som i normala fall är harmlösa när de förekommer på huden. En av dessa bakterier var Staphylococcus epidermidis, och denna studerade vi vidare, tillsammans med en bakterie kallad Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pseudomonas aeruginosa hittas normalt inte hos människor och är inte farlig för friska individer, men om immunförsvaret är nedsatt kan den ta chansen och orsaka infektioner, ofta i samband med implantat eller lungsjukdomen cystisk fibros. När vi odlade Staphylococcus epidermidis och Pseudomonas aeruginosa tillsammans i en biofilm upptäckte vi något intressant, nämligen att Pseudomonas aeruginosa tog över och att Staphylococcus epidermidis försvann från ytan. Detta upptäckte vi senare berodde på en substans som Pseudomonas aeruginosa producerade och placerade utanför själva cellen, dvs. en extracellulär produkt. Extracellulära produkter kan till exempel vara det socker-rika slem som omger bakterierna i biofilmen och skyddar dem mot kroppens immunförsvar, eller enzymer som bryter ned näringsämnen i omgivningen så att bakteriecellen kan ta upp det. När vi studerade de extracellulära produkterna närmare kunde vi isolera en fraktion som var rik på polysackarider, dvs. socker, och som fick Staphylococcus epidermidis att lossna från ytor. Dessutom verkade den socker-rika lösningen kunna förhindra inbindning av serumproteiner, vilka i sin tur påverkar den kommande infästningen av bakterier. Substansen är inte identifierad än, men skulle alltså kunna vara en typ av socker. I framtiden vill vi rena fram substansen och identifiera den, för att förhoppningsvis kunna använda den för att förhindra biofilmbildning på peritonealdialys-katetrar och därmed minska antalet infektioner hos peritonealdialys-patienter.
  • Schenker, Katarina (author)
  • På spaning efter idrottsdidaktik
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • In search of sport didactics The aim of this thesis is to examine sport didactics as a concept and tool for reflecting on PE education. An additional aim is to analyze course literature and teaching models. Special focus is given to mandatory course literature devoted to dance, orienteering, swimming and ball games. The thesis starts by considering the concept of didactics. Further, different traditions in subject-matter didactics, including that of sport didactics, are compared. Different countries have different traditions, as do different disciplines, which enables researchers to approach subject-matter didactics from different backgrounds. Comparisons also show that subject-matter didactics, including sport didactics, need not be limited to dealing with school education but can also relate to other educational activities. On this basis a number of concepts describing sport didactics have been identified: teaching models, sport pedagogy models, theory of sport didactics, teaching method, teaching concept, societal pedagogical principle, the anatomy of teaching models and sport pedagogical reflection. The concepts are used to construct the tool to be used for analyzing the course literature. On the basis of the derivation of the concept, sport didactics is described as a tool for reflection on the sport teaching-studying-learning process. By applying different concepts sport didactics combines micro perspectives in the form of natural and behavioural science knowledge about learning and about the human body in motion with macro perspectives in the form of humanist-social science knowledge about learning, teaching and sporting in society. The analyze of course literature and teaching models required empirics in the form of course literature in the areas of ball games, dance, orienteering and swimming. Four physical education (PE) teacher programmes were chosen. The overwhelming character of the literature is uncritical, mainly concerning fostering with the focus on body culture (performance, experience, health/utility). The language of sport, together with tried experience, frequently constitutes the basis for being able to reflect on and talk about the teaching process and pupil development. The thesis demonstrates that sport didactics has the potential to ground teaching practice scientifically. The greatest challenge may be to tackle its close relation to sport. Sport & Health in school coexists with the sport movement and other organizations which advocate physical activity. There will probably always be interested parties with a desire to have an influence on the mission and content of the subject, to whom PE teacher education programmes as well as those representing the school subject are obliged to relate.
  • Sonesson, Mikael (author)
  • On minor salivary gland secretion in children, adolescents and adults
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Det finns få studier om de små spottkörtlarna, men deras främsta funktion anses vara att skydda individen genom att utsöndra ett skyddande sekret som utgör en slags barriär mot främmande och sjukdomsframkallande substanser. Från observationer på vuxna är det känt att körtlarna producerar en rad antibakteriella ämnen, tillhörande det specifika och det ospecifika immunförsvaret. Vidare anses de små körtlarna ha en smörjande effekt, vilket troligen har stor betydelse för välbefinnandet. Inga studier av unga växande individers sekretion från små salivkörtlar tycks finnas. Studierna inriktar sig främst på att öka kunskaperna om grundläggande egenskaper hos de små salivkörtlarna och olika immunologiska faktorer i saliven från dessa körtlar. De baseras på jämförande studier mellan förskolebarn, tonåringar och yngre vuxna. Avhandlingen söker svar på följande frågeställningar: Studie I. Finns det åldersrelaterade skillnader i salivflöde från, och förekomst av, små salivkörtlar?Studie II. Finns det åldersrelaterade skillnader i mängden av framträdande ospecifika försvarskomponenter (mucinerna MUC5B och MUC7) i saliv från små körtlar? Studie III. Finns det åldersrelaterade skillnader i koncentrationen av specifika försvarskomponenter (saliv-IgA) och protein i småkörtel- och helsaliv?Studie IV. Finns det åldersrelaterade skillnader i mängden av ytterligare en viktig ospecifik försvarskomponent (Gp-340) samt mängden kolhydrater (främst sialinsyra) som företrädesvis sitter på ospecifika försvarskomponenter, i småkörtel-och helsaliven? Huvudfynden i studierna är:• Barnen hade lägre flöde från små körtlar i kindslemhinnan jämfört med de vuxna. Vidare uppvisade barnen fler körtlar i läppen jämfört med de vuxna.• Barnen och de vuxna hade samma innehåll av MUC5B, men barnen hade mindre innehåll av MUC7 i saliv från små körtlar i läppen. Endast ett fåtal individer uppvisade muciner i saliven från små körtlar i kinden.• Barnen hade lägre koncentration av saliv-IgA i saliv från små körtlar i läppen och i helsaliv, jämfört med de vuxna.• Barnen och de vuxna uppvisade liknande mängder av gp-340 och sialinsyra i småkörtelsaliven men barnen hade större mängd gp-340 i helsaliven. De vuxna hade större mängder av gp-340 och sialinsyra i saliven från små körtlar i kinden jämfört med körtlarna i läppen.Förskolebarnens småkörtelsaliv innehåller samma mängd av en rad viktiga komponenter tillhörande det ospecifika immunförsvaret som de vuxnas, medan det specifika immunförsvaret tycks fortfarande vara under utveckling hos förskolebarnen. Vidare har förskolebarnen lägre salivflöde från de små körtlarna i kinden och tätare mellan körtlarna i läppen än de vuxna. Genom denna grundläggande kunskap kan genomförandet av nya jämförande studier av hur saliven fungerar hos yngre medicinskt eller odontologiskt belastade individer och av omhändertagande av patienter med störningar i saliven utformas. Skillnader i salivsekretion mellan barn och vuxna är också viktiga att utreda bland annat som eventuell förklaringsmodell för åldersvariationer i hur orala sjukdomstillstånd mellan åldrarna uttrycks.
  • Svensson, Anna-Karin (author)
  • Lärarstudenters berättelser om läsning. Från tidig barndom till mötet med lärarutbildning
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of the thesis is to contribute to knowledge about experience and perceptions of reading that students at a school of education have, from early reading experiences in childhood, to the encounter with reading in context of their teacher training. The following overarching questions were asked: What aspects of narratives appear to be significant in the students’ reading trajectories? Which aspects of the narratives appear to be significant in the encounter with reading during the students’ teacher training? To place the present investigation in a wider context a social-cultural perspective on reading is used as a means to shed light on the empirical data of the thesis. The choice of methodology is based on an epistemology where life stories are viewed as something which can provide knowledge about people’s experience and perceptions. As an overarching result, the students’ stories show that reading is a relational process, which occurs with significant others. Significant others invite and confirm the individual to read in various contexts. The metaphor literary breast-feeding shows how interest is transmitted in a close relationship. It makes the child, pupil or student feel that he/she is a participant in different societies of readers. Artifacts are crucial to raise interest in texts. Such artifacts are used as tools to shape play, motivation and imagination. The student’s reading trajectories also clearly indicate that challenges and gaps exist between different contexts, and that these gaps challenge the individual and need to be bridged.
  • Tharani, Soraya (author)
  • Immigration, security and the public debate on US language policy : A critical discourse analysis of language attitudes in the United States of America
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The narrative of the United States is of a "nation of immigrants" in which the language shift patterns of earlier ethnolinguistic groups have tended towards linguistic assimilation through English. In recent years, however, changes in the demographic landscape and language maintenance by non-English speaking immigrants, particularly Hispanics, have been perceived as threats and have led to calls for an official English language policy. This thesis aims to contribute to the study of language policy making from a societal security perspective as expressed in attitudes regarding language and identity originating in the daily interaction between language groups. The focus is on the role of language and American identity in relation to immigration. The study takes an interdisciplinary approach combining language policy studies, security theory, and critical discourse analysis. The material consists of articles collected from four newspapers, namely USA Today, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and San Francisco Chronicle between April 2006 and December 2007. Two discourse types are evident from the analysis namely Loyalty and Efficiency. The former is mainly marked by concerns of national identity and contains speech acts of security related to language shift, choice and English for unity. Immigrants are represented as dehumanised, and harmful. Immigration is given as sovereignty-related, racial, and as war. The discourse type of Efficiency is mainly instrumental and contains speech acts of security related to cost, provision of services, health and safety, and social mobility. Immigrants are further represented as a labour resource. These discourse types reflect how the construction of the linguistic 'we' is expected to be maintained. Loyalty is triggered by arguments that the collective identity is threatened and is itself used in reproducing the collective 'we' through hegemonic expressions of monolingualism in the public space and semi-public space. The denigration of immigrants is used as a tool for enhancing societal security through solidarity and as a possible justification for the denial of minority rights. Also, although language acquisition patterns still follow the historical trend of language shift, factors indicating cultural separateness such as the appearance of speech communities or the use of minority languages in the public space and semi-public space have led to manifestations of intolerance. Examples of discrimination and prejudice towards minority groups indicate that the perception of worth of a shared language differs from the actual worth of dominant language acquisition for integration purposes. The study further indicates that the efficient working of the free market by using minority languages to sell services or buy labour is perceived as conflicting with nation-building notions since it may create separately functioning sub-communities with a new cultural capital recognised as legitimate competence. The discourse types mainly represent securitising moves constructing existential threats. The perception of threat and ideas of national belonging are primarily based on a zero-sum notion favouring monolingualism. Further, the identity of the immigrant individual is seen as dynamic and adaptable to assimilationist measures whereas the identity of the state and its members are perceived as static. Also, the study shows that debates concerning language status are linked to extra-linguistic matters. To conclude, policy makers in the US need to consider the relationship between four factors, namely societal security based on collective identity, individual/human security, human rights, and a changing linguistic demography, for proposed language intervention measures to be successful.
  • Tuvesson, Hanna (author)
  • Psychiatric nursing staff and the workplace : Perceptions of the ward atmosphere, psychosocial work environment, and stress
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Major changes have taken place in psychiatric care in Sweden as well as in other countries. These changes, and the current climate of pressure and demands on the nursing staff in psychiatric in-patient care, make it important to be able to understand the relationship between environmental aspects and the nursing staff’s working conditions. The overall aim of the present thesis was to investigate perceptions of the ward atmosphere, the psychosocial work environment and stress among nursing staff working in psychiatric in-patient care. The findings were based on two questionnaire surveys (65 + 93 participants) and were analyzed using non-parametric statistics. The findings showed that a revised Swedish version of the Ward Atmosphere Scale involved some reliability problems that need to be addressed in future studies. Several aspects of the ward atmosphere were found to be related to the psychosocial work environment, and aspects of the ward atmosphere and the psychosocial work environment were related to the nursing staff’s Perceived Stress and Stress of Conscience. The nursing staff’s sense of Mastery was found to be a protective factor against Stress of Conscience, while a Sense of Moral Burden increased the vulnerability. Taking these aspects into consideration when making improvements in the workplace could help to prevent stress.
  • Wikstrand, Frida (author)
  • Det tekniska spelet. Förhandlingar om arbete, teknik och kön i relation till införande av nya informationssystem
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis aims to study how information systems are received and interpreted by the employees of two organizations: the Hospital and Electricity company. I am interested in how work tasks and professional identities at these workplaces are coded by class and gender, and whether - and if so how - these encodings or constructions affect how employees perceive the information sys-tems and the changes brought about by the new information system. Furthermore, the aim is to explain how the organizational context affects the way in which a new information system is re-ceived and interpreted, and how this is affected by the construction of masculinities and feminini-ties. 35 life story interviews were conducted at the two workplaces. The interviews were focused on the effects, on the everyday- and working life of employees, brought about by the introduc-tion of new information systems: the electronic journal Melior at the Hospital and the business system SAP at the Electricity Company. Another focus dealt with if – and if so, how, -the new technology had impact on the relationship with other occupational groups and professionals at the workplace. As its starting point, the dissertation adopts a theoretical patchwork based on Hardings’ three processes: genders symbolism, gender structure and individual gender. The concepts femininities and masculinities are used to discuss and analyze constructions of identities at work. The process of division of labor and concepts of professional closures are used to analyze negotiations within and between different groups. A theoretical concept, mirroring processes, is used to show how different parts of an individual’s life are linked together and how structures in different part of life repro-duce and strengthen each other. The thesis argues that various organizational circumstances have an impact on how em-ployees receive and interpret the new technology. From the perspective of class and gender, it becomes evident how technology is not simply ascribed different roles at different workplaces. These roles are also assigned a symbolic value that is largely based on gender. It is also clear that the role assigned to technology depends on the division of labor and may, in turn, influence the current division of labor at the workplace through negotiations concerning the new technology. It becomes clear that gender- and class structures are produced and reproduced through negotia-tions and the employees' handling of the new information systems. The thesis argues that the interviewees’ construction of professional identities influence their understanding of changes in their own work when new information systems have been introduced. The dissertation also ar-gues that the way femininities and masculinities are constructed within professional identities affect how employees view their work and the new technology.
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