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Sökning: AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES Business and economics) > Chalmers tekniska högskola > Övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt

  • Resultat 51-60 av 1174
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  • Holgersson, Marcus, 1983 (författare)
  • The management and commercialisation of intellectual property in European universities
  • 2022
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This report presents the results of an empirical study that explores intellectual property (IP) management practices among universities in the European Union. The report presents models and processes of IP management and research commercialisation – and their interdependencies. Furthermore, the report identifies four main challenges for IP management, including lack of funding for proof-of-concept work, resource constraints, a broad range of technologies and industries with which technology transfer offices (TTOs) need to work, and a non-existent local industry combined with legitimacy problems when trying to partner internationally. All in all, these challenges typically make IP management in the university setting more difficult than in the private industry setting. The dominant and linear IP management process that focuses primarily on value capture – the appropriation model – is criticised, and interviewees see a need to shift focus to better interact with industry and focus more on value creation and utilisation rather than only on appropriation.
  • Steinbach, Nancy, et al. (författare)
  • Miljöpåverkan från svensk konsumtion - nya indikatorer för uppföljning. Slutrapport för forskningsprojektet PRINCE
  • 2018
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • NATURVÅRDSVERKET RAPPORT 6842 Miljöpåverkan från svensk konsumtion - nya indikatorer för uppföljning Sammanfattning Projektet Policy Relevant Indicators for Consumption and Environment (PRINCE) har haft som syfte att analysera potentiell miljöpåverkan kopplad till svensk konsumtion, både i Sverige och utomlands, och att kvantifiera denna med indikatorer. För att kunna producera de föreslagna indikatorerna har projektet utvecklat en ny matematisk metod för att kombinera svenska miljöekonomiska data med en multiregional input-outputmodell, som är relativt lättarbetad och bevarar en flexibilitet som möjliggör ett byte till andra multiregionala modeller om så önskas. Baserat på detta har projektet konstruerat en ny indikatormodell, kallad PRINCE-modellen, och uppskattat en lång rad utsläpp och resursanvändning kopplat till svensk konsumtion med den. Detta inkluderar förutom växthusgasutsläpp och luftföroreningar, en rad naturresurser och utsläpp som tidigare inte har studerats lika mycket, såsom markanvändning, vattenanvändning, användning och utsläpp av kemikalier och växthusgasutsläpp från avskogning. För vissa variabler har projektet tagit fram indikatorer för ett visst år, och för vissa andra har vi producerat tidsserier för åren 2008-2014. För växthusgaser, utsläpp av kväveoxider, svaveldioxid och partiklar har utsläppen från svensk konsumtion minskat under denna tid. Även arealen mark som tagits i anspråk kopplat till den svenska konsumtionen har minskat något under denna tid, medan totala materialflöden ökat. Under denna tidsperiod har förädlingsvärdet, som är ett mått på ekonomisk aktivitet, ökat vilket visar på en absolut frikoppling mellan ekonomisk utveckling och utsläpp av växthusgaser (med reservation för att inga höghöjdseffekter av utsläpp från flyg har ingått i denna studie). Utsläppsminskningen är dock betydligt mindre än den som krävs för att vara i linje med globala överenskommelser om klimatet så frikopplingen har inte varit tillräckligt stor. Det svenska generationsmålet anger bland annat att de svenska miljöproblemen ska lösas utan att orsaka ökade miljö- och hälsoproblem utanför Sverige. För de indikatorer där en tidsserie producerats (växthusgaser, utsläpp av kväveoxider, svaveldioxid och partiklar) har andelen av utsläppen som sker i Sverige respektive utomlands kopplat till den svenska konsumtionen varit relativt oförändrad under den studerade tidsperioden. Då de totala utsläppen minskat så har även utsläppen som skett utomlands under perioden minskat något. Projektet har med indikatorernas hjälp studerat vilka geografiska områden där miljöpåverkan från svensk konsumtion är störst och vilka produktkategorier som ger stort utslag i uppföljningen. Resultaten är något olika för olika typer av miljöpåverkan men produkter från byggsektorn, livsmedel och jordbruksprodukter, samt hushållens direkta utsläpp bland annat från fossila bränslen är kategorier med stor miljöpåverkan. Miljöpåverkan kopplat till svensk konsumtion sker i många olika länder. Förutom i Sverige sker utsläppen bland annat i stora länder som Kina, Ryssland, Tyskland och USA men också i många andra länder som Sverige importerar ifrån. Projektet har också tagit fram en grupp med indikatorer som kan mäta kemikalieanvändningen och utsläpp på en övergripande nivå. De täcker både användning av farliga kemiska produkter och utsläpp av vissa farliga ämnen. Resultaten pekar bland annat på att både användning och utsläpp av farliga kemikalier i stor utsträckning sker utomlands. Till exempel sker endast 22% av användningen av farliga kemikalier och 20% av utsläppen av farliga ämnen, som ingår i indikatorn, för svensk konsumtions räkning inom Sveriges gränser. Kemikalieindikatorerna kräver ett visst fortsatt utvecklingsarbete, exempelvis med framtagande av tidsserier. Vidare har projektet tagit fram nya förslag på hur man kan följa upp miljöpåverkan av fiskkonsumtion beroende på typ av fisk som konsumeras och vilken fångstmetod som använts. Även fiskindikatorerna kräver fortsatt arbete innan de kan läggas till ordinarie uppföljningsprogram. Projektet har också undersökt metoder för att fördjupa analysen av miljöpåverkan av vattenanvändning i produktionen genom att urskilja vilka områden som har särskilda problem med vattenbrist. Detta är inte möjligt att göra med någon större precision i dagsläget. Två olika metoder provades inom projektet, en som använde vattenåtgång för jordbruksprodukter och en som använde data om vattenbrist per land. Slutligen har specialstudier även gjorts av viktiga produktgrupper som mat och dryck, IKT-sektorn (informations- och kommunikationsteknik), fossilbränsleanvändningen i sjöfarten med två olika metoder, samt socioekonomisk påverkan av svensk konsumtion i Kina. Baserat på resultaten har projektet genererat ett antal rekommendationer för hur arbetet med konsumtionsbaserade indikatorer kan drivas vidare: • SCB ändrar den tidigare beräkningsmetoden för att beräkna utsläpp från konsumtion och använder de multiregionala data som finns tillgängliga i EXIOBASE för att beräkna miljöpåverkan från import. • För utsläpp av växthusgaser samt för utsläpp till luft av kväveoxider, svaveldioxid och partiklar: generationsmålet följs upp med den utvecklade PRINCE-modellen som kombinerar svensk miljöekonomisk data med multiplikatorer som beräknas med en multiregional input-outputmodell. • Det internationella arbetet med förbättrad tillgång till harmoniserad miljöstatistik stöttas. • Arbetet med vidareutveckling av indikatorer för användning av naturresurser (som markanvändning och dess koppling till avskogning och biologisk mångfald, vattenanvändning, materialflöden och energi) fortsätter bland annat avseende kopplingen mellan dessa flöden och miljöpåverkan, de svenska miljömålen och de globala hållbarhetsmålen. • Forsknings- och utvecklingsarbetet med kemikalieindikatorerna fortsätter och tidsserier tas fram för att så småningom kunna ta in dem i analysen av generationsmålet. • Metoderna som föreslagits för att bedöma miljöpåverkan från fiskkonsumtion vidareutvecklas. • Metoderna som föreslagits för att beräkna utsläpp från internationella transporter vidareutvecklas.
  • Holgersson, Marcus, 1983 (författare)
  • Innovation and Intellectual Property: Strategic IP Management and Economics of Technology
  • 2012
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Innovations and technological developments have been recognized for their central importance for economic success and growth at least since the 1930s. Intellectual property (IP) and intellectual property rights (IPRs), such as patents, trade secret rights, and copyrights, have during more recent decades caught increasing attention, and, mainly due to various developments at macro level, IP has become an important source of competitive advantage at micro level in many industries. This has led to an increased importance of strategic IP management, and the related research field has been growing since the late 1990s. This thesis aims to contribute to this growing field, and the first purpose of this thesis is to explore and explain strategic and innovation related IP management practices, and the managerial and economic consequences of such practices. Apart from the growing importance of IP management in general, an increased focus on open and collaborative approaches for creating innovations has led to a need for new and adapted IP management skills. The second purpose of this thesis is therefore to develop managerial and economic frameworks, models, and tools to be used in the intersection between IP management and open innovation practices. These purposes are addressed in a cover paper and six appended research papers of theoretical/conceptual as well as of empirical nature, being based on interviews, questionnaires, patent statistics, and document studies.In connection to the first purpose the results show that, while many small firms have problems with properly benefitting from the patent system, large firms have increasingly developed their IP strategies, especially their patent strategies. The purpose is then not only to appropriate monopolistic returns from innovations but also to govern various forms of open innovation. Large firms were found to in a first step increase their patenting (in terms of quantity), and in a second step focus more on selective, quality-oriented, and internationalized patenting. Additional results show that the internationalization leads to a convergence in managerial choices of output markets for patenting worldwide, in parallel with market and technology diversification. Further, a case from mobile telecommunications illustrates the role of IP management in the governance of open innovation systems. Finally, two cases from the automotive industry illustrate the IP-related problems that arise in connection to divestments and other types of disintegrations (‘IP disassembly problems’), and how IP management can mitigate them.This leads to the second purpose, related to the development of models, tools, and frameworks for IP management in relation to open innovation. First, the thesis provides a conceptual framework of innovation openness, especially pinpointing the role of IPRs. This framework emphasizes three key dimensions of innovation openness: resource distribution, technology governance, and technology accessibility. Second, a framework for managing the IP disassembly problem is presented, enabling increased exit opportunities and decreased transaction costs. Third, a method for determining fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory royalties in licensing collaborations is developed, applicable to multilateral licensing deals.It stands clear that contemporary IP management is not (and has never been) only about maximizing excludability. Strategic IP management must therefore be developed and integrated with technology and corporate management in order to foster success at the micro level of firms, and thereby also at macro level. Developments in IP management skills (e.g., sourcing, control, commercialization, licensing, valuation, pricing) and IP contracts will then most likely lead to increased efficiency of interorganizational technological relationships and quasi-integrated organizational forms, and thereby also to increased innovativeness and economic development.
  • Åström, Stefan, 1977 (författare)
  • Research and reflections on European air pollution policy support models
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • European emissions to air of SO2, NOx, PM2.5, NH3 and NMVOC still today cause harm to human health and the environment. These pollutants are associated with the premature death of ~400 000 people annually in the EU (25 000 perished in traffic accidents 2017). Improvements are expected but problems will persist. To abate these effects European countries are engaged in several international agreements, all dependent on interaction between science and policy. For some 15 years scientific decision support to policy-makers was based on integrated assessment models (IAM) combined with quantification of economic benefits in cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of proposed policies. However, in 2013 the European Commission changed approach and used CBA to model socio-economic optimal emission levels and used these levels as basis for a policy proposal. This new approach puts higher demand on model coverage and reliability. It can also be methodologically controversial. This thesis presents research and reflections on the robustness of air pollution policy support models used by the European Commission, with focus on IAM and CBA. Robustness over climate metrics is analysed with cost-effectiveness analysis of air pollution control options, with sensitivity analysis of metric choice. An SO2 decomposition analysis indicates if consideration of end-of-pipe control options is enough. Robustness of emission control strategies with respect to investment parameters is analysed with IAM, and CBA provides estimates of whether options to reduce emissions from international shipping should be considered in the modelling. Methodological issues are also reviewed. The results indicate that the models are robust with respect to climate metrics used and the focus on end-of-pipe SO2 options. The modelling of emission control can be sensitive to investment parameters and to the current exclusion of control options on ships. The methodological foundation of CBA is criticised but since environmental policies depend on support also from arenas outside science it remains unclear if CBA-shortcomings impairs the air pollution policy process. Regardless, there are arguments for inter alia complementing CBA with analyses based on non-economic decision rationales. Finally, the thesis provides insights and suggestions for air pollution policy modelling and research that should be considered in the future.
  • Brunklaus, Birgit, 1970, et al. (författare)
  • Food retailing – a comparative analysis of handling organic and conventional food products
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: ISIE Industrial Ecology conference 2015.
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The food sector is facing a number of environmental challenges in the future, e.g. waste minimizing or reducing climate change (Sonesson et al 2010, Gustavsson 2010). The food sector is also facing organisational challenges e.g. long chains between farmers and consumers (Soler et al 2010). Therefore the need to be able to describe product flows in the food sector is raising e.g. environmentally adapted production and consumption. The retailer is one the main actor handling product flows, the gatekeeper between producer and consumer (Kogg 2009, Mont et al 2013). On the one hand, retailers are taking in more and more organic products and on the other hand facing the climate labelling, and need to think about their own contribution. What is the retailer’s environmental contribution? The difference between organic and conventional products have been studied (Meier et al 2014, Organic research centre 2010, Davis et al 2011, Nilsson 2006). However, is there a difference between retailer’s handling? The question is answered with help of an actor based LCA method. The results are based on a case study on a large Swedish food retailer including interviews and document studies on routines for purchasing, storing, and transport, as well as product volume, energy and waste data. The results are complemented and compared with existing swedish LCA studies of organic and conventional food products (Sonesson et al 2011, Davis et al 2011, Nilsson 2006), such as the LCA studies on organic milk, egg, pork, and apples, complemented with studies on bananas (Stoessel et al 2010, Roibas 2014) and cod (Winther et al 2009).
  • Nunes, Breno, et al. (författare)
  • Supply Chain Research Issues in Developing and Emerging Industrial Economies
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Handbook of Research Methods for Supply Chain Management. - : Edward Elgar Publishing. - 9781788975858 ; , s. 403-423
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The main objective of this chapter is to assist researchers when conceptualising and developing supply chain management research in emerging economies
  • Al-haimi, Basheer, et al. (författare)
  • Higher education institutions with artificial intelligence: roles, promises, and requirements
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Studies in Computational Intelligence. - Cham : Springer International Publishing. ; , s. 221-238, s. 221-238
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly and rapidly becoming a technology that empowers and reshapes our lives. Several industries and sectors that adopted AI have benefited from this technological advancement. One such sector is higher education, which can potentially receive the maximum benefits of AI revolution. However, the roles, benefits, and promises of AI in higher education institutions (HEIs) have not been sufficiently investigated and require further research. There-fore, this chapter, which has an extensive literature review, is conducted to reveal how HEIs have benefited from AI and must be met to prepare for such powerful technology. Results reveal that AI has high possibility to reshape HEIs in many ways; for this reason, HEIs must be prepared to benefit from its numerous advantages. Researchers and policymakers can use this study’s findings in HEIs as a solid base for further investigation and crafting strategies.
  • Takman, Johanna, 1992 (författare)
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions – Examples from the freight transport sector: Essays on economic growth, public policy instruments, and renewable energy.
  • 2021
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overall aim of this thesis is to improve the understanding of if, and how, we can combat climate change and other non-wanted environmental changes alongside economic development. Paper I address this question by investigating the relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP per capita. Using panel data analysis, an N-shaped relationship is found for lower-middle- and high-income countries, indicating that CO2-emissions increase with economic growth beyond a certain income level. However, no significant relationship is found for upper-middle-income countries. The study also shows that increasing the share of renewable energy is crucial for reducing CO2-emissions. Paper III investigate the performance of European public policy instruments promoting a modal shift of freight transports from road to rail and/or water. Performing a literature review, 93 public policies are identified, whereof ex-post evaluations are found for 20. The evaluated policies are mainly subsidies/grants at national level, or EU-policies. Variation in evaluation methods and performance indicators complicates comparisons of policy performance. However, policies promoting rail are in general more successful than those promoting waterborne transport. Common factors for underachievement include lack of applications, outreach problems, and complicated application processes. Furthermore, broad and general policy targets complicate evaluation as well as fulfilment of objectives. Paper II analyse barriers, opportunities, and potential solutions to renewable energy diffusion, focusing on liquefied biogas for heavy trucks. Interviews with experts and stakeholders in Sweden show that main barriers include financial limits, lacking infrastructure, lacking knowledge, and unstable policy instruments. Yet, several policy instruments already target the barriers to LBG diffusion and given current taxes and subsidies, costs of using LBG trucks are only marginally higher than those for using diesel trucks in Sweden. Thus, continuously evaluating policy performance is important.
  • Viktorelius, Martin, 1987 (författare)
  • The social organization of energy efficiency in shipping: a practice-based study
  • 2017
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The central research question explored in this study is how energy efficiency is organized onboard large merchant ships. The dominant techno-economical approach within energy research and policy, in general, and shipping research and policy, in particular, is reviewed and criticized as being too limited for understanding the challenges and opportunities related to the organization and management of energy efficiency in shipping companies. The failure, it is suggested, of previous research and policy, is associated with the lack of analysis and attention to how the organization of energy efficiency onboard ships is enacted by crew members acting in particular socio-material contexts. The primary aim of this study was to initiate the development of a practice-theoretical understanding of the organization and management of energy onboard ships. An ethnographic study onboard five ships operated by one of the largest ferry companies in the world was conducted in order to explore the social practices of the work associated with ship operation. Three topics were identified and explored: (i) the non-use of energy performance monitoring technology as a result of misalignments in practice, (ii) the role of situated and embodied knowledge for energy efficient navigation and voyage execution, and (iii) the contradictory structure of energy practice leading to reduced energy efficiency. It is concluded that formal energy management systems are insufficient in developing crew members’ know-how, skill and practice associated with energy efficient ship operation. The findings have implications for policy and energy management within shipping companies, as well as other industries, and for training and education of managers and employees. It is recommended that shipping companies should focus more on local capacity building and collaboration among crew members as a means of improving the energy efficiency of ship operation.
  • Shahbazi, Sasha, et al. (författare)
  • Using the Green Performance Map: Towards Material Efficiency Measurement
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Operations Management and Sustainability. - Cham : Springer International Publishing. - 9783319932118 - 9783319932125 ; , s. 247-269, s. 247-269
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Previous environmental studies indicate several barriers to circular economy and material efficiency including a lack of detailed methodologies for manufacturing improvement in terms of environmental and operational performances to measure, monitor and evaluate material consumption and waste generation. A lean and green tool, the green performance map (GPM), is an appropriate tool for different environmental initiatives including training, improvement, reporting and development. Through literature review and multiple case study methodology, this chapter presents the current application of GPM in industry and its usage to regularly measure and monitor material efficiency measurements on different levels and to remove barriers to improved material efficiency.
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  • Resultat 51-60 av 1174
Typ av publikation
bokkapitel (313)
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doktorsavhandling (89)
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McKelvey, Tomas, 196 ... (78)
McKelvey, Maureen, 1 ... (48)
Kåberger, Tomas, 196 ... (47)
Styhre, Alexander, 1 ... (39)
Löfsten, Hans, 1963 (27)
Jonsson, Patrik, 196 ... (27)
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Bröchner, Jan, 1948 (25)
Josephson, Per-Erik, ... (24)
Bennett, David, 1947 (23)
Holgersson, Marcus, ... (22)
Palmås, Karl, 1976 (21)
Bohlin, Erik, 1961 (20)
Baumann, Henrikke, 1 ... (19)
Lantz, Björn, 1967 (19)
Jacobsson, Staffan, ... (19)
Rickne, Annika, 1966 (19)
Woxenius, Johan, 196 ... (16)
Fredberg, Tobias, 19 ... (16)
Laage-Hellman, Jens, ... (15)
Sterner, Thomas, 195 ... (15)
Johansson, Daniel, 1 ... (15)
Alänge, Sverker, 195 ... (15)
Ljungberg, Daniel, 1 ... (15)
Ydén, Karl, 1965 (14)
Persson, Martin, 197 ... (14)
Srinuan, Pratompong, ... (14)
Isaksson, Anders, 19 ... (13)
Azar, Christian, 196 ... (13)
Steiber, Annika, 196 ... (13)
Granstrand, Ove, 194 ... (13)
Melander, Lisa, 1983 (12)
Starica, Catalin, 19 ... (12)
Altuntas Vural, Cere ... (11)
Halldorsson, Arni, 1 ... (11)
Gadde, Lars-Erik, 19 ... (11)
Eriksson-Zetterquist ... (11)
Brunklaus, Birgit, 1 ... (11)
Räisänen, Christine, ... (11)
Hedenus, Fredrik, 19 ... (10)
Lind, Frida, 1975 (9)
Jernsand, Eva Maria, ... (9)
Mattsson, Stig Arne, ... (9)
Williams Middleton, ... (8)
Gremyr, Ida, 1975 (8)
Wolff, Rolf, 1953 (8)
Häggström, Olle, 196 ... (8)
Pazirandeh Arvidsson ... (8)
Pregmark, Johanna, 1 ... (8)
Berglund, Henrik, 19 ... (8)
Ohlsson, Claes, 1970 ... (8)
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