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  • Severinsson, Emma (författare)
  • Moderna kvinnor : Modernitet, femininitet och svenskhet i svensk veckopress 1921 -1933
  • 2018
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • De moderna kvinnorna med korta kjolar och ännu kortare hår som jazzade sig igenom 1920-talets nöjesliv är en bild som reproduceras i populärkulturen än idag. Men de moderna kvinnorna sågs i sin samtid inte endast som nöjeslystna kommersiella produkter, utan användes som en arena för att diskutera frågor om nationalitet, rasbiologi, genus, kropp och det moderna samhällets utmaningar. De moderna kvinnorna ifrågasatte nämligen traditionella genusstrukturer, genom att idrotta, köra bilar, ställa nya krav på äktenskapet eller helt enkelt välja bort giftermål till förmån för ett självförsörjande singelliv. Samtidigt politiserades och granskades deras kroppar, korta kjolar och livsstil. Under 1920-talets första år i Sverige hade kvinnor uppnått rösträtt och juridisk likställighet i äktenskapet och nya lagar gav dem större utrymme på arbetsmarknaden. Hur skulle ett modernt framtida samhälle se ut där kvinnor uppförde sig, såg ut som, och ställde samma krav på frihet som män? Det är hur denna fråga debatterades i veckopressen som undersöks i denna bok. De moderna kvinnorna var ett globalt fenomen under 1920- och 1930-talen, men tog sig olika uttryck i olika länder. I den svenska debatten framhölls Sverige som ett jämställdhetens förlovade land, på samma gång som det ansågs viktigt att sätta gränser för femininiteten och moderniteten för att värna om och bevara svenskheten. Det är tongångar som känns igen än idag, när nationalistiska vindar, som vill begränsa kvinnors utrymme, sveper över Sverige.
  • Tornbjer, Charlotte (författare)
  • Den nationella modern : moderskap i konstruktioner av svensk nationell gemenskap under 1900-talets första hälft
  • 2002
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to analyse the relationship and interaction between gender and nation in a Swedish context, during the first half of the twentieth century. When women become mobilised on a nationwide basis within different types of nationalism, it is often motherhood that is invoked. This is just one point of departure in my dissertation. Perceptions of a national motherhood are also found in several different situations. In this study, the phenomenon is highlighted in relation to portrayals of Mother Svea; the notion of the Queen as mother of her people; maternal tributes on Mother's Day, but even as it was manifested amongst pro-national defence women, with their thoughts regarding women's contributions to the nation. In the first part of the thesis, I focus primarily on a national motherhood's symbolic dimension expressed in a kind of everyday nationalism; for example, in the weekly press and the family-focused pages of daily newspapers. These studies are concretised by analysis of Mother Svea in the Swedish humorous press, 1912-14; a study of national motherhood portrayals in connection with Mother's Day, and an examination of how a royal national motherhood was depicted during the period. The dissertation's second part comprises a case study, in which I investigate how women in favour of national defence used motherhood as a way of entering a national discourse. The arrangement of the thesis - part one concentrating on the symbolism; part two on the normative - is not absolute, however. Even in the former, I investigate which groups conveyed the discourses, in the same way that the latter section not only deals with how a group of women interpreted the symbols normatively; the symbols themselves are also discussed. Overarching questions in all these studies have concerned the form that ideas and notions about a national community actually took; the role of a national motherhood; how ideas regarding nation and motherhood changed, and the consequences of this for gender constructions. In the second part, I analyse how nationally-orientated women during the studied period were influenced by the discourses and attempted to change them.
  • Nyman, Maria (författare)
  • Resandets gränser : svenska resenärers skildringar av Ryssland under 1700-talet
  • 2013
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Maria Nyman The Borders of travelling. Russia in Swedish travel accounts during the 18th century. The primary objective of this study concerns how culturally created images of the Same and the Other, is expressed in descriptions of a journey, a sojourn someplace else. More specifically, the dissertation investigates how a number of Swedes, travelling during the eighteenth- and early nineteenth centuries, described their experiences in and of, Russia. The analysis focus on how the journey is described, the person writing, and the discursive formation of borders which inform the text. The first part of the study centre on the “scientific” creation of Russia and its borderlands. Here, the travel writers make clear Russia’s key position as a borderland between Europe and Asia, as well as the centrality of mapping the unknown for knowledge to underpin both the Russian and the European self-image. The consequent knowledge of the Other, the people of north-east Siberia in particular, could then be disseminated throughout Europe’s universities and Academies of Science. Here, Russia is seen as a sort of”stage” were travelers, natural historians and mapmakers fought for positions in this transmission of knowledge. Many of the travelers lingered on themes common in several accounts from the time. The question; are they civilized? Echoes in the accounts. I have shown how traveler’s descriptions of the religious practices of the Russians, of gender relations, and in particular, descriptions of women, were frequently commented upon. Most notably, it was the encounter with the Russian orthodox religion that created the clearest divide between a Swedish protestant ”Us” and a Russian ”Them”, but also, this divide decreased when travelers encountered people and religious practices outside the Russian orthodox sphere. How ”othering” is a practice carried out on a floating scale, becomes evident here. Two concepts, or phenomena, create boundaries in many of these accounts and in travel accounts in general, these are the concepts representation/image and encounter. In the two last chapters, the Swedish/Finnish traveler and prisoner of war, Adelaide von Hauswolff’s and the student Eric Gustaf Ehrström’s, travel diaries are studied. Here, the question of why some travelers seem to describe encounters, and seemingly, comes close to the country and its inhabitants, when others do not, is in focus. The traveler’s position within the texts is studied and categories such as gender, class, and ethnicity are seen as categories directing the positions taken by the travel writer. These categories influenced the texts to a great extent, but not always at the same time. Encounters were being described, positions altered, discourses challenged, but also withheld. Travelers wrote on different subjects, with different strategies, from different places and for different reasons. And still, centuries-old images and a discursively constructed knowledge of Russia, put its strong mark on these 18th centuries’ texts. Keywords:Travel, travel accounts, encounters, representations, colonial, discourse, gender, class/status, Protestant, Russian-orthodox, religions, Siberia, Russia, Europe, Sweden,18th century. Swedish With an English summary ISSN 1652-7399 ISSN 1650-755X ISBN 978-91-7473-571-0 (tryck) 978-91-7473-572-7 (digital) Södertörns högskola, SE-141 89 Huddinge, publications@sh.se Organization Document name LUND UNIVERSITY DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Department of History Box 2074 S-220 02 Lund Sweden June 2013
  • Alm, Anna (författare)
  • Upplevelsens poetik : slöjdseminariet på Nääs 1880–1940
  • 2012
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation examines aspects of the experience of being a student at Nääs’ sloydseminar between 1880 and 1940 and what consequences it had for the participants. The experience was more or less consciously constructed by the charismatic leader Otto Salomon and after his death in 1907 the responsability of ”composing” the experience was put on Rurik Holm, pedagogical manager between 1913 and 1942. The environment and the activities at Nääs became life-changing for many participants. By looking at the experience from a number of sides I am able to dissect the ingredients of that experience. The first analytical chapter is therefore about Swedish sloyd and the construction of a pioneer project that was to find its way into an emerging national andinternational schoolsystem. The experience of being a pioneer and part of a pioneer movement was one part of the experience of Nääs. In the second analytical chapter my aim is to get past the subject of sloyd and into the reality of Nääs. I analyse entering and leaving Nääs as a ritual act. The life at Nääs is examined and special consideration is put on the community at Nääs and on its actions of becoming a community. In the last analytical chapter I analyse the encounter with the outside world after leaving Nääs and which role the experience played in this encounter. My approach is a hermeneutical one although I have theoretical considerations leading in other directions; the function of ritual structure and actions or the forming of a pioneer project.
  • Cederholm, Mathias (författare)
  • De värjde sin rätt : senmedeltida bondemotstånd i Skåne och Småland
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • "They defended their Right: late medieval Peasant Resistance in Scania and Småland." The aim of this thesis is to explore in what ways peasants could resist and protest against authorities during the final decades of the Nordic late middle ages, the years 1490-1525. It consists of a comparison between the Danish province of (Scania) Skåne and the Swedish province of Småland. The study is performed in three stages. First I do a survey of what conflicts took place between peasants and the different forms of authorities; the Crown and its officials, the Church, and the landlords. This survey also shed lights on what resources were more or less systematically disputed during the period. Important questions were for example the costs of the Kalmar union wars, and the peasants rights to armament or protection, but also ? especially in Scania ? rights to woods and other resources, which were very contested during the period. Then follows an analysis of which forms of protest and interaction, and which arenas, the peasants could use in these conflicts. Finally there is a survey over which political arguments, norms and values, the peasants used in their written communications as well as in meetings and in other forms of practice. These arguments are also analyzed in relation to the surrounding political culture of the society in large. The study makes use of several approaches in recent research regarding peasant protests. Important is the research concept of political culture, which is discussed and elaborated in the study, and which supports the aim of the study to show the variety of means of protest, resistance and political action the peasants actually had. We meet forms of action as supplications, local negotiations, legal action, feuds, collective oath-making and uprisings. The analysis also benefits from recent focus on different types of alliances between peasants and lords and other social groups, which often made conflicts multi-levelled and complicated. I stress how the turbulent conditions in the society had the function of reproducing several of the most important norms and values in the political culture. Concepts and social functions which had an important role in the political culture but which also were disputed and contested, were peace and protection, reciprocity, liberty, law/justice and customary law, public good, reasonable subsistence, harmony/concord and consent, right of resistance.
  • Edgren, Lars (författare)
  • Stadens sociala ordning : Stånd och klass i Malmö under sjuttonhundratalet
  • 2021
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I denna bok presenteras nya perspektiv på det svenska ståndssamhället. Det görs genom en undersökning av Malmö mellan 1720 och 1780. Ståndssamhället var något mycket mer än bara indelningen i adel, präster, borgare och bönder. Stånd var beroende av att gränser mellan grupper markerades genom olika juridiska rättigheter. Det handlade dock inte bara om juridik. Statusindelningar upprätthölls i befolkningens vardagliga handlande i en ärans ekonomi. I boken hävdas att stånd och klass inte står i motsättning till varandra och att sjuttonhundratalet kan ha varit ståndssamhällets storhetstid.Boken har också mycket att säga den som vill veta mer om Malmö. I den får läsaren veta hur stadens sociala geografi såg ut, vem som satt var vid gudstjänsterna i S:t Petri kyrka och hur befolkningen fördelades på stadens olika begravningsplatser. Här får läsaren också läsa om hur det gick till när bödeln försökte få sin avlidna hustru buren till graven av något av stadens likbärarelag, om hur fabrikörskan Gottschick kunde nå en position som en av stadens ledande näringsidkare och om hur färjemannen Bengt Nilsson lyckades etablera sig i stadens elit.
  • Egefur, Fredrik (författare)
  • Gränslösa rörelser för fred 1889–1914 : Aktörskap, strategi och begreppsvärld hos socialistisk och liberal fredsaktivism
  • 2020. - 1
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • During the 25 years before the First World War in 1914 two different kinds of peace movements, one bourgeois-liberal and one socialist, were organised to fight militarism and war. The two movements – represented by the International Peace Bureau and the Second International, respectively – grew in size between 1889 and 1914. At the beginning of 1914, IPB organized over 200 peace associations, representing approximately one million members. The socialist labour movement, on their part, gathered around four million members, and different social democratic parties were active in most European parliaments. The numbers of newspapers and affiliated associations, like trade unions, are difficult to count but were numerous. In view of the outbreak of the war in 1914, these popular anti-war movements and their leading organisations, which did their best to rally public opinion against war, appear to have been complete failures. However, the picture is far more complicated. The growing international peace movement actually had a significant impact on public debate at the turn of the last century – and their efforts reverberated throughout much of the 1900s. An in-depth analysis of this movement and its agency, strategy and conceptual world reveals new perspectives on the ongoing debate on how to form a persuading agenda and how to influence public opinion and the governments. This is interesting because it can teach us, today, about attempts to withstand ongoing arms race and harmful nationalism.The purpose of the present thesis is to systematically examine how and why different perspectives on the burning issue of peace versus war were discussed and practiced by the bourgeois and socialist peace movements at an international level between 1889 and 1914, and to compare the actions of the movements with each other. The comparison between the two movements is the most important methodological element of the dissertation. The thesis makes a contribution in three different research areas, shedding new light on questions of agency, strategy and on the “conceptual worlds” of the two movements. As such, the thesis presents new knowledge about the formative period of the international peace struggle. It is argued that in a time of militarism, imperialism and Western domination, various resistance movements were created to bring forth challenging ideas about peace. On a more general level, this study has also aimed to contribute to understanding how the emergence of international social movements during the decades around the turn of the century meant various new forms of political struggle and opinion formation.
  • Eriksson, Martin (författare)
  • Exkludering, assimilering eller utrotning? : "Tattarfrågan" i svensk politik 1880-1955
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Since the 16th Century, there has been Travelling families in Sweden, earning their living by itinerant trades such as horse-trading, scrap-metal-dealing and tinplating. The authorities often labelled these families “tattare”. They suffered from severe discrimination, and authorities as well as scientists claimed that they were a threat against society. These claims were often made with a racialized rhetoric. In the period ca 1880-1955, there was a heated debate on what kind of political measures should be taken against these families. This debate, which is the subject of this thesis, was sometimes referred to as the ‘tattare question’. Three main political strategies were proposed or adopted in the ‘tattare’ question. In the countryside, small rural districts invented a variety of techniques in order to exclude Travelling families, such as imposing fines on persons who accommodated them. Government authorities and philanthropist saw assimilation as a goal rather than exclusion. They proposed various types of programs, e.g. establishing orphanages in which children labelled as ‘tattare’ should be detained and transformed into “decent” and “hard-working” citizens. Especially in the 1930’s and 1940’s, there were also proposals for a policy of more or less complete extinction of the whole group. In these proposals, persons labelled as ‘tattare’ were to be systematically sterilized. Although none of these extreme proposals were carried out, the debate did without a doubt influence the implementation of the general sterilization and childcare acts. Many persons whom the authorities labelled as ‘tattare’ were sterilized or detained at closed institutions for children and juveniles in the 20th century.
  • Frydendahl Larsen, Bolette (författare)
  • Opdragelse og diagnosticering : Fra uopdragelighed til psykopati på Vejstrup Pigehjem 1908-1940
  • 2020
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Between 1908 and 1940, 431 young girls between 16 and 21 years of age were enrolled at Vejstrup Re-education Home for Girls. Through close readings of individual case records and other archival material from Vejstrup Re-education Home, this PhD thesis explores the ways in which the so-called “particularly difficult young girls” were perceived as problematic and how they were handled from 1908 to 1940. The thesis uncovers how the problematisation and handling of the girls changed as psychiatric knowledge was integrated into the field. The thesis is informed by Michel Foucault’s perspective on power and knowledge as mutually constitutive and on power as a productive force that transforms human beings into (specific kinds of) subjects. Introducing the concept of motherly caring power, the reform practices at Vejstrup Re-Education Home are analysed as a specific type of disciplinary liberal government directed at the individual’s will and emotions. The central technique used to re-educate the young girls was the relationship between the headmistress and each individual girl. The aim of re-education was ultimately to lead the girls to regulate themselves to become ‘good girls' and ultimately to strive for becoming servants and wives.The perception of child welfare was that every child could be re-educated, however 4.2% of the children and youth released from Danish residential care between 1905-1940 and 11.4% of the young girls released from Vejstrup Re-Education Home in the same period were released because they had been deemed incorrigible. The expulsions on the grounds of incorrigibility, led to a new problematisation and category that also comprised a new subject: The Incorrigible. During the 1920s, doctors became increasingly involved in assessing the nature of the girls at Vejstrup Re-Education Home, as well as in evaluating how they should be handled. The analysis shows that diagnoses, particularly the diagnosis psychopathy, grew intertwined with the existing category of incorrigibility. The reformulation of incorrigibility to psychopathy and other diagnoses was relevant, because the diagnoses entailed new ways of handling, as well as the anticipation of additional resources. In the 1920s the headmistress attempted to gain ressources for a closed ward at the institution, but did not succeed. In 1930 the subsequent headmistress initiated lobbying for the establishment of a psychopathic institution for girls in 1930. Though she did not succeed, doctors and politicians supported the idea, and a commission was formed to prepare a proposal for the establishment of a psychopathic institution. The thesis uncovers how the problematisation of so-called incorrigible girls as psychopaths emerged at Vejstrup Re-Education Home. Thus the thesis shows how child psychiatry was shaped and practiced within child welfare before the opening of the first Danish child psychiatric clinic in 1935 and before the 1958 establishment of a pedagogic committee in child welfare, incorporating e.g. professional knowledge from psychiatry and psychology.
  • Historia och historiker : Om Lunds universitet genom 350 år
  • 2018
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Antologin innehåller uppsatser som grundas på föredrag som hölls vid Historiska institutionen under Lunds universitets 350-årsjubileum. Uppsatserna handlar dels om universitetets tidiga historia, dels om framträdande historiker genom tiderna.
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