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Sökning: L4X0:1650 755X

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  • Hultman, Lars (författare)
  • I skuggan av Karl August : Nya perspektiv på Fersenska upploppet 1810
  • 2024
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • On 20 June 1810 Stockholm was rocked by a full-blown and violent riot. A funeral precession for the recently deceased crown prince Charles August turned into a furious riot which eventually developed into an attack on the entire existing social order. The marshal of the realm, Axel von Fersen, was killed and large crowds fought during the rest of the day regular street battles against military and police forces.This thesis is investigating the causes and consequences of the Fersen riot. By doing so I hope to be able to offer some new perspectives on this, at least in the Swedish context, unique event. Previous research has usually regarded the riot as a more or less isolated phenomenon and has often failed to investigate both root causes and long-term consequences. With the help of five theoretical concepts (see below) and several different sources (police reports from the Police Chamber of Stockholm 1810, trial records of the legal aftermath of the riot, military orders. public print. newspapers, pamphlets and handbills, letters, diaries and memoirs) I have analyzed the situation in Sweden from March 1809 to January 1811. The main result of my investigation is:Taken out of context, the Fersen riot could possibly be regarded as a temporary incident, with neither deeper causes nor significant consequences. My analysis of the dramatic events that preceded and created the conditions for the events of 20 June, together with the discussion of the protracted and shocking aftermath, has shown that the Fersen riot must be regarded as a very decisive event in the last 200 years of Swedish history. The reasons for this are:1. At the end of the year 1810 Sweden is a country in crisis, perhaps on the brink of some kind of subversive social change. Thus, the Fersen riot both explains, and is itself explained by, the bad and miserable state Sweden was perceived to be in.2. The extensive media production and the intense climate of discussion before and after the riot have undoubtedly meant an extensive and thorough learning process. For large parts of the capital´s population this period has meant an intensive course in questions and knowledge about social conditions and social change.3. The election of the heir to the throne came as a surprise to many. I believe that the chain of circumstantial evidence I have formulated makes it quite possible that the election of Bernadotte can be traced directly back to the riot and can be seen as a concession to the strong public opinion in Stockholm.4. And finally, Charles August. How can the grief, frustration and anger caused by his death be explained? Why did he become the object of an intense cult of personality? The only plausible explanation is that the role of the crown prince became the symbol of all hope and all faith in the future in the battered Sweden. Charles August became its face, both alive and dead.
  • Höjeberg, Per (författare)
  • Utmaningarna mot demokratins skola : Den svenska lärarkåren, nazismen och sovjetkommunismen 1933-1945
  • 2016
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The Swedish teaching profession, Nazism and Soviet Communism from 1933 to 1945 The “Democratic School” was a concept that Swedish teachers used regularly to describe the school that they had participated in building up. In the interwarperiod, the Democratic School was confronted with two major challenges, i.e. German Nazism and Soviet Communism. This thesis has, in a comparative form, investigated how the Swedish teaching profession dealt with these challenges, the argumentation strategies they used and how these challenges affected the collective identity and ideals of the teaching profession. Nazism was rejected on the basis that it conflicted with Swedish teachers’ own ideals and identity. It was not a question of whether a repudiation should be made but rather how it should be presented to its members and Swedish society, without deviating from the political neutrality that the teacher profession was fostering. In the Soviet case, this thesis uncovered more of a passivity and silence. When the Communist ideology was compared with the Nazi ideology on a more fundamental level, they were both rejected as a threat to the democratic school. However, the rapid modernization of Soviet society was met with respect as a utopian challenge to imitate. Teachers in Sweden recognized themselves in and picked out those aspects of develop-ments in Soviet Society that they regarded as positive and accepted those which fitted with their own ideals. Nazism and Soviet Communism were used to strengthen the teacher profession´s own identity, but in a completely different way. Admiration for sections of the Soviet Communism experiment strengthened the belief of Swedish teachers in utopian educational reform, where schools would be able to change society. The definite rejection of the Nazi dystopia was utilized as a frightening measure to strengthen the teacher professions’ own democratic identity.
  • Johansson, Per Göran (författare)
  • Gods, kvinnor och stickning : tidigindustriell verksamhet i Höks härad i södra Halland ca 1750–1870
  • 2001
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this dissertation has been to examine the growth, development, and organisation of the knitting industry in southern Halland during early modern times. This proto-industrial enterprise was conducted primarily via a putting-out system in the goods districts. Wallen's estate in Våxtorp parish played an active role in the enterprise already from an early stage. During the latter half of the eighteenth century, putting-out entrepreneurs from Laholm organised the knitting industry, while during the nineteenth century rural putting-out entrepreneurs increasingly took over the enterprise. What scope did the knitting industry have? What did their commercial network look like? How was the knitting industry organised and how did its organisation change over time? Who requested knitted goods? How were the goods distributed? In this dissertation, I attempt to address these and other questions. During the latter half of the eighteenth century, the success of the knitting industry was directly connected to the state's need for stockings for the military during times of war and unrest. However, during the nineteenth century knitted wool garments went chiefly to the civilian market. My theoretical point of departure has been the theories of proto-industrialisation developed by Mendel and others, as well as modifications of elements in the theories by more recent scholars.
  • Jonsson Malm, Carolina (författare)
  • Att plantera ett barn : internationella adoptioner och assisterad befruktning i svensk reproduktionspolitik
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The purpose of this thesis is to study the norms and values surrounding the family and the nation-state in Swedish family policy as they appear in Official Government Reports (SOU) on international adoption and assisted reproductive technology (ART) between 1953 and 2007. I argue that the committees’ reports can be viewed as normative statements constituting a hegemonic state discourse. The methodological approach is based on the ideas of Michel Foucault, especially the concepts relating to governmentality, such as power, knowledge, discipline and normalization, and the theoretical framework is inspired by feminist, postcolonial, and intersectionality critique of the nuclear family, heteronormativity, nationalism, and citizenship. In my analysis, focus is on similarity and difference, continuity and change, in the governmental committees’ notions of what is natural, normal, and morally right when it comes to reproduction and family relations. International adoptions have been regarded as humanitarian aid for third world countries, but they have also been associated with corruption, kidnapping, baby-selling, and the exploitation of poor countries. The committees’ have worried about the adopted children’s ability to adapt, their psychological health, and the question of origin. The right to know one’s origin is also considered to be of great importance for children conceived after ART. Reproductive technology was met in the beginning with suspicion and distrust, however, the techniques have been naturalized, and there has been a gradual liberalization of ART legislation in Sweden, which has opened up opportunities for alternative families. A central conclusion of this thesis is that the Swedish reproduction policies in late modernity are very complex, partly full of contradictions and ever changing. What is constant is the will to govern. Governing is achieved through positive governing such as information, education, treatment, benefits, and financial support, or through negative governing such as exclusions, prohibitions, penalties, and correctional measures. The reports are characterized by an interdependence between power and knowledge. Scientific knowledge, especially medical, psychological, and social scientific knowledge, is important for the committees’ arguments, but at the same time the scientists too are subject to government regulation, as some scientific disciplines and research fields are privileged over others. Processes of normalization and disciplination seem to be fundamental for surveillance of the individuals concerned and the society at large. I suggest that the committees’ main goal is to create responsible, society-changing, and self-governing citizens who live up to the norm.
  • Nordens historiker : En vänbok till Harald Gustafsson
  • 2018
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Nordens historiker är en festskrift tillägnad Harald Gustafsson, professor i historia vid Lunds universitet. Boken samlar forskare från hela Norden och visar på förtjänsterna med att skriva historia utifrån ett gränsöverskridande nordiskt perspektiv. Detta arbetssätt har varit kännetecknande för Harald Gustafssons forskargärning och inspirerat de medverkande författarna till att prova nya vägar.
  • Nyman, Maria (författare)
  • Resandets gränser : Svenska resenärers skildringar av Ryssland under 1700-talet
  • 2013
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • 1700-talet kan på många sätt ses som det århundrade då den litterära genren ”reseskildringar” fick sitt genomslag i Europa. Det fanns ett stort intresse för att läsa om resor och beskrivningar av okända platser. Det var också en period när naturalhistoria och den alltmer detaljerade kartläggningen av vad som ansågs vara outforskade områden, gav en ny dimension till resenärers beskrivningar. I Resandets gränser står frågan om hur svenska resenärer skildrat det ryska riket och dess många folkgrupper i fokus. Genom en analys av svenskars rysslandsskildringar från det stora nordiska krigets dagar, fram till separationen från Finland och Napoleons intåg i det ryska riket, belyses skildringarnas mångbottnade funktioner och tillkomstsätt. Vilken roll spelade Ryssland i den svenska och europeiska omvärldsförståelsen?Resandets gränser är en studie som berör hur människor har förhållit sig till det främmande och annorlunda och vilka strategier som använts för att beskriva detta. Det handlar om kulturella normer, respresentationer, men även om resenärers möjligheter, och svårigheter att beskriva mänskliga möten.Maria Nyman är historiker och verksam vid Södertörns högskola, samt knuten till Lunds universitet och Forskarskolan i historia. Det här är hennes doktorsavhandling.
  • Olsson, Curt Åke (författare)
  • Tidningsmakt och politiska organisationer : den borgerliga samlingsrörelsen i Fyrstadskretsen 1962-1968
  • 2003
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The big Malmö newpapers Sydsvenska Dagbladet and Kvällsposten, both owned by the family Wahlgren, involved themselves heavily in Swedish party politics in the 1960s. The Social Democrats had in 1962 been in almost permanent power in Sweden since 1932. There was a desperate wish for change in power among many Swedishy voters. In this atmosphere Olof Wahlgren, Sydsvenska Dagbladet´s deputy editor, took the lead to try to force together the three non-Socialist parties, the Conservative Party (högern), the People´s Party (folkpartiet) and the Centre Party (centerpartiet). First he supported election co-operation between the three parties in the constituency "the Four City District" (Fyrstadskretsen), comprising Malmö, Lund, Helsingborg and Landskrona. When this failed, mainly because the Centre Party did not want to co-operate with the Conservatives, the family Wahlgren founded "the Citizens´ Alliance" (Medborgerlig Samling). There were some experienced politicians but also many with more enthusiasm than knowledge. The Wahlgren papers threw their whole weight behind the Alliance in an American influenced election campaign. The Alliance got in 1964 64 000 votes, 28 per cent of total constituency votes, which was seen as a declaration of support for inter-party co-operation. The Citizens´ Alliance and co-operation among the non-socialist parties continued in different ways also in the elections 1966 and 1968. Of great importance for Swedish political life was that Sweden, mainly thanks to Bertil Ohlin, the leader of the People´s Party, got a new constitution with a songle-chamber parliament, elected on a strictly proportional basis. That contributed to change of power in Sweden in 1976.
  • Persson, Helén (författare)
  • Historia i futurum : Progression i historia i styrdokument och läroböcker 1919-2012
  • 2018
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Facing an unknown future, the meaning of history is not primarily a fixed set of knowledge about the past, but a well-developed historical consciousness. This is a generic skill, emanating from an understanding of history as something that we are, and at the same time as something that we create. From a historical-cultural perspective, the learning process can be described with a point of departure in questions stemming from the life- and experience-world, looking genealogically toward the past. With a point of departure in pedagogical theories of the learning process, and a development described as fact, interpretation and consciousness, the question follows as to how the development is expressed in the curricula and textbooks in school between 1919 and 2012 and how studying history can contribute to the progress as it is described above. A number of dichotomies have been identified as tools of analysis, describing the space of interpretation between history as science and history as life- and experience-worlds. The goal is a well-developed historical consciousness defined as the ability to simultaneously interpret the past, understand the present and have perspectives on the future.
  • Sebro, Louise (författare)
  • Mellem afrikaner og kreol : etnisk identitet og social navigation i Dansk Vestindien 1730–1770
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The central question of the dissertation is whether and how African Caribbeans in the Danish West Indies identified themselves with African ethnic groups. The dissertation discusses if and how such identifications played a role in the social life of African Caribbeans and influenced how new social networks developed in the colony. The dissertation is shaped as a micro study focusing on members of the Moravian congregation. It is divided in five chapters. The first chapter argues that African ethnic designations reflect African Caribbeans' own ideas of belonging to ethnically defined groups referring to Africa. At the same time, however, it is shown how the meaning of such designations were influenced and creolized by the trans-Atlantic journey and the realities of life in the slave society. The second chapter investigates the connections between the identification by African Caribbeans with African ethnic terms and cultural traits, and the formation of social networks in the Danish West Indies through a discussion of four themes: African languages, constructed kinship relations, African religious life, and the St. John slave revolt of 1733-34. The main contribution of the chapter is to suggest new interpretations of African Caribbean cultural life and the dynamics of social networking as a consequence of the conclusions of chapter one. The third chapter situates the conclusions about the importance of African ethnic identities and network relations in a wider context of group formation in the Danish West Indian society. The chapter focuses on the plantation and the Moravian congregation as important social networks. By relating these to the existence of networks based on ethnic belonging it is suggested that individuals' and groups' participation in different networks at the same time led to an interweaving of the different networks, and subsequently to their influencing each other. Thus, it is concluded that African ethnic identity formation among African Caribbeans was a fluid, inclusive process in which ethnic designation and networks were mobilized together with Creole networks and institutions. The fourth chapter focuses on how enslaved Africans in the Danish West Indies managed to sustain a spiritual and metaphysical bond to lost kin and a lost homeland. By analyzing ideas about death and spirituality and their practical use and importance in the Caribbean context it is concluded that African belief systems and practices could be used to both sustain ties backwards and also as a way to handle creolization in its early phases. The dissertation ends with a short chapter based on an analysis of the way one woman, Madlena of Popo, named herself differently in different contexts in her Danish West Indian life. Her story symbolizes the conclusion of the dissertation: that most African Caribbeans were neither African nor Creole, but somewhere in between.
  • Tullberg, Andreas (författare)
  • "We are in the Congo now" : Sweden and the trinity of peacekeeping during the Congo crisis 1960-1964
  • 2012
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • his work examines the contemporaneous Swedish experience from participation in the United Nations operation in the Congo, ONUC, from 1960 to 1964. Inspired by Carl von Clausewitz’s understanding of war as a trinity consisting of three ‘nodes’: the political authority, the people and the military, this study focuses on the ONUC experience as described by the government in Sweden, leading Swedish news media and the Swedish battalions serving in the Congo. The study demonstrates how the decision to participate, when urged by the UN in 1960, was, more or less, an unanimous decision in Sweden. Several aspects, well rooted in the Swedish self-perception in the 1960s, contributed to the decision. Above all Sweden was considered particularly well suited for the peacekeeping duty. This emanated from a notion of Sweden as a well functioning society, built on consensus and without a ‘colonial baggage’ or open political affiliations in the Cold War. Furthermore, in the UN Sweden saw a way to forward the nation’s political interests, particularly the notion of neutrality. Hence, confidence in the UN was considerable and support to the organisation’s goals was often formulated in terms of ‘duty’. The ONUC, however, soon turned out to be a very confusing and violent mission. In 1961 and 1962 Swedish battalions became directly involved in military confrontations and Swedish soldiers both killed and were killed in the Congo. At the same time influential parts of the world opinion, especially in Belgium, Great Britain and France, accused the UN of unjust and illegitimate behaviour in the Congo. The study shows that the events in the Congo tested the former pre-understanding in Sweden of what peacekeeping was, or ought to be, and thus challenged the domestic support for Swedish participation. Hence, the events in the Congo tested the stability of the analytic trinity. Dichotomies such as war–peace, national–international and military–civilian were given different meanings as they were described and discussed by the different nodes in the trinity. In the end, the trinity held together much due to political consensus in Sweden and by the fact that the UN in 1963 prevailed in the military struggle in the Congo. This did not bring an end to the political chaos in the Congo but it created a window of opportunities for the UN and Sweden to withdraw in 1964, claiming that the mandate had been fulfilled.
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