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Sökning: "Vår" > Licentiatavhandling

  • Resultat 1-10 av 84
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  • Rietz, Louise (författare)
  • "Det handlar om vår framtid" : Hur elevers scientific literacy kan utvecklas genom SNI-argumentation i kemiundervisning
  • 2021
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • En individ i dagens samhälle kommer ständigt i kontakt med olika frågor som är kopplade till naturvetenskap. Val ska göras, beslut ska fattas. Ska jag vaccinera mig? Ska jag köpa den där vattentäta jackan? Vilket elbolag ska jag välja? Vilken fisk ska jag köpa? Ska jag skänka pengar till eller engagera mig i en miljöorganisation? Medborgare i ett demokratiskt samhälle behöver kunskaper som gör att de kan fatta informerade beslut och delta i samhällsdebatten. Sådana kunskaper kan relateras till begreppet scientific literacy.Denna licentiatuppsats fokuserar på vilka kompetenser elever kan utveckla när de arbetar med argumentation i samhällsfrågor med naturvetenskapligt innehåll (SNI) inom ramen för gymnasieskolans kemiundervisning. Särskilt uppmärksammas hur elevers scientific literacy utvecklas när de arbetar medoch argumenterar i en fråga om miljögifter i vardagsprodukter.Studien utgår från en undervisningssekvens om miljögifter som syftade till att stötta elevers scientific literacy genom att innefatta undervisning om både ämnesområdet och argumentationsprocessen. Studiens resultat visar att eleverna efter undervisningen kan genomföra argumentation av hög kvalitet som till stor del understödjs med kunskap. Detta skiljer sig från tidigare studier där värderingar har tagit stor plats. Dessutom tyder resultaten på att eleverna har utvecklat sin förmåga att se flera perspektiv, förstå frågans komplexitet och att hantera information med ett kritiskt förhållningssätt, vilket kan underlätta ett informerat beslutsfattande. Eleverna vittnar även om en utvecklad konsumentmedvetenhet och att de spridit sina kunskaper till andra för att göra dem medvetna om problemet med miljögifter.Studien pekar på vikten av att stötta elever i argumentationsprocessen, men också på att det är viktigt att skolans naturvetenskapliga ämnen hanterar SNI-frågor i undervisningen för att stötta elever i deras roll som samhällsmedborgare. Detta är ett av skolans grundläggande uppdrag.
  • Tjellander, Bengt, 1948- (författare)
  • Hur jag blev lärares lärare : Den förändrade lärarrollen - den forskande pedagogiska processhjälparen och vetandeskapandet : En didaktikfilosofisk betraktelse
  • 2004
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Detta är en ”reseskildring”. Berättelsen handlar om min utveckling till pedagogisk process-hjälpare och lärarutbildare. Textarten är Husserlskt egologisk och pragmatisk. Min didaktik och roll som lärare har sitt rotsystem bl.a. i några skolforskningsprojekt. Det började med en forskarroll som deltagande observatör, en god grund för att bli en reflekterande praktiker; en observerande deltagare. I andra projekt var min roll aktionsforskarens, en god jordmån för läraren som handledare. Jag funderar över empati och makt, om vår skola som vår största friskvårdsinrättning. Jag förvånas över att lärares examensarbeten inte oftare bottnar i just den reflekterande praktikerns perspektiv, att den subjektivt levda lärarerfarenheten ännu inte kommer till uttryck i berättande texter. Det känns viktigt att studenternas röster blir synliga. Mina lärarstudenter saknar sådana texter, säjer dom. Därför skrev jag.
  • Hyttinen, Emil, 1988- (författare)
  • Adaptive Grasping Using Tactile Sensing
  • 2017
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Grasping novel objects is challenging because of incomplete object data and because of uncertainties inherent in real world applications. To robustly perform grasps on previously unseen objects, feedback from touch is essential. In our research, we study how information from touch sensors can be used to improve grasping novel objects. Since it is not trivial to extract relevant object properties and deduce appropriate actions from touch sensing, we employ machine learning techniques to learn suitable behaviors. We have shown that grasp stability estimation based on touch can be improved by including an approximate notion of object shape. Further we have devised a method to guide local grasp adaptations based on our stability estimation method. Grasp corrections are found by simulating tactile data for grasps in the vicinity of the current grasp. We present several experiments to demonstrate the applicability of our methods. The thesis is concluded by discussing our results and suggesting potential topics for further research.
  • Ariu, Kaito (författare)
  • Online Dimensionality Reduction
  • 2021
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this thesis, we investigate online dimensionality reduction methods, wherethe algorithms learn by sequentially acquiring data. We focus on two specificalgorithm design problems in (i) recommender systems and (ii) heterogeneousclustering from binary user feedback. (i) For recommender systems, we consider a system consisting of m users and n items. In each round, a user,selected uniformly at random, arrives to the system and requests a recommendation. The algorithm observes the user id and recommends an itemfrom the item set. A notable restriction here is that the same item cannotbe recommended to the same user more than once, a constraint referred toas a no-repetition constraint. We study this problem as a variant of themulti-armed bandit problem and analyze regret with the various structurespertaining to items and users. We devise fundamental limits of regret andalgorithms that can achieve the limits order-wise. The analysis explicitlyhighlights the importance of each component of regret. For example, we candistinguish the regret due to the no-repetition constraint, that generated tolearn the statistics of user’s preference for an item, and that generated tolearn the low-dimensional space of the users and items were shown. (ii) Inthe clustering with binary feedback problem, the objective is to classify itemssolely based on limited user feedback. More precisely, users are just askedsimple questions with binary answers. A notable difficulty stems from theheterogeneity in the difficulty in classifying the various items (some itemsrequire more feedback to be classified than others). For this problem, wederive fundamental limits of the cluster recovery rates for both offline andonline algorithms. For the offline setting, we devise a simple algorithm thatachieves the limit order-wise. For the online setting, we propose an algorithm inspired by the lower bound. For both of the problems, we evaluatethe proposed algorithms by inspecting their theoretical guarantees and usingnumerical experiments performed on the synthetic and non-synthetic dataset.
  • Lundberg, Martin, 1964- (författare)
  • Om överläggande samtal och hållbar utveckling : en studie av deliberativ demokrati
  • 2003
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Den vetenskapliga diskussionen om demokratins innebörd har i vår tid ofta rört begreppet "deliberativ demokrati". Detta är en demokratiuppfattning som understryker åsiktsbildning på gräsrotsnivån. Idén är ett människor samtalar under tvångsfria former och utvecklar en åsikt genom samtalet. På denna grund tänkes sedan de samtalande tillsammans påverka samhället på något sätt. I Martin Lundbergs studie granskas denna teori kritiskt genom att närgående studera ett empiriskt fall - en serie samtal som handlar om hållbar utveckling. För alla som har ett intresse i dessa frågor ger Lundbergs studie ett mycket intressant inlägg i diskussionen om deliberativ demokrati.
  • Katsikas, Georgios P., 1987- (författare)
  • Realizing High Performance NFV Service Chains
  • 2016
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Network functions (NFs) hold a key role in networks, offering in-network services, such as enhanced performance, policy enforcement, and security. Traditionally, NFs have been implemented in specialized, thus expensive hardware. To lower the costs of deploying NFs, network operators have adopted network functions virtualization (NFV), by migrating NFs from hardware to software running in commodity servers. Several approaches to NFV have shown that commodity network stacks and drivers (e.g., Linux-based) struggle to keep up with increasing hardware speed. Despite this, popular networking services still rely on these commodity components. Moreover, chaining NFs (also known as service chaining) is challenging due to redundancy in the elements of the chain. This licentiate thesis addresses the performance problems of NFV service chains.The first contribution is a framework that (i) profiles NFV service chains to uncover performance degradation reasons and (ii) leverages the profiler’s data to accelerate these chains, by combining multiplexing of system calls with scheduling strategies. These accelerations improve the cache utilization and thereby the end-to-end latency of chained NFs is reduced by a factor of three. Moreover, the same chains experience a multi-fold latency variance reduction; this result improves the quality of highly-interactive services.The second contribution of this thesis substantially revises the way NFV service chains are realized. NFV service chains are synthesized while eliminating redundant input/output and repeated elements, providing consolidated stateful cross layer packet operations across the chain. This software-based synthesis achieves line-rate 40 Gbps throughput for stateful and long service chains. This performance is 8.5x higher than the performance achieved by the software-based state of the art FastClick framework. Experiments with three example Internet Service Provider-level service chains show that this synthesis approach operates at 40 Gbps, when the classification of these chains is offloaded to an OpenFlow switch.
  • Estaklhr, Yassaman, 1955- (författare)
  • Subversion du discours orientaliste dans le tome premier de l'Histoire de la Turquie d'Alphonse de Lamartine
  • 2015
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The first volume of Histoire de la Turquie published in 1854 by the French writer Alphonse de Lamartine, is entirely dedicated to the life of Prophet Muhammed. This book raises issues which deserve to be examined in the light of Orientalism (1978) by Edward Said, who criticized the persistent Eurocentric prejudice against Arabo-Islamic peoples and their culture. That is the main purpose of this study.Based on the premise that the character of Muhammed is portrayed posi-tively by Lamartine, we hypothesized that Histoire de la Turquie is a coun-terexample to the thesis of Said. In other words, rather than participating in the discourse of orientalism (the dominant discourse of West), this book marks a break from it by subverting the traditional image of the prophet of Islam. In order to test the hypothesis, we have adopted a comparative ap-proach, allowing the comparison between Lamartine’s discourse and orien-talist discourse.The concept of "subversion" which this study is based on has been bor-rowed from Richard Terdiman’s definition in his book Discourse/Counter-Discourse (1985): it means challenging the dominant discourse or the estab-lished values. To a lesser extent, this study relies on François Dosse’s Le pari biographique (2005) who considers that "writing a biography" is never neutral. Biographers always find pretexts for rehabilitation or demystifica-tion. Also behind every biography hides a project that needs to be clarified.On the basis of the results of this study, it can be concluded that Histoire de la Turquie is not a simple chronology of Muhammed’s life, but a commit-ted text against the dominant Western view of Islam and its founder. It marks a clear break from orientalist discourse by subverting it systematical-ly. This subversive rupture is expressed in the text by the challenging of preconceived ideas, by acts of derision, negation and rejection, and, most frequently, by inversion of values. This appears to be an attempt by Lamar-tine to restore the predominantly negative portrayal of Muhammed. Histoire de la Turquie is thus a counterexample to Said’s theory, which denies the West’s ability to overcome the prejudices against Islam.
  • Hallström, Elinor (författare)
  • Dietary change for sustainable food systems: Effects on climate, land use and health
  • 2013
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Food production and consumption are key drivers of environmental pressures and essential factors in the promotion and maintenance of health. Production of food occupies more than 1/3 of global land areas and is estimated to be responsible for some 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, we live in a world where nearly one billion people go hungry and even more people suffer from health problems related to overweight and obesity. This raises the question about sustainability of the current food systems. In this thesis the potential of dietary change as a measure to reduce environmental impact and increase health is analyzed with special attention to uncertainty aspects in used data and methods. The results illustrate that awareness of the variability and uncertainty in used data and methods may be crucial for a proper use and interpretation of results in sustainability studies of food and diets. It is further suggested that dietary change, in areas with affluent diet, could play an important role in reaching environmental and health goals, with up to 50% potential to reduce GHG emissions and land use change. The potential to improve sustainability of the food system through dietary change can be substantial and mainly depends on the amount and type of meat included in the diet. Further understanding of dietary change as measure for more sustainable food systems requires interdisciplinary and holistic assessments of the diet including more sustainability aspects. There is also need for improved knowledge of the environmental impact of substitutes and complements to meat, of the effect of dietary change in different geographical regions, of the uncertainties in dietary scenario studies and of policy instruments that can facilitate the transition towards more sustainable diets.
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 84
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (84)
Edvardsson Björnberg ... (2)
Dimarogonas, Dimos V ... (2)
Björnson, Emil, Prof ... (1)
Johansson, Rolf (1)
Hjalmarsson, Håkan, ... (1)
Lind, Hans, Professo ... (1)
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Ashjaei, Seyed Moham ... (1)
Mubeen, Saad (1)
Kragic, Danica, Prof ... (1)
Ariu, Kaito (1)
Abebe, Henok Girma, ... (1)
Belin, Matts-Åke, Ad ... (1)
Hansson, Sven Ove, D ... (1)
Nihlén Fahlquist, Je ... (1)
Bodin, Örjan (1)
Björkman, Mats, prof ... (1)
Svenfelt, Åsa (1)
Ryde, Felix, Profess ... (1)
Johansson, Karl H., ... (1)
Rosén, Peter, 1955 (1)
Nolte, Thomas, Profe ... (1)
Behnam, Moris, 1973- (1)
Markidis, Stefano (1)
Eles, Petru, Profess ... (1)
Maguire Jr., Gerald ... (1)
Spampinato, Giacomo (1)
Lundgren Kownacki, K ... (1)
Martinsson, Johan (1)
Sandberg, Henrik (1)
Hallström, Elinor (1)
Finnveden, Göran, Pr ... (1)
Ewald, Uwe, Professo ... (1)
Wågberg, Lars, Profe ... (1)
Milestad, Rebecka (1)
Combes, Richard (1)
Papadopoulos, Alessa ... (1)
Proutiere, Alexandre (1)
Mårtensson, Jonas, 1 ... (1)
Johansson, Karl H., ... (1)
Walecka-Garbalinska, ... (1)
Kulachenko, Artem (1)
Sandberg, Henrik, Pr ... (1)
Johansson, Karl H., ... (1)
Johansson, Mikael (1)
Almberg, Wah-Sui (1)
Boman, Magnus, Profe ... (1)
Danielsson, Mats, Pr ... (1)
Pylkkänen, Paavo, As ... (1)
Alp, Dennis, MSc, 19 ... (1)
Larsson, Josefin, Le ... (1)
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