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  • Jonasson, Kalle, 1976- (författare)
  • K and The 'Lob'
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: EASS, Umeå.
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • A recurring theme in critical sport studies is the issue of whether the element of competition -- measuring, comparing and ranking performances (Loland 2002) – in sports is fascistoid (Tännsjö 2000, 2001), and, whether sports constrains the potential of human movement, and its creativity, rather then enhancing it (Eichberg 2010). In this essay, I will argue that the element of competition is vital for the creativity of movement-potential in sports. Still, the alleged ‘fascistoid’ or ‘creativity constraining’ element could be ‘hi-jacked’. As an example of this kind of hi-jacking, an autoethnographical (Chang 2008) account of my participation in recreational table-tennis will be seen through a process-philosophical lens. Deleuze’s conceptual pair ‘minor’ and ‘major’ (Bene & Deleuze, 1979; Deleuze & Guattari, 1986) will in the essay be extended to sport. The argument is that prolonging elements in athletic contests could be understood as ‘minor sport’, which in the essay is exemplified by defensive strokes, like chops and lobs, in table-tennis. ‘Major sport’, then, is understood as equivalent with ’the structural goal of sport’, namely, to produce winners by comparing, ranking and measuring bodily performances (Loland 2002). As a table-tennis player in the corporative/recreational series, my way of playing has rendered different conceptions among the other players, ranging from joyful to provoked. This manner could be described with ‘minor’ actions like ‘suspending the game’, ´delaying the outcome’, and ‘never having learned to smash’. When contestants are equivalent in competence and desire to win, competitions tend to produce ‘sweet tension of uncertainty of outcome’ (Loland 2002). My way of playing is directed towards maximizing the ‘sweet tension of uncertainty’. Hereby focus is shifted from sport as context where winners are produced, towards sport as a context where ‘sweet tension’ is produced. This stance combines the benefits of both protagonists and antagonists of competition.
  • Jonasson, Kalle, 1976- (författare)
  • Om “konsten att spåra” : ett alternativ till kritik utifrån exemplen Michel Serres och Parkour
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Gränslös Kunskap - Centrum för Öresundsstudier.
  • Konferensbidrag (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Kritik och analys är adelsmärken i akademins systematiska frambringande av kunskap och allra helst amalgamerade i form av det ”kritiskt analytiska förhållningssättet”. Etymologiskt denoterar dessa ord gränsdragande, finfördelning och fragmentisering. Men om kunskap, i linje med vad föreliggande workshop föreslår, ska kunna vara gränslös, är vi då inte bakbundna från början när våra främsta instrument för kunskapsproduktion redan är kalibrerade för uppdelning i fack och kategorier? Denna presentation funderar över ett alternativ till denna akademins minsta gemensamma nämnare.Vetenskapssociologen och modernitetsantropologen Bruno Latour (1993, 1998, 2005, 2010 & 2013) uppmanar oss gång på gång att finna alternativ till kritik. Han menar, tvärtemot vad akademins disciplinära beskaffenhet indicerar, att världen och verkligheten inte främst förstås som uppdelad i natur och kultur. Hybrider mellan dessa förmenta poler uppstår bortom vår blick när vi tar detta moderna påstående för givet. Just för att vi tänker oss existensen som en dikotomi på detta vis möjliggörs fler oheliga allianser, eller naturkulturer (Latour, 1993; Haraway, 2008), att uppstå; genmanipulation, kloning, global uppvärmning och nukleära tillbud är bara några exempel.För att finna en repertoar som inte har denna utgångspunkt, vänder sig Latour till den filosofen Michel Serres, vars omsorgsfulla kartografi över i stort allt är baserad på en princip att utmana all påstådd inkommensurabilitet. Varsamhet, nyfikenhet och upptäckarlust präglar Serres strövtåg genom konstformer, vetenskap, teknologi, och idrott i det som han kallar en encyklopedisk strävan att framlägga en syntes (Serres & Latour, 1995). Just dessa anspråk – encyklopedi och syntes – gör honom till en sällsam figur i det posthumanistiska fält han skrivits in i, då denna tradition snarare vänder sig mot det omnipotenta och imperialistiska etablerandet av slika företeelser. Spänningen mellan det encyklopediska och kärleken till det lokala är en fruktbar paradox som präglar Serres och hans forskarpersona ”kunskapens trubadur”. Hemligheten är att inte upprätta fasta förbindelser mellan företeelser, utan efemära kopplingar, eller ”spårningar, inte spår” som Latour uttrycker det.  Traceurer (Franska för spårare) kallar de som utövar förflyttningskonsten Parkour sig själva. Deras sätt att upprätta nya kopplingar mellan punkter och byggnader i stadsrummet är som en direkt översättning av Serres filosofiska kartografi. Inspirerad av filosofen Gilles Deleuze, som också verkade i Latour och Serres grannskap, skulle man kunna beskriva parkour som ett slags ”mindre arkitektur” (Jonasson, 2013), vilket för posthumanismens vidkommande medför att människan intar rollen som icke-människan som skapar (nya) förbindelser i givet kollektiv. Genom att ”spåra” mellan Michel Serres och parkourlitteratur avser denna presentation att utveckla ett ”ickekritiskt” – sammanfogande istället för sönderdelande – förhållningssätt att inta inom forskning. Själva demonstrationen – spårandet mellan Serres och Parkour – och de spårande demonstrationerna i dessas praxis skapar förutsättningar för att kunna diskutera ”konsten att spåra” som ett alternativ/komplement till det kritiskt analytiska förhållningssättet. Serres, med den grekiska guden Hermes som inspiration, söker efter en kunskapsinhämtning vars fundament har vingar på sina fötter. Det blir svårt att finna något som svarar bättre mot denna beskrivning än en traceur. 
  • Jonasson, Kalle, 1976- (författare)
  • PE and posthumanism
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Abstract book NERA 2016. ; , s. 299-299
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Given the focus on body and movement in physical education (PE), it is noteworthy that this particular subject has been so little discussed in relation to posthumanism. From a posthumanist perspective, body and movement could potentially be features of human existence that are able to evade the pitfalls of humanism, such as free will, intentions, logos, representation, etc. Even if meaning and symbols surely can be projected onto body and movement, they nevertheless possess dimensions not exhaustible by such cultivation.The present text aims to outline a field of investigation performing precisely the encounter between PE and posthumanism. While a few studies within PE research (cf. Larsson & Quennerstedt, 2012) have identified posthumanism as an asset, much more need to be done. Within the nascent research field of early childhood education (ECE), posthumanism has grown exponentially more influential (cf. Palmer, 2011; Lenz Taguchi, 201X; Hultman, 2014; Änggård, 2015). Aspects of materiality, body, movement, knowledge, and play are in those studies seen from the viewpoint of the feminist philosopher Karen Barad (2007).
  • Jonasson, Kalle, 1976- (författare)
  • Sport as a way of reinforcing science
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: CPS, The Social Science of Sport:Quality, Position, and Relevance. Malmö University.
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Sport scholars publish mainly in sport journals, hence sport doesn’t seem to make it to the fine salons of academia. Hasn’t sport really got anything to contribute with to the wider field of social studies? Sport scholars’ oeuvres and effort of applying perspectives and methodologies from their mother disciplines(sociology, history, geography, etc.) doesn’t seem to find impetus to shuttle back and inform the latters. Aren’t the general theories of social science enough reworked, and revolutionized within the social science of sport? Or, is it the connotations of pastime that holds sport back from affecting wider academic attention? What this paper aims to do is to offer one alternative to the suggested problems of sport study’s hardships with going all the way, that is: applying general sociological theories to sport, and, from the internal logic of the same, argue why it could variegate the view of science in general. The theory applied is Bruno Latour’s (1993) notion of the moderns and their ’constitution’, according to which we in modernity have worked hard to purify the poles of nature and society. Science, foremost the ”natural” variety, has been pivotal in this process. In the paper it is argued that Latour’s theories aid to frame a picture of sport as, to a high degree, symmetrical with science. His view of scientific practice is that our definite statements of nature is produced in the laboratory. For scientific ”truths” to be legitimate, intervention of the human (f)actor must be thouroughly assessed. Scientific ”truths” ”produced” thus are certain statements of nonhuman properties. However, in sport this is reversed. The outcomes of sport must conversely be purified of its nonhuman interference to be legitimate. A world record could not be assisted by nonhuman actors such as the wind, illegal substances or technological assets. Sport, in a much surer way than any other activity, such as social science, produces legitimate, timeless, and universal statements of what humans are. Thus, it is argued, sport relates to the ’work of purification’ of the ’modern constitution’. Insofar as legitimate outcomes of the laboratory ought to be cherished, sport serves as a vanguard of the ’work of purification’ on the human side of the aisle. Despite its aura as pastime, sport, it is argued, has (had) a far more important function, and/or role to play in the our societies than has hitherto been acknowledged.
  • Jonasson, Kalle, 1976- (författare)
  • The Froth of the Land : Running on Breakwaters
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Gränslöst Vatten - Centrum för Öresundsstudier.
  • Konferensbidrag (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Ian Buchanan’s (2014) short essay “The ephemeral coast” appears to fixate the coastline as a sort of vantage point, from which multiple worlds, realms, and logics become discernible. Interestingly, Buchanan almost immediately slips on the rocks, so to speak, and falls into the water where his initial thought is swallowed by eddies, currents, and bifurcating fluxes of water. This research-project is a serious attempt to work in the same continental tradition as Buchanan, and more precisely the posthumanist branch of it, but without going so far as to practice what Ian Bogost (2010) provokingly has labelled “Fire Hose Metaphysics”, which he thinks is a common but somewhat erroneous move of process philosophers. Water in movement is spellbinding, as is evident from Buchanan’s essay. What if were to follow the “amphibious anthropology” of Peter Sloterdijk (ten Bos, 2009)? This also amounts to upheaving the land-water binary as pointed out by Lahiri-Dutt (2014)Epistemologically, what is at stake is the odd task of trying to give the curious posthuman, or perhaps more-than-human, being a voice. One cannot fully get rid of the paradox that posthumanist theories and methods are formulated by the same entities that called themselves human beings not long time ago. In order to do this, I will address another conceptual couplet in posthumanist thinking: the material-semiotic relation. By treading the border of land and sea, my presupposition is that I have found a good conceptual locus for pondering the divide between nature and culture, which according to Bruno Latour (1993, 2013) is an essential labour of thought today; a sustainable ontology of sorts. Rather than an explication of the relation between the material and the semiotic in this setting, what I endeavour to achieve is to urge the material surroundings to use me as a ventriloquist dummy, that is: to press a semiotic contentI will stand on firm land, or rather: run on not so firm land. The space of Breakwaters has begun to fascinate me in a number of ways, which I aim to explore in the present study. Breakwaters form a jagged, and fractal defence against the sea: a froth of the land in its desperate attempt to avoid erosion. This could theoretically implicate that when the posthuman being is given a voice, culture and society, land and rock, could also be given a voice (that is not fully human). Equipped with an array of technological devices (cell phone, headset, GoPro, Runkeeper), I will run on the Breakwaters of the Öresund Strait and talk at the same time. The data will consist of audio and video recordings, which could be regarded as a sort of “memory writing” (Ceder, 2016) in medias res. The uneven surface and pace will ensure that I will not know fully what I will talk about prior to the event; all to trick my intentionality and in a somewhat post-Socratic manner deliver the posthuman me from the human me, and thus become the frothing voice of the land. This more-than-human testimonial will be treated as a semiotic statement evoked by the blurred materiality of breakwaters.
  • Karlsson, Staffan, 1959-, et al. (författare)
  • The trends in treatment with antipsychotic medication in relation to national directives in people with dementia : Review in a Swedish context
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Capacity, Creativity and Ageing in Clinical Practice. ; , s. 36-36
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Antipsychotic medication has been commonly used in dementia treatment despite various side effects, which differ for different drug generations. As there is no clear evidence for treatment with antipsychotic medication among older people with dementia, may a review of empirical studies and national directives be beneficial.Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore trends in treatment with antipsychotic medication in Swedish dementia care in nursing homes as reported in the most recent empirical studies on the topic, and to relate these trends to directives from the national authorities.Methods: The study included two scoping review studies based on searches of electronic databases as well as the Swedish directives in the field.Findings: During the past decade, directives have been developed for antipsychotic medication in Sweden. These directives were generic at first, but have become increasingly specific and restrictive with time. The scoping review showed that treatment with antipsychotic drugs varied between 6% and 38%, and was higher in younger older persons and in those with moderate cognitive impairment and living in nursing homes for people with dementia. A decreasing trend in antipsychotic use has been seen over the last 15 years.Conclusions: Directives from the authorities in Sweden may have had an impact on treatment with antipsychotic medication for people with dementia. Treatment with antipsychotic medication has decreased, while treatment with combinations of psychotropic medications is common. National directives may possibly be even more effective, if applied in combination with systematic follow-ups.
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