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  • Karlsson-Tuula, Marie, 1961- (författare)
  • Rekonstruktion av företag inom insolvenslagstiftningens ramar : en jämförande studie av svensk och amerikansk insolvensrätt
  • 2001
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Insolvency law is the rooth of commercial and financial law because it obliges the legislator to chose. There is not enough money to go round so the law must chose who to pay. The law must always decide who is to bear the risk so there is always a winner and a loser. The insolvency law has been at the policy agenda in many countries in the last years. In France, Germany, Italy, Japan and other countries have the legal frameworks changed from liquidation procedures to reorganization business. The legal situation in Sweden has also changed from compositions to reorganization business, lagen om företagsrekonstruktion. The key issues are to encourage the formal proceeding by enlarging the debtors control of the business and by inroads creditors rights, in which case the proceeding is pro-debtor.This dissertation compares Swedish and American Bankruptcy Codes with respect to similarities and differences at macro- and micro perspectives. Chapter 11 Reorganization Business in America provides a corporate rehabilitation model, which has been used in other countries. The dissertation also compares the use of the concepts of - the purpose, - the function and - the direction of Swedish and American Bankruptcy Laws in order to establish whether the law is pro-debtor or pro-creditor. The key indicators of whether the rescue proceeding is pro-debtor or pro-creditor include; - How easy it is to enter the rescue proceeding. Debtor's incentives to commence proceeding, freeze on executions and liquidation petitions, impact on security, impact on title of finance, impact on set-off and netting, impact on contract rescissions and lease forfeitures. Disclaimer and abandonment, ability to replace the management, financing of the rescue, scope of the rehabilitation plan. It is argued that the optimal bankruptcy law can be achieved if the law purpose, the function and the law direction relate to each other in Sweden, in both reorganization business and in the liquidation code and it also compared with the American Bankruptcy Code. According to my opinion this is important both in a national and international context.The dissertation also deals with debtor's contract in an insolvency situation in reorganization business and in liquidation. Swedish Laws are compared to the American Bankruptcy Code and point out similarities and differences. In the American Bankruptcy Code there is a special section 365 § BC dealing with executory contract, this section is nearly the same for both the reorganization- and liquidationproceedings. The contracts must be unperformed which means the obligation of both the bankrupt and the other party in the contract are so far unperformed that the failure of either to complete performance would constitute a material breach excusing the performance of the other. If the contract is unperformed the debtor has the possibility to chose if the contracts shall be assumed, assumed and assigned or rejected. Section 365 § BC requires the court to consider whether assumption of the contract in question will further be needed in either rehabilitation or liquidation of the bankruptcy estate. The court reviews the financial impact of the estate and if it is benefiting becoming administratively obligated to perform. The court also review if is best to breach the contract. In Sweden we have different sections which regulate the situation. One section in our reorganization law, lagen om företagsrekonstruktion, we also have two special sections in the law of Sale of Goods, which deals with contract when a debtor became insolvent or file for reorganization business. But we don't have any section in our liquidation law, konkurslagstiftningen, which in my opinion is very strange. We also have a problem with the legislation about swaps and netting which are regulated in a special law, lagen om handel med finansiella intrument. Particular attention is given to the advantages and disadvantages of the existing rules in Swedish legal system compared with 365 § in American Bankruptcy Code. From a national point of view such section should preferably include all types of contract in only one section which is nearly the same as the American model of section 365 §.
  • Wolmesjö, Maria (författare)
  • Ledningsfunktion i omvandling : Om förändringar av yrkesrollen för första linjens chefer inom den kommunala äldre- och handikappomsorgen
  • 2005
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • During the 1990s many of the local authorities have been forced to reduce expenditure on the care of the elderly and people with disabilities, and many organisational changes have been carried out. New problems and their solutions are often related to leadership and management. This dissertation deals with three trends in the development of the organisation: The first trend is a market orientation, one example of which is the attempt to increase effectiveness and efficiency by utilising a purchaser/provider model in the organisation. Here the needs assessment model is studied. The second trend is the response to the pressed situation due to heavy workloads that staff members and their managers express, exemplified by self-managing work teams and a year-based working hour system. Here called flexible work organisations. The third trend focused in this dissertation is the decentralisation of social services. It is connected to increased demands on involvement in, and participation from those who use the services, i.e. the elderly and people with disabilities. The aim of this dissertation is to shed light on how politicians and managers view, experience and describe management and leadership in three types of local authority organisations. The focus is on the demands on managers and how the working conditions for managers are described in the different organisations. The material includes three different empirical methods. The first is a questionnaire to politicians and local authority officials, mainly managers at different levels in the care of the elderly and persons with disabilities. The second method consists of qualitative interviews with politicians and managers. The third method involved a document study of local authority documents, e.g. official guidelines, plans and evaluations. The method of analysis, a ?qualified content analysis? is inspired by discourse analysis and focuses on a comparison between the different local authorities, between politicians and managers and between women and men. This dissertation shows that the organisational changes brought about unexpected consequenses for management and that the demands differ between politicians and managers and between different organisations. Politicians and higher-level management expect the managers to manage the organisation, and employees expect them to lead. The solution seems to be a high level of competence, but which competence is needed? There are two different ideals for leadership. One is associated with focus on effectiveness and efficiency and the other associated with focus on communication. The dissertation highlights the conditions of a management, which is currently being pushed further down in the organisation. The dilemma of leadership ? being a manager or a leader will not disappear. Somewhere in the organisation the perspective of effectiveness and efficiency and the perspective of communication have to meet. It might be seen as a dilemma that will not go away ? only be placed in different levels in the organisation.
  • Berríos-Negrón, Luis, 1971- (författare)
  • Breathtaking Greenhouse Parastructures : a supplement to the Arcades Project from a Caribbean Perspective [and a call for a careful practice of epistemológica].
  • 2020
  • Konstnärligt arbete (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Breathtaking Greenhouse Parastructures is a doctoral work that supplements the unfinished modern opus The Arcades Project [in German Das Passagen-Werk (Mit Bindestrich und Werk mit Capital W) ]. The supplement takes the form of a sculptural, historical, and technological deposition of ‘greenhouse’ that presently oscillates between a past-background and future-foreground to Walter Benjamin's ‘theatrical’ handling of the Parisian arcades. From my Caribbean perspective, that oscillating treatment of ‘greenhouse’ affords me a prop from which to activate the following question: is colonial memory the drive of Global Warming?  That core question has led me to retrospectively hypothesise that the technology of ‘greenhouse’ is—beyond metaphor—the illusory (dis)embodiment of the toxic binaries of interior & exterior that are still shaping various influential frameworks such as the modern & Marxian ideas of superstructure, as well as the past & future of Western natural sciences (and their histories). Because of that illusory, spectral, if paranormal power, ‘greenhouse’ becomes at once the Western colonial enframing to both the messianic promise for conserving biological history, as well as the messianic remedy to suppress the traumæ that are destining Global Warming. Also, because of that potent (dis)embodied character, the robust analysis of the manifold instrumentalisation of ‘greenhouse’ is set to play a primary role in deposing the geological timeline of the Anthropocene. Now, while the book-supplement is itself the dissertation (as an unpacking of the aforementioned hypothetical findings), the PhD also relies on two other research devices that are worth mentioning: an installation (titled Anarquivo Negantrópico), and an online journal (titled Intransitive Journal). Altogether, the dissertation offers a field from which to asses my broader experimentation with infrastructures, epistemic things, and social pedestals. Moreover, the dissertation revises the so-called forgotten list of ‘Epistemologica’ (the categorical of Western display preparations and phenomenotechnologies) so to format my study and practice into an adaptable, careful, and differentiated kind of epistemológica…a careful study and practice that we may share as object-relations that proportionately (dis)play more-than-human perspectives for (re)mediating the forms and forces of the climate crises.
  • Hammarström, Per, 1960- (författare)
  • Nationens styvbarn : Judisk samhällsintegration i några Norrlandsstäder 1870-1940
  • 2007
  • Ingår i: Svensk kyrkotidning. - Stockholm : Carlsson Bokförlag. - 0346-2153. ; :51-52, s. 664-
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med denna avhandling är att undersöka vilken ekonomisk och social ställning den judiska minoriteten intog i det svenska samhället under perioden 1870 till 1940. Tidigare forskning har riktat stor uppmärksamhet mot rättsliga och politiska aspekter av den svenska judenhetens historia, mer sällan mot judarna och samhället i en bredare bemärkelse. Andra studier har lyft fram antisemitism på svensk mark utan att koppla fenomenet till en social nivå.Genom en undersökning av hur judiska invandrare, med ursprung i Östeuropa, successivt fogades in i några svenska lokalsamhällen, tar denna avhandling ett bredare grepp på frågan om judarna och samhället. Här undersöks hur den svenska judenheten integrerades i samhället efter det att emancipationen gett judarna fulla medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter. Judarnas ekonomiska och sociala ställning undersöks, liksom den sociala antisemitism som drabbade judarna. Studien rör sig i gränslandet mellan social- och kulturhistoria. Undersökningen visar att merparten av judarna i Sundsvall, en betydelsefull handelsstad i norra Sverige, fick sin försörjning genom en föga lönsam gårdfarihandel under början av undersökningsperioden. Sedan butiks- och grosshandelsrörelser började grundas inleddes en långsam socioekonomisk klättring. I takt med de ekonomiska framgångarna ökade judarnas sociala status, med engagemang i föreningslivet och lokalpolitiken. De framgångsrika familjerna tonade ner sin judiska identitet till förmån för en borgerlig och nationell kultur.Ungefär hälften av den judiska gruppen fick aldrig uppleva framgången utan förblev en marginaliserad grupp, med småhantverk eller gårdfarihandel som försörjningsbas. Det stora flertalet av denna underklass saknade svenskt medborgarskap. En social klyfta vidgades gentemot den judiska borgerligheten. Under hela undersökningsperioden var antisemitismen en kulturell kod i majoritetssamhället, oavsett integration och socioekonomisk framgång. Mycket tyder på att det sociala klimatet blev mer fientligt gentemot judarna efter 1920. Studien visar att nationalstaten Sverige lämnade litet utrymme för multikulturella strukturer. Judarna accepterades som nationens styvbarn men knappast som fullvärdiga svenskar.
  • Sattari, Amir, 1980- (författare)
  • Investigations of Flow Patterns in Ventilated Rooms Using Particle Image Velocimetry : Applications in a Scaled Room with Rapidly Varying Inflow and over a Wall-Mounted Radiator
  • 2015
  • Konstnärligt arbete (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis introduces and describes a new experimental setup for examining the effects of pulsating inflow to a ventilated enclosure. The study aimed to test the hypothesis that a pulsating inflow has potential to improve ventilation quality by reducing the stagnation zones through enhanced mixing. The experimental setup, which was a small-scale, two-dimensional (2D), water-filled room model, was successfully designed and manufactured to be able to capture two-dimensional velocity vectors of the entire field using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Using in-house software, it was possible to conclude that for an increase in pulsation frequency or alternatively in the flow rate, the stagnation zones were reduced in size, the distribution of vortices became more homogeneous over the considered domain, and the number of vortices in all scales had increased. Considering the occupied region, the stagnation zones were moved away in a favorable direction from a mixing point of view. In addition, statistical analysis unveiled that in the far-field occupied region of the room model, stronger eddies were developed that we could expect to give rise to improved mixing. As a fundamental experimental study performed in a 2D, small-scale room model with water as operating fluid, we can logically conclude that the positive effect of enhanced mixing through increasing the flow rate could equally be accomplished through applying a pulsating inflow.In addition, this thesis introduces and describes an experimental setup for study of air flow over a wall-mounted radiator in a mockup of a real room, which has been successfully designed and manufactured. In this experimental study, the airflow over an electric radiator without forced convection, a common room-heating technique, was measured and visualized using the 2D PIV technique. Surface blackening due to particle deposition calls for monitoring in detail the local climate over a heating radiator. One mechanism causing particle deposition is turbophoresis, which occurs when the flow is turbulent. Because turbulence plays a role in particle deposition, it is important to identify where the laminar flow over radiator becomes turbulent. The results from several visualization techniques and PIV measurements indicated that for a room with typical radiator heating, the flow over the radiator became agitated after a dimensionless length, 5.0–6.25, based on the radiator thickness.Surface properties are among the influencing factors in particle deposition; therefore, the geometrical properties of different finishing techniques were investigated experimentally using a structured light 3D scanner that revealed differences in roughness among different surface finishing techniques. To investigate the resistance to airflow along the surface and the turbulence generated by the surfaces, we recorded the boundary layer flow over the surfaces in a special flow rig, which revealed that the types of surface finishing methods differed very little in their resistance and therefore their influence on the deposition velocity is probably small. 
  • Unander-Scharin, Carl, 1964- (författare)
  • Extending Opera - Artist-led Explorations in Operatic Practice through Interactivity and Electronics
  • 2015
  • Konstnärligt arbete (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • How can we re-empower opera singers, extending their control over accompaniment and vocal expressivity? To answer this question, I have opened a novel design space, Extending Opera, consisting of interactive artist–operated tools to be used on-stage. The research has its methodological groundings in Research through Design (RtD) and Research through the Arts (RttA). This particular method is coined "research-throughthe- art-form-opera" – as I have worked within the realms and traditions of opera, probing its boundaries by designing, researching and creating through its own artistic toolbox.Originally conceived for personal use, the artifacts were later used by other singers and incorporated in performances of opera in small and large scale. By composing and designing for the requirements in operatic productions, high demands on robustness were explored in and through custom-built interfaces.The work resulted in ten novel artifacts and performances exploring the expressivity of these tools. Extending Opera is guided by and probed through three questions:1. How can the design and creation of interactive, artist-operated instruments be informed by deep musical knowledge and be probed by the particular conditions surrounding an operatic production?2. What impact can interactive, artist-operated instruments have on the opera singers themselves and on their vocal technique?3. How can interactive, artist-operated instruments empower opera singers, thus challenging contemporary power hierarchies – thereby reconnecting to the explorative practice in opera's early days?My knowledge contribution has surfaced through artistic practice and consists of the exemplars and the artworks, as well as three abstractions – one procedure, one requirement and one experiential quality.Sensory Digital Intonation highlights how the fine-tuning of technologies and real-time interactivity is incorporated in a feed-back loop with artistic concerns and creativity.Performative Stamina ("The Premiere-Factor") highlights how the traditional procedures leading up to a premiere in opera influence the demands on robustness and reliability within the components and the overall design of the novel artifacts.Vocal Embodiment is an experiential quality that describes how the interactive artifacts change the singing itself.In the conclusion, Artistic Re–Empowerment is discussed, proposing that power structures in opera have been probed through the use of the novel artist-operated interactive instruments.
  • Worbin, Linda (författare)
  • Designing dynamic textile patterns
  • 2010
  • Konstnärligt arbete (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Designing Dynamic Textile Patterns Progress in chemistry, fibres and polymers technology provides textile designers with new expressive materials, making it possible to design dynamic textile patterns, where several different expressions are inherent in the same textile, textiles that, for example, could alternate between a striped and checkered pattern. Textiles are traditionally designed and produced to keep a given, static expression during their life cycle; a striped pattern is supposed to keep its stripes. In the same way textile designers are trained to design for static expressions, where patterns and decorations are meant to last in a specific manner. However, things are changing. The textile designer now deals also with a new raw material, a dynamic textile, ready to be further designed, developed and/or programmed, depending on functional context. This transformation in practice is not an easy one for the designers. Designers need to learn how to design with these new materials and their specific qualities, to be able to develop the full expressional potential inherent in “smart textiles design”. The aim of this thesis is to display, and discuss, a methodology for designing dynamic textile patterns. So far, something that mainly has been seen in different experimental and conceptual prototypes, in artistic expressions and for commercial efforts etc. In terms of basic experimental research this thesis explores the turn in textile design practice through a series of design experiments with focus on contributing to identifying and characterizing new design variables, new design methods and new design techniques as a foundation for dynamic textile patterns.
  • Liedgren Dobronravoff, Pernilla (författare)
  • Att bli, att vara och att ha varit : Om ingångar i och utgångar ur Jehovas vittnen
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation seeks to describe and investigate the entering and leaving of a highly structured and hierarchical religious community, exemplified in this case by the Jehovah's Witnesses. The respondents in this study were chosen from both active members of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Sweden and those who have left the organisation for personal reasons. Repeated interviews with ten active members of the organisation have been conducted in the course of the study and compared to equal numbers of former members. The interviews have been semi-structured to deal with questions of how a person has come into contact with the organisation; how they retrospectively experienced the process of entry; the reasons for becoming a member. Questions have also been asked about life in the organisation. The group of "exiters" have also been asked about the experience of leaving, why they wanted to leave, and how this process was started and carried out. In addition to this I have analysed a four-year diary describing the time inside and the process of leaving the organisation. This has given me an extra psychological insight into the inner experience of someone who has gone through the whole process. The analysis has been done by categorising the content of the transcribed interviews. The analysis of the diary has involved thorough reading, resulting in a division of it into four different parts, where each part has been given a certain key-word, signifying the author's emotional state when writing it. A person converting as an adult has to pass six phases before being considered a Jehovah's Witness by the organisation. These are: Contact with the Jehovah's Witnesses, studying the bible with members of the organisation, questioning, accepting, being active as publisher (spreading the belief), being baptised. For a person brought up in the organisation, the process to full membership is much shorter: Upbringing in the organisation, taking a stand on the belief, being baptised. The exit process contains of seven phases: Different levels of doubts, testing of doubts, turning points, different kinds of decisions, different steps in executing the decisions, floating, a period of emotional and cognitive consideration of membership and its experiences, relative neutrality.
  • Backman, Erik, 1972- (författare)
  • Friluftsliv in Swedish Physical Education – a Struggle of Values : Educational and Sociological Perspectives
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to examine some of the educational and sociological conditions underlying the production of teaching in friluftsliv within the Physical Education (PE) subject in Swedish compulsory school. Despite the value awarded to the Scandinavian outdoor practice friluftsliv, in both the national PE curriculum document and in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) in Sweden, it does not seem to be thoroughly implemented in compulsory school teaching. Through analyses of interviews with PE teachers and PE teacher educators, as well as of curriculum documents, using the perspectives of Basil Bernstein and Pierre Bourdieu, I explore conditions underlying the expressions of friluftsliv teaching in Swedish PE. The pedagogic discourse for friluftsliv in Swedish PE is described as a teaching that should take place in a natural setting remote from civilisation, involve risks, and require time, technical equipment, financial resources, and cooperation. This discourse for friluftsliv is shown to be similar to the values emphasised in friluftsliv education in PETE. Although proven to be difficult to implement in school, this discourse appear to form the conception of friluftsliv teaching for PE teachers in Sweden. Under the influence of the performance code, friluftsliv is transformed into outdoor activities with which the PE teachers are familiar, or is totally left out of PE teaching. A turn towards options that are seen as unthinkable in relation to the current pedagogic discourse may benefit the achievement of the aims set out in the national PE curriculum. Values such as environmental awareness, sustainable development and cultural perspectives on the landscape could strengthen the classification of friluftsliv and PE in compulsory school. Further, an increase of socially critical and constructivist perspectives during PETE could make unthinkable options in friluftsliv thinkable and contribute to a break with the reproduction of teaching practices in PE.
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 94833
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doktorsavhandling (94833)
konstnärligt arbete (142)
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (94757)
populärvet., debatt m.m. (60)
refereegranskat (16)
Ekerman, Petrus, 169 ... (496)
Ihre, Johan, 1707-17 ... (453)
Fant, Eric Michael, ... (338)
Thunberg, Carl Peter ... (264)
Tranér, Johan Vindic ... (244)
Knös, Gustaf, 1773-1 ... (236)
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Törner, Fabian, 1666 ... (197)
Wallerius, Nils, 170 ... (192)
Linné, Carl von, 170 ... (189)
Hermansson, Johan, 1 ... (183)
Schröder, Johan Henr ... (172)
Boëthius, Daniel, 17 ... (170)
Floderus, Johan, 172 ... (155)
Neikter, Jacob Fredr ... (153)
Grönwall, Anders, 16 ... (145)
Unonius, Olof, 1602- ... (139)
Hwasser, Israel, 179 ... (132)
Rosenadler, Johan, 1 ... (131)
Celsius, Olof, 1670- ... (123)
Christiernin, Pehr N ... (120)
Palmblad, Vilhelm Fr ... (120)
Fries, Elias, 1794-1 ... (118)
Lagerlöf, Petrus, 16 ... (113)
Svanberg, Jöns, 1771 ... (113)
Bilberg, Johan, 1646 ... (112)
Vallerius, Harald, 1 ... (106)
Liungh, Petrus Erici (103)
Solander, Daniel D., ... (102)
Ullén, Petrus (101)
Dahlman, Lars, 1701- ... (101)
Sleincour, Johan Pet ... (97)
Steuchius, Jöns, 167 ... (95)
Wallerius, Johan Got ... (95)
Nordenhielm, Andreas ... (88)
Hernbergh, Anders, 1 ... (86)
Svedelius, Wilhelm E ... (81)
Arrhenius, Lars, 168 ... (80)
Asp, Matthias, 1696- ... (77)
Georgii, Carl Fredri ... (76)
Alstrin, Eric, 1683- ... (73)
Nordmark, Zacharias, ... (72)
Romanson, Henrik Wil ... (72)
Höijer, Joseph Otto, ... (71)
Klingenstierna, Samu ... (71)
Norrmannus, Laurenti ... (69)
Amnell, Johannes J., ... (67)
Forelius, Hemming, 1 ... (66)
Geijer, Erik Gustaf, ... (66)
Åkerman, Jacob, 1770 ... (65)
Stalenus, Johannes L ... (64)
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