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Sökning: AMNE:(LANTBRUKSVETENSKAPER) > Jönköping University

  • Resultat 1-10 av 70
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  • Abolhosseini, Shahrouz, et al. (författare)
  • The main support mechanisms to finance renewable energy development
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Renewable & sustainable energy reviews. - : Elsevier BV. - 1364-0321 .- 1879-0690. ; 40, s. 876-885
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Considering that the major part of greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide, there is a global concern aimed at reducing carbon emissions. In addition, major consumer countries are looking for alternative sources of energy to avoid the impact of higher fossil fuel prices and political instability in the major energy supplying countries. In this regard, different policies could be applied to reduce carbon emissions, such as enhancing renewable energy deployment and encouraging technological innovation and the creation of green jobs. This study compares three main support mechanisms employed by governments to finance renewable energy development programs: feed-in-tariffs, tax incentives, and tradable green certificates. Considering that many of the promising technologies to deploy renewable energy require investment in small-scale energy production systems, these mechanisms could be used to enhance renewable energy development at the desired scale. Employing a carbon emission tax or emission trading mechanism could be considered ideal policies to mitigate emissions at the lowest cost. The comparison of feed-in-tariffs and renewable portfolio standard policies showed that the former is good when a policy to develop renewable energy sources with a low level of risk for investors is considered. However, the latter is an appropriate policy when a market view policy is applied by the government. Finally, considering technological progress and the cost reduction for power generation by renewable energy sources, we suggest that support mechanism policies should be reconsidered from the financial point of view. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Ahmadi-Naghadeh, Reza, et al. (författare)
  • Exponential Equation for Predicting Shear Strength Envelope of Unsaturated Soils
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Geomechanics. - : American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). - 1532-3641 .- 1943-5622. ; 19:7
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • An exponential equation is introduced to predict the nonlinear variation of shear strength with matric suction for unsaturated soils. The proposed equation involves three constant parameters, two of which are effective shear strength parameters (i.e., ′ and c′). The third parameter is the maximum capillary cohesion, c″max, which is the maximum possible increase in shear strength due to matric suction. A procedure for the determination of c″max from the soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) is devised. The proposed equation is validated through a series of constant-suction consolidated drained triaxial tests conducted on specimens reconstituted by isotropic consolidation from the slurry state. In addition, the validity of the equation is investigated by applying it to the test results of five other soils that were available in the literature for the low-suction range (i.e., up to 1,500 kPa). A comparative study on the prediction of shear strength was carried out between the proposed equation and six other shear strength equations found in the literature. The results show that the proposed equation provides reliable predictions of the shear strength of unsaturated soils when the shear strength converges to an asymptotic value at the residual water content.
  • Almusaed, Amjad, 1967- (författare)
  • Introductory chapter: Overview on grass topic
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Grasses - benefits, diversities and functional roles. - London : IntechOpen. - 9789535134947 - 9789535134930 - 9789535146728 ; , s. 3-10
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A regulate analysis of the connotation of the word “environment” in the sustainability explains clear circumstances of a being or thing (social, economic, and physical). Moreover, the meaning covers the systematization of the environment upon the physical process. The environment in a broad sense also contains all the natural and artificial factors of the physical, chemical, biological, and social nature in which a human being is a factor motor of community that develops. The importance of maintaining a steady state, the human relationship, and its living environment requires an ability to control the environment in an optimal arrangement of ecological balance. For creating a competent urban zoning, it is necessary to state that green areas in general and grass in special require a delimitation based on a unitary structure of territory structure organized. It has to be created by successive stages (valuable parts), which in the functional aspect consists of areas characteristic of the dominant aspect, the weight of one of the functions, or a greater diversity of the functions, mono-functional multifunctional space [1]. Grasses in the planted area (as a functional urban area) are shaped to serve the specific areas for beauty or recreational purpose. The grasslands have an esthetic function, which can be presented byAn essential element to highlight architectural objectsA significant decorative value (by shape or color)
  • Alpizar, Francisco, 1974, et al. (författare)
  • Unintended Effects of Targeting an Environmental Rebate
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Environmental & Resource Economics. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0924-6460 .- 1573-1502. ; 67:1, s. 181-202
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • When designing schemes such as conditional cash transfers or payments for ecosystem services, the choice of whom to select and whom to exclude is critical. We incentivize and measure actual contributions to an environmental public good to ascertain whether being excluded from a rebate can affect contributions and, if so, whether the rationale for exclusion influences such effects. Treatments, i.e., three rules that determine who is selected and excluded, are randomly assigned. Two of the rules base exclusion on subjects' initial contributions. The third is based upon location and the rationales are always explained. The rule that targets the rebate to low initial contributors, who have more potential to raise contributions, is the only rule that raised contributions by those selected. Yet by design, that same rule excludes the subjects who contributed the most initially. They respond by reducing their contributions even though their income and prices are unchanged.
  • Amjad, M., et al. (författare)
  • Efficacy of Quinapyramine Sulphate, Isometamedium Chloride and Diminazene Aceturate For Treatment of Surra
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. - : Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum. - 1018-7081. ; 32:3, s. 663-669
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Trypanosomiasis (Surra) is a parasitic and zoonotic disease caused by Trypanosoama evansi, transmitted by insect vectors Tabanus and Stomoxys mechanically. The aim of the present study was to determine the therapeutic efficacy of various trypanosidal drugs against trypanosomiasis in Thoroughbred horses. Horses having clinical signs of trypanosomiasis were diagnosed through blood smear through a microscope were selected for this study. The infected horses were divided into three experimental groups for therapeutic trials. Animals in group A were treated with a single dose of quinapyramine sulphate @ 3000mg/ml per 50/kg body weight; group B was treated with a single dose of isometamedium chloride Hydrochloride@ 0.5 mg/2.5 ml of 1% solution per 50/kg body weight; group C was treated with a single dose of diminazene aceturate@ 2360 mg/15 ml per 100/kg. Results revealed that significant (P<0.0001) de cline in the values of erythrocyte counts (RBC), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), platelets (PLT) and a significant (P<0.0001) increase in white blood cells (WBC), granulocytes, and monocytes in infected horses as compared to healthy ones. Therapeutic trials indicated that quinapyramine sulphate that showed 100% efficacy at 21th days had significantly higher than isometamedium chloride and diminazene aceturate (95.83 and 75% efficacy, respectively). The hematological parameters of recovered horses were significantly restored to normal values on day 21 after treatment. It is concluded that quinapyramine sulphate is the drug of choice against trypanosomiasis in Thoroughbred horses.
  • Andreas, Seiler, et al. (författare)
  • Mörkertal i viltolycksstatistiken : resultat från enkätundersökning och analyser av olycksdata
  • 2017
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • En av de vanligaste orsakerna till vägtrafikolyckor är påkörning av vilda djur, i synnerhet klövdjur. Över 45 000 viltolyckor per år registrerades under de sen-aste 5 åren och antalen ökar stadigt. Trots upprepade informationskampanjer, omfattande investering i viltstängsel och andra förebyggande åtgärder och i kon-trast till avskjutningsstatistik för älg och rådjur, så ökar olyckstalen i snabbare takt än vad som kan förväntas på grund av ökat trafikarbete och större fordons-flotta. Det är tydligt att viltolycksproblematiken i Sverige inte är under kontroll. En bidragande faktor är att inte alla inträffade olycksfall rapporteras och inte alla rapporterade händelser återges av den officiella statistiken. Uppräknings-faktorerna som Trafikverket använder i sina Effektberäkningar vid Väganalyser (EVA-kalkyler) är utdaterade och utgår från effektsamband som troligtvis inte längre är aktuella. För att planera effektiva och riktade åtgärder behövs bättre kunskap om var, när och hur ofta viltolyckor inträffar.Föreliggande projekt avser att uppdatera kunskaperna om mörkertalet i rappor-teringen av viltolyckor på väg och belysa andra bortfall i statistiken. Målsätt-ningen är att ta fram ett uppdaterat underlag (Uppräkningsfaktorer) för använd-ning i effektberäkningar vid väganalyser samt undersöka kvarstående utred-ningsbehov och eventuella förbättringsmöjligheter som kan leda till en bättre uppskattning av konflikten mellan vilt och vägtrafik. Projektet omfattar tre delstudier: enkätundersökning med bilförare, analys av viltrelaterade personskadeolyckor i STRADA (d.v.s. Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition) samt en jämförande analys av olycksrapporter från polisens och eftersöksjägarnas inrapportering i viltolycksstatistiken tillgänglig hos NVR (Nationella Viltolycksrådet).En enkätstudie via internet (på domänen www.viltochtrafik.se) genomfördes för att undersöka storleken på mörkertalet i rapportering av viltolyckor från bilfö-rare till polis. Enkäten var tillgänglig för allmänheten online under perioden 2013-10-31 till 2014-12-31 och besvarades av 3981 respondenter. Vi ställde frå-gor kring kunskaper om och erfarenheter med viltolyckor och bad om mer detal-jerade uppgifter om den incidenten som inträffade för respondenterna efter 2004. Mer än hälften av alla respondenter (65 %) har varit med om en klövvilt-olycka någon gång och runt 20 % av dessa angav att olyckan troligen aldrig rap-porterats till polisens kännedom. Drygt 45 % av respondenterna angav att de va-rit med om viltolyckor efter år 2004 och mörkertalet uppskattades till mellan 9 % och 19 %. Vi rekommenderar att det schablonmässiga mörkertalet för klövvilt (oavsett art) bör vara 15 % (±5 %). Våra resultat visar att mörkertalet i rapporte-ringen från bilist till polisen har närmare halverats sedan 1970-talet. Efter att en olycka anmälts till polisen finns risk för ytterligare bortfall i statisti-ken. Inkommande polisanmälningar överförs manuellt till olika databaser, bero-ende på hur händelsen klassificeras. Olyckor där viltet inte utgjorde den omedel-bara orsaken till skadan klassas inte som viltolycka och återfinns då inte i den officiella polisiära statistiken på viltolyckor. Detta bortfall är ej kvantifierad men uppskattas ligga på kanske 5 % eller högre. Trafikolyckor med personskador (ca 1,6 % av alla viltolyckor) rapporteras vidare till databasen STRADA. Vår analys visade att i genomsnitt 37 % av alla viltrelate-rade personskadeolyckor under 2003–2012 inte var klassade som en viltolycka och därmed förmodligen inte heller fanns listat som viltolycka i Polisens T-RAR (trafikregister). När en olycka med vilt anmäls kontaktas i regel en kontaktperson kontaktperso-ner för att vid behov ta hand om det skadade djuret. Vid jägarens platsbesök skrivs en viltolycksrapport med detaljerade uppgifter om plats, tid och djurart. Inte alla rapporter (84 %) innehåller dock fullständiga och korrekta uppgifter som kan användas vid rumsliga analyser av olyckor. Det verkar även finnas en skevhet i viltolycksstatistiken med ca 12 % färre eftersök längs enskilda och kommunala vägar än förväntad.Tekniska problem i Polisens datasystem under 2012–2015 medförde dessutom att ett okänt antal anmälda viltolyckor inte registrerades i trafikregistren (T-rar, pust, k-rar). Det ledde till att det i vissa regioner och under vissa år finns fler viltolycksrapporter än polisrapporter. Vi uppskattar att detta bortfall kan ligga på minst 11 % i genomsnitt, under antagandet att rapporter från eftersöksjä-garna utfärdats för runt 90 % av alla polisregistrerade fall.Förenklat uttryckt står alltså den polisiära statistiken på viltolyckor under 2010 – 2015 för runt två-tredje delar av de verkligt inträffade olyckorna, medan efter-söksstatistiken i rumsliga analyser representerar ungefär hälften. Denna enkla tumregel bör dock användas försiktigt eftersom det finns tydliga avvikelser i mörkertalen mellan viltarterna, länen och åren.De olika bortfallen i statistiken har därmed en påtaglig effekt på den totala upp-skattningen av olyckstal. Vissa av orsakerna för bortfallen kan dock lätt åtgärdas eftersom de beror till stor del på brister i rutiner för registrering och data-bashantering. Vi rekommenderar därför en systematisk kontroll av databaserna och förbättrade kontrollmekanismer vid registrering och klassificering av an-mälda fall. Vi rekommenderar också att databaserna i STRADA, trafikregistret och eftersöksstatistiken länkas via ett gemensamt händelse-ID. Detta kan un-derlätta mycket vid framtida bortfallsanalyser. Vi föreslår även detaljstudier av hur olyckorna registreras och tolkas för att bättre kunna förebygga framtida bortfall.
  • Biddulph, Robin, 1965, et al. (författare)
  • Whose Reality Counts? Critical Junctures in Livelihood Under Deforestation
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. - : Wiley. - 0040-747X .- 1467-9663. - 9789187439254 ; 108:5, s. 540-553
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Livelihoods approaches focus on the poor and their knowledge and agency, but risk underplaying broader contextual forces which constrain and shape that agency. Livelihood trajectories approaches attend more fully to these structural, contextual dynamics. A three-year study using quantitative and qualitative methods investigated livelihood trajectories over two decades in a village affected by deforestation in Northeast Cambodia, and sought to identify critical junctures structuring those trajectories. A timber rush, a land rush, a turn to agriculture and ongoing competition to shape post-forest reterritorialisation were identified as the critical junctures. These transformed the physical environment, and initiated waves of migration which in turn transformed the social and economic structure and everyday life of the village. This valuably disrupts narrative simplifications associated with community forestry. The junctures furthermore suggest an analytical framework for understanding deforestation-livelihoods dynamics in other contexts, thus demonstrating how livelihood trajectories research might contribute to middle-level theory building.
  • Briggert, Andreas, et al. (författare)
  • Three-dimensional modelling of knots and pith location in Norway spruce boards using tracheid-effect scanning
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0018-3768 .- 1436-736X. ; 74:5, s. 725-739
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Knots and the orientation of fibres in timber are decisive for the stiffness and strength of boards. Due to large property variations between members, strength grading is necessary. High resolution information of the orientation of fibres, both on surfaces and within members, would enable development of more accurate grading methods than those available today. A step towards three-dimensional (3D) models of the fibre orientation of the entire board volume is the establishment of 3D knot models based on scanning. The light from a dot laser illuminating the surface of a softwood board will, due to the tracheid effect, spread more along the fibres than across resulting in the dot entering an elliptical shape. In this investigation both the shape of the ellipse and the direction of its major axis were used to estimate the 3D fibre orientation on board surfaces. Knot surfaces were identified where the angle between the estimated 3D fibre direction and an approximated direction of the board’s pith exceeded a threshold value. By means of algorithms based on polar coordinates, knot surfaces which belonged to the same physical knot visible on different sides of the board were identified and as a result the position, orientation and volume of each knot were determined. Based on this information, a more accurate position of the board’s pith along the board was calculated. The established models showed good agreement with physical boards. The models constitute a promising starting point for further development of strength grading methods based on tracheid-effect scanning.
  • Briggert, Andreas, 1984-, et al. (författare)
  • Tracheid effect scanning and evaluation of in-plane and out-of-plane fibre direction in Norway spruce using
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Wood and Fiber Science. - : Society of Wood Science and Technology. - 0735-6161. ; 50:4, s. 411-429
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Local fiber direction is decisive for both strength and stiffness in timber. In-plane fiber direction on surfaces of timber can be determined using the so-called tracheid effect which is frequently used in both research and industry applications. However, a similar established method does not exist for measuring the out-of-plane angle, also known as diving angle. The purposes of this article were to evaluate if the tracheid effect can also be used to determine, with reasonable accuracy, the out-of-plane angle in Norway spruce and to verify an existing mathematical model used to calculate the fiber direction in the vicinity of knots. A newly developed laboratory laser scanner was applied for assessment of fiber directions in a single Norway spruce specimen containing a knot. It was assumed that the specimen had a plane of symmetry through the center of the knot, and by splitting the specimen through this plane into two parts, it was possible to make measurements on orthogonal planes. The results showed that the out-of-plane angle could not be determined with very high accuracy and the difficulties related to this objective were analyzed. Regarding the mathematical model of fiber direction in the vicinity of a knot, fiber directions calculated on the basis of this model agreed well with experimentally obtained fiber directions, but successful application of the model requires that the geometry of the knot is known in detail.
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Abolhosseini, Shahro ... (1)
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Jägerbrand, Annika, ... (1)
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