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Träfflista för sökning "AMNE:(MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES Health Sciences Sport and Fitness Sciences) ;mspu:(licentiatethesis)"

Sökning: AMNE:(MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES Health Sciences Sport and Fitness Sciences) > Licentiatavhandling

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  • Teng, Gunnar (författare)
  • Uppdrag samspel : - en studie om elevers samspelskunnande i bollspel i ämnet idrott och hälsa
  • 2013
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This study is an intervention study conducted on students in the middle years of a Swedish suburban school. The aim of the study is to examine students’ cooperative skills in ball games in the subject of physical education. The study’s questions focus on what emerges in activity and in conversation when students receive cooperative tasks that they must complete together in ball games, and how these conversations and activities change during the learning process. The study also focuses on the patterns that occur in the game room when students must help each other cooperate, and on the consequences of these patterns for the learning of cooperation in ball games. The intervention consisted of three game laboratories, created as special tasks by means of cooperation, which were orchestrated. The study is based on and can be understood through John Dewey's pragmatic epistemology. It has a constructionist basis which means that learning and development is seen as an active process where individuals creat meaning in cooperation with others. Furthermore, the theoretical framework implies that students and the environment are seen as constantly interacting, creating each other in a mutual transactional process. A practical epistemology analysis (PEA) was used for the analysis of `talk and action´ in order to explore students' constructions and reconstructions of meaning making and learning about cooperation in ballgames. The empirical material consists of 24 games played and 24 rounds of talks. The first game laboratory focuses on what students are doing and talking about when they are asked to achieve the first pass. The second game laboratory focuses on what they do and talk about in order to succeed together in getting across the field’s halfway line before they get to shoot at goal. The third game laboratory focuses on what students should do to achieve the final pass before shooting at goal. The analysis of the game laboratories shows that it is not enough to pass or to create space as, own rooms in order to achieve cooperation in ballgames. The students’ actions and agreements during talks must also harmonise with the purpose of the task in order to allow learning to cooperate in ballgames to occur. The patterns that emerged in the game room were convergence and divergence; students created their own rooms as well as isolated rooms. Furthermore, densified game room was observed to hinder cooperation, and thinned room to favour cooperation.
  • Graffman-Sahlberg, Marie (författare)
  • Fysisk hälsa som lärobjekt : En laborativ undervisningsmodell i idrott och hälsa
  • 2015
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • An important challenge for physical education teachers is to find strategies for the implementation of health education in the school subject physical education and health (PEH). The overall aim of this thesis has been to develop and explore the implementation of a pedagogical, practice based teaching-learning model in PEH. Focus of the study has been to promote students' understanding of health with aerobic condition, and its impact on health, as the specific object of learn-ing. The concept of Health Literacy has pervaded the entire project, both in the design of the model and in the analysis of students' description of their experi-ence and knowledge development. One upper secondary school class (n=32) was chosen for this action-based study. The implementation of the pedagogical model was designed as a student task-oriented interactive model. The educational outcomes of the model derived from tests and questionnaires were examined analyzed with statistics and con-tent analyses, as presented in article I and with phenomenographic analyses of student reports presented in article II. In focus for the analysis was how the object of learning, the phenomenon that the students encountered were de-scribed, experienced, conceptualized and understood. The design of the model supported an active processing of knowledge and stu-dents' ability of critical self-reflection within the framework of health literacy. To better integrate health in physical education, we need to both broaden stu-dents' way of questioning, and challenge their ways of constructing knowledge in (physical) health.
  • Ridderlund, Sara (författare)
  • Undervisningstaktik på hal is : En självstudie om kommunikation och undervisningsmetoder i gymnasieskolans hockeyklassrum.
  • 2024
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna licentiatuppsats har studerat kommunikationsmönster och beslutsfattande i relation till lärarens undervisningsmetoder med ambitionen om att undervisa från ett mer frågebaserat och elevcentreratperspektiv. Studien är genomförd enligt principerna för en självstudie.Resultatet av kommunikationen i min undervisning bestäms av vem som ska fatta de olika besluten. Om jag äger alla beslut kommer det också att leda till att jag äger nästan all kommunikation med och feedback till mina elever. Det leder också till mer lärarcentrerade undervisningsmetoder.Resultatet av möjligheterna att förändra en praktik är att det inte finns något motstånd bland eleverna att undervisa på ett mer elevcentrerat och frågebaserat sätt. Normer är föränderliga och genom att undervisa på ett mer varieratsätt finns även möjligheter att fortsätta ett yrkesspråk inom idrott.
  • Backman, Jyri, 1968- (författare)
  • I skuggan av NHL : en organisationsstudie av svensk och finsk elitishockey
  • 2012
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I denna licentiatuppsats har svenska elitseriens respektive finska SM-liigas seriemodeller analyserats i ljuset av NHL:s dominans över den globala ishockeyn. Bakgrunden till problemområdet är att företrädarna för svensk respektive finsk elitishockey implementerat olikartade organisatoriska lösningar, trots att de utvecklats i kontexter med likartade sportmodeller och samhällsvillkor. Metodologiskt bygger denna licentiatuppsats på komparativa studier. Som grund för min analys har jag använt mig av dokumentanalys med inslag av rättsdogmatik. Den teoretiska ramen har utgjorts av historikern Martin Alms amerikaniseringsbegrepp samt juristen och forskaren Lars Halgreens analys om amerikaniseringen av europeisk sport. Följande frågeställningar har analyserats: Hur har elitserien respektive SM-liiga utvecklats i relation till den amerikanska respektive europeiska sportmodellen, sedan 1970-talets mitt? Vilka kännetecken kan fastställas för de respektive organisationsmodellerna? På vilka sätt skiljer respektive liknar de varandra samt vilka förutsättningar för parallellverkan kan urskiljas, dels generellt och dels specifikt i en ishockeykontext? Vilka tendenser och inslag kan skönjas i elitserien respektive SM-liiga av det faktum att ishockeyn genom åren både sportsligt och kommersiellt dominerats av NHL? Min studie visar att ishockeysporten är en spjutspets i amerikaniseringen och kommersialiseringen av nordisk sport samt att ishockeyns kommersialisering och professionalisering i någon form leder till en amerikanisering. Studien visar att företrädarna för den finska elitishockeyn haft stor autonomi präglat av förbundssplitting, vilket har sin förklaring i Finlands 1900-talshistoria. Denna självständighet har utgjort grund för den finska elitishockeyns snabba och häftiga utveckling efter andra världskriget. I jämförelse är Sverige präglat av konsensusorientering med Sveriges Riksidrottsförbund som centraladministration och paraplyorganisation för hela den svenska idrotten, även om Svenska Hockeyligan Ab på senare år fått allt större roll inom svensk ishockey. En slutsats är att Finlands högsta ishockeyserie kan anses vara en hybrid mellan den amerikanska respektive europeiska sportmodellen. Sveriges högsta ishockeyserie är å andra sidan närmare sammanlänkad med den europeiska sportmodellen, även om det finns stora kommersiella intressen inom svensk elitishockey.
  • Jonasson, Kalle, Fil. Dr. Idrottsvetenskap, 1976- (författare)
  • Klungan och barndomens sociala rum : Socialt gränsarbete och figurationer i rastfotbollen
  • 2010
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna licentiatavhandling, Klungan och barndomens sociala rum, diskuterar den samtida heterogena barndomen utifrån analyser av barns informella fotbollsspel på rasten i skolan. Det empiriska exemplet rastfotboll analyseras med begrepp som rum, genus och gränsöverskridande. Rumsanalys av rastfotbollen ger exempel på hur traditionella könshierarkier reproduceras, omformas och utmanas i löst organiserade former av idrott. Perspektiven i studien hämtas från barndomssociologi, idrottsvetenskap, kulturgeografi, filosofi och genusforskning. Barndomens komplexitet skapas av att logiker från olika sociala rum – t.ex. familj, skola och idrott – samexisterar och motsägs. Det tvärvetenskapliga angreppssättet och tillhörigheten till det flerdisciplinära forskningsprojektet Mångkontextuell barndom gör studien till ett exempel på det den avser att beskriva: gränsöverskridanden och flöden i en heterogen verklighet.
  • Bergentoft, Helene, 1964 (författare)
  • Lärande i rörelse. Utveckling av kroppslig förmåga ur ett icke-dualistiskt perspektiv
  • 2014
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Uppsatsens ambition är att genom en learning study av undervisningsmomentet kroppshållning vid löpning påvisa hur ett innehåll i skolämnet idrott och hälsa kan behandlas på ett icke dualistiskt sätt. Syftet är därmed att studera hur ett specifikt innehåll gestaltas och konstitueras i undervisningspraktiken i idrott och hälsa. Totalt deltog 95 gymnasieelever från två olika gymnasieskolor. Vidare deltog sju lärare uppdelade i vardera en studie. Variationsteorin utgjorde teoretiskt ramverk för lektionsdesignen och dess antaganden testades genom den iterativa forskningsmodellen, learning study. Studien bestod av två olika interventionsstudier som genomfördes hösten 2012 respektive hösten 2013. Resultaten från den första studien beaktades av lärarna i den andra studien, då resultaten användes i den nya gruppen av lärare och elever för att i den andra studien ytterligare utveckla antaganden från den första. Lärarnas kunskap om vad som krävs för att lära sig det avsedda innehållet och elevernas förståelse av innehållet, visade sig både genom utformning av mer kraftfull lektionsdesign och ökat lärande hos eleverna. Resultatet visar även att elevernas lärande i den andra studien utvecklades på ett mer kvalitativt sätt än i den första. Förmågan till kroppshållning utifrån ett mer optimalt sätt, vid löpning, ökade i alla fem klasserna. Lektion B:1 visar på högst ökning med +2,1 av medelvärdet, denna grupp visar en optimal placering av kroppsdelar motsvarande 4,6 av 5 möjliga. Resultaten indikerar att lektionsdesign som konstruerats av en lärargrupp kan användas av en ny grupp lärare i en kumulativ process, skapar möjligheter för eleverna att öka personligt meningsskapande som har en positiv inverkan på lärandet. Variation av lärandeobjektets aspekter skapar en process där elevens agerande och tänkande interagerar med varandra och användandet av kontraster visar sig vara ett kraftfullt sätt att skapa kropps-medvetenhet. Designen av denna variation är signifikant. Synkron simultanitet förefaller oftare ge alla elever ett helhetsperspektiv på innehållet, som i sin tur ger en mer differentierad och djupare kroppsmedvetenhet och möjlighet att alternera mellan lärandeobjektets innebörd och struktur.
  • Lundgren, Lina, 1982- (författare)
  • System analysis of kitesurfing : Understanding performance and injury risk for on-water board sports
  • 2011
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Board sports are examples of sports where the interaction of the task, environment and the athlete are essential. As for other sports, there are injuries and other issues associated with these sports, which affect performance and that can be avoided by proper preparation and well- designed equipment. By focusing on kitesurfing as a system structure the complex interactions between factors can help reveal which variables that are of interest to study to increase the level of performance and safety. Lack of research on the board sport kitesurfing makes this area interesting to study regarding performance and musculoskeletal problems. The purpose of this licentiate thesis was to further the understanding of on-water board sports, and specifically study kitesurfing by using a system analysis to structure factors that influence performance and injury risk for this board sport. The specific aims were:To reveal the most common self-reported injuries related to kitesurfing and their causes (Paper I).To evaluate in which body parts participants perceive musculoskeletal stress, pain and discomfort related to the performance of kitesurfing (Paper II).To identify usability problems related to the preparation of kitesurfing equipment (Paper III).To provide a system analysis to describe the relations between and identify characteristics that influence performance and injury risk of kitesurfing.Methods used for these studies were hierarchical task analysis, observations (n=8), web- questionnaires (n=206), interviews (n=17) and a focus group (n=7). The system analysis was executed in six steps and based on ideas adopted from general systems theory, dynamical systems and ecological task analysis. Tasks performed in freestyle kitesurfing consist of riding a board and performing jumps and tricks, whereof the latter have sub-tasks involving take-off, acrobatic air movements and landings. Within the system of kitesurfing, there are the sub-systems athlete, kite system, board system and harness/protection. There are also external factors acting upon the system. All sub- systems have characteristics that are less changeable during execution of the task and which effect on the athlete can be represented by identified output measures, i.e. harness line force, board reaction force, steering force, pressure distribution, movement patterns, body temperature, fatigue level, comfort and pain, choice of sub-task, mood, stress level, concentration, motivation, experience and usability. The results show that the most frequent locations for injury are in the lower extremities, i.e. knee and ankle, and that about 50% of the injuries reported were associated with jumps and tricks. Equipment and environmental factors also contribute to injuries, as well as to musculoskeletal stress, pain and discomfort. The abdominal muscles were most frequently reported as exposed to high musculoskeletal stress, but also thighs and lower back were perceived as highly stressed throughout the tasks. Knees and feet were areas described as sometimes painful, especially in combination with landings from tricks or strong winds.Furthermore, the lower back was reported painful when kitesurfing in strong winds. When hooking out from the harness for performing tricks, the shoulders were perceived as highly stressed. Before the execution of on-water kitesurfing starts, the preparation of the kite system must be accomplished. The results from Study III showed that there are usability problems related to this kitesurfing task, meaning risk for use error to arise. If use errors occur, serious consequences can follow later in the process. The results emphasize improvement of the products from a usability perspective. Some of the identified output measures were partly answered from the results of Papers I-III, where numbers of injuries, perceived musculoskeletal stress, pain and discomfort, and usability issues were evaluated for kitesurfing. The structure motives the need for further research within the area of on-water board sports and reveals variables that are affecting the system.
  • Lundgren, Lina, 1982 (författare)
  • System Analysis of Kitesurfing: Understanding Performance and Injury Risk for On-water Board Sports
  • 2011
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The interaction of the task, environment and the athlete are essential for the performance of on-water board sports. This licentiate thesis presents three studies and a system analysis with the aim of increasing the general understanding of the interaction between factors influencing performance and injury risk of kitesurfing. The studies report injuries related to kitesurfing (Paper I), sport performance and self-reported musculoskeletal stress, pain and discomfort (Paper II), and usability issues related to the equipment (Paper III). The methods used were hierarchical task analysis, web questionnaires (n=206), interviews (n=17) and a focus group (n=7). The system analysis was based on ideas adopted from general systems theory, dynamical systems theory and ecological task analysis. The results showed that the effect of kitesurfing performance on the athlete can be described through identified output measures, i.e. loads acting on the athlete, movement patterns, comfort, motivation etc., which variables are partly answered by paper I-III. Most injuries reported were caused by jumps and tricks and located in the knee or foot, followed by the trunk and shoulders. Musculoskeletal stress was perceived as high in the abdominal region, thighs and lower back. Knees and feet were areas reported subjected to pain or discomfort, together with the lower back. The equipment and environmental factors can contribute to injuries and discomfort while kitesurfing, and there are usability issues related to the management of kitesurfing equipment.This licentiate thesis contribute to the understanding of which variables are influencing the performance and injury risk of kitesurfing, such as task goals, movement patterns, comfort and usability. Due to similarities with other on-water board sports, research on kitesurfing contribute to further understanding of this area. The information provided can serve as a basis for development of training methods and equipment for comfortable and safe performance.
  • Seger, Izabela, 1964- (författare)
  • Betygsättningsprocess i ämnetidrott och hälsa : en studie om betygsättningsdilemman påhögstadiet
  • 2014
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The purpose of this study is to investigate how assessment processes in secondary school Physical Education and Health (PEH) are manifested in PEH teachers’ concrete grading based on the new Swedish curriculum from 2011. Three major questions are formulated: Which difficulties and possibilities do PEH teachers experience during assessment based on the new curriculum? How do they motivate their grades? Which dilemmas do they describe in connection with their grading? The curriculum theories by Bernstein and Swedish theorist Linde were chosen as theoretical framework. Furthermore, a hermeneutic perspective was applied in order to interpret and analyse the results from video recorded interviews. The results show that the new curriculum and syllabus are described as more structured and more interconnected than the previous ones. The new grading scale, the explicit syllabus and the fact that teachers have to offer a wider spectrum of activities are described as strengths. Grades are meticulously documented since this is a way to justify the grades both for the pupils and their parents. Almost all participating teachers in the study use matrices to document their assessments. Theoretical knowledge has gradually become more important in PEH, for example Health is mainly assessed based on theoretical assignments. However, the constant assessment has become so comprehensive that the PEH teachers fear that the joy of being active will decline. The difficulties experienced in relation to the new curriculum are, to a large extent, focused on the new grading scale and the description of what is required to obtain a certain grade. Teachers are hesitant as to the meaning of expressions like “to a certain degree”, “relatively well” and “well”. They feel insecure in their assessment, for example how to handle the proportions between different capabilities. It is obvious that further in-service training is necessary in order to obtain more equivalent grades. The requirements for each step of the grading scale must be clarified.
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 23
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (23)
Quennerstedt, Mikael ... (4)
Quennerstedt, Mikael ... (2)
Lundgren, Lina, 1982 ... (2)
Ronglan, Lars Tore (1)
Larsson, Håkan (1)
Stålnacke, Britt-Mar ... (1)
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Ainegren, Mats, 1963 ... (1)
Carlsson, Peter, Doc ... (1)
Laaksonen, Marko, Ph ... (1)
Tesch, Per, Professo ... (1)
Osvalder, Anna-Lisa (1)
Wedman, Ingemar (1)
Andersson, Karin, 19 ... (1)
Öhman, Johan, profes ... (1)
Carlsson, Bo, profes ... (1)
Larsson, Lena (1)
Backman, Jyri, 1968- (1)
Andersson, Torbjörn, ... (1)
Fahlén, Josef, Docen ... (1)
Varea, Valeria, 1983 ... (1)
Bergentoft, Helene, ... (1)
Öhman, Marie, Profes ... (1)
Ericsson, Christer, ... (1)
Ohlsson, Anna (1)
Eriksson, Monica (1)
Brolin, Magnus, 1971 ... (1)
Parker, James, 1980- (1)
Olsson, Charlotte M. ... (1)
Åkesson, Joakim (1)
Caldeborg, Annica, 1 ... (1)
Öhman, Marie, profes ... (1)
Maivordotter, Ninith ... (1)
Hedlin, Maria, docen ... (1)
Lundvall, Suzanne, D ... (1)
Lundvall, Suzanne, P ... (1)
Ericson, Helena, 198 ... (1)
Graffman-Sahlberg, M ... (1)
Brun Sundblad, Gunil ... (1)
Sollerhed, Ann-Chris ... (1)
Huitfeldt, Åke, 1953 ... (1)
Maivorsdotter, Ninit ... (1)
Londos, Mikael, Filo ... (1)
Jacobsson, Andreas, ... (1)
Bäckström, Åsa, Filo ... (1)
Janemalm, Lucas (1)
Barker, Dean, PhD, 1 ... (1)
Jonasson, Kalle, Fil ... (1)
Ridderlund, Sara (1)
Li, Jing, 1973- (1)
Jouper, John, PhD, 1 ... (1)
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Göteborgs universitet (3)
Högskolan i Halmstad (3)
Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan (3)
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