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Sökning: AMNE:(SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP) AMNE:(Medie och kommunikationsvetenskap) AMNE:(Kommunikationsvetenskap) > Licentiatavhandling

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  • Cano-Viktorsson, Carlos, 1977- (författare)
  • From Vision to Transition : Exploring the Potential for Public Information Services to Facilitate Sustainable Urban Transport
  • 2014
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Background: Policy initiatives to promote sustainable travel through the use of Internet based public information systems have increased during the last decade. Stockholm, in being one of the first cities in Europe to implement an Internet based service for facilitating sustainable travel is believed to be a good candidate for an analysis of key issues for developing sustainable travel planning services to the public.Aim: This thesis investigates the past development of two Stockholm based public information systems and their services in order to draw lessons on how to better provide for a public information service geared towards facilitating  environmentally sustainable travel planning through information and communications technology. The overall goal of the thesis is to contribute to an understanding on how to better design and manage current and future attempts at facilitating sustainable travel planning services based on historical case studies.Approach: The thesis draws ideas from the concept of organizational responsiveness – an organization’s ability to listen, understand and respond to demands put to it by its internal and external stakeholders – in order to depict how well or not the two public information systems and their owners have adapted to established norms and values of their surroundings.Results: Overall, the findings from the historical case studies suggest that organizations attempting to provide sustainable travel planning to the public need to design and manage their systems in such a way that it responds to shifting demands on how to provide for information. Implementing and embedding new technologies involves complex processes of change both at the micro level – for users and practitioners of the service – and at the meso level for the involved public service organizations themselves. This condition requires a contextualist framework to analyze and understand organizational, contextual and cultural issues involved in the adoption of new technologies and procedures.Conclusions: The thesis concludes with a discussion on how the findings from the historical case studies may provide lessons for both current and future attempts at providing public information systems geared towards facilitating environmentally sustainable travel planning to the public. Historical examples and issues concerning collective intelligence and peer to peer based forms of designing, producing and supervising public information services identified throughout the study are looked upon and discussed in terms of their possible role in increasing the potential for public information services to facilitate sustainable urban transport.
  • Florin, Ulrika, 1964- (författare)
  • Från idé till gestaltningsförslag : fallstudie från Projekt Konstpaus
  • 2010
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Populär sammanfattning I vårt samhälle finns många offentliga konstverk. Dessa verk har kommit till på olika sätt men gemensamt är att konstverken i de allra flesta fall upphandlats med utgångspunkt i någon form av skiss. Skissen föregår det kommande konstverket och tjänar som underlag för beslut om upphandling av verket i full skala. Kunskapen om hur skisser kan tydas varierar och dessutom förekommer flera typer av skisser som var för sig fordrar olika sorters insikter av betraktaren (beslutsfattaren) för att kunna tolkas. Det övergripande temat för avhandlingen är kommunikationsprocesserna i relation till utvecklingen av 12 konstnärers gestaltningsförslag, tävlingsbidrag, samt hur juryns bedömning av dessa ser ut. Studien är baserad på material insamlat från de deltagande konstnärernas processer i Projekt Konstpaus, ett projekt delfinansierat av EU. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för hur konstnärer utformar sina gestaltningsförslag, samt hur dessa förslag används och värderas. För att göra detta har tävlingsbidragen analyserats och konstnärerna intervjuats. Konstnärliga gestaltningsprocesser har synliggjorts liksom kommunikationen mellan beställare och konstnär.Bland annat har det framkommit att det finns en större potential att förmedla ett komplext gestaltningsinnehåll till en jury med stöd av digitala skisser, än vid användande av traditionella skisser. Det har visat sig att det kommande konstverkets kvaliteter blir synliga, men också att de brister som finns i gestaltningen tydliggörs i 3D- skisserna. Liksom teknologier tidigare i historien haft sin påverkan på bildutvecklingen, tolkningen och seendet har också övergången till digitala skisstekniker denna inverkan. Det har också visat sig att den text som tillhör respektive tävlingsbidrag haft avgörande betydelse för utfallet av jurybedömningen. Muntliga och skriftliga presentationer, bilagor och brev har påverkat juryn i sina beslut.Studien har också visat hur konstnärer kan tolka och förmedla resultat av en inventering och genom sina skisser förmedla dessa tolkningar. Konsten som tolkare av miljö, tid och tanke, kan gestalta information om en plats och i och med detta också fungera värnande för ett samhälles identitet i olika faser av en utveckling.Studien har bidragit med en djupare inblick i konstnärliga gestaltningsprocesser och hur de kan beskrivas samt i och med detta också en fördjupad förståelse i allmänhet av kreativa processer.
  • Allström, Andreas (författare)
  • Highway Traffic State Estimation and Short-term Prediction
  • 2016
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Traffic congestion is increasing in almost all large cities, leading to a number of negative effects such as pollution and delays. However, building new roads is not a feasible solution. Instead, the use of the existing road network has to be optimized, together with a shift towards more sustainable transport modes. In order to achieve this there are several challenges that needs to be addressed. One challenge is the ability to provide accurate information about the current and future traffic state. This information is an essential input to the traffic management center and can be used to influence the choices made by the travelers. Accurate information about the traffic state on highways, where the potential to manage and control the traffic in general is very high, would be of great significance for the traffic managers. It would help the traffic managers to take action before the system reaches congestion and limit the effects of it. At the same time, the collection of traffic data is slowly shifting from fixed sensors to more probe based data collection. This requires an adaptation and further development of the traditional traffic models in order for them to handle and take advantage of the characteristics of all types of data, not just data from the traditionally used fixed sensors.The objective of this thesis is to contribute to the development and implementation of a model for estimation and prediction of the current and future traffic state and to facilitate an adaptation of the model to the conditions of the highway in Stockholm. The model used is a version of the Cell Transmission Model (CTM-v) where the velocity is used as the state variable. Thus, together with an Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) it can be used to fuse different types of point speed measurements. The model is developed to run in real-time for a large network. Furthermore, a two-stage process used to calibrate the model is implemented. The results from the calibration and validation show that once the model is calibrated, the estimated travel times corresponds well with the ground truth travel times collected from Bluetooth sensors.In order to produce accurate short-term predictions for various networks and conditions it is vital to combine different methods. We have implemented and evaluated a hybrid prediction approach that assimilates parametric and non-parametric short-term traffic state prediction. To predict mainline sensor data we use a neural network, while the CTM-v is ran forward in time in order to predict future traffic states. The results show that both the hybrid approach and the CTM-v prediction without the additional predicted mainline sensor data is superior to a naïve prediction method for longer prediction horizons.
  • Andersson Schaeffer, Jennie, 1974- (författare)
  • Communication space : Spatial design in manufacturing industry
  • 2011
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The main concern of this licentiate thesis is to discuss how built space is used for communication in the manufacturing industry, from a visual communication perspective. The thesis presents and develops the notion of 'communication space' and presents a model to describe the relation between different factors in the communication space. In a multiple case study, six different cases from the manufacturing industry are described and analyzed to highlight how built space is used for communication in a lean production context. Research results on how built spaces such as improvement places, meeting places and a development workshop affect improvement processes and communication are presented. What the studied improvement areas, meeting places and workshop can be said to communicate about the improvement processes is analyzed. The research results show that the built spaces in manufacturing industry are used for communication on two levels, both as places for interaction between employees and as a part of a communication process. The study also shows a relation between architecture from a specific time and the relation to the improvement work in the industrial context. How the results can be used to facilitate communication in the built spaces used for improvement processes in manufacturing industry is suggested in the thesis.
  • Polesie, Pim, 1982 (författare)
  • Improving productivity in construction: a contractor perspective
  • 2011
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Improving productivity in construction has been a lengthy battle. Several debates, articles, reports and books have acknowledged that productivity in construction must be improved. Numerous theoretical and practical solutions to improve productivity have been developed over time both in academia and in practise. A problem with developing theories on how to improve productivity is that there is no generally accepted definition of the term. Productivity has different meanings for different individuals, dependent on context, background and profession. It is therefore likely that suggestions on how to improve productivity will be interpreted differently. In order to improve productivity in construction, the concept itself must first be explored from a context specific perspective. Throughout this thesis it is the production managers’ views that are under scrutiny.The aim of this thesis is to identify factors that influence productivity in construction and to explore the production managers’ views on potential improvements of productivity. Various aspects of productivity are presented and synthesised into a model where inputs are related to outputs through a transformation process. Resources, costs for the use of resources, and the value added in the process are factors in this model.The thesis is based on three papers, each focusing on its own research question. Paper I presents the difficulties of evaluating productivity by exploring the multiple usages of the term in construction. Paper II further examines productivity by analysing what views production managers have concerning their firms’ productivity improvements by reducing the unnecessary use of resources. Paper III explores what views production managers have concerning their roles when productivity is improved through increasing standardisation by exploring the relationship between the production managers’ need for freedom in their construction projects and the firms’ need for standards that improve productivity. The main findings confirm that resources, costs for the use of resources, and the value added are terms that need to be considered when productivity is to be improved from a production manager perspective. Conclusions are drawn that production managers are not averse to implementing standards or reducing the use of resources to improve productivity. Instead, the short-term cost focused approach prevailing in the construction industry hinders the managers from finding and establishing standards that can improve project productivity in their project organisations. Keywords: construction industry, contractor organisations, production manager perspective, productivity, transformation process, use of resources, value added
  • Sõmersalu, Liisa, 1983- (författare)
  • Civic Cultures in Eastern Europe : Communication spaces and media practices of Estonian civil society organizations
  • 2022
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • What kind of routine media and communication practices do Estonian civil society organizations enact in their everyday work? What sort of symbolic and physical spaces are used, created, and accessed by Estonian civil society organizations and informal citizen groups when engaging internally and with their target groups? How do these spaces and practices evolve over time? These are the questions this dissertation addresses, with the aim of understanding the ways in which already-established and evolving civil society organizations navigate the highly-mediated everyday through their routine media practices and the spaces in which these practices are situated.Theoretically, this study takes a cultural approach to political participation with the concept of ‘civic cultures’ (Dahlgren 2009, p. 103) in the centrum. In this dissertation, the civic cultures framework is concentrated into a focus on the everyday, on media practices, and on communicative spaces. The concepts of ‘everyday’ and ‘spaces’ are empirically accessed through a practice approach. To distill and explore the role of media in the everyday work of civil society organizations, this thesis borrows from “activist media practices” (Mattoni 2012, p. 159) framework.The empirical study is grounded in the wider geopolitical context of Eastern Europe and in the historical context of post-Soviet Europe, and more specifically in Estonian civil society. Using a multi-methods approach based on media ethnography, this study includes a nationally-representative survey, in-depth interviews with civil society organizations, and a longitudinal study of the Estonian Forest Aid movement.This study found that parallel to striving towards episodic visibility in physical spaces, in mainstream media, and in decision making, civil society organizations worked on constant visibility in the social media space. The most used social media platform, Facebook, proved to be an important space for developing civic cultures on an everyday level: it was used for campaigns, opinion shaping, for disseminating news, and for civic talk. Everyday communication within the organizations was done using a mix of different media technologies and face-to-face meetings. Each media technology and communicative space had their own role and function in the everyday work of Estonian civil society organizations.
  • Matinrad, Niki, 1986- (författare)
  • An Operations Research Approach for Daily Emergency Management
  • 2019
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Emergency services play a vital role in society by providing help to affected people and minimizing damage to public and private assets as well as the environment during emergencies. However, these organizations deal with problems of increasing demand uncertainty and resource shortage over time. These problems lead to the creation of many other problems, such as longer response times, lower survivability of victims and patients, and more severe damage to properties and the environment. Acquiring more information about future emergency demand, such as factors affecting this demand, can contribute to reduction of the effects of increasing demand uncertainty. The introduction of volunteers as a new type of emergency resource, which has gained attention in the past few years, can be a solution to the problem of increasing resource shortage.The aim of this thesis is to provide operations research-based models and methods that can assist medical emergency services in daily emergency management. The aim is supported by two objectives: 1) to develop a forecasting model and 2) to develop models for the dispatch of volunteers. Three separate studies with a focus on these objectives are conducted, and the results are described in three papers.In the first paper, a forecasting model for predicting the volume of ambulance calls per hour and geographic location for three counties in Sweden is presented. The model takes into consideration geographical zones with few or no population and very low call frequency. Comparative results based on the real data of ambulance calls show that the proposed model performs better than the model that is currently used in some parts of Sweden for operational and tactical planning of emergency medical services. In addition to performance improvement, the proposed model provides information about the factors affecting ambulance demand.In the second paper, the use of volunteers in response to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) cases is considered, and a deterministic optimization model for their dispatch is provided. The model benefits from a survival function for determining dispatch decisions. The effect of arrival times of volunteers on the survivability of patients is also considered. The results show that, in terms of achieved survivability of patient based on the applied survival function, the proposed model performs better than simple decision rules used today.The third paper presents a probabilistic method for the dispatch of volunteers to OHCA cases. This method considers the uncertainties associated with the actions of volunteers once they are assigned a task. The proposed method uses a survival function as the objective of dispatch decisions. The results of the method are compared to the static dispatch method that is currently used in an operational system in Sweden for the utilization of volunteers in OHCA cases. Comparative results based on real data show that, with respect to used survival function, the proposed method contributes to higher survivability of OHCA patients than the static dispatch method.The models and method in this thesis focus on solving real-world problems and use real data for that purpose when available. Some simplifications were considered in the development process. Nevertheless, these models and method have the potential to be beneficial for medical emergency services in practice and can be used as a base for dynamic resource management systems. Such systems can be helpful for both tactical and operational planning of emergency resources.
  • Altenstedt, Johanna Parikka (författare)
  • Den sociala offentligheten : en mediepedagogisk studie av den reflexiva familjen och internet
  • 2004
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med avhandling är att på ett övergripande plan studera modernismens förändringspotentialer utifrån ett familjeperspektiv. På den teoretiska nivån är syftet att studera familjen som en mediepedagogisk kontext utifrån ett senmodernistiskt förändringsperspektiv. På en mer specifik nivå studeras familjen empiriskt som en domän för medierade relationer och medierad kommunikation beträffande familjens inre dynamik, samt familjens egen konstruktion av sin representation i förhållande till andra aktörer i samhället via hemsidor på internet. Det finns även ett metodologiskt syfte inbyggt i studien genom ett försök att utveckla ett synsätt som tillåter att se internet som ett epistemologiskt fält - en sorts social offentlighet där även privatheten blir synlig och där relationerna konstrueras och reproduceras. Detta sker utifrån en ansats som tar fasta på kritisk metodologi för att på ett reflekterande sätt kunna fånga den vetenskapliga validiteten utan att kompromissa på att se det oväntade i förändringsprocesserna. Avhandlingens första forskningsfråga kretsar kring familjen och internet. Den handlar om hur ungdomar använder internet hemma och om hur väl deras föräldrar är insatta i detta, t ex hur kunskapsauktoriteten respektive relationsauktoriteten ser ut i hemmen. Frågan ställdes år 2000 till cirka hundra svarspersoner och utifrån denna empiriska explorativa undersökning fortsatte forskningsprocessen mot den andra forskningsfrågan, som i sin tur handlade om hur familjer presenterar och representerar sig själva via "familjesidor" på internet, och om det var möjligt att se "olika typer" av familjer utifrån deras självkonstruerade webbsidor. Genom en webbsidestudie söker man sedan svaret på om det är möjligt att upptäcka hur singelfamiljer, kärnfamiljer och familjer med avlidna barn, s k änglafamiljer, konstruerade sina representationer på nätet samt hur innehållet med speciell inriktning på internet, och i belysningen av begrepp som auktoritet, relation och tradition skilde sig på dessa sidor beroende på vilken "kategori av familj" det handlade om. Den här delen av licentiat thesis består av en diskursstudie, där främst Foucaults begrepp används. Dessa empiriska forskningsfrågor tillsammans med den teoretiska basen försöker att hjälpa oss att förstå en del av modernismens förändringsprocesser. En slutsats är att familjer har blivit reflexiva processer och bör studeras som sådana, medan internet och de nya medierna skapar ett relationsteknologiskt landskap som jag benämner i denna studie "den sociala offentligheten" för att betona skillnaden till Habermas "borgerlig offentlighet" eller den senare synlighetsbaserade offentligheten. De metodologiska funderingarna löper som en röd tråd igenom hela studien och en tredje forskningsfråga handlar således om hur den kritiska samhällsvetenskapliga metodologin kan tillämpas inom mediepedagogik, och då särskilt för internetstudier. Mediepedagogiken är disciplinen som kan hantera mediesamhällets medieinnehåll och medietexter utan att förlora sitt fokus på människor som skapar relationer mellan varandra med hjälp av dessa medier. I denna studie har man lagt tonvikten på familjerna, men kunskaperna kan hjälpa oss även att studera andra sociala fenomen och processer där relationer skapas eller upprätthålls med hjälp av medier och relationsteknologin.
  • Granåsen, Magdalena, 1978- (författare)
  • Exploring C2 Capability and Effectiveness in Challenging Situations : Interorganizational Crisis Management, Military Operations and Cyber Defence
  • 2019
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Modern societies are affected by various threats and hazards, including natural disasters, cyber-attacks, extreme weather events and inter-state conflicts. Managing these challenging situations requires immediate actions, suspension of ordinary procedures, decision making under uncertainty and coordinated action. In other words, challenging situations put high demands on the command and control (C2) capability. To strengthen the capability of C2, it is vital to identify the prerequisites for effective coordination and direction within the domain of interest. This thesis explores C2 capability and effectiveness in three domains: interorganizational crisis management, military command and control, and cyber defence operations. The thesis aims to answer three research questions: (1) What constitutes C2 capability? (2) What constitutes C2 effectiveness? and (3) How can C2 effectiveness be assessed? The work was carried out as two case studies and one systematic literature review. The main contributions of the thesis are the identification of perspectives of C2 capability in challenging situations and an overview of approaches to C2 effectiveness assessment. Based on the results of the three studies, six recurring perspectives of capability in the domains studied were identified: interaction (collaboration), direction and coordination, relationships, situation awareness, resilience and preparedness. In the domains there are differences concerning which perspectives that are most emphasized in order obtain C2 capability. C2 effectiveness is defined as the extent to which a C2 system is successful in achieving its intended result. The thesis discusses the interconnectedness of performance and effectiveness measures, and concludes that there is not a united view on the difference between measures of effectiveness and measures of performance. Different approaches to effectiveness assessment were identified, where assessment may be conducted based on one specific issue, in relation to a defined goal for a C2 function or using a more exploratory approach.
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Allström, Andreas (1)
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