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Sökning: AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES Educational Sciences Pedagogical Work) > Licentiatavhandling

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  • Solvang, Lorena, 1971- (författare)
  • Educational technology for visualisation in upper secondary physics education : The case of GeoGebra
  • 2021
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In order to contribute to our understanding of how technologies can be used to visualise physical phenomena in order to support teaching and learning of the phenomena at hand, this licentiate thesis explores the ways in which visual representations created with GeoGebra can be used in upper-secondary physics education. In addition, this thesis provides a new model that can be used to characterise students’ representational competence.This thesis is a compilation of two journal articles. The first article is a systematic review of the current literature on how GeoGebra can be used to support physics education in upper-secondary schools. The second article explores students’ use and interpretation of a provided representation, a GeoGebra simulation of friction, and generation of their own representations. The systematic literature review identifies three major ways in which teachers and researchers report using GeoGebra in physics education—namely, (1) to design custom-made computer simulations, (2) to augment real experiments with virtual objects, and (3) to engage students in constructing GeoGebra simulations. The second study shows how students used improvised representations, in the form of gestures, enactments, and drawings,  in their interpretation of links between microscopic aspects of friction and the provided GeoGebra simulation. The study also reveals how, during engagement with provided representations, students spontaneously move across modalities, shifting between provided and self-constructed representations, between physical and digital representations, and between modes of communication (including gestures, spoken language, and enactment).  In addition, a reanalysis of selected examples of data shows that GeoGebra can facilitate transformations of mathematical representations, supporting the structural role and technical role of mathematics, whereby students are enabled to focus on the physical phenomena at hand and the parameters that influence it.
  • Eliasson, Sara (författare)
  • Teknikundervisning i förskolan
  • 2022
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Licentiatavhandlingen tar avstamp i ett intresse av teknikundervisning för de yngre barnen i förskolan. Även om teknik som pedagogiskt ämne har förstärkts och förtydligats under de senaste två decennierna i läroplanstexter både nationellt och internationellt, är teknik som ämnesområde ofta generellt beskrivet, både till innehåll och form. Inom forskning är teknikundervisning för de yngre barnen ett framväxande fält, där tidigare studier ofta fokuserat på förskollärares uppfattningar om ämnet, med resultat som visar stor variation av deras förståelse, och även pekar på förskolepersonals ofta vaga och osäkra föreställningar om teknik och teknikundervisning. Här synliggörs ett behov av fortsatt forskning; om förskollärares kunskap om olika aspekter av teknik i förskolans undervisning, om hur teknik definieras, förstås och konceptualiseras, liksom empiriska studier om hur teknik som ämnesinnehåll iscensätts och därmed vad som blir möjligt för barn att lära om teknik. Licentiatuppsatsens syfte är tvådelat; dels att (i) bidra med en litteraturöversikt av teknikundervisning för att analysera vad de aggregerade resultaten säger om det framväxande forskningsfältet inom ECE och hur teknik karaktäriseras inom fältet utifrån DiGironimos (2011) fem dimensioner av teknikens natur, samt dels att (ii) empiriskt undersöka teknikaktiviteter i förskolan utifrån hur teknik framträder i deltagarnas interaktion och vilken kunskap om de fem dimensionerna av teknikens natur som möjliggörs när intersubjektivitet etableras i interaktionen mellan deltagarna. Uppsatsens resultat utgörs av två delstudier. Delstudie I är en systematisk litteraturöversikt över empiriska studier om teknikundervisning i early childhood education (ECE), för att studera hur teknikens natur förstås i empirisk forskning från 2013 till 2020. Delstudie II utgörs av en empirisk studie, vilken tar utgångspunkt i sociokulturella teorier om lärande som ett tillägnande av kulturella redskap i social interaktion, och där tre tillfällen av teknikundervisning med en förskollärare och fem barn (2-3 år) i en svensk förskolegrupp studerats med hjälp av videoobservationer. Interaktionsanalys har använts för analyser av deltagarnas icke-verbala och verbala interaktion, för att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, intersubjektivitet, det vill säga tillfällig, tillräcklig gemensam förståelse, av teknik etablerats i interaktionen mellan deltagarna. DiGironimos (2011) ramverk av olika dimensioner av teknikens natur har därefter använts, för att urskilja vilka dimensioner av teknik som framträder när intersubjektivitet om teknik upprättas och förhandlas. Licentiatuppsatsens huvudsakliga resultat visar utifrån delstudie I, dels att teknikundervisning iscensätts och organiseras på ett stort antal olika sätt och att fyra av fem dimensioner av teknikens natur framträder som möjliga för barn i förskolan att läras sig om, vilket dels kan förstås som en stor variation och bredd men också som ett splittrat fält som saknar en gemensam bas. Av delstudie II framgår att deltagarnas olika kommunikativa handlingar bidrar med olika aspekter av samma fyra av fem dimensioner av teknikens natur när intersubjektivitet om teknik etableras och förhandlas. I diskussionen förs en didaktisk diskussion om hur teknikundervisning i förskolan kan organiseras och ramas in. Signifikanta resultat omfattar aspekter som vikten av ämneskunskap, didaktisk kompetens och respons när förskollärare organiserar för teknikundervisning i förskolan, för att möjliggöra interaktion runt olika dimensioner av teknikens natur, och också för att möjliggöra för alla deltagarnas initiativ för alteritetsprocesser i etablering och förhandling av intersubjektivitet om teknik. När det gäller de fem dimensionerna av teknikens natur (DiGironimo, 2011) visar resultatet av båda studierna att dimensionerna av teknik som artefakter, som kreativa processer och som mänsklig praktik samt teknikens roll i dagens samhälle återfinns både i litteraturöversiktens studier och den empiriska studien. Däremot saknas dimensionen rörande teknikens historia i både tidigare forskningsstudier om teknikundervisning i förskolan, och i delstudie II. Mot bakgrund av att teknikanvändning sträcker sig genom mänsklighetens hela historia, och för att teknikundervisning i förskolan skall vila på en gemensam bas, diskuteras avslutningsvis vikten av att inkludera dimensioner som innefattar teknikens historia i förskolans teknikaktiviteter.
  • Henriksson, Jenny, 1973 (författare)
  • Kontextuella förståelser och sociala konstruktioner i förskollärares tal om undervisning i förskolan : Contextual understandings and social constructions in preschool teachers' talk about teaching in preschool
  • 2022
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Undervisning är ett begrepp som historiskt och kulturellt inte använts i förskolan men som genom ändringar i förskolans styrdokument nu beskriver delar av förskolans uppdrag. Hur detta ska omsättas i förskolans praktik diskuteras ute på förskolorna och bland forskare. Föreliggande studie är ett bidrag till den diskussionen. Studiens övergripande syfte är att synliggöra förskollärares förståelser av begreppet undervisning samt de bakomliggande sociala konstruktioner som förståelserna grundas i. Med stöd i socialkonstruktionistisk teoribildning och en tematisk livsberättelseansats har intervjukonversationer genomförts med nio förskollärare. I studien undersöks på vilka sätt förskollärarna begreppsliggör undervisning i förskolan genom att analysera på vilka sätt de talar om begreppet undervisning. Vidare studeras talet om begreppets rekontextualisering och rekonstruktion i sociala processer och kontexter samt på vilka sätt förskollärarna gestaltar undervisning i talet om sin praktik. Den teoridrivna, empiriska analysen visade att de gestaltar undervisning på flera olika sätt. Denna insikt ledde till att olikheter och variation i deras förståelser blev framträdande och i fortsatt analys kunde tretton sociala konstruktioner av vad undervisning är beskrivas. Studiens huvudsakliga bidrag är synliggörandet av dessa tretton som samtidiga, motstridiga och sammanflätade konstruktioner av vad undervisning är. Detta riktar fokus mot komplexiteten där den tradition förskollärare burit med sig formar deras nuvarande syn på undervisning. Genom att synliggöra sociala konstruktioner identifieras vilka konstruktioner som framträder som underliggande och påverkar handlingsmönster på ett omedvetet sätt. Det barn- och ungdomsvetenskapliga forskningsfältet har med denna studie även fått ett forskningsbidrag som pekar på behovet av att teoretiskt resonera kring undervisningsbegreppet för förskolan utan att hamna i hur undervisning rent praktiskt bör eller ska göras.
  • Ryberg, Lena (författare)
  • Måltiden i förskolan - barns utrymme i kommunikation och handling : Mealtime in preschool: Children's space in communication
  • 2019
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In Sweden, approximately 84% of children are enrolled in preschool, which constitutes the first step of the educational system and which embraces children from ages 1–5 years. Most children eat breakfast, lunch and snacks at preschool. In previous research, (Pramling & Ødegaard Eriksen, 2011; Sheridan, Pramling Samuelsson & Johansson, 2009) preschool teachers have described the meal as an activity in which children are given the opportunity to communicate and interact with adults and other children. Despite this approach, research has shown that the meal activities often foster values, for example, eating with cutlery, eating the food served, and sitting right at the tables and peace and peace and quiet can play a prominent role at the table when the children are going to eat (Emilson, 2008; Johansson & Pramling Samuelsson, 2000; Norman, 2003). This study is expected to increase our knowledge regarding children’s perspectives during mealtimes at preschool. The aim of this study is to contribute with knowledge about children's space to act during meals at preschool. The questions at issue are as follows: How are children positioned and how do they position themselves in meal situations? What becomes visible in these situations? The study is theoretically based on a sociocultural perspective, theories from Vygotsky (1978, 1995 and 2010) and Goffman (1983b) and the interaction order. The method of selection was based on the aim of the study—to contribute to the knowledge of children’s space as actors during meals. Data were generated qualitatively through video observations in two Swedish preschool departments. One main finding in the study was that children’s space to become actors during meals was limited and linked to structural conditions, which framed the meal. The structural conditions limited children’s participation and influence. In addition, in conversations, the children positioned themselves in both challenging and playful ways, and these positions were determined based on how the meal was framed. Sometimes, children used either their age, their positions or a pronounced resistance to be heard. This reflects the importance of adults understanding and taking responsibility for how they assign children responsibility and the importance it can then have for the group. In this study, the children tried to create space by breaking rules or by acting in a non-normative manner, such as by either moving a chair, pouring water or not taking food in the way that was expected by the adults. Because a meal is part of a preschool’s practice, where there are no pre-determined discussion topics, the subjects that the children choose to talk about often reflect their own experiences. Children want to own their conversations and thus try to position themselves to do so.
  • Boström, Johan, 1978- (författare)
  • Teknik i förskolan – att motverka traditionella könsroller : En aktionsforskningsstudie
  • 2018
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This study shows that developing a gender sensitive technology education in apreschool setting is a very complex and multifaceted task. The preschool, andthe preschool teachers, are expected to help the children develop their technologicalawareness and interest in technology without being limited by traditionalperspectives on gender. However, as research has shown, teachers’ expectationsof children’s behaviour and interest in leisure time activities aregendered and reflect historically developed gendered roles in relation to technology.As this study shows there is a palpable risk of the preschool teacherson one hand focusing on girls and boys as homogenous groups, where a singleindividual gets to represent the group as a whole; and on the other hand, missinggender structures if the mindset is that gender does not factor into theirtreatment of the children at all – that they, automatically in their role astechers, act gender neutral. In this study, the pedagogical conversation wasimportant for the teachers possibility to reflect about their own preconceptions.However, the conversation did not seem to be enough, it was also importantfor the teachers to get to see and reflect on how they actually interactedwith the children in the technological activities. Only then did the teachersactually start to question their preconceptions and began to discuss new waysof acting.
  • Larsson, Kristoffer (författare)
  • Kritiskt tänkande i samhällskunskap : En studie som ur ett fenomenografiskt perspektiv belyser manifesterat kritiskt tänkande bland elever i grundskolans år 9
  • 2010
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this study a phenomenographic theoretical perspective is taken as departure for research on manifested critical thinking in civics among Swedish ninth-grade compulsory school students.According to the phenomenographic perspective students’ manifestations of critical thinking are linked to the way of experiencing the phenomena inducing a manifestation of critical thinking. Thus differences between students’ manifestations of critical thinking are linked to differences in the way of experiencing the phenomena inducing a manifestation of critical thinking.The empirical investigation in this study revolves around how 19 ninth-grade students experience four different tasks designed to induce manifestations of critical thinking. In broad terms the main aim of the study is to describe the students’ different ways of experiencing each specific task and furthermore, to link each specific way of experiencing a specific task to a specific type of manifested critical thinking in relation to that task. A more overarching aim is to offer and test the phenomenographic theoretical perspective as a way of conducting research on manifested critical thinking.The empirical results show how the way of experiencing a specific task plays a decisive roll for the type of manifested critical thinking, made possible in relation to the specific task. A more complex way of experiencing the task can be linked to a more complex manifestation of critical thinking in relation to the task. A less complex way of experiencing the task can be linked to a less complex manifestation of critical thinking in relation to the task. The study also suggests how these empirical results can be used in a pedagogical situation in order to enhance students manifested critical thinking in civics. Concerning the more overarching aim the study strongly points to a further use of the phenomenographic perspective when conducting research on students manifested critical thinking.
  • Boo, Sofia (författare)
  • Lärares arbete med individanpassning : Strategier och dilemman i klassrummet
  • 2014
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • A major challenge for teachers in crowded classrooms is to adapt the teaching to different pupil’s needs and abilities. Previous research shows that learning for pupils in the Swedish primary school has somewhat become an individual project. An increase in the individual work has been at the expense of whole class teaching. This has had a negative impact on pupils' academic performance. However, previous research also indicates that individual adaptation may affect results positively when the teacher is active, has knowledge of pupil’s needs and abilities and also a willingness to meet them.In the last few versions of the Swedish curriculum it is mentioned that teaching should be adjusted based on each pupil's abilities and needs. The purpose of this study is to investigate, describe and analyze how today's teachers in primary school (grades 1-6) handle individual adaptation in teaching, what strategies they use and what dilemmas that occurs. The study focuses on how work is carried out in practice. Qualitative interviews and participant observations are used in the data collection.This study has been conducted in two parts. The first part addresses five teachers and their classes in four different schools. In the second part the study has been extended with one of the above teachers whose classroom work was followed during a period of seven weeks. The results show that teachers are working hard to find methods that promote communication and interaction. They use different strategies to adapt teaching to each student. Individual work is still present but does not dominate the classroom work. Teachers individualize teaching by variation and interaction, by working together with tasks, with active relationship-oriented work and through continuous adjustments in the moment. The study also shows that teachers face several dilemmas when they individualize teaching in the classroom. One dilemma is among the ideal adaptation that teachers have a vision of, versus the time- and efficiencydriven adaptation that is possible to accomplish in the classroom. There is a tension between overall ideal images and teachers' practical everyday reality.
  • Gustafsson, Bertil, 1949 (författare)
  • Om vikten av att i automationsprocessen integrera handens och hjärnans arbete
  • 1999
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This licentiate report attempts to add to our knowledge of how the competence of skilled workers can be incorporated into modern manufacturing systems, without depriving them of the status that they had earned through their previous specialised skills and knowledge. The work is concentrated on establishing a theoretical basis for a model of how the computer can support this work: the Operator's Computer approach has been applied in three case-studies, thus taking it over the threshold into the Swedish engineering industry. The work has shown that the operator's computer serves as a tool for communication in two directions:-as a link between man and machine (programming the robot[s] and manufacturing process[es]):-as a link for coordinating the operator's skills, knowledge and experience with those of other personnel categories (working with the designers and the work planners).The report emphasises that when new technology is to be introduced, it should be considered as a matter of conscious policy, which part the practical knowledge and experience should play, and how it should be valued and best utilised. It is shown that the practical knowledge and skills of the skilled workers, with a significant content of tacit knowledge, can be incorporated into the new production system by guaranteeing training to the workers and ensuring that they are given a new skilled role to play and a proper place in a cross functional working team.The question is how this practical, but unarticulated, knowledge can be transferred from individuals to machines and organisations, refined into articulated as well as scientific knowledge and contribute to further development of technology. This is an area in which the targetboard model of knowledge intensive engineering teams can be helpful. It also shows that the belief is no longer true, that the development of the production technology and corresponding ways to organising the work should inevitably deskill the work. On the contrary, the computer puts reskilling back on to the agenda by:-eliminating the operators' constant tie to the machine;-releasing human skills and resources for more advanced work;-bringing different tasks together and enriching the work content, and-facilitating decentralising of responsibilities and authorisations.
  • Henriksson Persson, Anna (författare)
  • Demokratiuppdrag och demokratiska arbetsformer i grundskolans mellanår : En demokratididaktisk studie med fokus på SO-undervisning
  • 2018
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This study deals with the democracy mission of school, in which democratic working methods are a central part. The aim is to contribute with knowledge about how teachers as professional actors construct meaning of and shape to the democracy mission of school. Six teachers working in grades 4-6, have been interviewed on two occasions each, and one social science lesson by each teacher has been observed.The study is based on a social constructionist basis. The teachers are regarded as actors in the construction of the democratic mission of school. The results show different democracy theoretical influences operating in the teachers' constructions, and that the didactic dimensions are complex. The teachers value the democracy mission as important and always present in their everyday practice, but at the same time, it appears to be invisible and implicit. The results can be read as a story that begins in a perceived problem where teachers talk about the democracy mission as diffuse, in competition with other obligations, and associated with different dilemmas. However, when the teachers continue their stories, they start to fill the democracy mission with legitimacy, meaning and content. Examples of possible meanings that emerge are to promote respectful interaction between all persons in school, to offer students influence and choices, to encourage students to develop a willingness to participate in and influence the society and an everyday school practice permeated with democratic values.When the teachers describe the meanings of democratic working methods they talk about establishing formal student participation, non-formalized student participation, methods of work which involve cooperation between the students and the learning processes in which the students gradually develop the ability to exercise influence on their learning.The teachers regard the democratic mission as a matter of concern for all school subjects, but the social sciences are given a particular position in relation to both working methods and content.
  • Karlsson, Annika, 1966- (författare)
  • Samhällsguide, individualist och moderator : Samhällskunskapslärares professionella förhållningssätt i betygsättningsrelaterat arbete
  • 2011
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this study is to highlight civics teachers’ professional attitudes to grade related work in Samhällskunskap A (Civics), a compulsory course at upper secondary school. The methods employed are qualitative interviews and a compilation of tasks forming the basis of assessment in the current course. To gain a greater understanding of teachers’ grading difficulties, grading related dilemmas and strategies to deal with them have been identified. These are divided into three groups; dilemmas connected to the steering documents, dilemmas involving teachers’ own convictions, and dilemmas related to the school subject in question. Both dilemmas and strategies are mainly generic and the overall purpose expressed in the strategies is to help manage a demanding job situation. The professional attitudes reflect three areas of teacher work. The first is PCK aspects of assessment where teachers emphasize fact deepening tasks (faktafördjupare), news discussions and written tests (nyhetsdiskutant), a varied basis of assessment (samhällsguide), or pupils’ involvement through PBL and seminars (katalysator). Concerning the exercise of grading authority, teachers act as informal observers of pupils in the classroom, bureaucrats who clearly inform pupils of the grading criteria, professionals who are dependent on the cooperation with colleagues, and individualists who work alone. The development of democratic competence displays the teacher as a moderator who focuses on having pupils problemising and questioning social issues, as a co-operator who regards pupils as customers, or as a deliberator who emphasizes a permitting and open climate for discussions.
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