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Sökning: AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Social Work) > Licentiatavhandling

  • Resultat 1-10 av 54
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  • Brunnberg, Elinor, 1948- (författare)
  • I välfärdens skugga : socialt arbete med barn i Sverige och England
  • 2001
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med studien har varit att beskriva skillnader och likheter i socialtjänstens och Personal social services arbete med barn i Sverige och England. Vid insamlandet av det empiriska materialet har två lokala områden - Örebro och Leicestershire framförallt fokuserats. I Örebro har även jämförelser över tid gjorts mellan 1992 och 1998/1999. Studiens design har varit att socialarbetare i Sverige och England, fått ta bedöma samma fiktiva fallbeskrivning - en vinjett. Socialarbetarna har även kvalitativt intervjuats och besvarat ett frågeformulär. I studien har även en enkät om tillgången på barnomsorg besvarats av 38 mellansvenska kommuner. Jämförelser har gjorts med det engelska countiet dvs. två befolkningsmässigt lika stora områden. Resultat från studien visar att den offentliga barnomsorgen i det engelska countiet är begränsad. En ministödsmodell där familjestödet och den offentliga barnomsorgen ges i begränsad omfattning tycks gälla. England är en 'femalecarer' stat. Familjestödet och den offentliga barnomsorgen är däremot i Sverige mer omfattande och kan sägas utgå från en behovsmodell. Sverige kan beskrivas som en 'dualcarer' stat där den andra vårdande parten förutom kvinnorna är staten. I en vinjettstudie där socialarbetare i de båda länderna bedömt ett utsatt barns situation reagerar svenska och engelska socialarbetare olika. De svenska socialarbetarna vill engagera sig i en mindre problemfylld situation än de engelska. I en sannolik misshandelssituation vill socialarbetarna i den svenska kommunen oftare än de engelska socialarbetarna omhänderta barnet. Vad som är 'det bästa' för barnet bedöms olika. Ett skyddande barnperspektiv tycks ha förstärkts i den svenska kommunen under 1990-talet. De svenska socialarbetarna ville 1998/1999 oftare än 1992 omhänderta och placera barnet någon annanstans än i familjen. Trots de skilda attityder svenska och engelska socialarbetare visar i vinjettstudien omhändertas förhållandevis ungefär lika många barn i verkligheten i Sverige och England. Den svenska socialtjänsten tycks vara mer accepterad och paternalistisk än den engelska, som är mer ifrågasatt och där familjeautonomin prioriteras samtidigt som staten även i England skyddar och ger stöd till barn i utsatta situationer. Synen på fysisk bestraffning av barn är olika. Även barnens levnadsvillkor skiljer sig åt bl.a. genom att  betydligt fler engelska än svenska barn växer upp i fattigdom. Socialarbetarna i båda länderna bedömde sin professionella status på mellan eller låg nivå. De svenska socialarbetarna upplevde dock att de befann sig i medvind medan de engelska socialarbetarna befann sig i motvind.
  • Dag, Munir, 1968- (författare)
  • Unga människor med rörelsehinder utanför arbetsmarknaden : om barriärer, sociala relationer och livsvillkor
  • 2003
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med studien har varit att beskriva de specifika barriärer som individer med rörel-sehinder i åldrarna 20-35 år upplever att de möter i sin strävan att komma in på arbets-marknaden. Syftet har också varit att beskriva individernas livssituation under arbets-löshet och jämföra detta med livssituationen i någon form av sysselsättning. Metoden som har använts är kvalitativ, intervjuer med 12 individer med rörelsehinder.Resultaten från intervjuerna visar att individer med rörelsehinder möter barriärer inom olika områden. Barriärerna uppkommer via ett komplext samspel mellan den so-ciala och fysiska miljön, regelsystemen och individen. Studien tyder på olika orsaker till att individer med rörelsehinder möter barriärer i sina försök att få arbete. Exempel på sådana hinder är själva funktionshindret, graden av anpassning i den fysiska miljön, samhällets fördomar och rådande lagar. Utifrån detta har studien kunnat särskilja tre huvudkategorier av barriärer - individrelaterade, miljörelaterade och regelrelaterade.Resultatet visar att barriärer på individnivå är låg utbildning, avsaknad av yrkeserfa-renhet, lång period av arbetslöshet och dåliga kunskaper i regelsystemet. Ytterligare barriärer på individnivå är låg motivation att söka arbete.De miljörelaterade barriärer som identifieras är främst dåligt anpassade arbetslokaler, avsaknad av tekniska hjälpmedel och dåligt fungerade färdtjänst, bristande information samt rådande attityder om funktionshindrade i samhället. Dessa aspekter innebär di-rekta hinder för anställning av rörelsehindrade.Studien tyder också på att regelsystemen kan fungera som barriärer. Dels uppger un-dersökningsgruppen att de har bristande kunskaper i gällande regler, dels uppges att det inte är lönsamt att arbeta, eftersom inkomsten inte förbättras med ett arbete.
  • Jacobson Pettersson, Helene, 1952- (författare)
  • Socialt medborgarskap och social delaktighet : Lokala upplevelser bland unga kvinnor och män med utländsk bakgrund
  • 2008
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to explore how young adults from ethnic minority backgrounds experience social citizenship and social participation. How do they understand their social rights and duties? What are the possibilities and obstacles for their social participation? Based on the background of different studies in Sweden, that usually focus on conditions in bigger cities, this study discusses social citizenship among ethnic minority youth in the context of a middle-sized Swedish town. In contrast to research on ethnicity and youth in Sweden, that discuss social problems and social exclusion in terms of the deficient cultural, linguistic and social competence of the individuals, this study focuses on different kinds of resources and experiences of agency among young people from migrant backgrounds. Their experiences of active social citizenship and social participation fill also a gap in the contemporary research from the perspective of social inclusion. The theoretical framework is based on the concept of social citizenship as discussed by T. H. Marshall (1950), T. Bottomore (1992) and inspired by research on the subjective dimension of social citizenship conducted by R. Lister (1997, 2003, 2007). In order to grasp the subjective dimension of social citizenship, this thesis deals with differentiated expressions of universal social citizenship in terms of agency and participation in different areas of social life. Using a qualitative approach, seventeen people have been interviewed. The interviews have been analysed from an intersectional perspective where gender, age, marital status and longevity in Sweden appear to be concurrent categories. The results point towards tendencies of enclavisation among these young adults usually articulating experience of weak social bonding in relation to the Swedish majority population. Some informants refer to their expectations of living in bigger cities or a third country, and have plans to move as a strategy for better, more integrated and less discriminated conditions of future life. In sum, the central expectations of the interviewees on the improvement of their social citizenship conditions are the following: They want to be active citizens and are willing to contribute to the development of a more inclusive Swedish society. This thesis contributes to our current understanding of how young adults from ethnic minority backgrounds, experience social citizenship and social participation within the areas of: housing, education, labour-market, leisure and policy.
  • Ahlgren, Thorbjörn, 1959- (författare)
  • Ungdomsbehandling : Hemmaplanslösning som idé och praktik
  • 2007
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Title: Open-care Treatment of Youth. Home-ground Solutions in Theory and Practice This dissertation is a case study in two parts, which describes how ideas about open-care treatment of youth aged 13-20 years are interpreted and concretized in a local context. The study, i.a., aims at creating deeper knowledge about target group, content of treatment, and reported results concerning a form of treatment in social care which has hitherto been sparsely researched in Sweden. The results of the interview study demonstrate that the driving forces for developing local forms of open care treatments have first and foremost been to offer better care and to improve the professionalism of the social worker. Studies of the social welfare documents of 97 young people reveal that most of these youngsters are in bad need of treatment and that they have experiences of various kinds of treatment before the present efforts. The study also demonstrates that the efforts are rarely evaluated and lack systematic documentation. Finally, the study reveals that more than 60 per cent of the youth get some sort of continuous support by the social welfare system after the open-care treatment has come to an end. The results from both parts of the study are analysed by means of neo- institutional theory. According to this theory the local open-care treatment consists of an indistinct target group, family-oriented methods, and activities that have been legitimised by strong proponents, good timing, professional development, and by representing important political values. In conclusion, the author argues that open care treatment shows signs of a beginning institutionalisation, a taken-for-granted-ness, which he thinks is risky, as we still do not know if open-care treatment is more favourable to the young people than different kinds of 24-hour care. In addition, the author holds, that the future role of the social worker should include knowledge that decreases unfounded taken-for-granted ideas.
  • Holmdahl, Johan, 1971- (författare)
  • Hot om vräkning : Tre aktörers perspektiv
  • 2009
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • From the filing of an application to evict to the final execution of an eviction order is a long and complicated process. This raises questions about how the actors involved experience and act during this process. The general aim of the study was to describe and analyse this process from the respective perspectives of the landlords, the social services and the individuals (families) facing eviction in three municipalities in the county of Stockholm. The issues discussed are how the landlords and the social welfare offices are organised, their work procedures, respective scopes of action and resources, and how individuals facing eviction cope with their life situation. The material for the study consists of qualitative interviews with nine handling officers at six landlord offices, fifteen social workers at three social welfare offices, twelve individuals who were facing eviction and fifteen observations of conversations between social workers and individuals who were facing eviction. The analytic framework used consists of perspectives and concepts derived from organisation theory – Human Service Organizations and street-level bureaucrats – and theories on coping. A main result of the study is that the work procedures of the professionals are standardised in many ways and are characterised by similar procedures for classifying and categorising the individuals facing eviction, irrespective of how the three municipalities have organised their work. Another main result is that the primarily interests of the individuals facing eviction are to meet what they experience to be their children’s needs, and to avoid eviction. Further, the individuals experience as stressful their life situation marked by the threat of eviction in combination with reduced financial resources that make it difficult for them to meet their children’s needs. The study has identified two types of strategies that individuals facing eviction use in order to cope with their life situation and to achieve their interests. These are emotion-focused strategies and problem-focused strategies, which are described and discussed.
  • Berg Eklundh, Lotta (författare)
  • Kontaktfamilj : En förebyggande stödinsats eller mellanvård?
  • 2010
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The contact family is a special intervention for supporting children in families with social problems. The child receives an ‘extra family’ with whom he or she can spend limited periods, like one or two weekends every month, one or two weekday nights and some holiday weeks during the year. The concept is that sharing this ‘extra family’s’ everyday life helps the child to build up resiliency and become better able to handle everyday life in the biological family. The members of the contact family can serve as role models and provide good examples of how to handle such situations as family and sibling conflicts. Sometimes the child finds ‘a significant other’ in the contact family, i.e. an adult who understands the child’s needs, listens to the child’s thoughts and worries and assists in evaluating the child’s cognitive abilities. This form of social support is decided on and paid for by the Social Welfare Service in the community where the child lives with the biological family. This study concerns 50 children living in four municipalities in Sweden who had received contact families in year 2000. It is a longitudinal study conducted over a period of seven years comprising both interviews and analysis of the social service offices’ documentation on each of the 50 children in the study. The empirical material was collected on four occasions (2000, 2003, 2005 and 2007. Interviews were conducted with a number of social workers involved in the cases, 15 of the children, their biological parents and the contact parents. The theoretical foundation for the study is the ecological model of human development, which places the child in the centre surrounded by the four systems and  with the contact family as a possible ‘proximal process’. The analyses were made from the perspective of the social workers’ scope of action and that of the participating children’s perspectives. The results showed that the parents who applied for a contact family (often a single parent, usually the mother) did so in order to obtain some relief from their parental duties and/or because they lacked a social network. The majority of the children had parents with social problems, such as substance addiction, a mental disorder or other health problems. As many as 30 of the children had experienced domestic violence. Nearly 40% had also experienced being placed with a contact family that in periods functioned as a short-term emergency children’s home or foster home. Only two of the children had the possibility to participate in choosing whether or not to have a contact family. Several of the children participated in the ongoing process of arranging for the contact family and in making the decision to terminate the arrangement, or to move in with the contact family as foster children or with the contact family functioning as a form of supported housing.
  • Bergman, Ann-Sofie, 1963- (författare)
  • Ett gott hem? : Barnavårdsnämndens praktik i Växjö 1926-1935
  • 2007
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna rapport handlar om fosterbarnsvård under perioden 1926–1935, då många barn bodde i fosterhem i Sverige. Vid studiens startpunkt hade en ny lag om samhällets barnavård införts där det ingick bestämmelser om kontroll över fosterbarnens vård. Vem som helst fick inte ta hand om fosterbarn, därför skulle fosterhems och fosterföräldrars lämplighet utredas och barnens vård i hemmen kontrolleras. I rapporten ges en inblick i hur lämplighetsfrågan och fosterhemstillsynen hanterades i en lokal praktik vid barnavårdsnämnden i Växjö.Ann-Sofie Bergman är socionom och fil. mag. i historia. Detta är hennes licentiatavhandling i socialt arbete.
  • Enokson, Uffe, 1965- (författare)
  • Tiden i senmodernt vardagsliv : En rollteoretisk analys av hushållens livsformer
  • 2006
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Tiden i senmodernt vardagsliv utgör en teoretisk fördjupning av den tidigare utgivna rapporten Tid, pengar och sociala nätverk (2005). Där undersöks klyftorna mellan tidrika och tidfattiga levnadsförhållanden. Kontraster som visar på en obalans i fördelningen av tid, pengar och sociala roller på och utanför arbetsmarknaden i vardagslivet. Syftet i denna rapport är att undersöka teorier om de sociala rollernas betydelse genom att jämföra två konkurrerande teoribildningar och granska deras generaliserbarhet och förklaringsvärde. I huvudsak används teorierna för att analysera tidrika och tidfattiga livsformers levnadsmönster i förhållande till självupplevd tid, multipla roller och stress. Tillsammans utgör de två rapporterna författarens licentiatavhandling.
  • Giertz, Lottie, 1954- (författare)
  • Ideal och vardag : Inflytande och självbestämmande med personlig assistans
  • 2008
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Personal assistance was introduced in 1994 as part of “LSS”, Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments. The intention of this assistance is to enable people with severe and extensive impairments to live a “normal life”. In this law text the importance of the user’s influence on how to form the assistance is emphasized; the user also has the opportunity to choose which organization should carry out his/her achievement. The user is encouraged to act independently and autonomously.The main purpose of the present investigation is to shed light on how the user’s influence in the process of gaining assistance and independence in everyday life is perceived and described. The study is based on different forms of qualitative interviews with users, legal representatives, assistance employers, handling officers and personal assistants.The results show that many users need support from others in the process of applying for assistance. Obstacles in the user’s influence are mainly the impairment itself; a failing body, feebleness and other difficulties. Other impediments are lack of knowledge of one’s rights, legislation and the organization of the assistance.Self-determination in everyday assistance is facilitated by the support being given by a few familiar persons in the household. The level of self-determination depends mainly on the relationship between the user and the personal assistant. Users develop different strategies such as adapting the content of the day to the assistant who works that particular day or to employ family members as assistants. For other users it can be difficult to find functioning strategies for self-determination and they imply that the assistants take over the home. The home is being turned into a workplace and the user’s independence in decision-making is questioned and threatened.Many people with severe disabilities have a legal representative. In the inquiry the interviewed representatives are also relatives of the user – often parents. In the application process for assistance the results show that user influence is facilitated when there is a third party who can speak for the user. In daily life however self-determination in the user’s assistance becomes complicated – it becomes difficult for assistants and assistance employers to interpret the difference between the will of the user and the will of the relative/representative.The Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments becomes a paradox when the individual user lacks chances to live up to an active and responsible role which is assumed in the text of the law. The frailest persons lacking representatives run the risk of heavier vulnerability. Then the right to independence and self-determination in their own lives is reserved for the users who have a strong voice of their own or a strong willpower from their legal representatives who are able to claim their rights to influence and self-determination.
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (54)
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