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Sökning: L4X0:1404 4307 > (2006)

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  • Thulin, Susanne (författare)
  • Vad händer med lärandets objekt? : En studie av hur lärare och barn i förskolan kommunicerar naturvetenskapliga fenomen
  • 2006
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Det övergripande syftet med detta forskningsarbete är att undersöka hur lärare i förskolan i samtal med barn tar sig an en i Läroplan för förskolan (1998) framskriven innehållsaspekt. Den innehållsaspekt som är i fokus är naturvetenskap. De forskningsfrågor som ställs är: Vad kommuniceras som objekt för lärande i ett naturvetenskapligt sammanhang i förskolan? Vilka akter av lärande framkommer i kommunicerandet av lärandets objekt? Studiens teoretiska referensram utgår från fenomenografi och sociokulturell teori, med särskild förankring i utvecklingspedagogisk forskning. Forskningsprojektet genomfördes på en förskoleavdelning med barn i åldern tre till sex år. Situationer med ett naturvetenskapligt innehåll har dokumenterats med videokamera. Lärarnas ”intended object of learning” var ’Livet i stubben’. Observationerna har skrivits ut i text med fokus på de dialoger som förekom mellan lärare och barn. Materialet har analyserats utifrån lärandets objekt och lärandets akt. Vid en fördjupad analys används tre nivåer av metareflekterande samtal. Denna analys har som syfte att visa i vilken mån det aktuella objektet synliggörs inom de tre nivåerna. Resultatanalysen av lärandets objekt visar på en variation av samtalstema. Resultatanalysen av lärandets akt har synliggjort ’akter som riktning’ och ’akter som uttryckssätt’. Vad som händer med lärandets objekt i förskolan diskuteras i termer av det meningsfulla sammanhanget, betydelsen av att uppfatta sammanhanget och lärarnas goda intentioner med innehållet. Resultaten pekar på att akter som uttryckssätt riskerar att bli ett redskap för innehållets anpassning till rådande omsorgs-, lek- och lärandepraktik. Avslutningsvis problematiseras lärandets objekt i relation till förskolans bildningsideal och framtida vägval för förskolan diskuteras.
  • Håkansson, Jan, 1959- (författare)
  • Lärande mellan policy och praktik : Kontextuella villkor för skolans reformarbete
  • 2006
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Abstract Håkansson, Jan (2006). Learning between policy and practice. Contextual conditions for reform activity in schools. Acta Wexionensia No 95/2006. ISSN:1404-4307, ISBN: 91-7636-510-7. Written in Swedish with a summary in English. Considerable changes have characterised the past decades’ education policy. These changes apply to all types of schools within the Swedish education system. This thesis treats issues of professional teacher development, the introduction of project work in upper secondary school as well as quality audits in the school system. While intending to problematise and intensify discussions on the school reforms’ significance for school development, the thesis focuses on the conditions for practitioners in-depth reflection and deliberative learning in relation to various development measures in school. The overall purpose is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the relation between policy and practice with respect to school staff’s learning processes, which is constituted in policy and practical contexts examined here. One intention here is to present an analysis of the learning aspects in the explicit development measures formulated in policy documents. Another intention is to analyse learning, which is rather implicitly attached to the implementation of policy. The three reform processes have been studied in a broad socio-theoretical perspective on policy and learning. Yet, inspiration was also provided by a critical action research approach. Discursive and dialectic perspectives on policy, practice and learning are significant for carrying out the empirical studies, but also for the analysis of the empirical material. The study depicts myriad and controversial relations between policy, practice and learning. With respect to professional teacher development projects in partial study A, one outcome is that the policy’s transparent character interplays with creative learning aspects both in policy and practice. Regarding the introduction of project work in upper secondary education, partial study B establishes that the unclear and implicit policy character can be related to preserving learning aspects in the official discourse, yet, it can be creative when applied in practice. The policy on quality audits in the school system as examined in partial study C can be referred to as uncommunicative with an orientation towards preserving learning aspects, while there is possibilities within local evaluation and quality audits for an orientation towards creative learning aspects. On the whole, these reform processes are part of what can be identified as hybrid integration patterns in line with communicative perspectives and perspectives on set objectives. The results in this thesis illustrate a potential for improved participation aided by extended possibilities for communication within the framework of a deliberative perspective on governing schools. It is of great significance to pay attention to this in future reforms. Keywords: communication, critical action research, deliberation, learning, policy, school reform.
  • Bilder av polisarbete : Samhällsuppdrag, dilemman och kunskapskrav
  • 2006
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I den här antologin ges några bilder av polisarbete. Författarna representerar olika ämnen och har skilda infallsvinklar på frågan. Men sammanhållande teman är samhällsuppdraget – att skydda demokratiska värden – samt de professionella och etiska dilemman och kunskapskrav som är förknippade med uppdraget. Boken har sitt upphov i en seminarieserie om polisforskning som under två års tid anordnades vid Växjö universitet.Här diskuteras polisarbete som en uppgift att hantera dilemman, yrkeskulturen, bemötandet av personer med psykiatriska problem, samarbetet med socialtjänsten vid tvångsomhändertaganden, rättstatliga krav, arbetet med inre utlänningskontroll, hur poliser skildras i kriminallitteraturen vilket kan påverka allmänhetens syn och hur genusaspekten tar sig uttryck i utbildningen.Boken vänder sig till dem som är intresserade av polisarbete och även till dem som har ett mer övergripande intresse för professionsfrågor och de krav som kan ställas på tjänstemän i en offentlig verksamhet.Redaktörerna Lena Agevall, docent i statsvetenskap, och Håkan Jenner, professor i pedagogik, är verksamma vid Växjö universitet.
  • Bill, Frederic, 1972- (författare)
  • The Apocalypse of Entrepreneurship
  • 2006
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This monograph represents an attempt to rethink some of the fundamentals of entrepreneurship research, arguing that an entrepreneurial method for going about research ought to be about trying hitherto unthought-of perspectives. Apocalypsing, the method proposed and deployed in order to carry out this rethinking, deals simply with venturing beyond the already perceived. Drawing on the structuralism of the renowned anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, societal discourse on entrepreneurship is animated by analysing articles from a Swedish news agency. This analysis forms the foundation for a rereading of a North American myth, the Story of Lynx, as it is retold by Lévi-Strauss. The reinterpretation is aimed at demonstrating how this myth could also be perceived as an entrepreneurship narrative. This build up then culminates in a reframing of an academic monograph dealing with learning in an industrial district, a culmination in which the apocalyptic apparatus is shown, demonstrating the lack of a true signifier. Thus, something normally seen as familiar with regard to entrepreneurship is read/written ‘out of’ the taken for granted perception. Then something normally seen as very exotic, that is the story of Lynx, with regard to entrepreneurship is read/written ‘in to’ the field, thereby folding the phenomena in a new way, making the apparent inside an outside and the apparent outside an inside, elaborating in this way on the possibility of a cosmological perception of entrepreneurship. Next follows a rereading of another scientific text, one that is powered mainly by a case study of an industrial district. Using this story, an attempt to tear away the veil that obscures entrepreneurship is made, demonstrating how entrepreneurship can be seen as a part in a series of substitutable elements. Instead of a ‘true’ meaning, entrepreneurship links up with other labels, arranging itself into a series of substitutable explanations regarding why the world is the way it is. In the next step, drawing upon the colourful descriptions in the Book of Revelations, attempts are made to present other entrepreneurships. Inspired by Gilles Deleuze, various understandings, various horsemen of the apocalypse, are allowed to emanate from the material presented by Gustafsson (2004). Thus, it is shown how entrepreneurship could be multiplied beyond the apocalypse. Thus, Gustafsson’s field-accounts are used to elaborate on the four horsemen: who they are, what they do – which is perhaps somewhat surprising – and what they do not do. That is, the Apocalypse or apocalyptic apparatus is moved through the region and it leaves in its wake another understanding. Finally venturing back into the field of entrepreneurship research, this study elaborates on what the apocalypse and its aftermath would imply for our understanding of the various attempts to research the phenomena of entrepreneurship. Surprisingly, this leads us to the discovery that entrepreneurship research resides in Limbo.
  • Carlsson, Lena, 1947- (författare)
  • Medborgarskap som demokratins praktiska uttryck : - diskursiva konstruktioner av gymnasieskolans elever som medborgare
  • 2006
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Abstract Carlsson, Lena (2006). ). Medborgarskap som demokratins praktiska uttryck i skolan. Diskursiva konstruktioner av gymnasieelever som medborgare. Citizenship as the practical expression of democracy at school. Discursive constructions of upper secondary pupils as citizens. School and education have a specific status owing to their task to educate young citizens and further their development. It is thus possible to regard schools as a type of public sphere, where individual and private matters are transcended. According to the curriculum for the secondary school system, the professional school staff´s task is two-fold insofar as they should mediate both knowledge and democracy. In this doctoral thesis the focus is placed on how and by what means education can contribute to young members of society finding their place and coping with their roles as citizens in a democratic society. The overall aim of this thesis is to present a deeper interpretation of the meanings and consequences of teachers´ speech concerning upper secondary pupils as citizens. More specifically, the aim is to empirically problematise and theoretically reconstruct pedagogical discourses on citizenship as practical expressions of demoracy in the context of education. Two central terms, which are thus highlighted are democracy and citizenship. Both Durkheim and Dewey provide significant theoretical points of departure, which are drawn upon in this thesis. Bourdieu contributes with perspectives on the ideological role, which institutions of education play in legitimising already existing societal orders. Foucault poses questions about power and knowledge. Habermas’ emphasis is placed on the discursive rationality expressed in verbal communication, which serves as an overall perspective for this thesis. Thus, in terms of methodology language constitutes the most central tool. Analyses are made in three stages. Reforms and policy are supposed to have been created within a central discursive framework and are therefore examined by way of analytical perusal of a) post-war education policy texts and b) current national policy documents concerning the Business and Administration Programme in upper secondary education. The third stage involves analysis of c) eight conversations from the professional school staff’s discursive practice by applying critical discourse analysis as a methodological tool. Four separate discourses have evolved, each pointing to different perspectives on human beings, knowledge and society: a discursive perception which is directed towards traditional values, a second perception which has communication and democracy as its superior ideal, and yet another discourse is directed towards trade and industry while, finally, one more discourse which is mainly characterised by a protective attitude towards pupils. Finally, how these contradictory as well as concordant discourses dictate the conditions and frameworks for the sort of citizenship which is constructed and constituted in the pedagogical practice is discussed, and thus how school as a public sphere may be understood in a more profound way. Key words: democracy, citizenship, critical discourse analysis, discursive constructions, reforms, policy, communication.
  • Grönqvist, Leif, 1969- (författare)
  • Exploring Latent Semantic Vector Models Enriched With N-grams
  • 2006
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna avhandling behandlar en sorts vektorrumsmodell som jag kallar ”Latent Semantic Vector Model”, eller LSVM, framtagen med tekniken ”Latent Semantic Indexing”. En LSVM har många användningsområden men jag har i första hand tittat på en direkt tillämpning: dokumentsökning. Det en LSVM kan tillföra dokumentsökning är möjligheten att söka efter innehåll snarare än specifika sökord. Att använda sig av en LSVM i ett dokumentsökningssystem har visat sig förbättra kvaliteten på de returnerade dokumentlistorna – det blir lättare för användaren att hitta den information han eller hon är ute efter. Det problem som angrips i det här arbetet är att en LSVM i normalfallet bara innehåller enkla ord, medan termer man söker efter ofta är flerordsuttryck.Jag har försökt träna upp modeller som är konfigurerade på olika sätt med avseende på parametrar som träningsdata, vokabulär, matrisstorlek, kontextstorlek och inte minst olika sätt att få in flerordsuttryck direkt i modellerna. Syftet har varit att avgöra hur prestanda för en LSVM påverkas då man går från en ordbaserad modell till en sominnehåller både ord och flerordsuttryck. För att kunna mäta förändringen har två utvärderingsmetoder använts: synonymtest och dokumentsökning. Synonymtestningen har gjorts för svenska och dokumentsökningen för svenska och engelska. Resultaten förbättras för synonymtestningen men försämras för dokumentsökning. För engelsk dokumentsökning är förändringen inte signifikant.Arbetet har även resulterat i två nya resurser som är mycket användbara för utvärdering av flera typer av modeller: utvärderingsmängden SweHP560, innehållande 560 svenska synonym-uppgifter från Högskoleprovet, och de nya måtten RankEff och WRS för utvärdering av dokumentsökningssystem, som tar bättre hand om problemet med ofullständigt facit i utvärderingsdata än existerande mått som MAP och bpref.
  • Gustafsson, Åsa, 1973- (författare)
  • Customers' logistics service requirements and logistics strategies in the Swedish sawmill industry
  • 2006
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The future of the sawmill industry is uncertain; this is partly due to its internal structural changes, but also due to structural changes amongst their customers. Concurrently, competition within the industry is increasing, and therefore focus is constantly being placed on reducing costs and leveraging economies of scale. However, in order for sawmills to benefit from economies of scale, it is necessary to work with a well thought-out logistics strategy. This doctoral dissertation aims at identifying and describing the customers' logistics service requirements as well as describing and analyzing logistic strategies in the sawmill industry.The dissertation identifies and defines some of the sawmills customers' logistics service requirements and establishes a theoretical framework for logistics strategies, as well as it studies logistics strategies in the sawmill industry.House-builders and traditional retailers appear to focus on similar logistics service requirements, whereas the logistics service requirement of the DIY multiple retailers differ. Furthermore, this dissertation provides a general definition of logistics strategy that has been operationalized by generic logistics strategies. The sawmill industry makes use of generic logistics strategies such as differentiation and postponement. The individual sawmills ought to consider improving their process performance by implementing additional generic logistics strategies as well as increasing their utilization of generic logistics strategies that are already implemented.The sawmill industry's utilization of generic logistics strategies is however restricted by its own supplier market (including uncertainties of quality of incoming material), and also by the inherent nature of commodity products, as well as divergent material flows.
  • Helstad, Klara, 1977- (författare)
  • Managing timber procurement in Nordic purchasing sawmills
  • 2006
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Procurement of sawlogs to purchasing sawmills represents a basic strategic business process. The properties of inbound sawlogs are decisive for the output of sawn products and the cost of raw material contributes substantially to the cost of the final product. Increasing customer orientation and new demands from powerful customers in the building and retail sectors entail new or accentuated demands on management of procurement. Managing raw material procurement and communicating needs to suppliers and logging machine operators are vital issues for sawmills in order to be competitive.The purpose of the thesis is to explore how purchasing sawmills manage procurement of sawlogs. The results are based on 46 in-depth interviews with people involved in the procurement process at seven softwood sawmills in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The thesis identifies various types of supply uncertainties as well as process improvement and buffer activities that reduce uncertainties. However, the major obstacle in the procurement process is the power/dependence balance in the relationships with suppliers. Beyond doubt, it restricts the manageability of procurement and particularly bucking. The results suggest that there are a number of ways to improve management of procurement, which are currently not fully employed. The thesis provides four key strategic dimensions of the procurement process and suggests a general conceptual model of wood procurement to purchasing sawmills.Further research within the subject can usefully explore the link between procurement management and procurement strategy as well as the relation to other functions' strategies and the corporate strategy. The importance of the identified strategic dimensions of the procurement process needs to be quantified in order to provide normative suggestions.
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populärvet., debatt m.m. (1)
Fritzell, Christer, ... (4)
Eriksson, Olof, Prof ... (2)
Hjelm, Katarina (1)
Agevall, Lena (1)
Andersson, Göran (1)
Nivre, Joakim, Profe ... (1)
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Håkansson, Jan, 1959 ... (1)
Jenner, Håkan (1)
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Johansson, Ulla (1)
Grönqvist, Leif, 196 ... (1)
Helldén, Gustav (1)
Rupar-Gadd, Katarina ... (1)
Karlgren, Jussi (1)
Jenner, Håkan, Profe ... (1)
Nilsson, Per, 1967- (1)
Fahlström, Per Göran (1)
Härnsten, Gunilla, P ... (1)
Larsson, Rolf G (1)
Lundgren, Marianne, ... (1)
Thulin, Susanne (1)
Johansson, Ulla, 194 ... (1)
Fritzén, Lena, Fil d ... (1)
Lindberg, Mats, Prof ... (1)
Lund, Stefan, 1966- (1)
Bill, Frederic, 1972 ... (1)
Johannisson, Bengt, ... (1)
Ericsson, Daniel, Ek ... (1)
Corvellec, Hervé, Do ... (1)
Pramling Samuelsson, ... (1)
Dahlin, Bo, Professo ... (1)
Carlsson, Lena, 1947 ... (1)
Wistedt, Inger, Prof ... (1)
Baudin, Anders, Prof ... (1)
Gustafsson, Åsa, 197 ... (1)
Forslund, Magnus (1)
Olsen, Michel, Profe ... (1)
Ahonen-Myka, Helena, ... (1)
Toppinen, Anne, Doce ... (1)
Hultman, Glenn, Prof ... (1)
Helstad, Klara, 1977 ... (1)
Björheden, Rolf, Pro ... (1)
Rask, Lars-Olof, Lek ... (1)
Sikanen, Lauri, Doce ... (1)
Hjortberg, Monica (1)
Halldén, Gunilla, Pr ... (1)
Agevall, Lena, Docen ... (1)
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Fritzén, Lena, Lekto ... (1)
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