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Sökning: L4X0:1654 2029 > (2020-2021)

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  • Aminoff, Christina, 1966- (författare)
  • Skriftspråkliga handlingar i förskoleklass och årskurs 1
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna avhandling handlar om skriftspråklighet i förskoleklass och årskurs 1. Syftet med avhandlingen är att bidra med kunskap om skriftspråkliga handlingar i förskoleklass och årskurs 1 och i övergången mellan de två skolformerna. I avhandlingen ingår tre förskoleklasser och fem klasser i årskurs 1. Det empiriska materialet består av observationer, fältanteckningar, stillbilder och informella samtal. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys, begrepp från tidigare forskning samt begrepp från avhandlingens teoretiska utgångspunkt, det sociokulturella perspektivet. Materialet har även analyserats med inspiration från Luke och Freebodys (1997, 1999) resursmodell. Resultatet visar att när läraren och barnen arbetar med läsande och skrivande är ofta språkets form, funktion och innehåll åtskilda från varandra. Det är en bild som framträder i arbetet med exempelvis skriftens kod. Träning av kodningsfärdigheter kopplas inte till ett funktionellt läsande och skrivande, utan sker i isolerade aktiviteter. I övergången mellan skolformerna upprepas skriftspråkligt innehåll, exempelvis kan barnen göra samma eller liknande ljudanalytiska övningar i årskurs 1 som de arbetat med i förskoleklass. Det innebär att de barn som redan behärskar det som ska läras i en övning inte möts utifrån sina kunskaper och erfarenheter.
  • Andersson, Ulrika B., 1967- (författare)
  • Framåtsyftande bedömning i tidig läsundervisning : Teori och praktik
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syfte är att bidra med kunskap om hur framåtsyftande bedömning kan användas och används av lärare som underlag för pedagogiska åtgärder i tidig läsundervisning. I avhandlingen har jag ett pragmatiskt förhållningssätt till både teorier och metoder. Avhandlingen bygger på fyra artiklar. Datainsamling gjordes genom artikelläsning (artikel I), fokusgruppsintervjuer (artikel Il) och narrativa intervjuer (artikel III) och testresultat (artikel IV). Resultaten analyserades med; Venn-diagram (I), tematisk analys (II), narrativ analys (lll) och variansanalys (IV). Resultaten visar att formativ bedömning och Response to intervention kan komplettera varandra och att kunskap om olika framåtsyftande förhållningssätt och teorier kan underlätta lärares professionella utveckling. Det framgår också att sociala bedömningsaspekter är viktiga i avkodningsundervisningen. Resultaten visar att en stor andel av eleverna i åk 1 har fortsatt behov av avkodningsträning även i slutet av åk 1. Bedömningsverktyg för läsundervisning behöver därför ge tydlig och återkommande information om elevens förmåga att avkoda. Resultaten visar att lärarnas användning av bedömningsverktyg påverkas av kontexten. Det handlar om att uppmärksamma specifika förutsättningar och att organisera bedömningspraktiken så att ett ömsesidigt och hållbart utbyte uppstår mellan läraren, eleven och bedömningsverktyget.
  • Arnell, Sofie, 1984- (författare)
  • Elevers möten med matematik : En studie om elevers möten med matematik i förskoleklass och årskurs 1
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Många och positiva tidiga möten med matematik är betydelsefulla för barns och elevers matematiklärande. Avhandlingens syfte är att bidra med kunskap om elevers möten med matematik i förskoleklass och årskurs 1 genom att undersöka, analysera och beskriva dem. Ytterligare ett syfte är att redogöra för likheter och skillnader i elevers möten med matematik i förskoleklass och årskurs 1 för att bidra till ökad förståelse kring faktorer som kan påverka elevers möjligheter att utveckla förståelse för skolmatematiken. En empirisk studie genomfördes, där en elevgrupp och dess lärare följdes från höstterminen i förskoleklass till höstterminen i årskurs 1. Data samlades in genom deltagande observationer och informella samtal. Materialet analyserades sedan i två steg; först gjordes en empirinära analys och därefter en teoretisk analys utifrån begrepp hämtade från verksamhetsteorin. Resultatet visar att elevers möten med matematik i förskoleklass och årskurs 1 sker på en mängd olika sätt. Mötena kan relateras till tre olika typer av matematikverksamheter i både förskoleklassen och årskurs 1, vilka erbjuder eleverna olika lärandemöjligheter. Av dessa verksamheter framgår även att matematikundervisningen är mer formell i årskurs 1 än i förskoleklassen. Det visar sig i att eleverna har högre handlingsfrihet i förskoleklassen än i årskurs 1 och att det finns ett starkare fokus på matematiska begrepp och metoder i årskurs 1 än i förskoleklassen. Dessa skillnader kan vidare få negativa konsekvenser för kontinuiteten i elevernas matematiklärande.
  • Berg, Matilda, 1989- (författare)
  • Just know it : The role of explicit knowledge in internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for adolescents
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The role of explicit, declarative knowledge in general health care and in psychotherapy is a growing field of research. In many areas of healthcare, knowledge is regarded as an important factor for successful interventions. Participants within mental-health interventions should ideally gain knowledge about their specific conditions and strategies to improve, in order to manage their problems in more helpful ways. In Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), explicit knowledge is a core feature when treating clients and educating them about their symptoms, problems and potential solutions. Still, the role of knowledge and its relation to treatment outcome within CBT treatments is unclear. CBT administered over the internet (ICBT), is mainly based on psychoeducative texts and thus provides a suitable format for an initial evaluation of explicit knowledge within a clinical research context. The role of explicit knowledge could be of particular importance in the study of younger target groups, who probably have their first treatment experience. Their knowledge gain and its use could be of importance both as separate constructs but also in relation to symptom reduction following treatment.The overarching aim of this thesis was to explore the role of explicit knowledge in internet-delivered CBT for adolescents with depression and anxiety.Study I explored the role of explicit knowledge in a randomised controlled trial with adolescents suffering from primary depression. A knowledge test was constructed and administered at pre- and post-treatment. Results showed that explicit knowledge and certainty of knowledge about depression, anxiety and CBT increased during treatment, but that these variables were unrelated to treatment outcome. Lower pre-treatment knowledge levels (certainty) however predicted greater improvement in depressive symptoms.Study II describes the procedure of developing a new knowledge test in the context of ICBT for adolescents with depression and anxiety. An explorative factor analysis was performed and resulted in a three-factor solution with the following factors: Act in aversive states, Using positive reinforcement, and Shifting attention. The procedure presented could illustrate one way of creating a test for knowledge evaluation in ICBT, but its clinical use needs to be evaluated further.In Study III, participants from a randomised controlled trial of ICBT for adolescent depression were asked about their acquired knowledge and knowledge use six months later. Qualitative methodology (thematic analysis) was used. The results showed two overarching ways that clients can remember and relate to CBT-principles after treatment; one more explicit way related to the active application of CBT principles, and another vague way of recalling treatment content and the passive usage of CBT. Both ways of recalling CBT principles were related to experiencing the treatment as helpful.Study IV evaluated the role of learning strategies and chat-sessions in ICBT for adolescents with anxiety and depression. A total of 120 adolescents were randomised to one of four treatment groups, in a 2x2 factorial design with the two factors: with or without learning support and/or chat-sessions. Overall, the results showed general reductions of anxiety and depressive symptoms, and increased knowledge levels. Participants receiving learning strategies during treatment obtained more immediate benefits in treatment outcome and knowledge levels, but at six months follow-up participants without learning support had reached equal amounts of knowledge and symptom reduction. Chat-sessions did not add any effect on treatment outcome or knowledge levels.In conclusion, this thesis suggests that explicit knowledge is a construct that is independent of symptom reduction and increases during ICBT treatments for adolescents with depression and anxiety. Increased knowledge, and increased certainty of knowledge, are valuable outcomes since CBT emphasises educating clients about symptoms, therapeutic principles, and strategies that they can remember and use later on. The lack of association between explicit knowledge gain and symptom reduction could indicate that explicit knowledge is a necessary but insufficient factor for symptom reduction. Adding learning strategies within a treatment programme could be of importance for enhancing short-term treatment effects.There is a continued need for more research on the role of knowledge in ICBT, both as an outcome and as a way to improve treatment effects. The findings in this thesis however suggest that research on explicit knowledge is important to understand what makes ICBT work.
  • Bjärehed, Marlene, 1981- (författare)
  • The association between moral disengagement and bullying in early adolescence
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • School bullying occurs when a student is repeatedly exposed to negative actions by other students. The victim is often at some form of a disadvantage. Bullying can take many forms, such as physical, verbal, and relational. It can also occur online. With social cognitive theory as a theoretical framework, this dissertation examined some of the (individual and collective) moral processes that underlie bullying. More specifically, the aim was to enhance the understanding of the association between moral disengagement (MD) and bullying in early adolescence. Self-reported survey data was collected and analyzed using various statistical methods, such as multivariate regression and multilevel analysis. The results show that MD (individual and collective) is associated with bullying perpetration, both in a school context and online. The results also show that individual MD varies over time, and that changes are related to changes in bullying perpetration. The results also indicate that the mechanisms of MD are differentially associated with different forms of bullying. For instance, diffusion of responsibility is (positively) associated with assisting and reinforcing bullying, while moral justification is (positively) associated with indirect bullying. Overall, the results point to the importance of taking into account and analyzing both individual and contextual factors when examining the role that moral disengagement plays in bullying.
  • Dahlin, Mats, 1975- (författare)
  • Development and evaluation of an internet-based treatment for generalized anxiety disorder : An acceptance-based approach
  • 2020
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a chronic condition characterized by an excessive and uncontrollable worry. GAD has a highly negative impact on all aspects of life, and the costs for society are considerable. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), delivered face-to- face or online, has been shown to be effective in treating GAD. However, there are still room for improvement, with treatment content and format of delivery being two areas to further investigate. Internet-based treatments are often based on a generic CBT model of GAD and include treatment strategies such as cognitive restructuring and relaxation. Furthermore, the impact of therapist support has shown inconclusive results.Overall, this thesis aimed to evaluate the effects of a new internet-based treatment for GAD, based on acceptance, mindfulness, and valued action, delivered with different types of support. Study I was a small pilot trial with a within-group design. The study included 16 participants diagnosed with GAD who received the newly developed treatment program with weekly therapist support. Statistically significant and large effect sizes were observed on self-rated worry at post-treatment, and the effects were maintained at a three-months follow-up. Study II included 103 participants diagnosed with GAD who were randomized to nine weeks of treatment with the treatment program and weekly support, or a waiting-list control group. Statistically significant moderate to large effects were observed on primary and secondary outcomes in favour of the treatment. The exception was a measure of quality of life, with no significant difference between the two groups. The treatment effects were maintained at a six-months follow-up. Study III was a pilot trial including 33 participants diagnosed with GAD. A within-group design was used to investigate the effects of the treatment program delivered with automated messages and support on demand. Significant and large within-group effects were observed on all outcome measures at post-treatment with the exception of quality of life, for which there was a small effect. Study IV was a pilot factorial design trial that compared the acceptance-based treatment program against a self-tailored treatment, as well as two types of support: scheduled support and support on demand. The study included 85 participants with GAD randomized to four different treatment groups. Significant moderate to large effects were observed in all treatment groups, with no statistically significant differences between the groups on self-rated outcome measures. Receiving scheduled support was rated as more positive than support on demand, and self-tailored treatment was rated as more positive than the acceptance-based treatment. Treatment satisfaction was high in all studies.In conclusion, the studies indicate that an internet-based treatment based on acceptance, mindfulness, and valued action is a viable option in the treatment of GAD.
  • Eriksson, Elisabeth, 1971- (författare)
  • Återkoppling i lågstadieklassrum
  • 2020
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Återkoppling är en del av det vardagliga arbetet i klassrummet och även en del av lärares bedömningspraktik. Syftet med avhandlingen är att utforska och begreppsliggöra den återkoppling som kommuniceras från lärare till elev i det vardagliga arbetet i lågstadieklassrum. Pragmatism, symbolisk interaktionism och barndomssociologi utgör avhandlingens teoretiska perspektiv. Som metod användes konstruktivistisk grundad teori, som präglas av en iterativ process där analys och datainsamling sker i växelverkan. Data samlades in genom observationer i fyra klassrum, intervjuer med 13 lärare, fokusgrupper med 23 elever samt informella samtal. I resultaten presenteras en kategorisering av den återkoppling som lärare ger elever. I en systematisk konceptualisering av lärares rationaler för återkoppling synliggörs de överväganden som påverkar hur lärare ger återkoppling. Eleverna tolkade lärares återkoppling som förmedlande av måsten. Vidare delade lärare och elever en upptagenhet av att konstruera klarhet i återkopplingen, vilket gjordes utifrån tillförlitlighet och förståelse. Tillsammans ger delstudierna en bild av klassrumsåterkoppling som relationellt och komplext. Rättvisa beskrivs som eftersträvansvärt men svårt. Avhandlingen bidrar med beskrivningar av den återkoppling som kommuniceras i interaktionen mellan lärare och elever på lågstadiet, samt begrepp för att diskutera och förstå den.
  • Ferm, Lisa, 1984- (författare)
  • Vocational Students’ Agency in Identity Formation as Industrial Workers
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overall aim of this thesis is to contribute knowledge about vocational identity formation among students within the industrial programme in Swedish upper secondary education, with a particular focus on their workplace-based learning. To break down the aim, three research questions have been formulated and each is addressed in one or two specific articles. These questions are: (1) What learning strategies do vocational students use to become part of a work community, and how do these strategies relate to the formation of a vocational identity at the workplace? (2) How do vocational students experience their identity formation in relation to a vocation within the industrial sector? (3) How do vocational students handle the division between theoretical and practical knowledge as they learn to become skilled industrial workers? The thesis builds on 53 semi-structured qualitative interviews with Swedish upper secondary vocational students enrolled on the industrial programme. The interviews revolve around the students’ vocational identity formation, with a focus on their workplace-based learning. The students are between 18 and 20 years old and the majority are boys. The findings are analysed through the theoretical lens of situated learning, where identity formation is viewed as a social learning process that takes place through participation in communities of practice. In addition, the concepts of habitus, gender and social categorisation are used as analytical tools to provide a deeper understanding of issues concerning status, power and exclusion in relation to vocational identity formation. The findings reveal that the students’ vocational identity formation is closely connected to the social aspects of participating in workplace communities. Knowledge about the jargon and social norms of the workplace seem to be of more importance for vocational identity formation than knowledge about the concrete working tasks. The study follows the students’ vocational identity formation throughout their vocational learning trajectories, which reveal that vocational identities are formed in heterogenic ways. The students may adopt a committed, flexible or ambivalent approach towards industrial work. Aspects concerning agency and status seem to be crucial for the vocational identification process. The forming of a vocational identity also implies positioning oneself in the hierarchy and division between theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as between masculinity and femininity. The students appear as knowledgeable actors who are aware of the generally low status of industrial work, while simultaneously expressing a great deal of pride in relation to their intended vocations. In the discussion, a model of the students’ vocational identity formation is proposed to capture the interplay between collective and structural dimensions (e.g. social background, class and status hierarchies at school) and students’ agency and strategies in becoming industrial workers. From the findings of this thesis, three main conclusions are drawn: (1) The students form vocational identities through using vocational agency in actively developing strategies for becoming accepted in the workplace community; (2) Workplace-based learning is central for the students’ vocational identity formation, in spite of the relatively short time that the students spend there, compared to the time spent at school; (3) The students’ vocational image awareness, expressed through awareness of, and reactions to, other people’s images of their vocation, constitutes an important part of their vocational identity formation. 
  • Käll, Anton, 1992- (författare)
  • Internet-based interventions for loneliness : Efficacy and latent psychopathological profiles of treatment seekers
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Loneliness is an adverse emotional reaction thought to stem from an unwanted and impoverished social situation. Though it commonly makes brief appearances across the lifespan for most people, it has received increasing attention as a factor relevant to somatic and psychological well-being when assuming a more chronic form. For this reason, developing ways of alleviating loneliness is an important item on the research agenda tied to this phenomenon. Psychological interventions, and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in particular, have been proposed to have potential for this. This thesis sought to evaluate the effects of two different kinds of internet-based interventions targeting loneliness: one based on CBT, and one based on interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT).In addition to this general aim, Study I also investigated the presence of different subgroups in the sample of people seeking help within the framework of projects. Using the statistical method known as Latent Profile Analysis we discovered five profiles consisting of symptoms of common psychiatric disorders and loneliness. The profiles mainly differed as a function of symptom severity, though one of the larger groups was also characterised primarily by their high ratings of social anxiety. The results suggest that the sample seeking help for their loneliness can exhibit both clinical and non-clinical levels of common mental health problems.Study II served as the pilot evaluation of an ICBT programme for loneliness. A total of 73 participants were included in a randomised controlled trial where the participants were randomised to either 8 weeks of active treatment or a wait-list control group. The results indicated significantly lower loneliness ratings after the treatment phase for the ICBT condition with a moderate-to-large effect size compared to the control group. Significant differences favouring the ICBT condition were also noted for two of the four secondary measures.Study III followed up on the participants two years after the conclusion of the initial treatment period. At this point, the control group had also received access to a version of the ICBT programme with therapist support on-demand. The results indicated that the decrease in loneliness was sustained, along with similarly lasting effects on the secondary outcomes of interest.Study IV aimed to replicate the findings from the second study with a similar ICBT programme. However, this study also employed an internet-based IPT intervention to allow for conclusions regarding the possibility of reducing loneliness by other means than CBT. A sample of 170 participants were recruited and randomised to one the treatment conditions or to a waitlist control group. The results indicated that the ICBT condition had a significantly steeper reduction in loneliness than both the waitlist and the IPT condition after the conclusion of the treatment. Both active conditions produced a significant increase in quality of life.In conclusion, internet-based psychological interventions can be efficacious for reducing loneliness, though the efficacy was only found for participants who received access to the ICBT condition in Study II and IV. The benefits from this treatment programme were sustained up to two years after the conclusion of the intervention. For these reasons, ICBT is proposed to be a good candidate for offering help to people experiencing distressing feelings of loneliness.
  • Köpsén, Johanna, 1984- (författare)
  • Knowledge in VET curricula and power in society and labour market : Policy and practice: demands-based and employer-driven Swedish higher vocational education
  • 2020
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation presents a study of knowledge in vocational education and training (VET), the circumstances for its selection and transmission and how these circumstances are shaped by both national policy and local organisation.The study is set within the Swedish state-funded post-secondary VET system called Higher Vocational Education (HVE) and it entails investigations into both national policy and local practice in programme provision. It covers a variety of data, including policy documents, interviews with personnel responsible for the training and observations of meetings for cooperation between schools and local employer representatives. Based on the findings, this dissertation problematises and discusses system formation, knowledge in curricula, the organisation of programme provision, and employer involvement generally in VET and specifically in Swedish HVE. The investigations and discussions are positioned within a perspective that questions the organisation of education and knowledge in relation to the distribution of power in society and the social order of capitalism and neoliberal policies. This perspective is based on Bernsteinian theory, that also functions as the interpretative framework for the study’s theoretically guided thematic analysis.Findings showcase that the Swedish HVE system is in line with global trends of distinctive vocational pathways in higher education, marketisation of training and governments shaping systems with significant influence for employers which risks students being locked into pre-defined positions with employers in the local labour markets.
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Andersson, Gerhard, ... (4)
Thornberg, Robert, P ... (4)
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Sandberg, Gunilla, P ... (2)
Andersson, Per, Prof ... (2)
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Sjögren, Björn, 1986 ... (1)
Bjärehed, Marlene, 1 ... (1)
Aminoff, Christina, ... (1)
Skoog, Marianne, Uni ... (1)
Berg, Matilda, 1989- (1)
Björklund Boistrup, ... (1)
Käll, Anton, 1992- (1)
Köpsén, Johanna, 198 ... (1)
Andersson, Ulrika B. ... (1)
Gustafson, Stefan, B ... (1)
Löfgren, Håkan, Bitr ... (1)
Fälth, Linda, Docent (1)
Arnell, Sofie, 1984- (1)
Palmér, Hanna, Profe ... (1)
Rozental, Alexander, ... (1)
Flink, Ida, Associat ... (1)
Gini, Gianluca (1)
Ertesvåg, Sigrun Kar ... (1)
Dahlin, Mats, 1975- (1)
Carlbring, Per, Prof ... (1)
Wicksell, Rikard, As ... (1)
Eriksson, Elisabeth, ... (1)
Colnerud, Gunnel, Pr ... (1)
Smith, Kari, Profess ... (1)
Liljekvist, Yvonne, ... (1)
Ferm, Lisa, 1984- (1)
Gustavsson, Maria, P ... (1)
Persson Thunqvist, D ... (1)
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Lunneblad, Johannes, ... (1)
Mårtensson, Åsa, 196 ... (1)
Nyström, Sofia, Bitr ... (1)
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Persson Asplund, Rob ... (1)
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