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Sökning: LAR1:lu > Refereegranskat > Bosniska

  • Resultat 1-9 av 9
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  • Basic, Goran (författare)
  • Definicije počinitelja ratnog nasilja i žrtve. Analitički model za analizu rituala ratnog nasilja u koncentracionim logorima tokom rata u Bosni i Hercegovini
  • 2017
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Ovaj članak prezentira teoretski i metodološki model za analizu prepričanih iskustava bivših logoraša koji su kao civili odvedeni u koncentracione logore početkom rata u Bosni i Hercegovini 1990-tih godina. Cilj je analizirati prepričane rituale ratnog nasilja u koncentracionim logorima kao i identifikovati kako se počinioci ratnog nasilja i žrtve simbolično definiraju u pričama. Priče o nasilju u logoru definiraju počinitelja nasilja kao nekoga ko je opasan, zao, idealan neprijatelja, kao pravi, ali udaljeni zločinac. Kada intervjuisani u studiji naglašavaju istrebljivanje i sistematiziranje ratnog nasilja u logorima tokom rata, oni produciraju i reproduciraju sliku ratnog nasilja koje je organizovano i koje se sprovodi svakodnevno. Čini se da je cilj ovog verbalnog naglašavanja, da opisana djela ratnog nasilja u logorima, poslije rata dobiju status organiziranog i ritualiziranog ratnog nasilja. Definiranjem počinitelja ratnog nasilja, intervjuisani u studiji implicitno ističu komplementarnu suprotnost počinitelja - žrtvu nasilja. Žrtva je predstavljena kao prijeratni poznanik, prijatelji i komšija od izvršitelja nasilja. Žrtva nasilja je definisana kao umorna, posustala u agoniji, kao inferiorna, de-humanizirana, žigovana i kao bespomoćna ostavljena na milost i nemilost počiniteljima ratnog nasilja.This article presents a theoretical and methodological model for analyzing the experiences retold by former concentration camp detainees who were placed in concentration camps as civilians at the beginning of the Bosnian war in the 1990s. The aim is to analyze the recounted rituals of war violence in concentration camp as well as identifying how the perpetrators of war violence and victims are symbolically defined in stories. In these descriptions, the perpetrator is defined as a dangerous, evil, and ideal enemy. He is portrayed as a real and powerful yet alien criminal. When informants emphasize extermination and the systematization of war violence in the camps during the war, they produce and reproduce the image of war violence that is organized and conducted on a daily basis. The aim of this verbal emphasis seems to be that the described acts of war violence in the camps, after the war obtain the status of an organized and ritualized war violence. By defining the perpetrators of war violence, the interviewed in the study implicitly point out the complementary opposition of the perpetrator - a victim of violence. The victim is presented as pre-war acquaintances, friends and neighbors of the perpetrators of violence. Victim of violence is defined as tired, dying in agony, inferior, de-humanized, stamped and helplessly left to the mercy of the perpetrators of war violence.
  • Basic, Goran (författare)
  • Društvo i anomija. Sociološka analiza obavještajnog i operativnog policijskog rada i rada granične službe u oblasti Baltičkog mora
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Društvene deviljacije, anomija društva i posljedice. - 9789997667793
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Abstract in Bosnian:Raširenost vladajućih normi u društvu u kontekstu rata, okupacije, anarhije i preuzimanja vlasti od strane kriminalnih snaga uništava stare, ali postavlja nove norme, koje takođe mogu biti odbačene. Anomija se može opisati kao nukleus društva, kao vrsta „pulsirajuće moralne destrukcije” koju niko ne kontroliše, ali koja paradoksalno proizvodi socijalni red. Anomija se ne rađa iz ništavila, iz praznine; ona je produkt interaktivne dinamike koja nastaje kada se pojedinci udruže, djelujući kao pogonsko gorivo koje potiče pojedince da se sretnu. Émile Durkheim se fokusira na to kako međuljudska interakcija stvara promjene u društvu, pri čemu često pokazuje različite patološke karakteristike koje dovode do frustracije i konflikta. Individualna potraga za sopstvenim oslobađanjem od zajednice dovodi do gubitka osjećaja pripadnosti, a time i otuđenja. Kada se stare društvene mreže pokidaju, postaje nemoguće održati stare norme i vrijednosti. Pojedinac više nije ograničen moralnim načelima i autoritetom. Umjesto toga, može da razvije obrazac po kojem konstantno prevazilazi sve granice jer se kolaps prijašnje socijalne kontrole poklapa sa razvojem sistema koji zahtijeva konstantan porast individualnih potreba. Produkt takve interakcije je stanje društva u kojem postoji nesigurnost po pitanju vrijednosti, ciljeva i normi. Durkheim ovakvo stanje naziva „anomijom”. Durkheim analizira devijacije normi (kao i individualni i društveni odgovor/reakciju na devijacije normi, kao što je kazna) kao sastavni dio problema solidarnosti i socijalne kohezije. Moralni red u društvu prema Durkheimu ima fundamentalnu vrijednost zato što su pojedinci integrisani u zajednicu koja ih kontroliše. Durkheim vidi integraciju kao način da se pojedinac veže za zajednicu kroz zajednički stav, solidarnost i rituale. On vidi kontrolu kao silu koja opčinjava i veže pojedinca za norme kroz pravni sistem, zakone i sankcije. Durkheim definiše odstupanje od norme kao čin koji vrijeđa jaku i jasnu kolektivnu svijest. Zbog toga su djela antisocijalna ako krše norme i vrijednosti koje su inače važan segment društvenog jedinstva. Rad obavještajnih i operativnih policijskih i graničnih snaga u oblasti Baltičkog mora (Švedskoj, Finskoj, Estoniji, Litvaniji i Letoniji) karakterističan je po ritualima konstantnog stvaranja normi od samog početka dana: od jutarnje kafe i prve razmjene informacija sa obavještajnom službom do operativnih radnji kao što su nadzor ili kontrola pojedinaca ili automobila. Ove interakcije se odlikuju jakom željom da se očuva postojeći društveni red. Što se tiče prijetnje postojećim normama postoje i normativni rituali. Na primjer, u ovakvim interakcijama, konstruišu se „Rusi koji odbacuju norme”, oni nisu fizički prisutni u određenoj situaciji, ali su važni u tim vezama kao neki nevidljivi sveti objekti. Stvaranje kategorije „Rus koji odbacuje norme” u kojoj su Rusija/Rusi iskorišteni za dramatizaciju „drugih” je vidljivo u empirijskom materijalu kada akteri u studiji opisuju (1) Ruse kriminalce, (2) ruske špijune i (3) ruskuvojnu okupaciju.Abstract in English:Resolution of the prevailing norms in a society in the context of war, occupation, anarchy,and takeover by criminal forces dispels the old norms but also sets new norms, which in turn can bequickly dispelled. Anomie can be understood as the core of society, as a kind of “pulsating moral destructiveness” that no one really can control but that paradoxically produces social order. Anomie does not arise from nothing, from the void; it is the product of the interactive dynamics that arise when individuals come together, acting as a propellant to lead individuals to meet. Émile Durkheim’s attention goes to how interpersonal interaction is creating changes in society, often showing thevarious pathological features that can lead to frustration and conflict. The individual’s quest toliberate himself from the collective as a result has a rootlessness and isolation. When the old network dissolves, it becomes impossible to maintain the old norms and values. The individual is no longer limited by the rules of morality and authority. Instead, the individual may develop a pattern of constantly exceeding all limits because the collapse of the former social control coincides with the development of the system that requires constant growth of individual needs. The product of such interactions is a state of society where there is uncertainty about the values, goals, and norms. Durkheim refers to this state as “anomie”. Durkheim analyzes deviation from the norm (as well as individual and societal response/reaction to the norm deviation, such as punishment) as an integral part of the issue of solidarity and social cohesion. The moral order in a society has a fundamental value according to Durkheim because individuals are both integrated with and controlled by the community. Durkheim saw integration as a way to tie the individual to the community through shared attitude, solidarity, and rituals. He saw control as a compelling force that binds the individual to the norms through the judicial system, laws, and sanctions. Durkheim defines a deviation from the normas an act that offends a strong and definite collective consciousness. Thus, the acts are antisocial inthat they violate norms and values that are important to the social unity. The work of intelligence and operational police and border guards in the Baltic Sea area (Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia) is characterized by the norm-creating and re-creating rituals from the first moments of theday: from the morning coffee and the first information exchange with an intelligence partner to operational actions in the form of surveillance or control of individuals and/or cars. These interactions are characterized by a strong desire to preserve the prevailing social order. In relation tothe threat to the prevailing norms, there also are normative rituals. For example, in these interactions,“norm-dissolving Russians” are constructed who are not physically present in the situation but whoare important in the relationship as invisible sacred objects. The making of the category “norm-dissolving Russian” in which Russia/Russians are used to dramatize the "other" is made visible in the empirical material when actors in the study describe (1) criminal Russians, (2) Russian espionage, and (3) Russian military invasion.
  • Marisavljević, Dragomir, et al. (författare)
  • Abnormalnosti hromozoma 17 kod bolesnika sa primarnim mijeloidisplasticnih sindromima : incidencija i bioloski znacaj
  • 2004
  • Ingår i: Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo. - 0370-8179. ; 132:1-2, s. 3-10
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Cytogenetic analysis has proven to be a mandatory part of the diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) as well as a major indicator for predicting clinical course and outcome. Aside from the 5q-syndrome, no specific clinico-cytogenetic entity has been reported. To determine the incidence and clinical significance of acquired abnormalities of chromosome 17 in adult primary MDS, we reviewed the cytogenetic features of 271 patients detected at our institution during a 10-year period. Clonal cytogenetic abnormalities were identified in 109 cases. Among them, abnormalities of chromosome 17 were identified in 13 patients (11.9%). Five patients had "single" defects, while in eight patients abnormalities of chromosome 17 were associated with other chromosomal rearrangements ("complex" defects). After chromosomes 5, 7, 8 and 1, abnormalities of chromosome 17 were the most frequent chromosomal rearrangements in our patients with MDS. Following "single" defects of chromosome 17 were identified: del(17)(p12) in two cases, and i(17)(q10), del(17)(q21;q23) and del(17)(q12;q22) in one case each. Two patients with del(17p), one with RAEB-t and the other one with CMML, had an aggressive course of the disease with accelerated leukemic transformation and short survival. Patient with i(17q) had RARS subtype and died soon after diagnosis, while other two cases with interstitial deletions of the long arm of chromosome 17 had RAEB subtype and stable, no progressive course of the disease. Among "complex" karyotypes with abnormalities of chromosome 17 we identified der(17) in four, monosomy 17 in two, and del(17p) and l(17q) in one case each. Most of these patients transformed to acute leukemia and had very short survival. The results of this study suggest that abnormalities of chromosome 17 are frequent finding in MDS. Loss of genetic material in 17p, both in "single" and "complex" defects, seems to be closely related to poor prognosis of MDS patients.
  • Pilka, Radovan, et al. (författare)
  • Nove matrix metaloproteinazy v cyklickem endometriu
  • 2004
  • Ingår i: Ceska gynekologie / Ceska lekarska spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne. - 1210-7832. ; 69:4, s. 262-266
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • OBJECTIVE: To examine the expression pattern of some novel matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in cycling endometrium. DESIGN: Experimental study. SETTING: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Palacky University Medical School and University Hospital, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. METHODS: We studied MMP-12, -16, -17, -19 and -26 mRNA in 39 normal endometrial samples obtained across the menstrual cycle. Based on histological examination, all specimens were classified according to an ideal 28 day menstrual cycle as early (n=8), mid (n=6) and late (n=7) proliferative phase, early (n=4), mid (n=4) and late (n=8) secretory phase and menstrual (n=3) phase. Cycle variation was examined in frozen samples using in situ hybridization. RESULTS: Three distinct pattern of MMP mRNA expression were detected in cycling endometrium. MMP-12 was expressed predominantly in perimenstrual period, MMP-16, -17 and 19 were expressed throughout the cycle and MMP-26 was found to be maximal in periovulatory period. CONCLUSION: Different endometrial expression patterns of novel MMPs during menstrual cycle may indicate their specific roles for menstruation, endometrial growth and remodelling and implantation.
  • Resic, Sanimir (författare)
  • Ratnicka cast
  • 2001
  • Ingår i: Polemos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Research on War and Peace. - 1331-5595. ; 4:8 July-December 2001, s. 123-146
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)
  • Suvajdzić-Vuković, Nada, et al. (författare)
  • Rezultati lecenja trombozne trombocitopenijske purpure na 36 bolesnika
  • 2004
  • Ingår i: Vojnosanitetski Pregled. - 0042-8450. ; 61:6, s. 7-621
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Thirty-six patients (pts.) with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) were treated between May 1990 and May 2003. There were 31 women and 5 men; the average age was 37 years. Twenty-five cases were idiopathic and 11 secondary (3 infection--related, 5 occurred during pregnancy and 3 were drug--associated). The mean lag period between the first symptoms and the diagnosis was 8.5 days (in 14 pts. < or = 5; in 22 > 5). On diagnosis neurological symptoms were present in 31, bleeding in 33, fever in 21 and renal impairment in 27 patients. The mean hemoglobin was 67.5 g/L, the mean platelet count was 10 x 10(9)/L, and the mean reticulocytosis was 17%. The mean serum LDH was 1457 IU. Treatment included plasma exchange (PE) in 24 pts. and only plasma infusions in 12 pts. There were 24 complete responders (20 on PE) and 12 deaths (4 on PE); PE significantly improved survival (p < 0.01). There were 5 treatment-related complications due to the infection and bleeding, 17 exacerbations and 4 relapses. The mean time delay before the onset of symptoms and the treatment initiation lasted for 9 days suggesting the poor disease recognition; the mean time delay from diagnosis to PE institution was 6 days, indicating postponed PE. The mean treatment duration in all patients was 18 days; the mean number of PE cycles needed for the platelet count stabilization was 9. Good prognostic indicators of survival were: the longer prodromal period (> 5 days), the secondary form of TTP and the absence of coma at presentation. The use of PE significantly improved survival. TTP is a severe disorder requiring early recognition and diagnosis in general medical care facilities, which should lead to the timely treatment with PE.
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