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Sökning: WFRF:(Almqvist Jonas professor)

  • Resultat 1-10 av 17
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  • Wistrand, Anna, 1971- (författare)
  • Mellan närhet och distans : Lärar-elevrelationen som kunskapsinnehåll i grundlärarutbildning
  • 2023
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This licentiate thesis takes its point of departure in a relational perspective on education, which means that the relationship between teacher and student is seen as fundamental for students’ knowledge- and personal development. The aim is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the teacher-student relationship in teacher education at national and local levels and the different meanings of closeness in this context. The theoretical basis of the study is curriculum theory-based didactics, where questions about knowledge content and teaching as offering meaning are central. The thesis consists of three separate studies. The first investigates closeness in the teacher-student relationship by means of a thematic conceptual analysis of the field of research in educational science on teacher-student relationships. Four different dimensions of closeness were identified: closeness as presence, closeness as care, closeness as feeling and closeness as responsibility. The results show a nuanced way of understanding closeness in the teacher-student relationship and that closeness is challenging for teachers in that it makes their relational work more complex.The central question in curriculum theory - ‘What opportunities do students have to learn about the teacher-student relationship in teacher education?’ - is used as the point of departure in the analysis of educational policy documents at national and local levels. The second study investigates content knowledge at the national level and shows a limited and simplified view of the relationship between teacher and student. By using the dimensions of closeness as analytical tools, a multifaceted teacher-student relationship is constructed as an alternative meaning offering. In the third study, eleven Swedish universities participated in the study of curriculum documents at the local level. The analysis showed three types of knowledge content: relational theory, relational work and relational quality. In this study, the local documents together provided a broad range of knowledge content, but individually a reduced and simplified knowledge content. The study also confirmed the differences between universities in their teacher education programmes and that there are often discrepancies in the knowledge content that is offered.The thesis as a whole contributes to a nuanced understanding of closeness in the teacher-student relationship and provides a set of theoretical tools that can be used in an analysis of different types of research studies. It also indicates that the policy documents relating to teacher education at the national and local levels contain simplified and limited notions about the teacher-student relationship and teachers’ relational work as knowledge content. This restricted knowledge content could limit student teachers’ abilities to create, build and maintain good and close teacher-student relationships and to address the relational challenges in their complex relational work.
  • Djup, Sebastian, 1990- (författare)
  • Distorted natures : Shifting ideologies of nature in Swedish geography school textbooks 1866-2012
  • 2023
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Historically, nature has worked and functioned as a powerful idea. Therefore, this thesis provides a historical account of how ideologies of nature have been articulated and transformed in Swedish geography school textbooks (secondary and upper secondary level) from 1866 to 2012. It does so by contextualizing them and by synthetizing three bodies of scholarship: geographic curriculum theory, the production of nature thesis and (its relationship to) the ideology of nature, and a theory of ideology. Central to the analysis of the content of the textbooks is “the ideology of nature”. This ideology presents a distorted view by positing the existence of a contradictory dualism. The external conception of nature views human society and nature as autonomous realms, and the universal conception of nature views humans as part of nature. Empirically, the thesis focuses and examines six themes which are not only historically rooted, but constitute the most fertile grounds for understanding the shifts and workings of ideology: 1866-1962, (i) environmental determinism and (ii) the idea of race; 1962-1994, (iii) the environmental crisis and system’s ecology and (iv) neo-Malthusianism; 1994-2012, (v) climate change and (vi) sustainable development. The thesis argues that throughout the period of investigation, important ideologies of nature, such as ideas about determinism, human nature, balance, equilibrium and natural limits, have been (re)articulated in the textbooks and they have worked towards different effects. In relation to geographic curriculum theory, not only does the thesis show precisely how textbooks have rearticulated ideology, but as part of that, it revises the claim that the content of the curriculum has undergone little change. Thus, although inertia certainly is a characteristic feature, an analysis of ideology reveals that change is as constant as inertia. In turn, the analysis increases our understanding of “the ideology of nature” by showing how it changes form. In the end, the thesis argues that while critiquing ideologies of nature is essential, the key question is how nature is produced and to what ends; that is, there is a need to consider the production of alternative natures. 
  • Lundqvist, Eva, 1972- (författare)
  • Undervisningssätt, lärande och socialisation : Analyser av lärares riktningsgivare och elevers meningsskapande i NO-undervisning
  • 2009
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to study teachers’ manner of teaching and its role for students’ meaning making. In order to shed light on this interplay, a methodological approach, based on pragmatism, a sociocultural perspective on learning and Wittgenstein’s later works, is developed and applied. As the methodological approach is designed to study meanings as constituted in action, the empirical material consists of conversations between teachers and students. The practice in focus is science education in Swedish compulsory school. The thesis includes four case studies. In the first study, the method EMA (Epistemological Move Analysis) is developed with the aim of describing teachers’ role for the students’ learning of scientific knowledge. In the second study, another method – CACM (Communication Analysis of Companion Meanings) is developed and illustrated. With CACM, epistemological norms and companion meanings are analysed in order to describe students’ socialisation into a specific practice. In the third study, CACM is used to analyse and describe two central epistemological norms and companion meanings in three teachers’ teaching. The fourth study seeks to describe in full one teacher’s manner of teaching in terms of educational philosophy and selective tradition. Using the developed approach, an analysis of one teacher’s teaching during the course of four lessons is conducted. The results show that, without prescribing teachers and students a specific view of science, it is both possible and fruitful to study how meanings are constituted in action in classroom practice. At the same time as the students learn scientific knowledge, they are also socialised into specific ways of approaching science. Teachers’ epistemological moves, in encounter with students’ meaning making, play an important role for students’ learning in science as well as about science.
  • Asplund, Jonas, 1971- (författare)
  • Becoming Cyborg Composer : The Ecology of Digital Music Composition Didaktik
  • 2022
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this licentiate thesis is to explore the sociomaterial relationality of music composition education with digital hardware/software and its outcomes. Two studies were conducted interleaved as original articles in the thesis. Article 1 explores learning in creational processes involving digital actants and two composers of contemporary art music. The posthumanist concept of the cyborg is enacted as a signifier for learning and becoming in relation with material actants. An interview with a composer and music application creator is analysed through a constructed posthumanist narrative entangled with the researcher’s narrative of a music creation process involving the app. Also, the app’s meaning-making capacities are entangled in the narrative. Results show that alignments between human and nonhuman actants constitute a part of learning in music composing practices. Artefacts move from being evident and present to becoming transparent and in a background relation during a learning process.In article 2 a composing assignment conducted in four year 9 classes in a Swedish compulsory school is explored. Employing the posthumanist concept compositionism as a research approach, educational activities are composed into assemblages of actants performing the outcomes of the activities. Results bring the human/nonhuman actants as hybrid originators of outcomes to the fore. Learning with digital actants also showed to be hardware/software specific when past experiences of music composing were limited, with the risk of reducing pupils to intermediaries of information between functions in the digital software.In the summarising parts of this compilation thesis, a background of the research field of didaktik and subject didaktik is delineated. Also, the distinction between didactics and didaktik is discussed and the reason for employing the Swedish/German spelling is explicated. Furthermore, a background of composing and music creation as subject matter in the Swedish school system is drawn. Theoretical and methodological approaches are further developed in the summarising parts. Posthumanism as theoretical onset has a profound impact on understandings of relationality within educational activities and on how materiality is affecting learning. Methodological approaches are actuated in relation to the research material to find new meanings of sociomaterial relationality in music education.As one outcome of reading the results from the studies through posthumanism, the tentative term postdidaktik is proposed and discussed. Following the ontological turn of posthumanism that re-entangles human with nature and matter, postdidaktik becomes an implication for understanding learning in sociomaterial relationality. This also affects an understanding of didaktik as lesson planning, enactment, and analysis. The practical employment of postdidaktik is thus further delineated and proposed for further research.
  • Harlin, Eva-Marie (författare)
  • Lärares reflektion och professionella utveckling : Med video som verktyg
  • 2013
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med denna avhandling är att bidra till förståelsen av hur lärares professionella utveckling kan stödjas. Detta har gjorts genom att undersöka vilka konsekvenserna blir av att lärare ser sig själva på videoinspelningar från sin egen undervisning. Resultaten som presenteras bygger på en longitudinell undersökning. I den första studien deltog lärarstudenter som gick sista terminen på folkhögskollärarprogrammet. De spelade in sin undervisning under den verksamhetsförlagda delen av utbildningen, ”praktiken” på en folkhögskola. Det som eftersöktes var vilka situationer som överraskade lärarstudenterna när de sedan såg sig själva på film. De skrev ner sina reflektioner och resultatet visade att överraskningarna handlade om bristen på lyhördhet i relation till deltagarna. De formulerade också tankar om hur de skulle vilja agera i klassrummet. I den uppföljande studien spelade några av dessa personer, som nu varit verksamma folkhögskollärare i två år efter avslutad utbildning, återigen in en av sina lektioner. Denna gång beskrev lärarna att de på filmen såg att de hade förändrat eller utvecklat sina handlingsvanor till ett mer deltagarorienterat förhållningssätt. De beskrev också att de agerade på ett mer professionellt sätt. Den teori som legat till grund för analysen har sin grund i ett pragmatiskt synsätt på lärande. Från symbolisk interaktionism har begreppen ”I” och ”me” använts, och för att i det här fallet undersöka den professionella aspekten av ”me” har begreppet ”professionalme” prövats.
  • Lidar, Malena, 1973- (författare)
  • Erfarenhet och sociokulturella resurser : Analyser av elevers lärande i naturorienterande undervisning
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis contributes to the knowledge about the role of sociocultural resources in students’ learning in Science Education. In the analyses, both individual experiences and situation are taken into account. Different sociocultural resources – the teacher, artefacts and texts – that students encounter in educational settings are focused with the aim to study what role they play for which meaning making is made possible and relevant. To study these encounters, a pragmatist approach called practical epistemology analysis – i.e. an analysis of what students use as relevant information, valid questions and relevant attentiveness – is used and advanced. The empirical material consists of video recordings from Science Education classrooms in Swedish compulsory school. The first paper is an introduction to the line of work subsequently performed. In the second paper, a method for analysing the role of teaching for students’ meaning making – epistemological moves analysis – is developed and illustrated. This method focuses on those actions of the teacher that have a function of influencing what direction students’ learning takes. In the third paper, the practical epistemology approach is applied in order to clarify, within a sociocultural understanding of learning, the role of the interplay between students’ prior experiences and the use of artefacts in students’ meaning making. In the fourth paper, the practical epistemology approach is applied as a method for investigating the role of instructional texts in laboratory settings for students’ meaning making. The thesis shows how individual continuity can be understood and analysed within a sociocultural perspective on learning. The developed methods make it possible to study learning as constituted in action without ascribing teachers, artefacts or texts a pre-determined meaning prior to their use in a practice. The results show that the way sociocultural resources are made intelligible by the students shapes the conditions for further meaning making.
  • Stenhag, Staffan, 1960- (författare)
  • Betyget i matematik : Vad ger grundskolans matematikbetyg för information?
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this study is to investigate what the grade in mathematics tells us about the pupil’s general academic success in other school subjects in Sweden’s compulsory school. What proficiency, except mathematical skills, does a high grade in mathematics indicate? First an inventory of the official arguments for school mathematics was conducted. The inventory shows that the arguments generally can be classified into two main classes: i) utilitarian arguments and ii) cultural arguments. In addition to these two main groups the debate also includes more remote and indirect arguments: iii) the transfer argument and iv) the selection argument .If the two last arguments are valid it is assumed that the so called indication hypothesis should be true: that pupils who succeed in mathematics also will achieve high grades in other school subjects. A statistical analysis was conducted of the grades data for the approximately 124,000 pupils who completed compulsory school in Sweden 2006. The analyses provide support for the indication hypothesis. Those pupils who manage to achieve the highest grades in mathematics often achieve high grades in other school subjects as well. This applies to both the purely theoretical and to the more practically oriented subjects. In the last phase of the study it was assumed that a possible explanation for the results could lie in the reading comprehension hypothesis; that pupils who are successful in mathematics in their ninth year of compulsory school also have good reading comprehension. This hypothesis was tested with data from the pupils’ results in the reading comprehension test that was included in the national exam in Swedish in 2006. The results provided strong support for the hypothesis. Pupils with high final grades in mathematics also have good reading comprehension. However the reverse did not apply. A good result in the reading comprehension test was not a reliable predictor of a high final grade in mathematics.
  • Almqvist, Jonas, 1968- (författare)
  • Learning and Artefacts : On the Use of Information Technology in Educational Settings
  • 2005
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to develop and apply an empirical approach that can be used in studies of the relationship between different expectations of, and actual use of, information technology in educational settings. The studies focus on meanings of artefacts shaped in people's talk about and/or use of technology. The aim is based on the twofold ambition to (1) develop an approach that opens the way for empirical investigations on the usage of technology and (2) to make a contribution to research about computers in education. I show how an approach based on a sociocultural perspective on learning, specified by inspiration from a sociotechnical perspective on artefacts, generates new questions about the usage of technology and its influence on learning and socialisation. Furthermore, I show how discourse analyses, inspired by the writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein, can be used in studies of educational processes. The thesis consists of five case studies. In the first study I examine the rhetoric on information technology during the years 1994-1998 (Paper I). In the three following cases I analyse video-recorded conversation between children using computers in science education (Papers II-IV). In the light of the results from the first four studies I return in the fifth to the rhetoric on technology. In that paper different expectations on the usage of technology in education and on the technology users, expressed in the curricula for the Swedish compulsory school during the years 1962-1998, are clarified and discussed (Paper V). The results of the thesis show that expectations are central parts of human action and that different expectations may result in different kinds of practices. The historical studies show that it is in no way obvious for what purposes artefacts are to be used in educational settings, or who is to decide on this issue.
  • Almqvist, Jonas, 1975- (författare)
  • Structural modeling of membrane transporter proteins
  • 2008
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • A fundamental process of all living organisms - the transport of molecules across cellular membranes through membrane transport proteins - is investigated.After a brief review of general properties of biological membranes follows a recollection of the major methods of membrane transport that Nature utilizes (Chapter 1). This is followed by a description of important experimental (Chapter 2) and theoretical methods (Chapter 3) for structural studies of membrane proteins. The findings on membrane protein transport in papers I-IV are then summarized (Chapter 4) and important findings are discussed. The remaining text is a discussion on relevant theoretical and experimental methods.
  • Andersson, Anna-Lena (författare)
  • Utbildningssituationen för elever med lindrig intellektuell funktionsnedsättning : Lärares och föräldrars perspektiv
  • 2020
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The goal of the Swedish educational system is to offer all students a meaningful and equal education in an inclusive classroom environment. At the same time there are parallel school systems in Sweden, comprised by the Compulsory School for Students with Intellectual Disability (CSSID) and Compulsory School (CS). Students who are not able to achieve in accordance with syllabus of CS and who have an intellectual disability (ID) are eligible to receive education according to the CSSID syllabus. The decision of placement in either type of school rests on students’ parents. It can be assumed, therefore, that teachers are expected to offer education adjusted to each student’s individual needs.The aim of the thesis is to deepen the knowledge about the educational situation of students with mild intellectual disability (MID) through the perspectives of teachers and parents. Teachers’ and parents’ experiences and perceptions are studied: parents offer their stories about their children’s educational situation over time, and teachers’ reason about their work in teaching situations with the target group. Furthermore, pedagogical evaluations are studied to look at how school difficulties in teaching situations are described.The empirical data was collected in one municipality from the middle part of Sweden. The data constitutes of six interviews with parents of students with MID, and also 21 pedagogical evaluations of students with MID. Additionally, interviews were conducted with 21 teachers: eleven CS teachers and ten CSSID teachers.All interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis and using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), and manifest contents analysis was used to analyze pedagogical evaluations. Theories used were Biesta’s theory on the dimensions of education, the three levels in education transitions by Griebel and Niesel, and the school didactic theory by Uljen.The results show that the educational transitions and the educational situation around students with MID are complex. The transition from CS to CSSID means a readjustment for parents and they express the need for support from professionals in these transitions. Pedagogical evaluations contain individual-focused descriptions and focus to a lesser extent on teaching adaptations. Teachers in CS and CSSID outlined both common challenges in provision of support to all students but also described different prerequisites for it in the two school types. The results indicate that the teaching situation in both CSSID and the CS needs to be reviewed with regard to the school's organizational conditions to offer inclusive education.Keywordsinclusive education, transition, students with mild intellectual disability, interview, pedagogical evaluations, teachers, parents
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (15)
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Östman, Leif, Profes ... (5)
Almqvist, Jonas, 196 ... (3)
Almqvist, Jonas, pro ... (2)
Almqvist, C (1)
Kockum, I. (1)
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Rosenquist, R. (1)
Bergen, S. E. (1)
Jacobsson, Bo, 1960 (1)
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Jern, Christina, 196 ... (1)
Nordmark, Gunnel (1)
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Ohlsson, Claes, 1965 (1)
Benson, Mikael (1)
Rönnblom, Lars (1)
Catrina, A (1)
Sundström, Johan, Pr ... (1)
Fall, Tove, 1979- (1)
Harlin, Eva-Marie (1)
Orešič, Matej, 1967- (1)
Johansson, Åsa (1)
Östman, Leif (1)
Säljö, Roger, Profes ... (1)
Orho-Melander, M. (1)
Wadelius, Mia (1)
Repsilber, Dirk, 197 ... (1)
Franks, P.W. (1)
Danielsson, Henrik (1)
Almqvist, Lena (1)
Lundqvist, Eva, 1972 ... (1)
Lidar, Malena, 1973- (1)
Riis, Ulla (1)
Almqvist, Jonas, 197 ... (1)
Hovmöller, Sven, Pro ... (1)
van der Spoel, David ... (1)
Persson, Sven, Profe ... (1)
Melin, Beatrice S. (1)
Andersson, Anna-Lena (1)
Wilder, Jenny, 1975- (1)
Ottander, Christina (1)
Pettersson, Astrid, ... (1)
Smith, J. Gustav, 19 ... (1)
Asplund, Jonas, 1971 ... (1)
Thorgersen, Ketil, 1 ... (1)
Ferm Almqvist, Cecil ... (1)
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