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Sökning: WFRF:(Eklund Martin) > Övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt

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  • Christensen, Martin, 1982-, et al. (författare)
  • Sculpting with SARA (Spatial Augmented Reality Assistance)
  • 2023
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • We explored how spatial augmented reality can assist sculpting in the physicalspace based on a digital 3D-model. As a result of our findings we propose asetup of software and hardware as well as methods to use these (SARA), thatcan visually guide an artist in the work of manual transfer of digital to physicalthree-dimensional form. As a tool SARA could be used much more loosely; therelationship between a digital 3D sketch and a finished sculpture canconceptually be thought of as similar to a rough underdrawing and a finished oilpainting. In this case, the 3d sketch is there as an initial idea and a guide, but notas a ground truth. Beyond the scope of this project, SARA could be furtherexplored in relation to artistic questions. In practical terms, SARA works in thefollowing way: The colors projected during sculpting indicate how much thedistance deviates from the digital sketch in relation to the projector. The colorsare updated in real-time, as a 3D depth camera is continuously scanning theworking space.
  • Martin, Martin, et al. (författare)
  • Classification of Industrial Symbiosis Synergies : Application in the Biofuels Industry
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Much of the current literature available in the field of industrial symbiosis aims at providing a review of the symbiotic intensity, institutional and environmental contexts and assessments of the activities involved in a synoptic manner. However, literature regarding classification methods for individual material and energy exchanges is limited. In order to obtain better resolution of the characteristics of exchanges and interactions, i.e. synergies, a classification method is produced and tested in this paper. The classification method maps the interactions between different industries as well as the flows of products and utilities through origindestination classifications. Synergies between a core industry and external industries are examined in this paper, with the core industry represented by the biofuels industry, and without geographical boundaries. The classification method can be employed in other research projects and it is hoped that it will provide the background for further studies into conditions necessary for synergy implementation. Furthermore the classification method will provide subsequent details for research into economic and environmental benefits provided by synergies between industries.
  • Alvarsson, Jonathan, 1981- (författare)
  • Ligand-based Methods for Data Management and Modelling
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Drug discovery is a complicated and expensive process in the billion dollar range. One way of making the drug development process more efficient is better information handling, modelling and visualisation. The majority of todays drugs are small molecules, which interact with drug targets to cause an effect. Since the 1980s large amounts of compounds have been systematically tested by robots in so called high-throughput screening. Ligand-based drug discovery is based on modelling drug molecules. In the field known as Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship (QSAR) molecules are described by molecular descriptors which are used for building mathematical models. Based on these models molecular properties can be predicted and using the molecular descriptors molecules can be compared for, e.g., similarity. Bioclipse is a workbench for the life sciences which provides ligand-based tools through a point and click interface. The aims of this thesis were to research, and develop new or improved ligand-based methods and open source software, and to work towards making these tools available for users through the Bioclipse workbench. To this end, a series of molecular signature studies was done and various Bioclipse plugins were developed.An introduction to the field is provided in the thesis summary which is followed by five research papers. Paper I describes the Bioclipse 2 software and the Bioclipse scripting language. In Paper II the laboratory information system Brunn for supporting work with dose-response studies on microtiter plates is described. In Paper III the creation of a molecular fingerprint based on the molecular signature descriptor is presented and the new fingerprints are evaluated for target prediction and found to perform on par with industrial standard commercial molecular fingerprints. In Paper IV the effect of different parameter choices when using the signature fingerprint together with support vector machines (SVM) using the radial basis function (RBF) kernel is explored and reasonable default values are found. In Paper V the performance of SVM based QSAR using large datasets with the molecular signature descriptor is studied, and a QSAR model based on 1.2 million substances is created and made available from the Bioclipse workbench.
  • Ammenberg, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • Biogas Research Center, BRC : Slutrapport för etapp 1
  • 2015
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Biogas Research Center (BRC) är ett kompetenscentrum för biogasforskning som finansieras av Energimyndigheten, LiU och ett flertal externa organisationer med en tredjedel vardera. BRC har en mycket bred tvärvetenskaplig inriktning och sammanför biogasrelaterad kompetens från flera olika områden för att skapa interaktion på flera olika plan:mellan näringsliv, akademi och samhälle,mellan olika perspektiv, samtmellan olika discipliner och kompetensområden.BRC:s vision är:Resurseffektiva biogaslösningar finns genomförda i många nya tillämpningar och bidrar till en mer hållbar energiförsörjning, förbättrat miljötillstånd och goda affärer.BRC:s särskilda roll för att uppnå denna vision är att bidra med kunskapsförsörjning och process-/teknikutveckling för att facilitera utveckling, innovation och implementering av biogaslösningar. Resurseffektivitet är ett nyckelord, vilket handlar om att förbättra befintliga processer och system samt utveckla biogaslösningar i nya sektorer och möjliggöra användning av nya substrat.For BRC:s etapp 1, den första tvåårsperioden mellan 2012-2014, var forskningsprojekten organiserade enligt tabellen nedan. Den visar viktiga utmaningar för biogasproducenter och andra intressenter, samt hur dessa ”angreps” med åtta forskningsprojekt. Fem av projekten var av explorativ karaktär i bemärkelsen att de var bredare och mer framtidsorienterade - exempelvis utvärderade flera möjliga tekniska utvecklingsmöjligheter (EP1-5). Tre projekt hade ett tydligare fokus på teknik- och processutveckling (DP6-8).I den här slutrapporten ges en kortfattad bakgrundsbeskrivning och det finns en introduktion till vad den här typen av kompetenscentrum innebär generellt. Därefter finns mer detaljerad information om BRC, exempelvis gäller det centrumets etablering, relevans, vision, hörnstenar och utveckling. De deltagande organisationerna presenteras, både forskargrupperna vid Linköpings universitet och partners och medlemmar. Vidare finns en mer utförlig introduktion till och beskrivning av utmaningarna i tabellen och kortfattat information om forskningsprojekten, följt av ett kapitel som berör måluppfyllelse och den externa utvärdering som gjorts av BRC:s verksamhet. Detaljerad, listad information finns till stor del i bilagorna.Kortfattat kan det konstateras att måluppfyllelsen överlag är god. Det är speciellt positivt att så många vetenskapliga artiklar publicerats (eller är på gång att publiceras) kopplat till forskningsprojekten och även i det vidare centrumperspektivet. Helt klart förekommer en omfattande verksamhet inom och kopplat till BRC. I etapp 2 är det viktigt att öka andelen mycket nöjda partner och medlemmar, där nu hälften är nöjda och hälften mycket nöjda. Det handlar framför allt om stärkt kommunikation, interaktion och projektledning. Under 2015 förväntas åtminstone två doktorsexamina, där avhandlingarna har stor koppling till forskningen inom etapp 1.I början på år 2014 skedde en extern utvärdering av verksamheten vid BRC med huvudsyftet att bedöma hur väl centrumet lyckats med etableringen samt att granska om det fanns förutsättningar för framtida framgångsrik verksamhet. Generellt var utfallet mycket positivt och utvärderarna konstaterade att BRC på kort tid lyckats etablera en verksamhet som fungerar väl och engagerar det stora flertalet deltagande aktörer, inom relevanta områden och där de flesta involverade ser BRC som en befogad och väl fungerande satsning, som de har för avsikt att även fortsättningsvis stödja. Utvärderingen bidrog också med flera relevant tips och till att belysa utmaningar.Utöver denna slutrapport finns separata publikationer från forskningsprojekten.Arbetet som presenteras i rapporten har finansierats av Energimyndigheten och de medverkande organisationerna.
  • Appelgren, Jessica, et al. (författare)
  • Autonoma vapensystem – dagens debatt och en väg framåt : tekniska, legala och etiska aspekter
  • 2022
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Framstegen inom AI väcker frågor kring den militära tilllämpningen av tekniken och tillåten grad av automatisering av vapensystem. Debatten om AI i militära tillämpningar förs både av civilsamhällets organisationer och av stater. Debatten började med det mycket specifika ifrågasättandet av fullt autonoma vapensystem, ofta kallade Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS), men debatten och ifrågasättandet har vidgats till att omfatta införandet av AI i militära tillämpningar. Diskussionen är mångfacetterad och präglas av flera olika perspektiv på ställningstaganden och argumentation. Autonoma system har många användningsområden i militära tillämpningar och det är viktigt att förstå hur integrationen av högautomatiserade system ska kunna göras medavseende på de rättsliga ramverk som försvaret lyder under.Även om debatten till viss del har sitt ursprung i det senaste decenniets drönarkrigföring är de flesta parter överens omatt dagens debatt snarare handlar om framtida teknik. De tekniska, militära och juridiska aspekterna är centrala i diskussionen men även etiska, psykologiska och säkerhetspolitiska aspekter tar plats i debatten.
  • Becket, Ralph, et al. (författare)
  • Spoken Language Translator: Phase Two Report
  • 1997
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Spoken Language Translator (SLT) is a project whose long-term goal is the construction of practically useful systems capable of translating human speech from one language into another. The current SLT prototype, described in detail in this report, is capable of speech-to-speech translation between English and Swedish in either direction within the domain of airline flight inquiries, using a vocabulary of about 1500 words. Translation from English and Swedish into French is also possible, with slightly poorer performance.A good English-language speech recognizer existed before the start of the project, and has since been improved in several ways. During the project, we have constructed a Swedish-language recognizer, arguably the best system of its kind so far built. This has involved among other things collection of a large amount of Swedish training data. The recognizer is essentially domain-independent, but has been tuned to give high performance in the air travel inquiry domain.The main version of the Swedish recognizer is trained on the Stockholm dialect of Swedish, and achieves near-real-time performance with a word error rate of about 7%. Techniques developed partly under this project make it possible to port the recognizer to other Swedish dialects using only modest quantities of training data.On the language-processing side, we had at the start of the project a substantial domain-independent language-processing system for English, a preliminary Swedish version, and a sketchy set of rules to permit English to Swedish translation. We now have good versions of the language-processing system for English, Swedish and French, and fair to good support for translation in five of the six possible language- pairs. Translation is carried out using a novel robust architecture developed under the project. In essence, this translates as much of the input utterance as possible using a sophisticated grammar-based method, and then employs a much simpler set of word- to-word translation rules to fill in the gaps.The language-processing modules are all generic in nature, are based on large, linguistically motivated grammars, and can fairly easily be tuned to give good performance in new domains. Much of the work involved in the domain adaptation process can be carried out by non-experts using tools developed under the project.Formal comparisons are problematic, in view of the different domains and languages used and the lack of accepted evaluation criteria. None the less, the evidence at our disposal suggests that the current SLT prototype is no worse than the German Verbmobil demonstrator, in spite of a difference in project budget of more than an order of magnitude.
  • Berglund, Björn, 1979-, et al. (författare)
  • Challenges for developing a system for biogas as vehicle fuel : lessons from Linkoping, Sweden
  • 2011
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Biofuels are being employed in nearly all the EU member states to fulfill the targets set up by the European Directive 2003/30/EC to have a 5.75% share of renewable energy in their transport sector by 2010. In Sweden ethanol is the leading biofuel, while biogas mainly depend on local initiatives with the city of Linköping as a case in point. Our purpose with this article is to analyze the development of biogas in Linköping within a framework of technological transition theory. To this we add a set of concepts from large technical systems-literature to address and re-analyze two earlier studies on the biogas development in Linköping to achieve a deeper understanding of this success story. We argue that the establishment of a development trajectory for biogas depended on the ability of the involved actors to establish and nurture their social network, to create learning processes and stimulate the articulation of expectations and visions. It was also important that these three factors were allowed to influence each other for the system to gain a momentum of its own. Furthermore, the biogas development in Linköping is found to be interesting in that the triggers for the development came from a variety of levels and angles. Initially, the rising fuel prices after the oil crises in the 1970’s resulted in an increased interest in renewable fuels in general. Second, an anticipated national pipeline for natural gas planned through Linköping was considered a huge potential for methane exports. A part from these external energy incentives, the local trigger was the bad urban air quality caused by the public transport authority’s bus fleet. The breakthrough came when it was discovered that by-product biogas from the wastewater treatment facility could be used as a fuel for transport. When the plans for the national pipeline were rejected, a fruitful co-operation between the municipally owned production facility and the public transport authority was set up to meet the constructed demand from public transport. This cooperative pair-arrangement was the starting point for the biogas niche trajectory as other actors subsequently were enrolled to increase the size and agency of the network. Nowadays, biogas and other renewable fuels play a significant role in the supply of transport fuels for Linköping. In 2009, a total of 9.5% of all transport fuels used in Linköping were from renewable sources, i.e. biogas (4.6%), ethanol and biodiesel. This puts the city well ahead of the European target of 5.75% renewable fuels by 2010.
  • Braunerhjelm, Pontus, 1953-, et al. (författare)
  • Handbook of innovation and regulation
  • 2023
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This comprehensive Handbook presents thoughtful analysis on how regulations can impact innovation within a number of fields and markets, and provides a greater understanding of regulatory complexity and the challenging task it presents for future research. The Handbook of Innovation and Regulation embraces some of the key policy areas such as the regulation of markets, critical sectors, and global and regional aspects, focussing particularly on those regulations which target innovation. Reviewing these often interconnected policy areas in terms of both macroeconomic and microeconomic issues, this Handbook expertly studies how regulations in differing fields can affect innovative activities. By placing innovation centre stage, the contributors emphasise the direct and indirect effects of imposed regulations. Further, they illustrate the critically important overall impact of innovation to make firms competitive, promote economic growth and increase societal welfare. Addressing research and policy challenges, this Handbook would be an excellent resource for academics in regulatory economics, innovation and entrepreneurship, international trade, regional economics as well as environment and digitisation and policymakers in both national and international organisations.
  • Braunerhjelm, Pontus, 1953-, et al. (författare)
  • Handbook of Innovation and Regulation: Introductory chapter
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Handbook of Innovation and Regulation. - Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. - 9781800884465 - 9781800884472 ; , s. 1-20
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 49
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Eklund, Martin (7)
Andersson, Martin (5)
Braunerhjelm, Pontus ... (3)
Hultman, Lars (2)
Eklund, M (2)
Jenster, G (1)
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Kim, J. (1)
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Riboli, E. (1)
Strömberg, Per (1)
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Schwenk, Jochen M. (1)
Skoog, Ingmar, 1954 (1)
Esserman, LJ (1)
Giles, GG (1)
Torres, M. (1)
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