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Sökning: WFRF:(Hanson U.) > Samhällsvetenskap

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  • Stenfors, Cecilia U. D., 1982-, et al. (författare)
  • Psychosocial Working Conditions and Cognitive Complaints among Swedish Employees
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: PLOS ONE. - : Public Library of Science (PLoS). - 1932-6203. ; 8:4, s. e60637-
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Cognitive complaints involving problems with concentration, memory, decision-making and thinking are relatively common in the work force. The sensitivity of both subjective and objective cognitive functioning to common psychiatric conditions, stress levels and to cognitive load makes it plausible that psychosocial working conditions play a role in cognitive complaints. Thus, this study aimed to test the associations between psychosocial work factors and cognitive complaints in nationally representative samples of the Swedish work force. Cross-sectional (n = 9751) and prospective (n = 3644; two time points two years apart) sequential multiple regression analyses were run, adjusting for general confounders, depressive-and sleeping problems. Additional prospective analyses were run adjusting for baseline cognitive complaints. Cross-sectional results: High quantitative demands, information and communication technology (ICT) demands, underqualification and conflicts were positively associated with cognitive complaints, while social support, good resources at work and overqualification were negatively associated with cognitive complaints in all models. Skill discretion and decision authority were weakly associated with cognitive complaints. Conflicts were more strongly associated with cognitive complaints in women than in men, after adjustment for general confounders. Prospective results: Quantitative job demands, ICT demands and underqualification were positively associated with future cognitive complaints in all models, including when adjusted for baseline cognitive complaints. Decision authority was weakly positively associated with future cognitive complaints, only after adjustment for depressive-and sleeping problems respectively. Social support was negatively associated with future cognitive complaints after adjustment for general confounders and baseline cognitive complaints. Skill discretion and resources were negatively associated with future cognitive complaints after adjustment for general confounders. The associations between quantitative demands and future cognitive complaints were stronger in women. Discussion/Conclusions: The findings indicate that psychosocial working conditions should be taken into account when considering cognitive complaints among employees.
  • Klein, Yannick, 1991-, et al. (författare)
  • Nature-related habits and their development and relation to mental health outcomes during the covid-19 pandemic : a population-based study in Sweden
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. - : Springer Nature. ; , s. 136-
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Mental health disorders represent a major public health concern, and significantly contribute to the global burden of disease. The Covid-19 pandemic posed additional challenges for mental health. Spending time in natural environments has been linked to numerous health benefits.Purpose: Therefore, the present study investigated the role of different types of nature-related habits for symptoms of depression, anxiety, and loneliness, and their development during the pandemic 2019–2022, in Sweden. Further, we investigated whether nature habits could buffer negative effects of major life events on mental health outcomes (MHO).Method: Different types of nature-related habits, symptoms of depression, anxiety, loneliness, major life events, and control variables were assessed via self-report measures, in a sub-sample of respondents to the Swedish Occupational Survey of Health, in 2021 (n = 1 896), and 2022 (n = 1 579). Sequential linear regressions were conducted to analyze relationships between nature-related habits and MHO, while controlling for demographics, SES, relationship status, and pre-pandemic MHO.Results: Spending time in nature was consistently associated with fewer symptoms of depression, anxiety, and loneliness during the pandemic after adjusting for control variables. Especially spending time in forest and garden environments were associated with better mental health. Spending time in garden environments buffered effects of major life events on symptoms of depression and anxiety, but not loneliness. Increased nature habits during the pandemic related to improved MHO.Conclusions: Spending time in natural environments during the Covid-19 pandemic led to better MHO, with implications for urban development and public health promotion.
  • Magnusson Hanson, Linda, 1977-, et al. (författare)
  • Organisatorisk och psykosocial arbetsmiljö på den svenska arbetsmarknaden under coronapandemin : En del av regeringsuppdraget Coronapandemins konsekvenser för arbetsmiljön i Sverige
  • 2023
  • Rapport (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Introduktion och syfte med rapportenCoronapandemin (Covid-19 pandemin) innebar en rad restriktioner och en påföljande ekonomisk kris, som påverkade mångas arbetsliv och privatliv. Det finns emellertid fortfarande få svenska och internationella populationsbaserade studier om arbetsmiljöförändringarna i samband med coronapandemin, som fokuserar på olika sektorer utöver vård-/omsorgssektorn, och som är representativa för den arbetande befolkningen.Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur upplevelsen bland den arbetande befolkningen i Sverige har förändrats i samband med coronapandemin, vad gäller den organisatoriska och psykosociala arbetsmiljön samt balans mellan arbetet och privatlivet. Syftet är även att undersöka om de eventuella förändringarna inom dessa arbetsmiljöområden skiljer sig åt beroende av bakgrundsfaktorer såsom kön, ålder, utbildningsnivå, socioekonomisk status, yrkesgrupp, samt distansarbete under coronapandemin.MetodUrvalet till analyserna i denna rapport är hämtat från den Svenska Longitudinella studien Om Sociala förhållanden, arbetsliv och Hälsa (SLOSH). Denna studie följer ett stort urval av initialt arbetande män och kvinnor ur Sveriges arbetande befolkning vartannat år med frågeformulär. Det genomfördes även en kompletterande webbundersökning i ett urval från SLOSH kallad ”SLOSH-corona” under 2021 (under ”mitten av coronapandemin”) och under 2022 (under ”slutet av coronapandemin”). Den fokuserade på arbetsmiljön, den sociala situationen, samt hälsan och hälsobeteenden i samband med coronapandemin.Denna rapport använder uppgifter från SLOSH-datainsamlingarna under våren 2018 (före coronapandemin), under våren 2020 (”i början av corona­ pandemin”), samt från SLOSH-corona 2021 och 2022. Det gäller uppgifter från totalt 1 345 individer som har deltagit i både SLOSH 2018 och 2020, samt som har arbetat både före coronapandemin och vid något av insamlingstillfällena under coronapandemin. De svarande i urvalet är representativa för hela Sverige och den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Men de bestod bland annat av en något större andel kvinnor än män, samt av en övervägande andel medelålders eller äldre personer i arbetslivet, gifta eller sammanboende personer, personer med en universitetsutbildning, samt tjänstemän. Frågeformulären innehöll uppgifter om en rad arbetsmiljöfaktorer som indelats i kategorierna; den organisatoriska arbetsmiljön, krav och resurser, den sociala arbetsmiljön, samt balans mellan arbete och privatliv.Eventuella förändringar över tid undersöktes i huvudsak genom regressionsanalyser. Dessa jämförde svaren på frågorna från någon av de insamlingar som gjordes under coronapandemin, med svaren på samma frågor från insamlingarna före coronapandemin. De svarande rapporterade själva för några faktorer, om de upplevde en förändring jämfört med före coronapandemin. Resultaten består därmed av både beskrivande och analytisk statistik samt tester av om de eventuella arbetsmiljöförändringarna över tid skilde sig åt beroende av ett antal bakgrundsfaktorer, samt på grund av om arbete skett från en ordinarie arbetsplats eller på distans/hemifrån.ResultatOrganisatorisk arbetsmiljöJämfört med före coronapandemin, så visade de övergripande analyserna i hela urvalet främst på:en betydligt högre andel som arbetade på distans/hemifrån under coronapandemin.en lägre andel som jobbade långa arbetstider (mer än 40 timmar per vecka) under coronapandemin.att en relativt stor andel upplevde att arbetsuppgifterna ökade, och framför allt från början till mitten av coronapandemin.Förändringar i den organisatoriska arbetsmiljön skilde sig främst åt beroende på aspekter som utbildning och socioekonomi. Exempelvis så ökade förekomsten av distansarbete tydligare bland högutbildade personer och tjänstemän. Förekomsten av långa arbetstider minskade samtidigt mer markant i dessa grupper. Förekomsten av långa arbetstider ökade däremot i stället bland personer med yrken som fokuserar på vården/omsorgen och andra kontaktyrken.Krav och resurserJämfört med före coronapandemin, visade de övergripande analyserna främst på:något lägre nivåer av psykologiska krav i arbetet under coronapandemin.något högre nivåer av kontroll/beslutsutrymme i arbetet under coronapandemin.en lägre andel med spänt arbete (höga psykologiska krav och en låg kontroll/ett lågt beslutsutrymme) under coronapandemin.att en relativt stor andel upplevde en ökad arbetsmängd och en psykisk arbetsbelastning (vilket skulle kunna handla om en anpassning och en hantering av sina känslor i olika arbetssituationer) under coronapandemin.marginellt högre nivåer av anställningsotrygghet, men endast under början av coronapandemin.En ökning av anställningsotryggheten var tydligare bland personer med yrken som fokuserar på materiell tillverkning i början av pandemin (såsom yrken inom byggverksamhet och tillverkning, maskinell tillverkning och transport, lantbruk, trädgård, skogsbruk, samt fiske). En ökad arbetsmängd och en psykisk arbetsbelastning var tydligast bland kvinnor och personer som arbetar inom yrken med fokus på vården/omsorgen och grundskolan/barnomsorgen. De med yrken inom vården/omsorgen, upplevde emellertid även att beslutsutrymmet ökat i en större utsträckning. Det var även de personer som hade arbetet på sin ordinarie arbetsplats under coronapandemin som i en högre grad upplevde att arbetsmängden och den psykiska arbetsbelastningen hade ökat. De personer som delvis eller mestadels arbetade på distans/hemifrån upplevde en ökad kontroll/ett ökat beslutsutrymme i en högre grad, samt ett ökat inflytande.Social arbetsmiljöJämfört med före coronapandemin, visade de övergripande analyserna främst på:en lägre nivå av ett socialt stöd i arbetet under slutet av coronapandemin.att en relativt hög andel deltagare upplevde ökade konflikter med andra (t.ex. patienter, kunder, elever, passagerare) under coronapandemin.att en relativt hög andel deltagare upplevde en försämrad stämning och ett försämrat samarbete på arbetsplatsen under coronapandemin.Socialt stöd hade minskat speciellt för vården och omsorgspersonalen, samt bland de personer som hade jobbat på sin ordinarie arbetsplats under coronapandemin. Ökade konflikter med andra var även tydligast bland de som jobbat på sin ordinarie arbetsplats under coronapandemin. En försämrad stämning på arbetsplatsen var tydligast bland de personer som jobbade inom yrken med ett fokus på grundskolan och barnomsorgen, samt inom andra kontaktyrken och bland högutbildade. Det var tydligare med en försämrad sammanhållning och ett försämrat samarbete på arbetsplatsen bland högutbildade personer och tjänstemän, samt bland de som arbetat på distans/hemifrån.Balans mellan arbete och privatlivAtt arbetssituationen under coronapandemin påverkade privatlivet på ett positivt sätt var en vanligare upplevelse än att det hade en negativ påverkan. Det var även vanligare med en upplevelse av att privatlivet påverkade arbetssituationen på ett positivt sätt, än på ett negativt.Det var vanligare bland de som arbetat på distans under coronapandemin, att arbetssituationen påverkade privatlivet på ett positivt sätt, eller att privatlivet påverkade arbetssituationen på ett positivt sätt. För de personer som hade yrken fokuserade inom vården/omsorgen och inom grundskolan/barnomsorgen var det vanligare med en upplevelse av att arbetssituationen påverkade privatlivet på ett negativt sätt.SlutsatserResultaten från dessa analyser tyder på flera förändringar inom den organisatoriska arbetsmiljön, i samband med coronapandemin. Det gäller främsten generell ökning av distansarbete, och en generell minskning av arbetstider. Resultaten var mindre tydliga vad gäller krav och resurser i arbetet. De psykologiska kraven minskade något, medan kontroll/beslutsutrymme ökade något. Det innebar en lägre andel deltagare med spänt arbete under pandemin, vilket kan tyda på en generell förbättring av balans mellan denna typ av krav och resurser. Det fanns samtidigt indikationer på en ökning av vissa typer av krav åtminstone för vissa grupper på arbetsmarknaden, till exempel vad gäller arbetsmängden och den psykiska arbetsbelastningen. Resultaten tyder vidare på en generell försämring i den sociala arbetsmiljön, och en relativt god balans mellan arbetet och privatlivet. Det finns emellertid betydande skillnader framför allt beroende av yrkesgrupper och distansarbete. Resultaten tyder exempelvis på en ökning av vissa typer av krav, och en försämring av vissa typer av sociala arbetsmiljöfaktorer bland de som arbetat inom hälso-/ sjukvårds- och utbildningssektorn, samt bland de som arbetat på sin ordinarie arbetsplats. Vidare så tyder resultaten på en relativt god balans mellan arbetet och privatlivet, men på en försämring av andra sociala arbetsmiljöfaktorer bland högutbildade personer och tjänstemän, samt bland de som arbetat på distans/hemifrån.
  • Stenfors, Cecilia U. D., et al. (författare)
  • Executive Cognitive Functioning and Cardiovascular Autonomic Regulation in a Population-Based Sample of Working Adults
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Frontiers in Psychology. - : Frontiers Media SA. - 1664-1078. ; 7
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Objective: Executive cognitive functioning is essential in private and working life and is sensitive to stress and aging. Cardiovascular (CV) health factors are related to cognitive decline and dementia, but there is relatively few studies of the role of CV autonomic regulation, a key component in stress responses and risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), and executive processes. An emerging pattern of results from previous studies suggest that different executive processes may be differentially associated with CV autonomic regulation. The aim was thus to study the associations between multiple measures of CV autonomic regulation and measures of different executive cognitive processes. Method: Participants were 119 healthy working adults (79% women), from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health. Electrocardiogram was sampled for analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) measures, including the Standard Deviation of NN, here heart beats (SDNN), root of the mean squares of successive differences (RMSSD), high frequency (HF) power band from spectral analyses, and QT variability index (QTVI), a measure of myocardial repolarization patterns. Executive cognitive functioning was measured by seven neuropsychological tests. The relationships between CV autonomic regulation measures and executive cognitive measures were tested with bivariate and partial correlational analyses, controlling for demographic variables, and mental health symptoms. Results: Higher SDNN and RMSSD and lower QTVI were significantly associated with better performance on cognitive tests tapping inhibition, updating, shifting, and psychomotor speed. After adjustments for demographic factors however (age being the greatest confounder), only QTVI was clearly associated with these executive tests. No such associations were seen for working memory capacity. Conclusion: Poorer CV autonomic regulation in terms of lower SDNN and RMSSD and higher QTVI was associated with poorer executive cognitive functioning in terms of inhibition, shifting, updating, and speed in healthy working adults. Age could largely explain the associations between the executive measures and SDNN and RMSSD, while associations with QTVI remained. QTVI may be a useful measure of autonomic regulation and promising as an early indicator of risk among otherwise healthy adults, compared to traditional HRV measures, as associations between QTVI and executive functioning was not affected by age.
  • Stenfors, Cecilia U. D., 1982-, et al. (författare)
  • Green sleep : Immediate residential greenspace and access to larger green areas are associated with better sleep quality, in a longitudinal population-based cohort
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Environmental Research. - : Elsevier. - 0013-9351 .- 1096-0953. ; 234
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Objective: Sleep is pivotal to health, wellbeing and functioning in daily life, but sleep difficulties are common and may be affected by modifiable qualities in the residential surrounding environment, in terms of greenspace. However, population-based studies on individual-level greenspace and sleep are limited. The objective of the current study was thus to investigate prospective associations between fine-grained individual-level residential greenspace and sleep, and moderating effects of life style (physical activity, work status) and sex, in a nationwide population-based Swedish cohort.Methods: Participants of the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health (SLOSH)-a population-based sample of adults in Sweden-were studied during 2014-2018 (19,375 individuals; 43,062 observations). Residential greenspace land cover, and coherent green area size, were assessed via high resolution geographic information systems, at 50, 100, 300, 500 and 1000 m buffers around residences. Prospective greenspace and sleep associations were assessed via multilevel general linear models, adjusting for demographic, socioeconomic (individual and neighborhood), life style and urban factors.Results: Higher greenspace availability in the immediate residential surroundings (50 m and 100 m buffer zones) was associated with less sleep difficulties, even after adjustment for confounders. Greenspace effects were generally greater among non-working individuals. Among the physically active, and among non-working, greenspace and green area size further away from home (300, 500 and 1000 m, i.e. dependent on mobility) were also associated with less sleep difficulties.Conclusions: Residential greenspace in the immediate residential surroundings is associated with significantly less sleep difficulties. Greenspace further away from home was associated with better sleep especially among the physically active, and non-working individuals. The results highlight the importance of greenspace in the immediate residential-surrounding environment for sleep, and the need to integrate health and environmental policies, urban planning and greening.
  • Stenfors, Cecilia U. D., et al. (författare)
  • Subjective Cognitive Complaints and the Role of Executive Cognitive Functioning in the Working Population : A Case-Control Study
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: PLOS ONE. - : Public Library of Science (PLoS). - 1932-6203. ; 8:12, s. UNSP e83351-
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Cognitive functioning is important for managing work and life in general. However, subjective cognitive complaints (SCC), involving perceived difficulties with concentration, memory, decision making, and clear thinking are common in the general and working population and can be coupled with both lowered well-being and work ability. However, the relation between SCC and cognitive functioning across the adult age-span, and in the work force, is not clear as few population-based studies have been conducted on non-elderly adults. Thus, the present study aimed to test the relation between SCC and executive cognitive functioning in a population-based sample of employees. Methods: Participants were 233 employees with either high (cases) or low (controls) levels of SCC. Group differences in neuropsychological test performance on three common executive cognitive tests were analysed through a set of analyses of covariance tests, including relevant covariates. Results & Conclusions: In line with the a priori hypotheses, a high level of SCC was associated with significantly poorer executive cognitive performance on all three executive cognitive tests used, compared to controls with little SCC. Additionally, symptoms of depression, chronic stress and sleeping problems were found to play a role in the relations between SCC and executive cognitive functioning. No significant associations remained after adjusting for all these factors. The current findings contribute to an increased understanding of what characterizes SCC in the work force and may be used at different levels of prevention of- and intervention for SCC and related problems with executive cognitive functioning.
  • Stenfors, Cecilia U. D., 1982- (författare)
  • Subjective Cognitive Complaints in the Working Population : The Influence of Objective Cognitive Functioning and Working Conditions
  • 2013
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Cognitive functioning is important for managing work and life in general. However, subjective cognitive complaints (SCC), involving self-perceived difficulties with concentration, memory, decision making, and clear thinking are common in the general and in the working population and can be coupled with both lowered well-being and work ability. The present thesis investigated the extent to which SCC among people in the work force can be explained by objective cognitive functioning (study I & II) and working conditions (study III), utilizing samples from the working population. The potential roles of other common psychological problems which often co-occur with SCC were also investigated in studies I-III.In Study I, high levels of SCC were associated with significantly poorer episodic memory performance during high executive demands and a trend was found towards poorer episodic memory, while not being associated with semantic memory. In Study II, high levels of SCC were associated with significantly poorer executive cognitive performance on all three executive cognitive tests used. Symptoms of depression, chronic stress and sleeping problems were found to play an important role in the relations between SCC and episodic memory during divided attention in study I and executive cognitive functioning in study II. In Study III, in all cross-sectional data analyses, high quantitative demands, information and communication technology (ICT) demands, underqualification in the work situation and inter-personal conflicts were positively associated with SCC, whereas social support, good resources at work and overqualification in the work situation were negatively associated with SCC. In all prospective data analyses, quantitative job demands, ICT demands and underqualification were positively associated with future SCC, including when adjusted for baseline cognitive complaints.The findings may guide prevention of and interventions for SCC among people in the work force.
  • Stenfors, Cecilia U. D., 1982-, et al. (författare)
  • The role of residential greenspace qualities and it’s closeness for mental health and sleep outcomes : Results from longitudinal studies on nationwide population-based cohorts in Sweden with fine-grained assessments
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. ; , s. 136-137
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Mental health and sleeping problems are public health concerns associated with vast costs for society and individuals. Exposure and access to natural environments in terms of greenspace (vegetation) are associated with a range of benefits such as enhanced affect and cognition, and decreased stress. However, population-based studies investigating high-resolution, individual-level residential greenspace are yet lacking, as population-based studies have mainly assessed greenspace at the level of larger areas rather than the individual level. Furthermore, studies on residential greenspace and sleep are scarce.Objective & methods: Thus, in a set of large-scale population-based longitudinal studies, on nationwide cohorts in Sweden, objective high-resolution individual-level residential greenspace land cover assessments were made and the role of different greenspace qualities were investigated longitudinally for: 1) self-reported sleeping problems, 2) objective prescription medication purchase in terms of a) insomnia medications and b) antidepressants, while controlling for individual and neighbourhood confounders. Multilevel and generalized estimating equation models were conducted to estimate effects.Results: Results across studies showed that more residential greenspace primarily in the immediate residential surrounding (50 m and 100 m buffer zones around home) is associated with 1) less sleeping problems, and 2) lower risk of purchasing insomnia and antidepressant prescription medications. Furthermore, among physically active, greenspace further from home also associated with less sleeping problems.Conclusions: Results highlight the role of greenspace in the immediate residential surroundings for mental health and sleep outcomes, and the importance of integrating health-, environmental-, urban development- and greening policies, also mitigating climate change.
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