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Sökning: WFRF:(Svensson Olof) > Övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt

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  • Aidoukovitch, Alexandra, et al. (författare)
  • Strontium chloride promotes cell proliferation in a human osteoblast cell line
  • 2014
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Strontium ranelate (SrRan) is the active component of drugs currently used for reducing the risk of fractures in patients suffering from osteoporosis. Despite extensive use, the underlying mechanisms of action of Sr2+ are not fully understood. In the present study, we assess the impact of SrCl2 on human osteoblast activity and proliferation. Cultures of the human osteoblast-like cell line MG63 were treated for 72 h in presence of 0.1 mM, 1 mM, 5 mM and 10 mM SrCl2 or vehicle, used in control groups. Cells were counted manually using a Bürker chamber. Total protein content was determined by colorimetric analysis performed by a microplate reader using Bio-Rad protein assay. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was determined enzymatically and normalized to total protein content in each sample. Cell viability was assessed using the MTT assay. Treatment with 5 mM SrCl2 for 72 h enhanced total MG63 cell protein content by 37% compared to controls (p<0.01). A lower concentration (0.1 mM) of SrCl2 had no effect on total protein. Incubation with 5 mM SrCl2 for 72 h increased MG63 cell number by 38% compared to controls (p<0.001). The SrCl2-induced increase in cell number was associated with enhanced (+14% compared to controls, p<0.05) cell viability. Treatment with a higher concentration (10 mM) of SrCl2 enhanced cell number similar to 5 mM SrCl2 (+54% compared to controls, p<0.05). Treatment with 0.1 or 5 mM SrCl2 for 72 h had no effect (p>0.05) on MG63 cell ALP activity, while 1 mM SrCl2 reduced ALP activity as well as total protein content by about 25% compared to controls (p<0.05). The current results demonstrate that treatment with SrCl2 for 72 h, at concentrations higher than 1 mM promotes cell proliferation in human osteoblast-like cells, suggesting that Sr2+ may enhance bone formation through this mechanism.
  • Andersson, Jan, et al. (författare)
  • Utslagen fiskrekrytering och sviktande fiskbestånd i Kalmar läns kustvatten
  • 2000
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Undersökningar gjorda 1994-1997 i ett antal områden i Kalmarsund visade minskande bestånd av främst gädda och abborre samt en låg årsyngelproduktion vid jämförelse med tidigare studier. Observationerna stöddes av rapporter från fiskare och allmänhet och uppfattades så allvarliga, att ett tvåårigt forskningsprojekt beslutades genomföras för att dels dokumentera skadornas karaktär och geografiska utbredning, dels analyserade bakomliggande orsakerna. Projektet, som pågick under 1998-1999, omfattade ett flertal områden efter Kalmarsunds fastlandskust, ett område öster om Öland, samt några referensområden norr om sundet och ett söder därom. Inventerande provfisken och årsyngelundersökningar gjordes för att kartlägga fisksamhällets sammansättning och rekryteringen till de vuxna bestånden. Trålningar genomfördes under abborrens kläckningsperiod för att mäta tätheten av fisklarver samt undersöka deras överlevnad och tillväxt. I samband med detta gjordes insamlingar av djurplankton för att kartlägga larvernas födounderlag. Fält- och laboratorieexperiment genomfördes för att studera romutveckling, kläckning och larvöverlevnad hos gädda och abborre. Som stöd vid tolkningarna av resultaten inhämtades vattenkemiska data från den samordnade kustvattenkontrollen i Kalmar län.Tätheten av främst vuxen abborre men även gädda var mycket låg i områ­det mellan Emån och Revsudden i sundets mitt och andelen gamla fiskar var stor. Även längre ner mot länsgränsen fanns tecken på att bestånden var negativt påverkade. På lokalen vid östra Öland var tätheterna likaså mycket låga. Inventeringen av årsyngel gav en ännu mer negativ bild. Bara ett fåtal yngel av abborre och gädda fångades i hela Kalmarsundsområdet. Även yngel av karpfiskar,strömming och stubbar förekom i lågatätheter. Något påverkade alltså fiskrekryteringen så negativt, att även de vuxna bestånden av flertalet arter reducerats. Det strandnära yngel- och småfisksamhället dominerades av spiggar, vilka förekom i högre tätheter än i referensområdena. Resultaten från de lokaler som besökts vid upprepade tillfällen visade att skadorna förvärrats med tiden.Vattenkemiska data visade, att högsalt- eller ammoniumhalt knappast kunde vara en tänkbar förklaring till den uteblivna rekryteringen. Ammoniumhalterna når inte skadliga nivåer i rekryteringsområdena, och salthalten har minskat i stället för ökat i kustområdet under de senaste 10 åren. Såväl fält- som laboratorieexperimenten gav resultat som talar emot en toxisk påverkan på föräldrafiskar eller ägg och larver. Befruktningsgrad, kläckning och larvöverlevnad vartill synes normala. Undersökning av snäckor från de områden där kläckningsförsök och rekryteringsstudier genomfördes, visade att det åtminstone detta år inte förekom larver eller cerkarier ögonsugmasken Diplostomum sp. under den känsliga period då fisklarver kan dödas av parasitangrepp. Eutrofiering har förts fram som en tänkbar orsak till den sviktande fiskrekryteringen. Närsaltsdata visar att området är övergött, och en förändrad kvä­ve/fosforkvot antyder att primärproduktionen blivit alltmer kvävebegränsad under produktionsperioden senare år.Eutrofieringen yttrar sig som en ökning av primärproduktionen. Halterna klorofyll-a har tenderat att öka i de kustnära vattnen och bedöms som höga enligt Naturvårdsverkets bedömningsgrunder för miljökvalitet, Kust och Hav (1999). Under de senaste 4-5 åren har halterna emellertid sjunkit, vilket kan kopplas till ökat siktdjup. Utvecklingen indikerar att en större del av primärproduktionen under senare år sker i det bentiska växtsamhället. Denna utveckling ses inte i referensområdena. Även om en rik bottenvegetation normalt är positivt för fisk, kan alltför kraftig algpåväxt ha flera negativa effekter, t ex att leksubstraten försämras. En förskjutning av produktionen från pelagiska mikroalger till det bentiska systemet kan också innebära att fiskens födotillgång påverkas. Analyserna av zooplanktonproven visade tydliga avvikelser jämfört med referensmaterialen, såväl vad avser artsammansättning som täthet, och indikerar att födounderlaget försämrats för pelagiska fisklarver, t ex abborre, strömming och stubbar.Utsläppen från Mönsterås Bruk har också ansetts utgöra en möjlig förklaring. Om skadorna på fisk beror på eutrofiering, kan effekterna av brukets utsläpp ses som ett bidrag bland andra till den antropogena belastningen i området. Risken för att toxiska eller hormonellt stö­rande ämnen i avloppsvattnet påverkat fisken måste enligt resultaten från fält och laboratorieexperimenten bedömas vara liten.Kalmarsund hyser landets tätaste skarvkolonier. Teoretiska beräkningar, baserat på uppskattningar av skarvbeståndets storlek, visar att dess konsumtion skulle kunna uppgå till den totala produktionen av stationär fisk i området vilket kan vara en viktig förklaring till de minskande tätheterna. Det finns dock observationer som talar mot skarven som den enda bakomliggande faktorn. Årsyngel utnyttjas normalt inte som föda av skarvarna, och rekryteringen försämrades inte bara för de stationära arterna abborre och gädda, utan även för stubbar och sillar vars vuxna bestånd inte påverkas lika starkt av skarv. Modellsimuleringar visar dock, att i dagens situation kan skarvpredationen effektivt motverka att bestånden återhämtar sig när, förhoppningsvis, rekryteringen åter börjar bli normal.
  • Aronson, Åke, et al. (författare)
  • Ulv i Skandinavia : Statusrapport for vinteren 2009-2010
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The wolves in Sweden and Norway are members of a joint Scandinavian wolf population. In a combined Swedish-Norwegian monitoring project, wolves on the Scandinavian Peninsula were located and counted during the winter of 2009-2010. In Sweden, County administrative boards perform the fieldwork and collection of field data (snow-tracking, DNA-samples), whereas the Wildlife Damage Center (VSC) at Grimsö Research Station was responsible for evaluating and summarizing the results of the wolf monitoring. In Norway, wolf biologists at Hedmark University College and a genetist at Rovdata (Trondheim) in cooperation with the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate (SNO) were responsible for the monitoring of resident and non-resident wolves, respectively. Furthermore, cooperative wolf pack monitoring has been carried out in Fennoscandia in collaboration with Finland. A large number of volunteers and organizations such as hunting associations in both countries and the Swedish Carnivore Association also report observations and participate in wolf monitoring activities. The estimated number of wolves in Scandinavia is mainly based on long distances of ground tracking on snow, but also by radio-telemetry and DNA-analysis. The estimate was restricted to the period of October 1, 2009 – February 28, 2010. To guarantee the quality of the reports used, the majority have been checked in the field by the project, or by other personnel with experience of ground tracking wolves on snow. Wolves were classified as 1) family groups (packs), 2) scent-marking pairs, 3) other resident wolves, or 4) other wolves. The results were presented as minimum-maximum numbers where the minimum was exclusively based on confirmed field-checked reports, while the maximum also included other reports. A total of 252-291 wolves were estimated on the Scandinavian Peninsula during the 2009-2010 winter. Among these, 28 packs included 165-175 wolves, and 44-49 wolves belonged to 21-24 scent-marking pairs. The majority of the wolves (186-215) were located in Sweden. Of the 33-39 wolves restricted to Norway, 21-23 were members of 3 packs, 6 were scent-marking pair members, none were classified as “other resident wolves”, and 6-10 were classified as “other wolves”. Areas were utilized on both sides of the national border between Sweden and Norway by 33-37 resident wolves. Successful reproduction in the spring of 2009 was confirmed in 26 of the Scandinavian wolf territories. Among these, 19 litters were born in Sweden, 4 litters was born in a transboundary packs, and 3 litters grew up in Norway. In 2009, two Finnish-Russian male wolves reproduced for the second time, one litter in Sweden (the Galven territory) and one in Norway (the Kynna territory). In Finland, during the winter 2009-10, a total of 76-78 wolves in 15 packs were estimated to have exclusively Finnish territories. In addition 72-74 wolves were pack members within 13 territories across the Finnish-Russian border
  • Aronson, Åke, et al. (författare)
  • Ulv i Skandinavia : statusrapport for vinteren 2010-2011
  • 2011
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The wolves in Sweden and Norway are members of a joint Scandinavian wolf population. In a combined Swedish-Norwegian monitoring project, wolves on the Scandinavian Peninsula were located and counted during the winter of 2010-2011. In Sweden, County administrative boards perform the fieldwork and collection of field data (snow-tracking, DNA-samples), whereas the Wildlife Damage Center (VSC) at Grimsö Research Station was responsible for evaluating and summarizing the results of the wolf monitoring. In Norway, wolf biologists at Hedmark University College and a genetist at Rovdata (Trondheim) in cooperation with the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate (SNO) were responsible for the monitoring of resident and non-resident wolves, respectively. Furthermore, cooperative wolf pack monitoring has been carried out in Fennoscandia in collaboration with Finland. A large number of volunteers and organizations such as hunting associations in both countries and the Swedish Carnivore Association also report observations and participate in wolf monitoring activities. The estimated number of wolves in Scandinavia is mainly based on long distances of ground tracking on snow, but also by DNA-analysis and radio-telemetry. The estimate was restricted to the period of October 1, 2010 – February 28, 2011. To guarantee the quality of the reports used, the majority have been checked in the field by the project, or by other personnel with experience of ground tracking wolves on snow. Wolves were classified as 1) family groups (packs), 2) scent-marking pairs, 3) other resident wolves, or 4) other wolves. The results were presented as minimum-maximum numbers where the minimum was exclusively based on confirmed field-checked reports, while the maximum also included other reports. A total of 289-325 wolves were estimated on the Scandinavian Peninsula during the 2010-2011 winter. Among these, 31 packs included 183-189 wolves, and 57-61 wolves belonged to 27-30 scent-marking pairs. The majority of the wolves (235-266) were located in Sweden, of which 149-154 were members of 25 packs, 43-44 lived in 20-22 scent-marking pairs, 4 were classified as “other resident wolves”, and 39-64 were classified as “other wolves”. Of the 32-34 wolves restricted to Norway, 18-19 were members of 3 packs, 8 were scent-marking pair members, one was classified as “other resident wolves”, and 5-6 were classified as “other wolves”. Another 22-25 resident wolves lived in 6-7 packs or scent-marking pairs in territories covering areas on both sides of the Swedish-Norwegian border. Successful reproduction in spring 2010 was confirmed in 31 of the Scandinavian wolf territories. Among these, 25 litters were born in Sweden, 3 litters were born in transboundary packs, and 3 litters grew up in Norway. In 2010, two Finnish-Russian male wolves reproduced for the third time, one litter in Sweden (the Galven territory) and one in Norway (the Kynna territory). In Finland, during the winter 2010-11, a total of 48 wolves in 8 packs were estimated to have exclusively Finnish territories. In addition 59-64 wolves were pack members within 11 territories across the Finnish-Russian border
  • Axelsson, Karl, 1976- (författare)
  • The Sublime : Precursors and British Eighteenth-Century Conceptions
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation studies the attraction of the sublime in British criticism during the eighteenth century, with particular emphasis on the arguments that served as precursors to the interest in the experience of the sublime. The first part explores Samuel H. Monk’s standard work on the British eighteenth-century sublime, along with more recent studies. In order to expand the contextual features of Monk’s established account, and to be able to connect the sublime with the impact of the criticism of intellectual literature during the second half of the seventeenth century, this study needs to begin by considering the arguments put forth by Longinus in his treatise Peri Hupsous, a work that exerted considerable influence on eighteenth-century critics. Thus, the second part addresses the relevance of the arguments made by Longinus, who reflected on the significance of the concentrated exercise of the imagination and drew attention to the inner carriage required to bring about the experience of the sublime. The third part, then, demonstrates the importance assigned by critics of the sublime to the intense exercise of the imagination. However, to fully understand the attraction of the Longinian sublime, this demonstration also needs to take into account the attention given to the exercise of the imagination in criticism of intellectual literature during the second half of the seventeenth century. Finally, I illustrate the relevance of including such criticism in the interpretation of the attraction of the sublime during the eighteenth century by considering Thomas Hobbes’ claims on the subject of the imagination.
  • Berggren, Magnus, et al. (författare)
  • PEDOT : PSS-Based Electrochemical Transistors for Ion-to-Electron Transduction and Sensor Signal Amplification
  • 2008. - 1
  • Ingår i: Organic Semiconductors in Sensor Applications. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer. - 9783540763147 - 9783540763130 - 9783642095177 ; , s. 263-280
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The chapter reports the use of organic electrochemical transistors in sensor applications. These transistors are excellent ion-to-electron transducers and can serve as very sensitive transducers in amperometric sensor applications. To further improve their sensitivity, we outline various amplification circuits all realized in organic electrochemical transistors.
  • Broström, Anna, et al. (författare)
  • Landscape, climate, sea-level variations and human living conditions in a coastal area of western Blekinge on the Baltic sea between 11600 cal BP and AD 1000 : E22- Sölvesborg-Stensnäs-project members 2014
  • 2014
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of the project has been to reveal the living conditionsfor humans in a coastal area of the Baltic sea during thirteen thousand years and to study the implications of variations in climate, sea-level and landscape changes. The archaeological ex- cavations, well integrated with paleoecological studies, along a twenty kilometer new road-built between Sölvesborg and Stensnäs has resulted in unique findings which shed new light on to the human history in southern Scandinavia and adjust- ment of the sea-level curve in western Blekinge. Time periods from early mesolithic, neolithic, bronze age until late iron age are well represented at the sites along the former bay and lake Vesan. Macrofossil analysis of the plant material at the archae- ological sites has revealed the food resources, burial gifts and given a glimpse of the local environment. Sediment cores from the center and near shore of former lake Vesan has given the opportunity to reconstruct the aquatic conditions and vegeta- tion in the surrounding landscape based on analysis of diatoms, pollen, macrofossils and carbon content. The vast number of radiocarbon dates of the archaeological material from various altitudes at the sites has enabled adjustment of the sea-level curve especially during Ancylus-, Littorina transgressions and aregression around 8.2 ka.
  • Broström, Anna, et al. (författare)
  • Landscape, climate, sea-level variations and human living conditions in a coastal area of western Blekinge on the Baltic sea between 11600 cal BP and AD 1000 : E22- Sölvesborg-Stensnäs-project members 2014
  • 2014
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of the project has been to reveal the living conditionsfor humans in a coastal area of the Baltic sea during thirteen thousand years and to study the implications of variations in climate, sea-level and landscape changes. The archaeological ex- cavations, well integrated with paleoecological studies, along a twenty kilometer new road-built between Sölvesborg and Stensnäs has resulted in unique findings which shed new light on to the human history in southern Scandinavia and adjust- ment of the sea-level curve in western Blekinge. Time periods from early mesolithic, neolithic, bronze age until late iron age are well represented at the sites along the former bay and lake Vesan. Macrofossil analysis of the plant material at the archae- ological sites has revealed the food resources, burial gifts and given a glimpse of the local environment. Sediment cores from the center and near shore of former lake Vesan has given the opportunity to reconstruct the aquatic conditions and vegeta- tion in the surroundinglandscape based on analysis of diatoms, pollen, macrofossils and carbon content. The vast number of radiocarbon dates of the archaeological material from various altitudes at the sites has enabled adjustment of the sea-level curve especially during Ancylus-, Littorina transgressions and aregression around 8.2 ka.
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 103
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bokkapitel (30)
konferensbidrag (21)
rapport (18)
doktorsavhandling (11)
tidskriftsartikel (9)
annan publikation (5)
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licentiatavhandling (3)
samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (1)
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Typ av innehåll
Svensson, Nils-Olof, ... (16)
Svensson, Olof (10)
Persson, Carl (8)
Broström, Anna (8)
Liberg, Olof (5)
Svensson, Linn (5)
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Lagerås, Per (5)
Arnebrant, Thomas (4)
Dahlberg, Anders (3)
Lindh, Liselott (3)
Svensson, Johan (3)
Sand, Håkan (3)
Svensson, Johanna (3)
Bernhardt, Peter, 19 ... (3)
Rizell, Magnus, 1963 (3)
Sotres, Javier (3)
Åkesson, Mikael (3)
Knutsson, Tommy (3)
Hansen, Karen (3)
Barrantes, Alejandro (3)
Nordén, Björn (3)
Krikorev, Michael (3)
Delsing, Lars-Olof (3)
Berggren, Magnus (2)
Nilsson, David (2)
Hultborn, Ragnar, 19 ... (2)
Johansson, Kristina, ... (2)
Andersson, Swen-Olof (2)
Tjerneld, Folke (2)
Andrén, Ove (2)
Persson, Lars-Olof, ... (2)
Enfors, Sven-Olof (2)
Svensson, Lars, 1963 ... (2)
Olsson, Hanna (2)
Regnéll, Joachim (2)
Sandström, Olof (2)
Svensson, Jan (2)
Svensson, Per-Olof (2)
Thång, Per Olof (2)
Wikenros, Camilla (2)
Rudebeck, Elisabeth (2)
Aronson, Åke (2)
Hedmark, Eva (2)
Karström, Mats (2)
Svensson, Patrik (2)
Svensson, Olof, 1965 ... (2)
Johansson, Hans-Olof (2)
Edman, Mattias (2)
Svensson, Mårten (2)
Svensson, Maria A. (2)
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Högskolan Kristianstad (37)
Lunds universitet (11)
Göteborgs universitet (9)
Malmö universitet (8)
Umeå universitet (5)
Linköpings universitet (5)
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Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (5)
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Luleå tekniska universitet (2)
Högskolan Väst (2)
Havs- och vattenmyndigheten (2)
Högskolan i Halmstad (1)
Stockholms universitet (1)
Högskolan i Skövde (1)
Karolinska Institutet (1)
VTI - Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (1)
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