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Sökning: hsv:(SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP) > Övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt > Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

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  • Otto, Opira (författare)
  • Trust, identity and beer : institutional arrangements for agricultural labour in Isunga village in Kiryandongo district, midwestern Uganda
  • 2013
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis explores the role and influence of institutions on agricultural labour transactions in Isunga village in Kiryandongo District, Midwestern Uganda. It primarily focuses on how farmers structure, maintain and enforce their labour relationships during crop farming. The study is based on semi-structured interviews of twenty households and unstructured interviews with representatives of farmers associations. These interviews show that other than household labour, the other common labour arrangements in the village include farm work sharing, labour exchanges and casual wage labour. Farm work sharing and labour exchanges involve farmers temporarily pooling their labour into work groups to complete tasks such as planting, weeding or harvesting crops on members' farms in succession. This is done under strict rules and rewarded with 'good' beer and food. Against this background, the study asks what institutions really are, why they matter and what we can learn about them. Literature suggests that institutions influence labour transactions by their effects on transaction costs and the protection of contractual rights. However, literature does not suggest which institutions are best for agricultural labour transactions. Taking institutions to be the 'rules of the game', with farmers as 'players' who strategically use these rules to their advantage, the study focused on the interaction between institutions and farmers. The major findings of the study are: (a) farmers' choices of institutions are influenced by the characteristics of transactions, the costs of using institutions for handling labour dealings, the fairness and predictability of the outcome of contract enforcement mechanisms, and socio-cultural factors such as kin/ethnic status, morality and affection, (b) formal institutions in Isunga are either weak, ineffective or absent. So, farmers rely heavily on institutions embedded in social norms and networks to structure their transactional relationships, to ensure the performance of the respective parties, and to settle disputes if they arise. The study concludes that agricultural labour transactions in Isunga involve judgements of personal characteristics and social roles expressed as reputation and trustworthiness.
  • Bergeå, Hanna, et al. (författare)
  • Dialogprocessen om allemansrätten : underlag för utveckling av dialogmetodik och dialogkompetens
  • 2013
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Under 2012 och 2013 har avdelningen för Miljökommunikation vid SLU fungerat som rådgivare till Naturvårdsverket i planeringen och genomförandet av en dialogprocess om allemansrätten och dess tillämpning. Denna rapport har tillkommit som ett avslutande led i detta uppdrag. Syftet med rapporten är att stödja utveckling av dialogmetodik och dialogkompetens inom naturresurshanteringen genom att redogöra för och kritiskt diskutera de erfarenheter som vi gjort av att arbeta med en omtvistad och komplex samhällsfråga genom dialog. I rapporten redogör vi för de tankar och teorier som har väglett planeringen av dialogprocessen och diskuterar vad vi, så här i efterhand, anser att vi kunde ha gjort annorlunda. Syftet med rapporten är alltså inte att diskutera dialogprocessens innehåll och/eller hur olika aktörer och intressen ser på frågor som rör allemansrätten. Rapporten ska ses som ett underlag för hur den som ansvarar för en dialogprocess bör planera, genomföra och förhålla sig till deltagarna och det som sker. Rapporten består av följande fem delar: 1. Viktiga förutsättningar och ramar för upplägg och planering av dialogprocessen 2. Händelseutvecklingen i de fem möten som processen bestod av 3. Deltagarnas åsikter om processen, vad de tycker att de lärt sig 4. Deltagarnas rapportering av lärdomar från dialogprocessen till sina hemorganisationer 5. Diskussioner och rekommendationer
  • Caselunghe, Elvira, et al. (författare)
  • Forskningsperspektiv på naturvägledning
  • 2012
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Literature study shows a lack of Swedish nature interpretation research. The Swedish Centre for Nature Interpretation (SCNI) was established in 2007 by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences. One task of SCNI is to initiate research on nature interpretation. This research overview is intended to provide a jumping-off point. The main purpose was to investigate Swedish research that contributes to development of theory and practice in nature interpretation. In addition, research from other Nordic countries as well as international research was reviewed. A literature search for Swedish scientific publications on nature interpretation, explicitly, revealed a scarcity of such research in Sweden. Of course identifying such studies depends, in part, on how “nature interpretation” and “research” are defined. There are actually a number of Swedish researchers who work with topics that are relevant to nature interpretation, and to some extent this research is also published in scientific media. However, there is a larger quantity of educational literature. Overall, the main finding of this literature search is that nature interpretation research has not been conducted in Sweden, to date. However, relevant studies were found in such areas as outdoor recreation, nature tourism, education for sustainable development, outdoor education, environmental history, museology and environmental psychology. Various key words have been used in the selected databases, since “nature interpretation” generates no scientific hits. Definitions and pedagogical principles for nature interpretation are described in the first part of the report. Then international nature interpretation research and some different occurring theories are presented. Emphasis is then put on Swedish and Nordic research that is relevant for developing nature interpretation. The main findings below include conclusions from both the international and the Swedish/Nordic research and indicate some possible directions for development of nature interpretation research, in Sweden and elsewhere. NATURE INTERPRETATION CAN BE BOTH A MEANS OR AN END IN ITSELF There is a need for scientific development of nature interpretation evaluation principles. In Sweden, but also elsewhere, a common goal for publicly financed nature interpretation is to influence people in the direction of sustainable development. Research on interpretation evaluation is needed in order to know whether various activities correspond to our expectations. Also, there is a need to question whether this goal of influencing people is transparent and democratic enough. Internationally, there are both researchers who claim that interpretation can have a positive effect on environmental attitudes and behavior, and those who claim that effective evaluation methodologies for exploring such relationships need further development. Worldwide, interpretive evaluation research has focused heavily on knowledge gain and impacts on attitudes and behaviour, but it has seldom partitioned out the role of the emotional aspects of nature experience, although interpretation instructions stress revelation and provocation for instance. The notion of “participants gaining knowledge” could be widened and include mutual and experiential learning processes. Unlike environmental education, interpretation usually is a rather time limited activity. That could also be a reason to why long term interpretation effects are difficult to evaluate. If any effects appear, it would still be difficult to distinguish what has generated them. Nature interpretation is sometimes seen as a means for fulfilling a greater objective, but in other cases it is seen as an end in itself. For instance, within outdoor recreation, nature interpretation activities could be considered an end in themselves. Whereas nature interpretation efforts within state run nature conservation could be a means for legitimating and promoting poli-tical nature conservation decisions. NATURE INTERPRETATION AS A COMMUNICATIVE ACT The literature review indicated that the number of Swedish or international publications focusing on the communicative act of nature interpretation from an interactional micro perspective seems to be limited. What is happening within and between the persons during a nature interpretation session? How does the interpretation process really occur? Is the interpreter or the participant the one who makes the interpretation for instance? What kind of learning is taking place? CRITICAL RESEARCH ON NATURE INTERPRETATION COULD DEVELOP THEORY AND PRACTICE When discussing what Swedish nature interpretation research could concentrate on, there is not only a need to discuss the topics, but also different scientific approaches that could facilitate a greater understanding. Much of the Nordic research referred in this report is carried out within a positivistic research tradition doing quantitative studies. When approaching social science there are also some publications within hermeneutic research tradition. Critical research tradition, however, is rare among the studies reviewed. Since nature interpretation is not a natural science phenomenon, but a social one, nature interpretation research based on social constructivism has an obvious importance in further development of Swedish nature interpretation research. The role of nature interpretation in society could be better understood by analyzing what discourses characterize Swedish nature interpretation practice today. What ideas of man and nature are taken for granted which could affect the content and format of nature interpretation? Nature interpretation contributes to constructing our nature experiences, something that is seldom analysed. What values and rationalities holds the Swedish nature interpretation discourses? These questions require a critical dimension of nature interpretation research. Another division to make is research that looks for improving nature interpretation practice (how to do good interpretation), versus research that looks for understanding the phenomenon of nature interpretation (research about interpretation). Both kinds are needed. EXAMPLES ON CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF NATURE INTERPRETATION Some discussions in museology are highly relevant to nature interpretation as well. A quote by Ella Johansson (2001) about open air museums illustrates several of the inherent paradoxes in interpretation that could be interesting to further investigate. “… some contrary – or maybe complementary – aspects are lasting and necessary features in a museum: authenticity versus scene, critical distance versus deep empathy, creating knowledge versus ideology, education versus Sunday pleasure.” The content and format of nature interpretation is always a mental and social product, where the involved individuals decide what phenomena and objects are paid attention to and what questions and explanations are suggested. Søren Kruse (2002) argues that “the interpreter designs the participants’ nature visits and determines thereby frames for their nature experiences”. He further writes that: “Nature interpretation is in the centre of the normative minefield of pedagogics, where one could ask oneself: With what right can the nature interpreters claim that their design of nature visits is better than the nature contact designed by the participants themselves? My point of departure is that nature interpretation is not an interpretation of nature, but a production and reproduction of socially constructed descriptions of nature and our relations with it.” THE NEED OF ADVANCING NATURE INTERPRETATION RESEARCH IN SWEDEN Advancement of Swedish research on nature interpretation is needed for several reasons. There are national prerequisites that are unique, such as the Swedish right of public access to nature. Swedish nature interpretation is not yet systematically evaluated from a scientific point of view. There are also a number of educational programmes in Swedish universities within nature guidance and nature interpretation, and connecting these educational efforts to research would strengthen their quality. However, nature interpretation is not a research discipline, but rather a topic that requires research from various perspectives. That interdisciplinary context could be treated by different branches – from public health science, to cultural studies, to forest sciences, if it is combined with communication science, pedagogics or similar fields. Environmental psychology, marketing and media sciences could also provide knowledge about behavioural impacts that nature interpretation often aims for in a general context.
  • Eriksson, Camilla (författare)
  • Fäboden som politiskt rum : att vara fäbodbrukare i den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken
  • 2013
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • EU:s jordbrukspolitik har omvandlats under det senaste decenniet. Nya målsättningar om att skydda "höga natur- och kulturvärden" samt "traditionella landskap" har satt fokus på andra typer av lantbruk än de jordbrukspolitiken tidigare har gynnat. Ett exempel är det svenska fäbodbruket som nu för första gången får särskilda jordbrukspolitiska stöd. Idag finns ett par hundra fäbodbrukare i norra Svealand och nedre Norrland som håller kor, får och getter, ofta lantraser, på fritt utmarksbete. Djuren betar på skogsmark eller i fjällmiljö och kommer självmant hem på nätterna för att stallas och i förekommande fall mjölkas. Utmarken delas med björnar och vargar, dock inte utan konflikter. I avhandlingen kombineras textanalys och etnografiskt fältarbete i en policyantropologisk analys av vad som händer när fäbodarna inkluderas i politiken. Jordbruksverkets utformning av EU-stöd till fäbodar påverkar hur fäbodar brukas. Stödens utformning visar dock på motsättningar mellan förvaltningsapparaten som har makt att definiera vad traditionella fäbodar och höga natur- och kulturvärden på fäbodar är, och de fäbodbrukare som ska förverkliga intentionerna. Dessa motsättningar har gett upphov till en strid om tolkningsföreträde och en ständigt pågående förhandlingsprocess om vilka praktiker som har högst värde, vilket i avhandlingen benämns fäbodens politiska rum. Där ingår inte enbart de frågor som är aktuella idag utan också de historiska institutionella arrangemang som påverkar aktörernas möjlighet att göra sin röst hörd. Det är inte enbart Jordbruksverkets föreskrifter som avgör vad den nya jordbrukspolitiken kommer att resultera i. Länsstyrelsernas uttolkning av föreskrifterna, avgör i praktiken hur politiken genomförs. Fäbodbrukarna är dock inte intentionslösa brickor i det här spelet, utan har egen agens och möjligheter att handla utifrån egna intentioner och problemdefinitioner. Fäbodföreningar och andra organisationer spelar en viktig roll som förmedlare av och uttolkare av såväl myndigheternas anvisningar som brukarnas egna handlingsvägar. De ständigt pågående förhandlingsprocesserna kommer att avgöra hur framtidens fäbodbruk, och i förlängningen även hur framtidens lantbruk, kommer att bedrivas.
  • Eriksson, Max, et al. (författare)
  • Viltvårdsavgiften : En studie av svenskarnas vilja att betala det statliga jaktkortet
  • 2018
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Viltvårdsavgiften ska enligt Jaktförordningen (SFS 1987:905, 49 §) betalas av alla över 18 år som jagar i Sverige. Avgiften är 300 kr och gäller för ett jaktår, vilket omfattar tiden 1 juli–30 juni. Det statliga jaktkortet är ett kvitto på att denna avgift är betald. Under de senaste decennierna har antalet personer som löser det statliga jaktkortet minskat. I den här rapporten, som är ett utredningsuppdrag från Naturvårdsverket till Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), undersöks varför antalet personer som löser jaktkort minskar, och om antalet jaktkortslösare som ägnar sig åt jakt också minskat över tid. Rapporten omfattar endast personer bosatta i Sverige.
  • Khatri Bahadur, Dil (författare)
  • Climate and development at the third pole : dynamics of power and knowledge reshaping community forest governance in Nepal
  • 2018
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Given the international climate objectives of adaptation and REDD+ being adopted in many developing countries there are growing concerns about their effects. This thesis seeks to investigate the implications of implementing climate objectives for community forestry governance. The thesis deals with the questions of how community forest management and uses are (re)shaped by the influence of governmental and non-governmental interventions and what effects the changing community forestry objectives may have on the interests of people reliant on forest resources. The thesis draws on extensive field studies and the author’s long-term engagement in development interventions and policy processes in Nepal. The analysis is primarily concerned about the dynamic of knowledge and power in (re)shaping local resource governance agenda and examines the way certain forms of knowledge and discourses get translated into interventions, transforming rules and practices in community forest management. The analysis conceptualizes power, where knowledge is a product as well as an influence. The analysis also pays attention to how knowledge and discourses are mobilized by actors towards certain ends. Findings shows that the community forestry objectives and priorities have shifted over time prioritizing certain resources such as timber as a source of revenue and undermining local needs of livelihoods and food security. Such shifts were found to have been influenced by a combination of factors, including broader socio-economic changes shifting the role of forest in peoples’ lives, scientific expertise and governmental and non-governmental interventions. I argue that the climate policy objectives that are superimposed on the established community forestry institutions can bring new forces that fuel the ongoing changes in forest management objectives and enhance the technical and bureaucratic influence on community forests management. The technical and bureaucratic nature of interventions under donor funded projects on climate change have reinforced the way forests are valued for monetary benefits. The projects studied appear to have limited effects in delivering the promise of supporting local livelihoods; instead the interventions, such as in REDD+ piloting, risk curtailing local rights and benefits. There is a risk that local interests in managing community forests will be subsumed to the technocratic logic of climate interventions. The development of climate-related policy and interventions need to pay greater attention to the dynamics of knowledge and power and safeguard local interests against those of local elites, experts and external organizations.
  • Paulsson, Emma (författare)
  • The streetartist’s early morning
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: lo Squaderno. - 1973-9141. ; 32, s. 45-47
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Wallin, Ida (författare)
  • Forest management and governance in Sweden : a phronetic analysis of social practices
  • 2017
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The transition to a sustainable society requires improved knowledge about what determines forest management and the relationship to governance and policies. This thesis constitutes a phronetic analysis of social practices in forest management at the local level and of how social practices materialise and influence forest governance and ultimately, forest management more broadly. Social practices are used as the object of study in the synthesising analysis of empirical findings in Papers I-IV. In doing so, tension-points have been identified and problematized. The research has applied a case study approach from local to national and European levels. Identified social practices, relevant for determining actual forest management are mainly: personal relationships and trust towards professional forest advisors and purchasers; upholding and respecting local social values through discussing forest management with neighbours; intergenerational socialisation in relation to one’s own forest creating emotional bonds with the forest and across generations; and a rural life-style including hard work and diverse businesses. The identified tension-points include: i) two partially competing logics of practice: the traditional versus the professional logic where the latter is perceived by the former as a threat to local social values and, ii) a tendency of local social practices to streamline rather than to diversify forest management. From a policy-making perspective, trying to balance the different services from the forest, ways to address both logics of practice and the diversification of social practices should be explored. Especially, trusted advisors are a major factor determining forest management and policy outcomes. Current evolving practices of outreach strategies towards forest owners that decrease personal contact run the risk of eroding valuable social capital. Participatory and collaborative forest governance efforts could build on the strong social capital and willingness to cooperate found at the local level. Power structures embedded between governance levels and among local stakeholders should, however, not be underestimated and more research into the pre-conditions for collaboration is needed. Social practices as the object of study provides a promising path for future studies in order to find effective policy solutions.
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