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Sökning: hsv:(SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP) > Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan > Larsson Lena

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  • Backman, Erik, et al. (författare)
  • Idrottslärarutbildning för framtiden
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: I takt med tiden?. - Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. - 9789144086682 ; , s. 243-256
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Håkanson, Rickard, 1973- (författare)
  • Vad betyder OK+? : En studie om lärares dokumentationsarbete i ämnet idrott och hälsa
  • 2015
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna licentiatuppsats handlar om hur lärare dokumenterar elevers kunskaper i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur lärare arbetar med dokumentation, hur detta arbete upplevs utifrån olika förutsättningar samt om det finns skillnader i lärares erfarenheter av dokumentationsarbetet och vad dessa skillnader i så fall består i.I dagens skola ställs allt högre krav på dokumentation av elevernas kunskaper som underlag för en rättssäker bedömning och betygsättning.  Många lärare upplever att det är ett problem i ämnet idrott och hälsa där det inte finns någon direkt tradition av skriftliga underlag för bedömning. De ökade kraven på dokumentation och att bedriva en traditionellt utformad undervisning i ämnet uppfattas av många lärare som en omöjlig ekvation.Studiens perspektiv är läroplansteoretiskt. Begrepp som transformering och realisering av undervisningsinnehåll, ramfaktorer för undervisningen samt former av pedagogik, har använts för att analysera problematiken kring dokumentation i idrott och hälsa.Studiens resultat visar att en stor andel av lärarna upplever dokumentation av elevers kunskaper som svårt. Det som framstår som lätt att dokumentera blir också lärarnas underlag för bedömning snarare än det som styrdokumenten stipulerar. En grupp lärare upplever dock inte alls samma problem med dokumentation, trots att de står inför samma utmaningar i form av undervisningstid, schema och elevgrupper som andra lärare. Vad som utmärker dessa lärare, de systematiska planerarna, är att deras undervisningspraktik, innefattande planering, undervisning och bedömning, i stora delar skiljer sig från övriga lärares vilket skapar andra möjligheter för dokumentation.
  • Larsson, Bengt, et al. (författare)
  • Den svenska lärarstudenten i idrott och hälsa
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: SVEBI konferens: Idrottsforskning i tiden.
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I Sverige har en stark expansion av studenter till högre utbildning skett under de senaste två decennierna. Flera orsaker finns till detta: många utbildningar har förlängts, dvs studenter stannar kvar längre inom systemet, nya lärosäten har tillkommit och utbildningsutbudet har expanderat. Socialt sett har expansionen inneburit en stark tillströmning från grupper som inte tidigare har studerat på universitetsnivå – ur ett meritokratiskt perspektiv har förändringen lett till en ökad andel studenter med svaga skolmeriter (Broady, Börjesson & Bertilsson 2009:12). Vad som drastiskt förändrats är dock söktrycket till lärarutbildningarna. Det kan vara av intresse att studera rekryteringen till idrottslärarutbildningen - då många förändringar skett under senare år.Syftet är att beskriva idrottslärarstudenterna med fokus på deras dispositioner i termer av erfarenhet, resurser och smaker. Vi tar utgångspunkt i den franska kultursociologen Bourdieus teorier och begrepp. I Bourdieus tankar om hur den sociala världen är konstruerad har gruppers sociala bakgrund, erfarenheter och levnadsvanor betydelse för deras val och handlingar. Bourdieu (1977, 1990, 2000) förundrades över att vi trots att vi i praktiken kan välja fritt och upplever att vi gör det, ändå i så hög grad väljer i linje med det sociala sammanhang vi är uppväxta i och har erfarenheter ifrån. En enkätstudie har genomförts där samtliga sju lärosäten med examensrätt ht 2011 deltog och de nyrekryterade studenterna besvarade enkäten (208 studenter). data har analyserats med hjälp av SPSS 20.0.Resultat visar att de studenter som ht-11 påbörjade sina studier i idrott och hälsa kan beskrivas som en ganska homogen grupp som dock skiljer sig på en del punkter från den genomsnittliga lärarstudenten. I den undersökta gruppen är exempelvis drygt 60 % män jämfört med ca 20 % för den totala gruppen lärarstudenter. I ett åldersperspektiv är hälften av gruppen mellan 21-25 år, ca 40 %är mellan 18-20 år och knappt 10 % är äldre än 25 år. Majoriteten av studenterna har genomgått ett studieförberedande gymnasieprogram och av dessa har drygt 40 % gått ett program med idrottsinriktning. Cirka 60 % av studenterna har en eller två föräldrar med universitets-/högskoleutbildning.Innan studenterna började sin utbildning i idrott och hälsa hade drygt 10 % skaffat sig erfarenhet av arbete inom förskola eller skola. En betydligt större andel, knappt 60 %, hade erfarenhet av annan yrkesverksamhet. När det gäller idrottserfarenhet uppger drygt tre fjärdedelar att de har sådan och knappt tre fjärdedelar att de även har erfarenhet av att vara ledare inom idrottsrörelsen. På fritiden ägnar sig studenterna huvudsakligen åt eget idrottande/motionerande, umgås med vänner, Internet i olika former, se på video/teve samt umgås med familjen. Däremot är intresset för exempelvis politik och kultur lågt.Bourdieu, P. (1977). Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Bourdieu, P. (1990). The Logic of Practice. Cambridge: Polity Press. Bourdieu, P. (2000). Pascalian Meditations. USA: Stanford University Press.Broady, D., Börjesson, M. & Bertilsson, E. (2009). Lärarutbildningens hierarkier, Nordisk tidskrift för kultur- og samfundsvidenskab (4), 5–17.
  • Larsson, Bengt, et al. (författare)
  • The Swedish PE student of today : a cultural sociological analysis
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: ECER 2013, Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research. ; , s. 93-, s. 93-
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The past two decades have seen a huge increase in the number of students enrolling in higher education in Sweden. There are several reasons for this: many of the degree programmes have been extended, resulting in students remaining in the system longer than previously; the number of degree programmes to choose from has increased; and there are new higher education institutions (HEIs). Socially speaking, the expansion has led to a huge influx of groups that had not previously studied at university—from a meritocratic perspective, this change has resulted in a growing number of students with poor qualifications (Broady, Börjesson & Bertilsson 2009: 12). The teacher training programme has, however, seen a very modest increase in the number of students. The 1971/72 academic year saw 9,500 student teachers accepted, which constituted 40 per cent of the intake. Today’s 11,000 student teachers only make up 17 per cent of the higher education intake (Bertilsson 2009). What has dramatically changed is the oversubscription to teacher training programmes. At the beginning of the 1980s, there were approximately ten applicants per place compared with at present just over one per place. The percentage of male applicants to teacher training programmes has for the past decade remained around the 20 per cent mark (Swedish National Agency for Higher Education [HSV] 2012). One possible explanation for the teacher training programme being less oversubscribed is that it has faced ever-greater competition from other higher education programmes. Another might be the mass media’s portrayal and the constant criticism of schools and that nowadays teaching is classed as a low-status profession. This might explain why, compared with other university programmes, the teacher training programme has the largest percentage of students whose parents have no higher education experience (Börjesson & Broady 2004; Börjesson 2004; Statistics Sweden [SCB] HSV 2009, 2010; Larsson 2009). The question of interest here is what has happened to the recruiting within the Swedish teacher training programme in recent decades (Bertilsson 2009). In this context, the recruiting to the Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) programme is also of interest. For more than 150 years, there was only one PETE programme in Sweden, namely the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics founded by Per Henrik Ling. In 1966, a sister organization was founded, this time in the city of Örebro, both came under the same organizational unit and were known collectively as the Stockholm University College of Physical Education and Sports (GIH). From the latter half of the 1980s until 2001, the number of HEIs offering a PETE programme increased to sixteen as a result of various teacher training reforms (Meckbach & Wedman 2007). This number has now decreased and as of 2011 there are only seven HEIs entitled to award the degree of Bachelor of Education in Physical Education.The aim of this study is to describe the student PE teachers in Sweden, with focus on their dispositions in terms of experiences, resources and tastes.Methodology  To be able to study student PE teachers’ dispositions, resources and tastes, we take Bourdieu’s theories and concepts as our starting point. In Bourdieu’s thoughts on how the social world is constructed, groups’ social background, experiences and ways of living influence their choices and actions. Bourdieu (1984) was surprised that even though we are able to freely choose and feel that we do so, we, nevertheless, to such a great extent, make choices according to the social context we have grown up in and have experiences of. Using Bourdieu’s theoretical concepts makes it possible to examine the students’ tastes, practices and lifestyles.The data has been collected as follows: the student PE teachers in Sweden that run a PETE programme answered a questionnaire with thirty-five questions. Apart from the background information, the questionnaire contained questions about the studies and the students’ leisure habits. The vast majority were closed questions, where the respondents were asked to give one answer. For a small number of questions, it was possible to give more than one answer. The data has been analysed using statistical methods chosen based on the study’s questions. In total, 208 students participated in the study.Results Those students who began studying PETE in the autumn of 2011 can be described as a pretty homogeneous group that, nevertheless, differentiates itself from the average student teacher in a number of respects. For example, in the group studied a little over 60% are men compared with approximately 20% for the whole group of student teachers. In terms of age, half of the group are between 21 and 25 years old. The majority of the students have completed a preparatory upper secondary programme, of which just over 40% have completed a programme specializing in sport. Approximately 60% of the students have one or two parents with a university or higher education.Before starting their PETE programme, just over 10% of the students had experience of working at a school. As for having experience of sport, just over three-quarters say that they have such experience and almost three-quarters also have experience of being a coach within the Swedish sports movement.   In their free time, the students mainly do sports, see their friends, use the Internet for various things, watch videos and TV, and see their family. However, there is little interest in, for example, politics and culture.References Bertilsson, Emil (2009). Lärarstudenterna: Förändring i rekrytering under perioden 1977-2007, (4), 19–41.Bourdieu, Pierre (1984). Distinction. A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul).Broady, Donald, Börjesson, Mikael & Bertilsson, Emil (2009). Lärarutbildningens hierarkier, Nordisk tidskrift för kultur- og samfundsvidenskab (4), 5–17.Börjesson, Mikael (2004). Det svenska högskolefältet och lärarutbildningarna. (Uppsala:  Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi (SEC) Institutionen för lärarutbildning, Uppsala universitet).Börjesson, Mikael & Broady, Donald (2004). Vad har studenter vid Uppsala universitet i bagaget? Om social och meritokratisk snedrekrytering.  (Uppsala: Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi (SEC) Institutionen för lärarutbildning, Uppsala universitet).Larsson, Lena (2009). Idrott–och helst lite mer idrott. Idrottslärarstudenters möte med utbildningen. Diss. (Stockholm: Stockholms universitet).Meckbach, Jane & Wedman, Ingemar (2007). Idrottslärarstudenten vid GIH. www.idrottsforum.orgHSV (2009).Uppföljning av lärosätenas arbete med breddad rekrytering 2006–2008. Rapport 2009:18 R.HSV (2010). Higher education. Level of parental education among university entrants 2009/10 and first time students at third circle studies 2008/09. UF 20 SM 1003HSV (2012) http://www.hsv.se/download/18.4149f55713bbd917563800045/statistisk-analys-larautbildning-2012-15.pdfStatistiska centralbyrån 2006, Universitet och högskolor. Social bakgrund bland högskolenybörjare 2005/06 och doktorand­nybörjare 2004/05.
  • Larsson, Lena, 1950- (författare)
  • Idrott – och helst lite mer idrott : Idrottslärarstudenters möte med utbildningen
  • 2009
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of the study is to investigate what happens when the experiences and conceptions of physical education (PE) student teachers encounter the value structures of a PE teacher education programme. The starting point for the study are the criticisms that the PE teacher education programme has inadequate links to science, that it finds it difficult to challenge traditional gender patterns, and that the students' experiences of their own sporting activities are more important than the education programme for what knowledge is considered valuable. The study has a cultural sociological and gender theoretical perspective. The analysis has been done with the help of Pierre Bourdieu's concepts as the tools of analysis. The empirical evidence has been collected with the help of several different methods. Quantitative data has been collected with the help of questionnaires which a total of 450 student teachers returned; qualitative data has been collected using: essays written by PE student teachers during their physical education specialisation and in-depth interviews with teacher educators. The results show that today's education is still characterised by many of the traditions, norms and values which historically have been its distinguishing features. The “rules of the game” are generally taken for granted and this is based on a shared conception in the value of the education. In the eyes of the students, the trademark of a good PE teacher is to be good at many different sports, have in-depth knowledge of human biology, and have the “right” personality. They are less interested in pedagogical issues and they would have preferred the whole course to have served them with ready-made solutions and answers. Even if gender and social issues have been part of the education, the gender habitus has changed very little during the programme. The way they see the subject is largely the same as it was before the course, but what appeared to them to be a ”pure” sports subject before the course started has afterwards become more a way of “attaining health through sport”. The study indicates that the dominating values within the PE teacher education seem to be in harmony with the students' habitus which make it difficult to challenge the ”order of things” and  that changes will take time.
  • Larsson, Lena, et al. (författare)
  • To be – or not to be invited?
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: SVEBIs konferens.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • IntroductionThe Swedish sport association are built on democratic principles and fundamental values, which means that children and youth should be able to have impact and exert influence. The emphasis on influence can be linked to the fact that the sport club activities of the Swedish state are seen as an important arena for the civic education of young people. Though official reports and policy documents state that sport associations should give youth power and influence, research about youths’ influence in the sport association has been scarce. AimThe aim of the study is to explore young coaches’ possibilities and experiences of influence in the Swedish sports movement with a focus on young people's own voices to influence.Theory and methodWe use Bourdieus’ theories on social fields to understand which youths are chosen to be coaches and their possibilities to influence. His theories make it possible to investigate both the habitus and the capital required for young coaches to be able to participate in the struggle for positions in the sport association. The data in this study consists of ten focus group interviews conducted with 37 participants. When selecting respondents, we have sought a geographical spread, a variety of sports, and both male and female participants.ResultsThe results show that for young coaches to have influence, both their habitus and capital are required to ‘match’ the social context into which they are entering. The results also show that the youths feel they have little opportunity to influence. Even if they would like to have influence, there are structural barriers hindering them. The formal way of working on the board and at the annual meeting is a hindrance which worked against the youths possibilities to influence.Those who hold leading positions in the sport association, the orthodox, hold onto their power and are afraid to let the young coaches in. Holding a committee post becomes a sort of self-generating system, which means that symbolic capital is assigned to those who are on the committee and already have capital. In order to win a position and get the opportunity to influence certain strategies are more successful than others. One way is to attend coach training that function as a springboard for reaching higher positions. Another is support of a club member who has a position of responsibility within the club or work on the club’s youth council.DiscussionThe conclusion of the study is that if sport associations shall live up to the objectives that youths shall be able to influence and have real access to power “the rules of the game” need to change. Change is required of who is invited to a meeting and how, and who may express oneself and how. Even if the present recruiting process means the sport associations are able to keep youths that perhaps otherwise would have left, it also means the existing traditions are passed on and the orthodox routine is seldom challenged.
  • Larsson, Lena, et al. (författare)
  • To Be or Not to Be Invited : Youth Sport: Young People’s Influence in Voluntary Sport
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Sport Science Review. - : Walter de Gruyter GmbH. - 2066-8732 .- 2069-7244. ; 22:3-4, s. 187-204
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Influence and the opportunity to have one’s voice heard are fundamental rights valid for all people, including also children and youths. Despite this, research shows that young people’s voices have received less attention and young people have no influence in many contexts in which they find themselves (Evans, 2007; Fundberg, 2009; Redelius, 2005). In Sweden, the emphasis on influence can be linked to the fact that the sport club activities of the Swedish state are seen as an important arena for the civic education of young people (The Swedish Sports Confederation, 2005, 2011). The aim of this study is to explore young coaches and their opportunities to influence in the Swedish sport clubs with focus on what the youths themselves say about influence and power. We use Bourdieus’ theories on social fields to bring to light which youths are chosen to be leaders and their possibilities to influence. The results show that for young coaches to have influence, both their habitus and capital are required to ‘match’ the social context into which they are entering. One way of maintaining power is not to change the accepted way of working, which excludes the young coaches from challenging in the battle for positions.
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 15

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