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Sökning: hsv:(SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP) > Högskolan i Halmstad > Doktorsavhandling

  • Resultat 1-10 av 105
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  • Johansson Wilén, Evelina, 1985- (författare)
  • Mellan jaget och världen : Feminism och etik under nyliberala villkor
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overall purpose of this study is to investigate how the tension between feminism as an ethical and political project is brought into light under neoliberal conditions. More specifically, the aim is to, through 21 interviews with 12 self-defined left-wing Swedish feminists whose living conditions, political action and self-understanding are conditioned by the economic, political and ideological imprints of neo-liberalism, study potential joints and crimes between feminism and neoliberalism and how these relate to the tensions between ethics and politics that have been present long before the entry of neoliberalism on the scene. The analysis is largely done in close dialogue with the feminist political thinkers Wendy Brown, Nancy Fraser and Chantal Mouffe, all of whom have devoted themselves to the relationship between ethics and politics and the effects of neoliberalism on political movements and political subjectivity. It also engages in academic work on neoliberal subjectivity and ideology and progressive movements.
  • Arvidsson, Jessica, 1982- (författare)
  • Sysselsättning och social rättvisa : En nationell registerstudie om 12 269 unga vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning
  • 2016
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Kunskapen om övergången mellan gymnasiesärskola och arbetsliv för unga vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning är begränsad. Varken välfärds- eller forskarsamhället har kunskap om vilken typ av sysselsättning som före detta elever i den svenska gymnasieskolan har efter skoltiden.Huvudsyftet med denna sammanläggningsavhandling är tredelat: att (a) öka kunskapen om vilka typer av sysselsättning som personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning har efter avslutad gymnasiesärskola, att (b) åskådliggöra mönster och faktorer (kön, förfluten tid sedan examen, utbildningsprogram, boendekommun samt föräldrarnas födelseland och utbildningsnivå) som kan bidra till skillnader vad gäller typ av sysselsättning, samt att (c) skapa ett nationellt register som möjliggör kvantitativa analyser, longitudinella studier och utgör underlag för kvalitativa fördjupande studier av efter(sär)gymnasial sysselsättning. Avhandlingen innehåller fyra artiklar och en ramberättelse.Ett nationellt register, Halmstad University Register on Pupils with Intellectual Disability (HURPID) skapades utifrån information i slutbetygen från 12 269 tidigare elever i gymnasiesärskolan. Slutbetyg är allmänna handlingar som begärdes från kommunerna. HURPID samkördes med två nationella register: Longitudinell Integrationsdatabas för Sjukförsäkrings- och Arbetsmarknadsstudier (LISA) och LSS-registret som innehåller information om insatser som beviljats enligt lag (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade. Avhandlingen bygger på tvärsnittsstudier vilka ger en ögonblicksbild av den efter(sär)gymnasiala sysselsättningen under 2011 bland de personer som gått ut mellan 2001-2011. Frekvensanalyser användes för att beskriva studiepopulationens karaktäristika. Korstabeller och Pearson´s chi2-test användes för att analysera skillnader avseende typ av sysselsättning mellan olika grupper i studiepopulationen. Sambandet mellan avhandlingens beroende och oberoende variabler undersöktes med bivariata och multivariata logistiska regressionsanalyser.Analyserna visar att den största andelen (47%) av de unga har sin sysselsättning inom daglig verksamhet, 22,4% har ett förvärvsarbete, de flesta med någon form av lönesubvention; och 6,6% studerar. En betydande andel (24%) betecknas vara "någon annanstans" (inte i någon av de andra tre sysselsättningstyperna). Andelen unga vuxna i daglig verksamhet är lägre än förväntat och andelen som har ett förvärvsarbete är högre än förväntat. En oväntat stor andel tillhör kategorin "någon annanstans" och har inte daglig verksamhet, inte ett förvärvsarabete och studerar inte.Kön, typ av utbildningsprogram, hur lång tid som förflutit sedan examen, boendekommun och föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå samt geografiska härkomst är alla faktorer som påverkar vilken typ av sysselsättning som unga vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning har. Män som har gått ett nationellt program i gymnasiesärskolan och som tog examen mellan 2001-2006 är de som har störst sannolikhet för att ha ett förvärvsarbete. Personernas boendekommun har en viss oberoende effekt på typ av efter(sär)gymnasial sysselsättning och den totalt sett låga andelen flyttar i populationen antas förstärka betydelsen av vilken kommun de bor i. Unga vars föräldrar är lågutbildade har mer sannolikt ett förvärvsarbete eller tillhör kategorin "någon annanstans". De vars föräldrar är högutbildade har mer sannolikt en sysselsättning inom daglig verksamhet eller studerar (exempelvis på Komvux eller folkhögskola). De unga vars föräldrar är födda i ett utom-europeiskt land är med större sannolikhet studerande eller personer som tillhör kategorin "någon annanstans".Avhandlingens huvudresultat diskuteras i förhållande till ett teoretiskt ramverk om social rättvisa. Betydelsen av samhällets ansvar att främja alla medborgares möjlighet att vara och göra vad de har anledning att värdesätta betonas. Ett samhälle som främjar social rättvisa måste stödja människors möjligheter att oavsett funktionsförmåga kunna välja sysselsättning. Såväl den offentliga som den privata sektorn behöver tydligare betrakta personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning som en viktig resurs i samhället och på arbetsmarknaden; se dem som personer med förmågor som riskerar att döljas bakom kategorier, fördomar och föråldrade strukturer.
  • Bhatti, Harrison John, 1979- (författare)
  • Sustainable Electromobility : A System Approach to Transformation of Transportation
  • 2023
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis aims to explore, analyze, and develop knowledge that leads to an understanding of identifying the key actors and their symbiotic relationships and dependencies in transforming the energy and transportation system from fossil-based to renewable and fossil fuel-powered vehicles to electric. The research was explorative and categorized into two studies. The Study – I focuses on the technological development that leads toward transforming from the old fossil-based analog electricity generation and distribution system to the new digitalized renewable system. This study further explores the impact of these disruptive technologies on the market and society, and the challenges hindering the implementation and adoption of the new energy system. Study – II focuses on developing new knowledge and understanding by integrating technological, political, societal, and economic aspects into one model and named it a 'multidimensional readiness index model.' This model can serve as an analytical tool and provide a broader perspective for exploring, analyzing, evaluating, and determining the countries' positions in transforming the transformation system. The model has been applied to eight countries, two from Asia (China and India) and Australia and five from Europe (Germany, Norway, Sweden, Slovenia, and the UK). The kappa synthesizes the exploration of the papers. Additionally, the system approach is applied to explore and understand the symbiotic relationship in the new ecosystem among the key actors and stakeholders and their significant role in transforming the transportation system from fossil-based to electric. The main conclusion is that the countries with a higher symbiotic relationship among the key actors achieved a higher level of readiness in transforming the transportation system. In contrast, other countries with a low symbiotic relationship among the key actors are slowly catching up or even far behind in transforming the transportation system towards electrification.
  • Mineur, Therese, 1970- (författare)
  • Skolformens komplexitet : elevers erfarenheter av skolvardag och tillhörighet i gymnasiesärskolan
  • 2013
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The Swedish upper secondary education consists of different types of schools. One type of school is the upper secondary for pupils who have assessed as having an intellectual disability. The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge and understanding of pupils’ experiences of everyday life in school, and how they perceive the significance of their sense of belonging to this type of school. An additional aim of the study is to increase the knowledge about different ways of organizing the education and teaching. The collection of data started with a national questionnaire survey which was directed to headteachers at the schools. Based on the results from the survey five schools were selected. By participant observations at the schools and repeated interviews with 14 young women and 12 young men, the first person perspective has been studied and analysed through an interpretive approach. The analysis showed that knowledge about the schools different ways of organizing the teaching are of importance, to understand pupils’ diverse experiences of school life. As an example it has an impact on how the pupils evaluate different types of knowledge, but also how they view their future opportunities. Any clear connection between the schools different ways of organizing the education and teaching and pupils’ experiences of their sense of belonging to this type of school has not emerged. Instead pupils’ awareness, confidence, uncertainty, dejection and determination are to be seen as a framework of understanding, telling us about their experiences of their school affiliation. Together they demonstrate a complexity surrounding pupils’ situation, associated to both advantages and disadvantages in school, but also their thoughts about identity and how they perceive being categorized as deviant by others. The analysis also showed that expectations on the pupils, and their possibilities in the school context, are related to a special school culture and to gender differences.
  • Stranne, Frida, 1971- (författare)
  • George W. Bush : en (r)evolution i amerikansk utrikespolitik?
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This PhD dissertation sets out to deepen our understanding of American foreign policy and to place the George W. Bush administration, its world view, ideology and war on terror in a historical perspective. The question is if George W. Bush should be regarded as a revolution in American foreign policy or as a continuum of the policies of previous administrations? This is answered by the construction of a historical synthesis, based on a vast amount of literature about American foreign policy, with the addition of primary empirical data such as historical documentation, speeches, policy documents and interviews.         The study finds that there are certain core ideas in American foreign policy that were formulated already when the country was established, and that still are primary driving forces for how administrations in Washington act and react. The absolute core ideas are exceptionalism and self ownership. These concepts have since evolved and mutually reinforced each other over time, and ideas such as vulnerability, absolute security, manifest destiny and mission have been tied to their essence. These concepts, coupled with the actual economic success and territorial expansion that America experienced during the 19th century, created a progressive continuity. This in turn, led to a commonly shared notion among political administrations that they should seize every opportunity to expand American spheres of influence. Major historical breaking points have appeared four times in American history. This has happened during periods when internal and external contexts have gone through changes which have coincided with the evolvement of the core ideas. It is consequently possible to define four different periods in American history where George W. Bush should be regarded as a part of the fourth phase. Much in the same way as previous Presidents have seized the opportunity to expand American power, did George W. Bush seized the opportunity to enlarge America’s role in the world system after 9.11 2001. Most of George W. Bush’s decisions, actions and ideas are consequently a continuum of previous politics and a part of an evolution in American foreign policy that has expanded - from a political project to secure freedom for the American people - to a global mission of establishing an Imperium Americana. His time in office should therefore be regarded as both a continuum and a revolution: a r-evolution.
  • Thorell, Kristina, 1976- (författare)
  • Naturvårdsplanering med förankring i det lokala : Villkor för delaktighet och underifrånperspektiv i vården av värden i odlingslandskapet
  • 2008
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • During recent decades, opinions about how nature should be protected by the public sector have changed. One result is a better awareness of the important role that local actors play in the preservation of valuable areas. The overall aim of the thesis is to increase the understanding of preconditions for bottom-up approaches within nature conservation planning of cultural landscape. The research issues touch upon: (1) the significance of strategies which are based upon the landscape perspective and the capacities of local actors, (2) the capability of participatory processes and (3) the abilities of decision makers to promote a planning system which is better adapted to the local level.The theoretical framework describes bottom-up approaches on the basis of research concerning participation, democracy, planning, rural development and landscape. It is concluded that local participation is complex within representative democracy, but is advocated in the interactive planning theory which deals with communicative rationality and social learning. It has also an important position in research of local mobilisation where the assumption is that planning processes should be carried out upon the initiative of those concerned.The research has made use of a diverse methodology. Interactive- and action-oriented research has complemented questionnaires and interviews. The investigations focused primarily on the municipalities of Orust and Munkedal in Western Sweden but other areas were also involved. Both local actors and managers within the public sectors took part.The results show that bottom-up approaches imply an emphasis upon the specific landscape which humans experience with all their senses and transform through daily actions. It also refers to efforts which are formulated on the basis of insights into the specific community and the context in which landscape values exist. The major driving forces are social capital, entrepreneurship, commitment and the capacity to represent public interests. Participatory processes may contribute to the preservation of aesthetic, heritage, biological and recreation values in the landscape on the bases of local conditions. The study further indicates that it is possible to incorporate bottom-up approaches into the planning system if the normative preconditions exist, i.e. societal support for a larger degree of decentralized work and participatory processes. Comprehensive structural changes, as well as practical efforts, are thus needed to expand social interaction between the authorities and local actors.
  • Andersson, Janicke, 1975- (författare)
  • Konsten att leva längre : Föreställningar om livets förändring i handböcker 1700-1930
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to explore discursive changes in conceptions of life course and ageing. I am particularly concerned with the relationship between knowledge and power in the distribution of prolongevity and body- technologies, and as referential frame in the definition of normal and deviant bodies and behaviour. Following the historical processes this study includes advisory literature in the field of prolongevity from 1700-1930. As a conclusion I have distinguished four categories of legends in the material. In analyzing the legends: Antediluvian legends, Hyperborean legends, Fountain legends, and Centenarian legends. The legends of prolongevity intermediate ideas of human ageing in, and between cultures, On a meta-level there has been three discourses intertwining each other in the making of present images on prolongevity and successful ageing: Religion, Science and The Natural. In e discursive struggle during the studied years those components have been competing for domination and space on the prolongevity agenda. The advices reflect a belief in the possibility to transform by means of moderation and harmony; a belief that grew in the eighteenth century and enhanced during the following centuries. The aim was to improve human nature to an ennobled version of her self according to divine standards. Prolongevity was in 1700-1930 a question of reaching a pre-designated length of life given by God or Nature. Today we do not believe in pre-designated life-length we only believe in prolongation. We do want the paradise but we want it here on earth, and we want to be in charge.
  • Helmersson, Sara (författare)
  • Mellan systerskap och behandling : Omförhandlingar inom ett förändrat stödfält för våldsutsatta kvinnor
  • 2017. - Lund Dissertations in Social Work
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In Sweden, support for abused women has historically been a task for female volunteers in women’s shelters. However, due to amendments in the Social Services Act, some local municipalities have in recent years initiated services for people with experience of violence in intimate relationships, often women and men, abused as well as abusers. These specialised public sector units have an approach to the question of violence that differs from “traditional” feminist ideas associated with the women’s shelter movement. The main purpose of this research was to examine local support practices in this particular “support field” and to further the knowledge about underlying tensions and the linkages to different understandings of violence against women. The research questions focused on (1) dominating understandings of the problem and how these were expressed and challenged within the support field, (2) local support practices in regard to legal and organisational conditions, (3) hierarchies, boundaries, sense of community and exclusions (4) overarching changes in the support field and consequences for support seekers and support providers. Inspired by an ethnographic approach, a range of qualitative methods were used: individual and group interviews, participatory observations and retrieval of policy documents. 24 interviews, with 32 people from five shelters and three specialised units, were completed. The participatory observations were performed in two sites. Finally, a web based survey was distributed to 320 recipients: women’s shelters, local crime victim support organisations and public sector specialised units. After removing incomplete surveys, 207 filled out surveys remained. The overall response rate was 65 %. A theoretical framework based on concepts such as field, doxa, capital and boundary work was used. The results of the study showed that the question of violence against women has been institutionalised in Swedish policies and that two dominating understandings were present: a gender power perspective and a relational perspective. The results pointed out that local women’s shelters worked in close partnership with the public sector and were doing “social services-tasks”. The shelter staff had a heavy administrative workload and spent little time on influencing public opinion. Hence, core ideals such as independence, anonymity for women and sisterhood were challenged. Among professionals in the specialised units counselling was favoured over practical tasks. The professionals framed counselling as professional, whereas women’s shelter work was often understood as practical and unskilled. The gender mixed approach of the specialised units was favoured over interventions for women only. Services for abused women in the support field were informed by two, sometimes conflicting, support ideals: (1) aimed at emancipating women, (2) ai med at changing women. Furthermore, processes of “us and them” were identified in the support field and certain groups of women were potentially excluded from help as well as excluded from becoming shelter workers. The overall analysis of the thesis pointed to a shift from gender power analysis to a relational perspective and that the support field has been consumed by the social services.
  • Luthfa Karim, Sabrina, 1973- (författare)
  • The Uncertainty-Embedded Innovation Process : A study of how uncertainty emerges in the innovation process and of how firms address that to create novelty
  • 2017
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Despite much discussion in the literature of uncertainties in relation to the innovation process, there is little knowledge of how they emerge in this process. This thesis accordingly aims to understand how uncertainty emerges in the innovation process and how firms address that uncertainty to create novelty from the process. Uncertainty is embedded in the innovation process (Jalonen, 2012), which implies that it is not only a factor affecting the innovation process but also an outcome of the process itself. To fulfil the purpose of this study, it is important to understand how the innovation process unfolds over time. It is well established that innovation is a process of recombining resources (Schumpeter, 1934) through the performing and linking of certain activities in sequence (Richardson, 1972; Dubois, 1994; Bankvall, 2011) by various actors (i.e., firms and organizations) in a network context (Håkansson and Olsen, 2012; Lampela, 2012; Love and Roper, 2001; Pittaway et al., 2004; Powell et al., 1996). To fulfil the purpose of this study, the following research question has been asked: How and why do actors undertake and link resource recombination activities in a network context, thereby managing uncertainties in the innovation process?The thesis investigates the innovation process in two companies. One of the companies had completed its innovation journey and the other had almost done so. The discussion gives a detailed account of: the activities these companies performed alone and jointly with their partners in a network context; the resources they exchanged with each other and recombined to bring new solutions to the market; the uncertainties created in the process of recombining the resources; and the activities they undertook in response to address these uncertainties. The innovation process in the case companies is analysed in light of a conceptual model developed here based on Dubois’ (1994) “end product related activity structure model”, Håkansson’s (1987) “ARA model/network model”, and Goldratt’s (1997) “critical chain concept”.This study identifies the conditions under which uncertainties emerged in the innovation process in the studied companies. One of the significant conditions was resource unavailability, which was caused by actors’ reluctance to share resources, prohibition by government policy, and the resources’ own conflicting conditions and internal resistance (Håkansson and Snehota, 1995; Håkansson and Waluszewski, 2002; Waluszewski, 2004). Resource unavailability caused inertial and repetitive activities and delayed the process of producing an outcome, having such an impact on the activities under the condition of path dependency (Arthur, 1994; David, 2000). Another observed condition was the actors’ lack of knowledge of resource combination (Jalonen, 2011).A type of uncertainty that seriously affects the outcome of the innovation process is the activity void, a situation in which no activity is taking place. Activity voids are created from resource unavailability either by an actor’s reluctance to share resources or by the outcome of combining conflicting resource properties.The outcome of the innovation process is therefore affected by the key actor’s attempt to reduce the activity void by making compromises at the three levels, interplay among which construct the process, i.e., actors, resources, and activities. To manage uncertainties, managers make many compromises when they perform and link various activities. Although the underlying motivation for making compromises is rational, it is boundedly rational (Simon, 1957) because by making compromises, managers forego expectations of having all the properties or of being able to plan, undertake, and link activities as intended. This study also reveals that sometimes actors prefer not to make compromises despite knowing that this might cost a great deal. Accordingly, the findings suggest that compromises made within a working relationship allow actors to produce novelty without deviating from the desired path by ensuring access to resources and partners’ abilities. On the contrary, compromises not made in the relationship can threaten actors’ ability to produce the desired novelty, as the exchange of partners’ resources and abilities is hindered in a poor relationship. Compromises made in resource configuration and activities threaten actors’ ability to produce the desired novelty by limiting their choices, while compromises not made in resource configuration and activities allow actors to produce the desired novelty without deviation.
  • Rydin, Ingegerd, 1946- (författare)
  • Making sense of TV-narratives : Children's readings of a fairy tale
  • 1996
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The present study deals with young children's' reading and reception of television fiction. Theoretically, the study is inter-disciplinary, combining text-reader oriented approaches within literature theory and sociocultural approaches within psychology and sociology. A television program within the genre of fairy tales is analyzed by using both narratological andpsychological theoretical frameworks. Issues of intertextuality, dialogism, narrative codes, cinematic and literary conventions are considered in the analysis.Empirically, the study takes a qualitative approach and the process of reception is studied by in-depth interviews of 86 six and eight years old children. The interview is regarded as a social practice or meeting-place between interviewer and informant. This approach has roots in Piaget's early work, in which he employed and developed the methode clinique as well as in Vygotsky's sociocultural psychology. Sociocultural variation is primarily studied by focus on gender and age.One analysis concerns narrative coherence and how the children "hatched the plot". It appeared as if many of the younger children had difficulties in producing a coherent narrative of the program, whereas most of the older children did. The younger children often focused a particular scene or episode. Apart from age, schooling experience is assumed to explain these differences. Another analysis focuses on how children master the narrative codes of the story and the process of identification. The girls seemed to be more emotionally involved in the story and believed it was "real" to a greater degree than the boys. The analysis shows how emotional involvement and identification play a role in the interpretative processes, i.e. how emotion and cognition are interrelated in media reception.Methodological issues are addressed, for example, how drawings can be used in the study of media reception. The children were asked to make drawings in relation to the program, which can be seen as a "different" reading, in which children project what is of subjective importance to them.Cultural dispositions represent another type of sociocultural variation. The older children's literary repertoires and other cultural dispositions were studied in relation to their reconstructions of the television narrative.The dissertation challenges such notions as "children's understanding of television" as a unitary concept and poin,ts to a variety of readings. Finally, the dissertation has implications for media literacy and media education.
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