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Sökning: hsv:(SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP) > Luleå tekniska universitet > Doktorsavhandling

  • Resultat 1-10 av 289
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  • Johansson, Maria (författare)
  • Business as Usual? : Doing gender equality in Swedish forestry work organisations
  • 2020
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The title of this thesis is Business as usual? Doing gender equality in Swedish forestry work organizations and while the latter part, the subtitle, is rather self-explanatory, the former part can be read in different ways. The aim of the thesis is to increase the understanding of the doing of gender equality in the male dominated work organizations of the Swedish forestry sector, and thereby contribute both theoretical and empirical understanding regarding how doing gender equality in the forestry sector relates both to notions of gender and notions of organizations. Forestry has traditionally been characterized by physically demanding, manual harvesting work, with practical and symbolic associations with men and certain forms of masculinity. The forestry sector still remains one of the most gender segregated labour forces in Sweden, all while gender equality has been addressed to some extent during the 2000s. The theoretical frame of reference of the present thesis is rooted in feminist organizational research and the doing gender framework. Based on a perspective of reality as socially constructed and by deploying a feminist participatory action research methodology, my analysis focuses on how complexities of meanings are ascribed to the actions and processes, that are framed as gender equality and I have qualitatively analysed empirical material, such as policy documents, interviews and written testimonies of sexual harassment, that explicate these aspects of doing gender equality in organizations. The thesis is built experiences from two different research- and development projects and consists of 5 articles and a synthetizing chapter.The results highlight how doing gender equality relates to notions of gender as well as notions of organization. In both Article I, where policies were studied and in Article II, that builds on interviews, women are in general constructed as the “other”, as people who lack (forestry) skills and competences and who are in need of help or as contributors of social and emotional competence. Men and masculine norms are mainly absent from the doing of gender equality in this material, just as notions of the organization. But, deploying a feminist participatory action research methodology can bring forward other perspectives on gender equality, as shown in Articles IV and V, such as the articulations of men and masculinities. Further, this thesis shows that gender equality is in general understood by the organizations studied as a process that regards gender, predominantly women, rather than the organization. Put differently, gender equality work in the forestry sector does not to any significant extent, affect what is perceived as the core activities in these organizations. However, the overarching depoliticized and degendered business case framing that mainly evades accounting for the role of the organization when doing gender equality, is disrupted by the testimonies of #slutavverkat explored in Article III. Here, the political dimension of gender equality is highlighted by stories of men’s behaviours (reprehended but at the same time sanctioned) in organizations that come at the expense of women’s rights to a workplace free from condescending comments, harassment and sexual violence. While previous research has pointed to the importance of gender awareness, and gender aware leadership, in organizations that wish to succeed with their gender equality work, this thesis suggests that there is also a need for “gendered organization awareness” in order to understand and discuss not only how gender is done in organizations but also how everyday organizational life, such as notions of competence, is done and how that in turn relates to gender and power. This underlines the need for organizations to make room for conflicts and politics and to let the otherwise marginalized voices contribute to more nuanced interpretations of gender equality.The title Business as usual? encompasses the starting points for the thesis work as well as the main findings. Read with an emphasis on business, the seemingly all-embracing business case rhetoric’s that encloses the official narratives of gender equality in the forestry sector are visualized, while emphasizing as usual denotes to the sectors resistance to do other than what it usually does. Read as the hole saying, business as usual, that title signals that gender equality work is done in ways that not interfere with forestry core activities, thus making gender equality work in the organizations side streamed or de-coupled. Yet, read with emphasis on the question mark, opens up for the subversive potential that nevertheless exists when more multifaceted ways of making sense of gender equality are articulated and as the findings suggests that there are ways to re-gender and re-politicize organizational gender equality work in the context of forestry work organizations.
  • Jonvallen, Petra, 1971- (författare)
  • Testing Pills, Enacting Obesity : The work of localizing tools in a clinical trial
  • 2005
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This study examines tools and practices involved in a large scale and multi-sited clinical trial of a potential drug against obesity. Two tools are in focus: a clinical research protocol and a computer control system. The analysis is based on there being different ways in which the tools are localized in order for the work to flow smoothly and to produce reliable data. It does this through delineating different types of work performed: production tasks, classical managerial work, compliance work and the work of coordinating beliefs and goals. The study is based on interviews, observations and documentary analysis.Through describing these types of work and how it is organized, the study emphasizes the trial as being part of an industrial production process. Hence, the tools are used not only to produce reliable data, but also to manage the work of the tools’ users in order to enable a smooth production process. In line with such a description, the protocol and computer control system are seen as objects that discipline practice, something that also resonates in the way staff talk about their work. The dissertation shows how the tools, despite this, leave room for aspects of clinical trial work that are both rational/technical and experiential/contingent.The dissertation also shows that obesity is enacted in different ways in the practices performed in the trial. Making sense of these somewhat contradictory enactments requires work referred to as coordination of beliefs about what obesity is, as well as of the different goals of the trial. By such a focus on invisible work, the dissertation shows that those nurses, dieticians and doctors involved in the everyday follow-through of the trial have a strategic position in mediating between pharmaceutical companies and their potential market for the drug under study, namely the trial participants.
  • Samuelsson, Jenny (författare)
  • På väg från ingenstans : kritik och emancipation av kunskapsorganisation för feministisk forskning
  • 2008
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This study deals with knowledge organization of feminist research, in bibliographic catalogues and in a Swedish context. The thesis develops a definition of feminist discourse which incorporates but is not limited to feminist research. Feminist research, in turn, is understood as articulating a critical approach aimed at critiquing and changing inequitable gender relations. The thesis analyzes the meaning of a range of feminist perspectives through a close text analysis of feminist PhD-dissertations. Two universal knowledge organization systems: Svenska ämnesord and Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek; and one subject-specific system: Kvinnohistoriska samlingarnas ämnesord, are studied in order to discuss the extent to which they are able to articulate feminist perspectives, as well as how they actually articulate such perspectives in practice. The two universal systems studied tend to marginalize feminist perspectives as forms of knowledge. This thesis interprets this marginalization in the light of these systems’ putative objectivistic and universalistic epistemology and ontology. It is suggested that they privilege disciplinary knowledge over interdisciplinary knowledge forms, and substantive topics over conceptual perspectives. Guidelines for knowledge organizatory practice tend to encourage indexers and classifiers to search for central substantive themes. In this schema, feminism is understood as a field relating to socio-political women’s issues. Feminist knowledge qua knowledge is marginalized by the systems studied, and is at times given a plain wrong classifycation. further, this thesis suggests that the subject-specific knowledge organization system studied: Kvinnohistoriska samlingarnas ämnesord, is only able to deal with feminist research in an incomplete and inadequate way. Although this index is designed to classify texts within the broad subject field of: women’s studies, masculinity studies and gender research, as well as other material relevant to the field, the structure of the index is too simple and does not allow for associative relationships between terms; nor does it define feminist discourse. The premises and guidelines for knowledge organization practice are also under-developed or not well defined. Successful organization of feminist knowledge needs instead to be based on a particular understanding of knowledge and knowledge organization as contextually shaped (and shaping). Feminist literature is first and foremost about expressing feminist discourse qua theme, perspective, and part of the feminist tradition (such as critical, women-centring, and reflexive feminisms) – an observation that needs to be reflected in the knowledge organization.
  • Vidman, Åsa, 1960- (författare)
  • Det är så mycket som kan spela in : en studie av vägar till, genom och från sjukskrivning baserad på intervjuer med långtidssjukskrivna
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med studien har varit att belysa erfarenheter och processer som är relaterade till långtidssjukskrivning, såväl till att bli sjukskriven, till att förbli sjukskriven under lång tid och till insatserna och arbetet för att återgå i arbete. Utgångspunkten har varit erfarenheter, upplevelser och uppfattningar hos personer som på grund av sjukdom eller annan funktionsnedsättning under lång tid varit utestängda från arbetsmarknaden. Studien har genomförts i Arvidsjaurs kommun där 17 långtidssjukskrivna personer intervjuats. Det var 13 kvinnor och fyra män i åldrarna 26 till 60 år varav de flesta var sjukskrivna på grund av problem med rörelseapparaten eller utmattningsdepression och liknande. Intervjuerna var öppna med karaktär av dialog, och analysen siktade till att förstå de konstruktioner de långtidssjuka skapat för att bringa mening i sin livssituation. Vid analysen framgick att intervjuerna förutom det som var direkt relaterat till studiens syfte – orsaker till sjukskrivning, om att vara sjuk under lång tid samt om stöd och hjälp för att kunna återgå i arbete – också handlade om hur sjukdom kan förstås, om könsskillnader samt om långvarig sjukdom och moral. Det övervägande intrycket är att informanterna ser sjukskrivningen som en konsekvens av många olika samspelande faktorer. Några har också varit med om olyckshändelser som endera bidragit till eller direkt orsakat sjukskrivningen. Bland annat beskriver de flera olika arbetsmiljöproblem som bakomliggande orsak. Dessa problem kan kopplas till den benägenhet att ta på sig stort ansvar som kvinnorna i studien ger uttryck för. Men tillvaron har varit kravfylld även utanför yrkesarbetet. Annat de tänker kan ha lett till den långvariga sjukskrivningen är hinder de upplevt i de olika hjälpsystemen. De flesta har också upplevt frustration och besvikelse över stödet och rehabiliteringen. Rehabiliteringsaktörerna upplevs inte beakta önskemål och initiativ från de långtidssjuka. De aktörer som beskrivs mest är hälso- och sjukvård samt Försäkringskassa. Informanterna är ambivalenta till de vanligaste insatserna – läkemedel och sjukgymnastik – från hälso- och sjukvården, och Försäkringskassan har upplevts som alltför regelstyrd och passiv. Det de efterfrågar är samtal och socialt stöd. Att vara långvarigt sjuk och därför utestängd från arbetsmarknaden ter sig olika beroende på tidigare erfarenheter, den totala livssituationen och vilka symtom man har. Med tiden har de fått kunskap som medfört att de kan undvika sådant som utlöser symtom, men kunskapen har då också fått en disciplinerande effekt. Informanterna har haft svårt att acceptera att de inte längre kan utföra sådant de tidigare gjort eller att de ska ha livslång värk. Relationerna till andra har förändrats och de sociala kontakterna har minskat. Informanterna i denna studie har problem som inte är uppenbara för omgivningen, vilket medfört att de upplever sig ifrågasatta. Överhuvudtaget har normen att man ska arbeta och försörja sig själv haft inflytande på informanternas situation – dels genom att de arbetat trots symtom av skilda slag och dels genom negativa attityder hos allmänheten. Allmänheten anser att sjuka oftast själva har förorsakat sjukdomen, och den som blivit sjuk ska också göra allt den kan för att återfå hälsa och arbetsförmåga. Många upplever misstro mot att de är sjuka och att andra tror de istället försöker hålla sig från arbete. Informanterna upplever därför misslyckande och skam. Moralen har stort inflytande på hur dessa människor beskriver sina liv – såväl hur de genom att uppfylla normerna till sist blivit sjukskrivna som de attityder de möts av genom att de är sjukskrivna. För att sjukdomen ska få legitimitet måste den också sanktioneras av läkare, så att de upplevda symtomen omvandlas till en diagnos. Diagnoser är socialt konstruerade och förändras över tid, men ger intryck av att vara konstanta. Medicinen uppfattas som en objektiv vetenskap och har också fått stort inflytande på våra vardagsliv, inte minst över sjukskrivning och rehabilitering. Detta trots att problemen många gånger i grunden är sociala. Även de rehabiliteringsaktörer som inte ingår i hälso- och sjukvården tycks ha influerats av medicinen. Rehabiliteringsaktörerna tenderar att förenkla den komplexa verkligheten för att det ska passa in i den uppsättning terapier eller åtgärder den egna myndigheten erbjuder. Arbetslivet och samhället har förändrats så det har skapats en konflikt mellan de normer som präglar arbetslivet och de traditionella förväntningarna. För kvinnorna i studien framstår situationen som extra sammansatt. De upplever att deras behov inte tillgodoses av myndigheterna. Regleringen utgår från att kvinnor och män lever jämställt, men så är inte fallet. Kvinnorna har i långt större utsträckning ansvar för hem och familj än vad män har och uppfostras till att ta hänsyn till andra. Deras egna behov prioriteras inte. Kvinnorna i studien upplever det som en extra påfrestning att inte längre kunna ta hand om barn och familj på det sätt de brukat.
  • Brändström, Sture, et al. (författare)
  • Två musikpedagogiska fält : en studie om kommunal musikskola och musiklärarutbildning
  • 1995
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The thesis consists of two parts. One is directed towards municipal music schools, and one deals with music teacher education at university level. The purpose was to investigate the recruitment to these two educations, and to describe and explain how different student groups perceived and used their education. Five empirical studies have been accomplished, and central questions were: which deliberate and non-deliberate choices of musical activities are made by children and music students, and how are these choices affected by socio-economical, geographical and gender prerequisites.Theoretically, the first part of the thesis was based on the educational sociology of Pierre Bourdieu and on previous empirical studies in music pedagogy. The first empirical study was directed towards the recruitment of pupils to the municipal music school in Piteå (n=1085). The study showed that two out of three pupils are girls. Furthermore, it was twice as common among children of higher employees and university graduates to study at the music school than among children with working class backgrounds. The second empirical study was an interview with children, 12-13 years of age (n=369). The results indicated that boys and girls understand and use music and music education in significantly different ways. Furthermore, differences related to socioeconomic background, musical background and residential area were also shown.The second part of the thesis begins with a summary of the origin and scientific basis of Swedish music pedagogy, followed by an investigation regarding recruitment to the music teacher education at the School of Music in Piteå (n=177). The investigation indicated that recruitment is socially biased, similar to that of the municipal music school. One third of the music teacher students were recruited from families where one of the parents worked as a teacher. One out of three students came from homes where religion was an important part of family life. In an interview-study with 60 music teacher students, differences related to gender and educational orientation arose in how students looked upon and used their education. The study showed two attitudes to music and music education, which were linked to the following concepts: musician code and teacher code. In connection with these concepts, three action strategies could be identified: navigation, revolt, and adjustment. These strategies were interpreted as an expression of the tension between the demands of the education and the individuals' wish to have his or her interests and needs met. The dissertation concludes with a project called "Self-formulated goals and self-evaluation in music education" and a short forward-looking discussion pertaining to questions that have been generated throughout the entire research process.
  • Fredriksson, Maria (författare)
  • From Customer Satisfaction to Citizen Interaction : a cooperation model for community development based on Total Quality Management
  • 2004
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Current problems with unemployment and the consequences of cut-down in the public sector need appropriate solutions, where private citizens perhaps take on more active roles than today, individually or in groups. The aim with this doctoral thesis is to contribute to one such solution, which is a cooperation model for societal development in local communities, based on Total Quality Management (TQM) and on the participation of many residents. The model is gradually developed with the help of collected experiences and opinions from three stakeholder groups in two different Swedish communities, as well as from general theories and literature. These groups are the quality-project initiators, the community residents and the local politicians. The disposition of the thesis is accordingly. The thesis contains two case studies. The first one concerns the use of TQM as a support of societal development in a local community. The improvement work is conducted within a non-profit organisation built on voluntary engagement. These experiences have then been compared, in the second case study, to the ones in another community where TQM is not used, but where the ambitions are the same. Here the framework for the improvement work is both a non-profit organisation and a for-profit one. The analyses indicate that TQM can be used with success within societal development, even if some of its tools or methodologies are interpreted in new ways, or not used at all. As TQM should be applied with regard to the type of organisation and its purpose, a certain flexibility is both expected and helpful. As far as management is concerned, the leadership needs to be “softer” and more diplomatic when managing unpaid volunteers, as compared to the situation in a commercial enterprise. Another observation is that the societal work is best conducted within groups, defined by situations or activities in life or in the society. An active resident can join a group according to interest. This is a modified version of the “quality circles” inherent to TQM. In a separate, and more theoretical study, the issue of adopting TQM to new sectors in society is discussed. In both the studied societies, there are difficulties to get residents involved or active, which puts into question the mandate with a large community project that aims at improving the quality of life for all residents. There are also difficulties with finding and renewing the leadership, and with communication with, above all, local politicians. Nevertheless, these politicians are in general positive to private initiatives like the ones in the two communities, and consider such projects very important for the future development of rural areas. They think that the experienced weaknesses can be reduced if the improvement work is distinctly defined and organised, if information and communication improve, and if the active residents become more educated about the procedures and limitations of the political governing of the communities. These and other observations of the two communities lead to a model where a cooperation between societal stakeholders develop in three phases; the start-up, the establishment and the continuation of the work. Each phase is discussed separately, and advice is given how to avoid, or meet, various problems that are likely to appear along the way.
  • Hermansson, Camilla, 1971- (författare)
  • Det återvunna folkhemmet : tevejournalistik och miljöpolitik i Sverige 1987-1998
  • 2002
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This study is an analysis of how television journalism, specifically Swedish publictelevision (SVT) and the commercial channel TV4, have approached environmental,consumption and lifestyle issues from 1997 to 1998. A central issue considered is howtelevision journalism in Sweden has contributed to an ideologieal change in societywhereby ecological considerations have become individualized, as well as reformulatedand re-ftamed such that they are no longer (or not) regarded as a hinder to technical andeconomic progress. Environmental politics on an internationallevel, as well as bills inthe Swedish government have played an important role in this development. Anoverarching ambition of this thesis is an examination of how a consumption-orientedenvironmental discourse has been communieated in television news. This question raisesa nurnber of others: what are the themes that can be identified in the news stories? Howare these themes articulated? Which actors have access to this discourse? How areperspectives on the threat against society and nature that environmental problems implydepicted, including visions ofthe society and natural world that we aspire to have?In order to examine how television news reporting contributes to theconsumption-oriented environmental discourse I exarnine the actual form of the newsreporting, Le. how the message is packaged. What patterns are observable in influentialtext and pictures and what do they have to say with respect to environmental issues? Thepoint of departure in this case is that the tools employed to create meaning, such asmetonymy, metaphors, c\icMs and symbols, are geared at creating understanding andpersuasion, at the same time as they must be meaningful within a cuiturai context. Insuch a manner they reveal pertinent perceptions of a foundational character with respectto environmental issues and how we regard the society in which we wish to live. Themeswhich I have identified as receiving a great deal of coverage in television news reportsare explored in four different empirical chapters covering media depiction of recycling,consurner durables, environmental politics and automobile use.This study conc\udes that television news stories are a co-creator of building a"green people's home" in Sweden together with the formal politics. They provide thearena for formal politics to be framed and to provide the public with moral guidelinesabout how to deal with the environmental question on an individual basis. Theirdepiction of visions and threats to Nature and Society says as much about whatenvironment is worth preserving, as how the economical and social welfare system characteristicfor Sweden during the post-W.W.II years - could be maintained.
  • Lundkvist, Hans, 1956- (författare)
  • Genusmedveten utveckling av arbetsgivarvarumärket för hållbar kompetensförsörjning
  • 2017
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Tillgång till mänskliga resurser är avgörande för många företags långsiktiga utveckling och överlevnad. Demografiska förändringar och tecken på ökade svårigheter att rekrytera personal leder till att allt fler verksamheter måste reflektera över sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke i syfte att behålla och attrahera rätt personal. Inte bara demografiska förändringar utan även könssegregerade strukturera kan försvåra detta. Segregering, traditioner och stereotypa förhållningsätt påverkar individers utbildnings- och yrkesval vilket begränsar tillgången till kompetens.Med finansiering från VINNOVA för tillämpad genusforskning inledde en forskargrupp och ett ingenjörsföretag i Dalarna, 2009, ett samarbete för att gemensamt utveckla kunskap om hur en verksamhet kan bli mer attraktiv i syfte att underlätta framtida kompetensförsörjning utifrån ett genusperspektiv. De erfarenheter och frågeställningar som samarbetet genererade lade grund till denna avhandling. Syftet med avhandlingen är att öka den vetenskapliga kunskapen om hur begreppet arbetsgivarvarumärke kan utvecklas ur ett genusperspektiv för att öka arbetsgivares förmåga att rekrytera och behålla kompetent personal oavsett kön.För att besvara avhandlingens frågeställningar har olika vetenskapsområden kombinerats: Teorier om varumärke, arbetsgivarvarumärke, genusvetenskap och förändringsprocesser har varit grundläggande. Från det genusvetenskapliga fältet har främst begreppet ”doing gender” (göra kön) varit centralt för att förstå hur genus kan ses som ett vardagligt görande i organisationer. Även teorier om hållbara förändringsprocesser och utvecklingsprogram har använts för att öka förståelsen för organisering, ansvarsfördelning och utveckling av ett långsiktigt hållbart arbetsgivarvarumärke. Metoden för samverkan med det studerade företaget byggde på aktionsforskning med en abduktiv ansats där parterna gemensamt planerade och genomförde insatser. För att besvara de frågeställningar som uppstod i samarbetet med företaget användes forskningsdatabaser för att ta fram underlag för litteraturstudier.Avhandlingen bidrar med en vetenskaplig analys av hur ett genusperspektiv praktiskt och teoretiskt kan integreras i processen för utveckling av ett attraktivt arbete. Dessutom analyseras förslag på hur ansvarsfördelning och organisering kan utformas i en långsiktigt hållbar utvecklingsprocess för ett arbetsgivarvarumärke. 
  • Mellström, Ulf, 1959- (författare)
  • Engineering lives : Technology, time and space in a male-centred world
  • 1995
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis deals with engineers. It is an ethnographic study of the life organisation for seventeen engineers with Master's degrees working at two different workplaces, Automobile Inc. and Microchips Inc. The study is based on participant observation and life-history interviews. It is a study of work, careers and life-paths among thirteen men and four women. Underlying question of this study are what makes sense  to these people  and how meaning is constructed in their lives as engineers.The thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, situated activities and social practices of the two engineering workplaces are focused on. It examines how meaning is produced, reproduced, and socially organised in two engineering microcultures - in short, how technical work is socially constructed under various conditions.In the second part, the lives of the seventeen engineers are presented. Their life-paths are examined through a series of questions such as; Are there any common formative life expedences in the lives of these seventeen engineers? What is their relation to technology and education in the early years of life? How do one relate to family background and "significant others"? How do these engineers present and understand themselves through the reconstruction of their lives in relation to career and gender? What meaning is given to the occupational career in the organisation of life? How are occupational careers in engineering performed?The basic theoretical position in this study is an interactionist one. The most important concepts of the study's first part are microculture, time, space and different forms of everyday interaction. In the study's second part the concepts of perspectives, horizon, socialisation, and career are used to point out individual experiences of culture.
  • Näslund, Rebecka, 1971- (författare)
  • “The World at Your Fingertips if You Know the Computer”: Agency, Information and Communication Technologies and Disability
  • 2017
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis focuses on the relationships between agency, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and people with disability (in various ages). The aim has been to create an understanding by describing and analysing, and as such, to develop knowledge of how people with disabilities experience agency, ICT, and disability in their everyday lives. The frame of reference is inspired by disability studies, feminist studies and science and technologies studies (STS). The empirical material was collected in, Norrbotten (Sweden’s northernmost region) and Muscat (the capital area of the Sultanate of Oman) by an autobiographical account, audio-visual material, drawings, interviews, observations, and reading of textual documents. The thesis consists of six papers. The main findings outline that agency, ICT, disability, and gender are part of intra-actions between material entities (such as bodies, technologies, etc.) and practices. The thesis also explores that disability in Sweden and Oman are understood in a variety of ways. Additionally, it presents that the combination of the notions of interference with situated knowledges can contribute with alternative methodological insights about the interference of disability, gender, ICT, the participants’ and researchers’ experiences and understandings to make accountable knowledge claims. Moreover, the thesis presents that material entities (bodies and technologies) and practices are part of different modes of ordering disability which bear effects on the lives of people with disabilities. It additionally disentangles that materialities such as the Internet intra-act with other material entities (for instance, bodies) and practices which enact various forms of agency which bear effects on the everyday lives of people with disability and their ways to participate. Finally, the thesis outlines some implications that an intra-acting understanding of the use of Internet can contribute with in research which focuses on disability, participation, and agency.
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Salehi-Sangari, Esma ... (6)
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Parida, Vinit, 1983- (5)
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Sjödin, David, 1983- (4)
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Lundmark, Carina (2)
Ek Styvén, Maria, Pr ... (2)
Körning-Ljungberg, J ... (2)
Emmoth, Björn, 1972- (2)
Alexandersson, Mikae ... (2)
Crittenden, Victoria ... (2)
Abratt, Russel, Prof ... (2)
Prendergast, Gerard, ... (2)
Rakowski, James P., ... (2)
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