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  • Bennerstedt, Ulrika, 1979- (författare)
  • Collaborative assessment and game development : professionals’ orientation towards problems, potentials and organizational demands
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: 4th International Conference Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper address assessment practice as part of professional activity and learning in the domain of game development. A growing body of research has been concerned with the professionalization of games production knowledge, frequently attributed to the coordinated work of numerous actors in technology dense settings. While previous accounts of games development list a multifaceted body of knowledge, there is a gap in the literature focusing on game developers’ professional knowing and learning in situ. With an analytical approach informed by ethnomethodology, this paper aim to make visible professional knowledge and learning when collaboratively evaluating games-in-development. It is focusing on game developers’ assessment work as a way to gain insight in the practical reasoning when orienting towards games and gaming as subject of assessment, and as a way of making professional knowledge bases explicit.       The empirical material is drawn from three settings: 1) a vocational game education, 2) a national game award event, and 3) a professional game development company. Based on fieldwork augmented with video-recordings, the study investigates how games-in-development are collaborative assessed and specifically the ways professionals evaluate co-workers views and understandings with respect to what constitutes problems and potentials of games-in-development.       Assessments are at stake in a number of internal and external work practices, such as gate reviews, playtests, and the activity of pitching not-yet-finished-nor-financed games to publishers. Games assessments are a common preoccupation at game companies and game education but also at so-called game awards. Games assessments share similarities with assessment practices in other professional and educational settings, such as design reviews in architectural practices. Both are events where proposals are assessed by externally recruited professionals. However, the assessment activities and object of assessment largely differ. In architectural education, proposals are assessed by considering the qualities visible in the designed material (such as plans, paper posters and digital slideshows) in relation to articulated intentions. This can be contrasted with the object of criticism in games presentations: the object constitutes both digitally visual material and designed ‘playable/interactive’ activities. This means that the qualities of a game cannot only be judged by interpreting the idea communicated in plain words together with some visual layout, it also has to be discovered when engaging with the designed ‘experience’. Hence, professionals’ in the gaming domain are required to account for what hinders or make possible appealing experiences during assessments of digital games.       By focusing on professionals’ collaborative assessments, the analysis unpacks some recurrent orientations towards games and gaming in professional settings. It is shown that the professionals are faced with a number of institutional and organizational demands with respect to time, technology, conventions, and innovations.
  • Bennerstedt, Ulrika, 1979- (författare)
  • Searching for the best game : professionals’ jury work at a national game-award event
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: The Second International ProPEL: Professional Practice, Education and Learning Conference, June 25-27, 2014.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This study investigates jury-based assessment work as part of professional activity in an emerging profession, the gaming industry. Drawing on prior studies of professional learning (Mäkitalo, 2012), jury deliberations (Garfinkel, 1976), and assessment practices in related settings, assessment is approached as a way of making professional knowledge and learning visible. With an analytical focus informed by ethnomethodology, the paper builds on the idea that detailed studies of local orders of collaborative assessment in creative organizations could contribute to the understanding of assessment in professional learning.Although previous research on games development point to a multifaceted body of knowledge and considered its development in terms of professionalization (cf. Bennerstedt, 2013), there is a lack of empirical studies of professional game developers practices, particularly addressing the key object of criticism - the games. Games assessments are not only a common preoccupation at game companies and in game education, but also at so-called game awards where novices send in playable demos. Games evaluations share similarities with assessment practices in other professional and educational settings, such as design reviews in architectural practices (Lymer, 2010). However, the assessment activities and object of assessment largely differ, as the qualities of playable games have to be discovered interactively and therefore include a range of learning trajectories and troubles.Based on fieldwork augmented with video-recordings at a game café, the paper explores a small group of invited professionals’ assessment when reviewing a large number of game demos for a national game award event. By focusing on collaborative work conducted in private deliberations, it is shown that the professionals are faced with a number of challenges when ranking and grading the demos. They discover problems and qualities with the games by taking departure in fixed categories, established standards and emergent criteria, but make collaborative decisions that are governed by the jury members’ varied access to the assessed demos. The variations with respect to access are tightly related to the time schedule of the reviewing, but also the design of the interactive material. They accomplished their work by drawing on jury members’ as well as organizers’ access to, and knowledge of, demos in terms of playability, progression, emergence, visual appearance, technical solutions, etc. Critical for overcoming knowledge gaps are the ways the jury manages access by engaging in hybrid activities, i.e. moving between assessments and instructions/demonstrations of demos.Pedagogical implications of the analysis are discussed, and it is suggested that the jury-based assessment of digital material shed new light on how professionals deal with ad hoc learning and instruction. ReferencesBennerstedt, U. (2013). Knowledge at play: Studies of games as members’ matters. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.Garfinkel, H. (1967). Studies in ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.Lymer, G. (2010). The work of critique in architectural education. Göteborg, Sweden: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.Mäkitalo, Å. (2012). Professional learning and the materiality of social practice. Journal of Education and Work, 25(1), 59-78.
  • Bivall, Ann-Charlotte, 1977-, et al. (författare)
  • Co-evaluated quality in new occupational groups - professional vision in digitalized work
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Book of Abstracts. ; , s. 5-6
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The digitalization of working life has lead to extensively changed conditions for work in both classical and emergent professional groups. In classical professional groups, e.g. within healthcare, impacts of such changes in daily work has attracted attention in various research communities focussing among other on adaptations in ways of working or changed patterns of collaboration. However, as a consequence of the society’s digitalization of work and leisure practices, new occupational settings and professional groups have emerged where it can be argued that new forms of knowledge and competence have evolved and become highly specialized. Among these professional groups a recurrent activity is assessment and evaluations of end-services and products. During assessment activities colleagues orient towards digital tools, designs and activities by negotiating understandings of quality. Yet, the work practices of such emerging occupational groups are unexplored in relation to how work is constituted and how professional knowledge becomes a subject matter among the professionals themselves. In this paper, we address these questions by exploring the conditions for collaborative work between colleagues in the IT support sector and computer game development industry. The aim is to explore how professional knowledge and competence are displayed and negotiated during different forms of assessment activities. Theoretically and methodologically we study naturally occurring activities of working life with a focus on participant interaction and the participants’ ways of orienting towards phenomena relevant for conducting work. In the paper, Goodwin’s (1994) notion of professional vision is central for teasing out the participants’ ways of assessing features relevant for the community of practice and making visible local knowledge and learning in the professional field. The empirical materials consist of video recordings from evaluation practices from a global IT support and from a game award event with participants from the computer game industry. Preliminary findings point to participant driven textual and interactional practices of negotiation. In these negotiations domain specific knowledge is displayed by participants through forward oriented reasoning and by addressing the relation between the particular case and general aspects of that case. The paper illustrates these findings by exploring practices deeply connected to work activities and settings as well as products. In the IT support milieu, collaborative assessment activities separated from the daily handling of support errands found a basis for discussing and developing ways of working. The forward oriented assessment orientation by participants is shown in cases where documented errands in IT-systems are reviewed and reformulated into suggestions of future actions by explicating local knowledge emerged within the organization. The participants in the game evaluation setting rely on hands on and “back-seat gaming” as assessment practices in order to establish shared access to the phenomena being assessed, and via such demonstrations negotiate particular game demos qualities and potentials in the future in relation to established game genres. In both settings, individual cases are used in different ways as textual and interactional resources for highlighting ways of seeing more general characters adhering to specific cultural values and organizational issues for the particular occupational group.
  • Petersson, Charlotte, et al. (författare)
  • Outdoor Office Work – hur funkar det?
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Outdoor Office Work – hur funkar det?. - Linköping. - 9789176850169 ; , s. 119-120
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • BakgrundArbetslivet flexibiliseras och blir allt mer gränslöst, en utveckling som innebär såväl möjligheter som utmaningar. Inte minst arbetets fysiska rum är satt i förändring då allt fler arbetsplatser organiseras utifrån aktivitetsbaserade kontorslösningar. Det blir även allt vanligare att kontorsanställda arbetar från alternativa platser, såsom i hemmet, på caféer, tåg och bussar. Ökad flexibilisering och gränslöshet till trots tycks dock tröskeln mellan inne och ute fortfarande vara hög när det kommer till kontorsarbete och -arbetsplatser. Dessutom lever allt fler i städer och tillbringar merparten av tiden inomhus, mer separerade från naturen än någonsin. Forskningen om naturens positiva effekter på människors hälsa och välbefinnande har exploderat de senaste åren. Denna forskning undersöker exempelvis effekter av utomhusvistelse på tillstånd som stress, kliniska depressioner och utbrändhet, men även återhämtning, koncentration, lärande och livskvalitet. Utifrån de utmaningar som finns i arbetslivet, inte minst den utbredda psykiska ohälsan, finns behov av att utveckla ett mer reflekterat förhållningssätt till hur vi ser på och organiserar arbete, där möjligheter till återhämtning tillgodoses, även under arbetsdagen. Då allt fler arbetar med vad som kan kallas kunskapsintensivt tjänstearbete står denna typ av arbete i fokus för vår studie. I detta projekt, det interaktiva forskningsprojektet ’StickUt Malmö’, utforskas möjliga former för att bedriva kontorsarbete utomhus.SyfteInom ramen för ’StickUt Malmö’ utforskas arbetets former och normer med fokus på den urbana utemiljöns potential att bidra till ett mer innovativt och hållbart arbetsliv. De övergripande forskningsfrågorna handlar om att identifiera vilka olika typiska arbetsaktiviteter som kan utföras utomhus, samt undersöka hur de upplevs, samt att förstå förutsättningarna – vad som hindrar, respektive möjliggör, att arbetet utförs utomhus.MetodUtforskandet bedrivs i form av en kollaborativ lärprocess baserad på kvalitativa metoder som par-intervjuer och gruppsamtal, samt inrapporteringen via en mobil-app. Cirka femtio tjänstemän från fem förvaltningar inom Malmö stad (Stadsbyggnadskontoret, Kulturförvaltningen, Miljöförvaltningen, Fastighets- och gatukontoret och HR-strategiska avdelningen) deltar aktivt i en process med att testa olika former för att arbeta utomhus under en femtonmånadersperiod. Deltagarnas upplevelser och reflektioner står i centrum för lärprocessen, vilken är uppbyggd kring sju lärmoduler (halvdagar med respektive deltagargrupp), varvid deltagarnas erfarenheter följs upp vid gruppsamtalen och par-intervjuerna, som dokumenteras och kodas i enlighet med kvalitativa metoder. Deltagarna är delaktiga under hela lärprocessen och bidrar till analysen och en djupare förståelse av de resultat som genereras undervägs. StickUt Malmö drivs av och utgör grunden för Peterssons pågående avhandlingsarbete och övriga medförfattare utgör projektets vetenskapliga råd. Lisberg Jensen och Toivanen är även handledare. I samband med att StickUt Malmö går mot sitt slut (31/8-2019) håller de initiala, empiriska, resultaten på att sammanställas.ResultatDet empiriska materialet visar att det är möjligt såväl som givande att utföra flera olika arbetsaktiviteter utomhus. Formerna för att arbeta utomhus rymmer såväl individuella- som gruppaktiviteter. Det som ligger närmast till hands för deltagarna är de mindre, informella mötena. Även större utemöten förekommer, men mer sällan då de kräver mer planering och förutsättningar i utemiljön. De individuella formerna rymmer allt från inspirations- och reflektionspromenader, till att sitta ute, ofta på arbetsplatsens innergård. Läsning lämpar sig utmärkt för att ta med ut, medan att jobba vid datorn upplevs välfungerande för somliga och av andra inte. Deltagarna upplever sig bli pigga, glada, produktiva och kreativa, och även lugna, avstressade och reflexiva. Några framträdande teman är en stark känsla av att kunna tänka respektive andas. En annan genomgående aspekt rör en positiv känsla av frihet; att få bestämma själv. Ytterligare en återkommande dimension rör relationer och samtal – att de upplevs bli annorlunda, mer öppna och jämlika, när de förs (i synnerhet gående) utomhus. Till utomhusarbetets utmaningar och förutsättningar hör en del praktiska saker som behöver finnas på plats, framförallt om det ska fungera väl att sitta och arbeta och i synnerhet om det är flera personer som ska mötas, som behov av vind- och solskydd, flera, samlade sittplatser och dylikt. När det gäller gående former av utearbete rör de främst tillgång till och kunskap om var gröna och tillräckligt lugna promenadstråk finns. De största hindren tycks dock vara av mindre praktisk karaktär, då deltagarnas främsta problem har varit att få utomhusarbetet att bli av, det vill säga att förändra sina vanor. Det spelade även en stor roll hur deltagarna uppfattade sina chefers, och i viss mån kollegors, inställning till att ’vara på plats’. Det största hindret för utomhusarbete tycks bo i rådande normer kring arbete, då det ofta upplevs som mindre legitimt att arbeta utomhus. Deltagarna gav uttryck för skuldkänslor, såsom att de kände sig busiga, skyldiga och som att de smet ifrån, och reflekterade över att detta gällde trots att de gjorde samma sak som de annars skulle ha gjort inomhus, nämligen arbetade. De preliminära resultaten visar alltså att det framstår som fullt möjligt att bedriva diverse arbetsaktiviteter utomhus och att deltagarna ger uttryck för flera positiva upplevelser, inte minst på välbefinnandet i stort och mer specifikt på förmågan att tänka och samtala. För att potentialen i utevistelsen ska tillvaratas och på sikt bidra till ett mer hållbart och innovativt arbetsliv behöver dock kunskapen om förutsättningarna fördjupas. Individuella behov och preferenser måste beaktas, inte minst vad gäller funktionsvariationer av olika slag, men även gränssättningsstrategier, organisatoriska och ledningsmässiga förhållanden. Även aspekter i den fysiska utemiljön måste tas i beaktande, inte minst möjligheterna att exponeras för naturelement såsom grönska, vatten, vind och fågelkvitter. Det flexibla arbetslivet innebär såväl utmaningar och problem som möjligheter. Efter att projektet går mot sitt slut i augusti 2019 behandlas det stora insamlade empiriska materialet vidare för vetenskaplig publicering.
  • Reime, L., et al. (författare)
  • Speculations on Feminist Reproductive Health Technologies
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. - New York, NY, USA : Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). - 9781450394482
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This one-day workshop invites participants to discuss possibilities of designing with and for reproductive bodies by taking vantage points in existing discussions within HCI which are rethinking approaches to reproductive health and broadening understandings of reproductive bodies beyond the category of women's health. The workshop is grounded in these ongoing discussions, calling for intersectional approaches that account for the pluralities of bodies when designing for and with bodies. Through collective and speculative explorations, we are aspiring to find new directions within reproductive health research, to disrupt binary understandings of reproductive bodies, and to explore interpersonal/relational issues when talking about in/fertility that extend beyond the female body. The aim of the workshop is to bring together HCI researchers that are working with or are interested in bodies and bodily experiences including, but not limited to, in/fertility, menopause, menstruation, transitions, interpersonal as well as more-than-human relations, and are motivated to unpack and expand current practices, but also to imagine inclusive directions of design and research in these areas. 
  • Hansson, Karin, et al. (författare)
  • “We passed the trust on” : Strategies for security in #MeToo activism in Sweden
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: ECSCW 2019 - Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. - : European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET). - 2510-2591.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The #metoo movement can serve as a case for how networked online environments can provide settings for the mobilization of social movements, while also entail serious risks for those involved. In Sweden, over hundred thousand people were engaged in activities against sexual harassments and abuse, where social media were used to collect testimonies and to draft and discuss petitions that were later published in print news media. While HCI research on trust focus on how people trust technical systems, the authorities behind the system, or the user generated data, trust between peers in vulnerable communities is less researched. In this study, based on semi-structured interviews and a survey that involved 62 organizers of the Swedish #metoo movement, we therefore look into the question of how a secure and supportive environment was achieved among participants despite the scale of the activism. The result shows how trust was aggregated over networks of technical systems, institutions, people, shared values and practices. The organizers of the petitions used tools and channels at their disposal such as e.g. already established social media contexts that enabled the #metoo petitions to be formed easily and spread quickly. Establishing a supportive culture based on recognition and shared values was central for the movement. However, when the activism was scaled up, strategies were used to increase security by clarifying rules and roles, limiting access to information, restricting access to groups, and limiting the scope of communication.
  • Dingu-Kyrklund, Elena (författare)
  • Nationality and the child: children’s right to citizenship - the Swedish case
  • 2004
  • Ingår i: The 3rd European Conference on Nationality “Nationality and the Child” 11-12 October 2004.
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The right to citizenship is an important right that every child should enjoy. In a general discussion on nationality, acquisition and loss of citizenship, the rights of the child against the background of extensive international migration, the article argues about the multiple aspects embedded in the citizenship concept and its practical content, presenting the legal status quo in the matter in the Swedish context.
  • Salmonsson, Lisa, 1978-, et al. (författare)
  • Conditions of grassroot and street level engagement following the 2015 ”refugee situation”
  • 2018
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this paper, we draw on discussions from a panel talk of migration experts about the new restrictive turn in Swedish migration policy following the ”refugee situation” in 2015, and a forthcoming review of the international literature about guardianship for unaccompanied minors.The results from the panel provided insights about how discourses of securitzation translate into practice and the potential to move beyond this pattern. There seem to be several different strategies assumed by grassroot activists to counter this tendency, but this issue also seem to concern professionals and other staff engaged with asylum seekers and refugees. It appears that the latter group can retain a (legal) space to resist repressive activities that challenge their professional ethics and personal integrity, and still working ”within” the welfare system.Linking this the issue of grassroot activism and street-level work to the guardianship for unaccompanied children seeking asylum, which in the Swedish case involves layman guardians appointed locally, we explore the increased temporality influencing the conditions for individuals representing children with an ”unclear” legal status in relation to the the dual (care and restrictive) ”nature” of welfare state actors (e.g. Social Services, Chief Guardian Board, Migration Agency).
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