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Search: hsv:(SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP) > Doctoral thesis > Karlstad University

  • Result 1-10 of 390
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  • Holm, Marie-Louise (author)
  • Fleshing out the self : Reimagining intersexed and trans embodied lives through (auto)biographical accounts of the past
  • 2017
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis explores how current ways of imagining possibilities for intersexed and trans embodied lives within medical contexts might be informed by and reimagined through the historical lived experiences of intersexed and trans individuals as they have been articulated in autobiographical accounts.Postmodern, queer, intersex, and trans researchers and activists have criticised existing standards of intersex and trans healthcare for limiting the possibilities for diverse embodied lives by articulating certain forms of embodiment and selfhood as more likely to enable a liveable life than others. This has often been done in a medico-legal context by referring to experiences in the past of the unliveability of corporealities and gendersexed situations that differ from privileged positions. With a point of departure in these critiques, this thesis reopens questions about how intersexed and trans people may be embodied and have relations with others by reflecting upon the period of the first three-quarters of the 20th century, when the present standards of care and diagnostic categories were emerging, but had not yet become established.Drawing upon a unique set of historical source material from the archives of the Danish Ministry of Justice and the Medico-Legal Council, intersexed and trans persons’ life stories are rearticulated from their own and medico-legal experts’ accounts written in relation to applications for change of legal gendersex status and medical transition. In this way, the process is traced through which these life stories have been repeatedly rearticulated in order to become a usable basis for diagnosis and decision-making. At the same time, the stories are unfolded once more in a rearticulation focusing on their complexity and diversity.
  • Mehrabi, Tara (author)
  • Making Death Matter : A Feminist Technoscience Study of Alzheimer's Sciences in the Laboratory
  • 2016
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis is a contribution to feminist laboratory studies and a critical engagement with the natural sciences, or more precisely research on the biochemical workings and deadly relations of Alzheimer’s disease emanating from a year of field work in a Drosophila fly lab. The natural sciences have been a point of fascination within the field of gender studies for decades. Such sciences produce knowledge on what gets to count as nature and natural, healthy or sick, normal or not, and they have done it with great societal authority and impact throughout European modernity. However, feminist technoscience scholars argue that science and knowledge is socially produced, and political too. Concepts such as nature, animal, human, body, sex, and life itself are not simply given natural realities but phenomena processed through the naturecultures of the laboratory. Situated within such theoretical and methodological approaches, this thesis wonders how scientific facts about Alzheimer’s disease are made in the lab today. What kinds of realities, bodies and ethico-political concerns are enacted? Who gets to live and who gets to die in everyday laboratory practices? Theoretically, the thesis is grounded, particularly, within Karen Barad’s agential realism and posthumanist performativity, and as such it accounts for human and nonhuman entanglements through which AD is performed in the lab in relational ways. In other words, the thesis explores how AD is enacted in the bodies of transgenic fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), as these flies embody the disease, live and die with it. Last but not least, the thesis explores the materialities of death, dying, embodiment and biological waste in a biochemistry lab as constitutive parts of the produced knowledge about AD.
  • Weibull, Louise, 1973- (author)
  • Emotion matters : Emotion management in Swedish Peace Support Operations
  • 2012
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The thesis makes an overall contribution to the qualitative research on soldiers’ experiences from service primarily in low-intensity mission areas, this operational environment being placed within a framework of emotion sociology. The central argument put forward states that even on this type of mission the emotional demands are considerable, and that the need for emotional management in Peace Support Operations (PSO) should therefore generally follow other demarcations than the formal military divisions of high and low intensity conflicts respectively. In contrast to the prevalent view stating that the successful soldier is someone with emotional control in the sense that he ‘lacks’ feeling towards what he is doing, this thesis argues that soldiers’ emotion management work when choosing, modelling, managing, and displaying the ‘right’ emotional expression is what it takes to get the job done. Further, the thesis argues that emotion management demands are not restricted to the tour of service. Returning home often involves feeling both cognitively and emotionally disorientated, even if the mission has been militarily quite uneventful. A new theoretical concept, Post-Deployment Disorientation (PDD), is introduced to explain and highlight the origin of these feelings. PDD is not a diagnosis, however, but a term reserved for a phenomenon invisible in statistics that likely confronts the majority of Swedish soldiers on return.The thesis comprises four essays and draws on qualitative data collected mainly from soldiers deployed to Kosovo and Liberia in 2006/2007. Two of the essays also include data from Afghanistan. Jointly, the four essays help us understand that from an emotion management perspective, serving abroad is both a varied and challenging experience. Nevertheless, the informants seem to muddle through many difficulties and the study broadly confirms Bolton’s (2005) accounts of the multi-talented emotional actor, who is quite capable of handling contradiction while negotiating feeling rules. However, this does not mean an adjustment with negligible effort or without substantial emotional costs.
  • Holte, Kjersti Lien, 1974- (author)
  • Hysj : En kritisk didaktisk relasjonsanalyse av Curriculum Silentium; den skjulte policyen for taushet om arbeidsrelatert kritikk hos ansatte.
  • 2009
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This study has developed a tool for explaining why employees fail to speak up with regard to work related criticism; there is a hidden policy of silence that teaches employees to remain silent. This hidden policy is here designated as the "Curriculum Silentium" and is described in detail on the basis of empirical and theoretical data. After identifying a gap between the intentionally and experienced policy for employees freedom of speech in organizations I suggest that there are on-going unofficial, partially hidden learning processes in the organizations. The overall research question is; How does the Curriculum Silentium; the hidden policy of silence among employees, look like?  I make an analytic construction of the hidden policy as if it were planned policy, using the didactic categories applicable to organizations. These didactic categories are: goals, content, teaching strategies and the motivation of employees. The empirical data was collected in three different organizations: an elementary school, a home for the elderly and a factory in the process industry, using qualitative methods such as interviews and observation. The theoretical foundation of the study is taken from existing theory within the field of work life research and educational science. The study is not a comparative study of the three organizations, but does involve a comparison of whether and how the Curriculum Silentium is expressed in three such different organizations. The challenge of examining hidden relationships in organizations was met through the development of guidelines for an analytical approach called a critical didactic relations analysis. The study concludes that a hidden policy of silence resembling that presented here exists in organizations where employees fail to voice working life related criticism.
  • Karlsson, Michael (author)
  • Nätjournalistik : En explorativ fallstudie av digitala mediers karaktärsdrag på fyra nyhetssajter
  • 2006
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • During the last decade the Internet has become a widely used source of information for the average person and also a publishing tool for media corporations. The transition of journalism from one medium to another is one with important implications as the world wide public consumption of online news grows. This dissertation puts focus on how journalistic content changes when it's published on the World Wide Web compared to the traditional newspaper. The explicit aim of this dissertation is to explore and theoretically test the net-based characteristics of interaction, convergence and, continuous flow of information in the context of the user interface of four major Swedish news websites and to explore how these characteristics could influence journalistic values, norms and media logics. The theoretical framework is composed of two basic perspectives. The first is based on the theoretical core assumption that the introduction and spread of communication technology transforms the symbolic content and the patterns of communication compared to the previous dominant cultural medium of communication. The second theoretical perspective is based on the current western liberal norms, ideals, and practices of journalism. In essence, In essence, this has to do with the normative views surrounding journalistic objectivity whereby news publishers are supposed to deliver true and fair journalistic content to citizens so they can make informed decisions as members of the deliberative democracy. The study is based on an experimental non-probability selection content analysis of websites. The empirical material has been collected during 2004-2005 from the major Swedish websites aftonbladet.se, expressen.se, dn.se and svd.se. The results of the study shows a number of important things. Interaction is widely present in the form of hyperlinks and e-mailing opportunities, but it does not take the form of public conversational interaction. There is not one single instance in the study where readers and publishers meet in a public dialogue about news content. This shows that it is still the producers that are heard in the news, although the technical means allow consumers to be heard. Very few news items, less then five percent, features any form of convergent elements like moving image or sounds along with text. The study of continuing flow of information confirms the assumption that websites have moved toward a less predictable publishing rhythm. In print newspapers, content changes once every 24 hours and all at once. This is not the case on websites. This study clearly shows that news items disappear from the first page within 24 hours, but not all news items disappear within those 24 hours. In the material studied here, the news cycle seems to be shorter than 24 hours and there is more than one top news story every day. The study of the continuing flow of information also shows that the news items themselves changes during the course of a day. Eight different indicators of how the news material changes was found: 1) The news is updated often 2) The news is updated without readers being aware 3) The author of the article change 4) Sources come and go 5) The meaning of the news changes 6) News stories disappear from the website 7) Pictures and graphics are changed or removed 8) Information that is promised is not delivered. The non transparent and coming-out-of-a-black-box-tendency of the print medium gives the news in traditional newspapers a monolithic appearance. If people follow news on the Internet, over time they are likely to discover that news stories are rather more like works in progress than they are finished products. Parts, but not all, of both the gathering and the processing of news material are visible to the audience. Rather then being delivered as the only and true version of reality, news stories on the Internet have more of a provisory multi-meaning characteristic to them. If this is practised in most online journalism, we may stand on a brink of a new kind of journalism and journalistic norms.
  • Ljung, Lennart, 1957- (author)
  • Särdrag i projekt : utformning av ett ramverk för strukturerad projektanalys
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • En utgångspunkt för den föreliggande avhandlingen och doktorsstudien är den spridning och ökning av projektarbetsformens tillämpning, som skett sedan mitten av 1900-talet. Det har blivit allt vanligare med så kallade multiprojektmiljöer, dvs. verksamheter där projekt är en normalt förkommande arbetsform och av så stor betydelse att projektledning och projektstyrning (t.ex. värdering och uppföljning av projekt) är en viktig fråga för organisationens ledning. För många organisationer där förmågan att hantera projektarbetsformen blivit avgörande för överlevnad och lönsamhet finns därför ett stort behov av att förbättra projekthanteringen. Det dominerande synsättet har länge varit att alla projekt i grunden är likartade och kan ledas och styras effektivt med standardiserade projektledningstekniker och modeller. Alltfler forskare menar dock att det är så stora skillnader mellan olika projekttyper att projekthanteringen måste anpassas efter projektens särdrag, vilket förutsätter en möjlighet att analysera det aktuella projektet – att kunna ställa en ”projektdiagnos”. I en ambition att öka kunskapen om projekten i sig, är syftet med doktorsstudien att utveckla beskrivningar av de särdrag i projekt som har avgörande betydelse för projekthantering i multiprojektmiljöer. Tre fallstudier har genomförts i tre organisationer som utvecklat och implementerat en projektmodell för att förbättra sin projekthantering. Fallstudierna har delvis genomförts med aktionsforskning som metod. Detta har gjort det möjligt att studera projekthanteringen under lång tid, och att skapa nyanserade beskrivningar av särdragen i respektive multiprojektmiljö. Utifrån fallstudierna, projektforskningen och egna erfarenheter från projektmiljöer, har ett ramverk för strukturerad projektanalys utformats i syfte att öka resultatens generaliserbarhet. Ramverket, som består av tre analysmodeller och tre grundläggande perspektiv på projekt, utgör en begreppsapparat för strukturerad projektanalys som är fristående från fallstudierna. Studien visar hur särdragen i olika projekttyper, t.ex. förekomsten av dubbla operativa logiker och olika slag av komplexitet, är avgörande dels för projekthanteringen, dels för vilka förbättringsåtgärder som är effektiva i en multiprojektmiljö. Ytterligare ett bidrag från studien är det ramverk som utformats med utgångspunkt i den stora variation som olika projekt uppvisar ur ett resultatperspektiv.
  • Reid, Stuart (author)
  • Touring Tourism Enterprising : Mundane Practices of Tourism Development
  • 2022
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Tourism enterprises play a vital role in tourism development. This has inspired scholarly and policy interest in the workings of tourism enterprises, particularly the small enterprises that account for the majority. The heterogeneity of small enterprises presents challenging terrain for scholars and policymakers concerned to understand and manage enterprise development and tourism development. Scholars have called for more research to deepen understanding of tourism enterprises and tourism development. The question is how to approach this complex terrain in research and practice.Recent lines of research suggest that answers may lay in the vicissitudes of practice. Entrepreneurship scholars have lately started to examine enterprises from the vantage of practice, the research concern shifting to the constructing action of enterprising. This vantage offers much promise to deepen understanding of tourism enterprises and tourism development. However, practice perspectives have rarely been used in studies of tourism enterprises and the link between enterprising practices and tourism development has not yet been made. Drawing inspiration from nascent practice perspectives lately emerging in entrepreneurship and tourism studies, this thesis takes up the practice modality of enterprising to explore the terrain of tourism enterprises and tourism development.Using a multimethod qualitative approach, the thesis tours sites of enterprising action to offer another view of tourism enterprises and tourism development. Visiting the enterprising action of innovating, constructing, performing, intervening, and reflecting, the tour sheds light on the everyday action of enterprising to unfold an image of mundane tourism development. Orienting to the vicissitudes of enterprising practice, this thesis provides another view of tourism enterprises and tourism development, opening new avenues for research and practice.Enterprising carries ontological, epistemological, and methodological implications for research. It urges for post-disciplinary research approaches characterised by theoretical and methodological diversity geared to producing practicable knowledge through close encounters with the vicissitudes of practice. Enterprising and mundane tourism development are travelling concepts with transformative potential ï¿œ not conceptual destinations, but concepts to inspire further travel.
  • Davidsson, Åsa (author)
  • Natural Hazards as Windows of Opportunity for Change : Character and Time Perspectives on Environmental Opportunities and Preparedness
  • 2023
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • In the aftermath of natural hazards, opportunities often arise for society to make changes that prevent future losses. These changes can also have environmental impacts, increase preparedness, and contribute to sustainable development. Due to the loss of biodiversity and land degradation, there is an urgent need for actions promoting positive environmental changes. Reversing the trend of land degradation and biodiversity loss is motivated by various reasons, such as preserving ecosystem functions and services that offer protection against natural hazards and reducing drivers of climate change. However, due to land degradation, loss of ecosystems, and human settlements in hazard-prone areas, it is also necessary to take actions that reduce the risk of tsunamis by improving preparedness. Improved preparedness from a people-centered perspective is a crucial aspect of sustainable development.The four papers that make up this thesis present and apply two new frameworks— one to assess the environmental effect of human-made societal changes, and one to evaluate the maintenance of a TEWS (Tsunami Early Warning System) over time. The two frameworks capture two aspects of change after a natural hazard: i) environmental impacts and ii) Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). The thesis focuses particularly on time, a common aspect in both frameworks.The results indicate that changes triggered by natural hazards have a dual nature in that their impact on the environment can be both positive and negative. The thesis also provides evidence that past natural hazards can create a delayed window, which can be used as an argument for nature conservation during the establishment of national parks.The framework for evaluating the maintenance of a TEWS shows how difficult it is to operate all parts of the warning chain over time, from tsunami detection to evacuation. If parts of the chain are not maintained, the warning system may not be reliable.
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  • Result 1-10 of 390
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artistic work (2)
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other academic/artistic (390)
Edvardsson, Bo (8)
Karlsson, Sven-Erik (5)
Lindgren, Gerd, Prof ... (4)
Hägglund, Solveig (4)
Kristensson, Per, Pr ... (4)
Gustafsson, Anders, ... (4)
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Löfdahl, Annica, Pro ... (4)
Arnqvist, Anders, Pr ... (4)
Dahlin, Bo (4)
Karlsson, Jan Ch (4)
Karlsson, Michael, 1 ... (3)
Gustafsson, Anders (3)
Skålén, Per, 1972- (3)
Jansson, André (3)
Olin-Scheller, Chris ... (3)
Gustafsson, Gerhard (3)
Berger, Sune (3)
Pettersson, John Sör ... (3)
Gericke, Niklas, 197 ... (3)
Johnson, Mikael, 196 ... (2)
Löfgren, Martin, 197 ... (2)
Lykke, Nina, Profess ... (2)
Starrin, Bengt (2)
Denk, Thomas (2)
Karlsson, Michael (2)
MacKenzie, Robert, P ... (2)
Tillfors, Maria, 196 ... (2)
Granberg, Mikael, Pr ... (2)
Karlsson, Stefan (2)
Rönnblom, Malin, 196 ... (2)
Dahlström, Margareta ... (2)
Jakobsson, Martin (2)
Hjärthag, Fredrik, 1 ... (2)
Hiltunen, Arto (2)
Wickman, Per-Olof, P ... (2)
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Kristensson, Per (2)
Wästlund, Erik (2)
Andersson, Lennart (2)
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Grahn, Tonje, 1976- (2)
Bladh, Gabriel (2)
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Swedish National Defence College (6)
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University of Borås (4)
Umeå University (3)
Jönköping University (3)
Royal Institute of Technology (2)
University of Gävle (2)
Malmö University (2)
Mid Sweden University (2)
Linnaeus University (2)
Kristianstad University College (1)
Luleå University of Technology (1)
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Mälardalen University (1)
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