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Search: hsv:(SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP) > Doctoral thesis > Malmö University

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  • Rönnbäck, Julia (author)
  • Det är väl typiskt tjejer : om basket, kropp och femininitet
  • 2015
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this dissertation is to analyse how a group of female basketball players – aged 15 to 18 and located in one of Sweden’s largest cities – construct and negotiate gender and femininity through bodily and verbal practices. The study is grounded in poststructuralist theories – primarily using the theoretical work of the philosophers Judith Butler and Michel Foucault. The methods used are qualitative: participant observations, interviews and written dialogues via Facebook. The writing method used is ethnographic fiction.The first part of the analysis shows how the female basketball players frequently talk about appearance and also how they repeatedly talk about the fleshier matters of the body – such as muscles and fat. These recurrent verbal practices are parts of the processes through which the girls construct gender and femininity, and a way of exercising relational power. The girls themselves explain their frequent talk about body and appearance as something “typical” for girls and thus they use a discourse that circles them (as young women) in order to make themselves understandable.The second part of the analysis depicts how the female basketball players – in the locker room – before every game construct similar and socially recognizable female bodies. These recurrent bodily practices are further parts of the processes through which the girls construct gender and femininity. Additionally, in the second part, the analysis show how the female basketball players – through verbal and bodily practices – transform gender and convert femininity within sport and also how they, in game situations, embody two different discourses: “Girl Power” and “the insecure (sporting) girl” that encompass young (sporting) women.One conclusion in the thesis is that discourses that surround young (sporting) females appear to be central in their creation of gender identity. Furthermore, the (sporting) girls are active participants in the ongoing debate regarding what (sporting) girls are, can be and should be.
  • Axelsson, Thom, 1971- (author)
  • Rätt elev i rätt klass : Skola, begåvning och styrning 1910–1950
  • 2007
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • I centrum för den här avhandlingen står det tidiga 1900-talets diskussion om skola, begåvning och social organisering. Tidsperioden som omfattas är 1910– 1950. Det är skolan i de större städerna Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö som har stått i fokus.Det övergripande syftet har varit att analysera den betydelse som begåvning och intelligens fick i relation till skolväsendets förändring. Med utgångspunkt i detta syfte diskuteras hur uppfattningar om samhällets begåvningsresurser och individers förmågor har format 1900-talets samhällsliv. Betoningen på begåvning förde med sig primärt två saker: Att tillvarata god begåvning och att motverka låg begåvning. Avhandlingen har främst syftat till att granska de sociala och institutionella sammanhang i vilka intelligensmätningarna kom att uppfattas som användbara. Det innebär att intresset har riktats mot det inflytande som olika professionella via förhandlingar, professionalisering och vetenskapliggörande fick över skolans utformning.Teoretisk har undersökningen hämtat inspiration hos Michel Foucault, vilket ger en utgångspunkt som betonar sambandet mellan kunskapsbildning och makt. Genom olika gränsdragningar och uteslutningar – ”åtskiljande praktiker” – i utbildningssystemet blir individerna synliga i förhållande till olika institutionella arrangemang och konstrueras därmed både som individer och som grupper.Avhandlingen använder ett historiskt perspektiv för att studera hur makt och vetande i en given tid formulerar vad som är att betrakta som ett problem i samhället.
  • Edvik, Anders (author)
  • Projektformen och det industriella arvet: med exempel från sjukvården
  • 2008
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • It is not an exaggeration to say that the idea of organizing work task in a project similar form hasnowadays become an institutionalized understanding in work life in general. Many organizationscombine the permanent organization with temporary such, in purpose to cope with the ongoingchanging environment. Arguments as increased need for more flexible ways of organizing and a more customer oriented production, are often used to explain the important role that projects fill in organizations. Although arguments as those above are not applicable for all kinds of businesses and corporations, they have a legitimizing function in relation to the organizational field. Above all this concerns the demand of rational ways of organizing work, which the idea of projects is part in; especially when the conceptions of project carries an industrial inheritance. Single organizations are acting in accordance with societal conceptions and values (existing patterns) even if the ordinary activities are organized along with the understanding of a professional bureaucracy. Using project as an organizational form can therefore be seen not only as a way of reaching a certain achievement or coping with an uncertain environment, but also as a response to socially constructed circulating managerial ideas.The projectification of work life could be understood in terms of travelling managerial ideas in time and space. The content of the idea is however translated, while it is travelling, both by carriers and receivers which enables translation to local conditions. If the idea is not picked up by any actor, the translation and materialization processes will end. The way in which content will be translated,depends on the individual s biographical position. Experiences, hierarchical and social position, are examples that influence the individual s way of conceptualize the idea of project organization. At the same time the single actor is a part in a social context in which he or she, through socialisation processes, internalizes objectified conceptions. The individual is acting in accordance with the socially constructed conceptions which leave him or her with experiences that influence future actions. The translation of the project idea along with local conditions is therefore based on the social context in terms of an institutionalized local environment. The actions performed by the individuals make sense due to previous experiences. This means that the translation of the project organization idea is based on experiences in accordance with internalized local conceptions that enable individuals to act in a way that makes sense. The problem is however the strength of the institutionalized project idea and the environment in which the individual is acting. To be translated the idea, in terms of the industrialinheritance, has to be opened up for adaptation by acting individuals. Otherwise the materialization will end and the project idea will not be adjusted to the environment it has been spread to; the idea of project will stay as an island without connections to the organizational context. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to discuss how the institutionalized concept of project is translated and materialized when this organizational form is applied in an organization which normally is not associated with temporary organization. The focus is on the translation and materialization processes of the project as an idea and the empirical examples are three operational renewal projects in the healthcare sector. Since these three projects are aimed to end in some sort of organizational change, the doctoral thesis also discusses which function the project form has in relation to the operational and mostly professionalized bureaucratic organization.
  • Wikstrand, Frida (author)
  • Det tekniska spelet. Förhandlingar om arbete, teknik och kön i relation till införande av nya informationssystem
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis aims to study how information systems are received and interpreted by the employees of two organizations: the Hospital and Electricity company. I am interested in how work tasks and professional identities at these workplaces are coded by class and gender, and whether - and if so how - these encodings or constructions affect how employees perceive the information sys-tems and the changes brought about by the new information system. Furthermore, the aim is to explain how the organizational context affects the way in which a new information system is re-ceived and interpreted, and how this is affected by the construction of masculinities and feminini-ties. 35 life story interviews were conducted at the two workplaces. The interviews were focused on the effects, on the everyday- and working life of employees, brought about by the introduc-tion of new information systems: the electronic journal Melior at the Hospital and the business system SAP at the Electricity Company. Another focus dealt with if – and if so, how, -the new technology had impact on the relationship with other occupational groups and professionals at the workplace. As its starting point, the dissertation adopts a theoretical patchwork based on Hardings’ three processes: genders symbolism, gender structure and individual gender. The concepts femininities and masculinities are used to discuss and analyze constructions of identities at work. The process of division of labor and concepts of professional closures are used to analyze negotiations within and between different groups. A theoretical concept, mirroring processes, is used to show how different parts of an individual’s life are linked together and how structures in different part of life repro-duce and strengthen each other. The thesis argues that various organizational circumstances have an impact on how em-ployees receive and interpret the new technology. From the perspective of class and gender, it becomes evident how technology is not simply ascribed different roles at different workplaces. These roles are also assigned a symbolic value that is largely based on gender. It is also clear that the role assigned to technology depends on the division of labor and may, in turn, influence the current division of labor at the workplace through negotiations concerning the new technology. It becomes clear that gender- and class structures are produced and reproduced through negotia-tions and the employees' handling of the new information systems. The thesis argues that the interviewees’ construction of professional identities influence their understanding of changes in their own work when new information systems have been introduced. The dissertation also ar-gues that the way femininities and masculinities are constructed within professional identities affect how employees view their work and the new technology.
  • Boda, Chad (author)
  • The Beach Beneath the Road : Sustainable coastal development beyond governance and economics
  • 2018
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • That Florida is in the midst of an ecological crisis is a perspective increasingly shared by academy, government, private industry and civil society. Ideas about the causes of the state’s environmental problems and how best to address them, however, are not so well aligned. While some are prone to emphasize the primacy of economic growth over environmental conservation, others argue that, like love and marriage, you cannot have one without the other. More particularly, Florida’s many densely populated barrier islands are experiencing increasingly severe critical erosion, threatening people, property and endangered species habitat. In the face of expanding urban development, rising seas and coastal squeeze, the traditional strategies for managing erosion are looking less and less appropriate and the need for a sustainable coastal development strategy is more and more apparent.To this end, this thesis has three main parts. First, I develop a plausible explanation of the origins of Florida’s environmental problems, tracing the relationship between changing systems of production and environmental impacts from pre-Columbian to modern times, developing in more concrete detail the case of Flagler County and the City of Flagler Beach. Second, by employing the method of immanent critique I provide a scientific evaluation of competing critical erosion solution options which have been historically considered in the case study area, demonstrating in particular how these competing alternatives can be organized from least to most adequate in terms of their capacity to address the problem under consideration. From this critique I turn to suggest a yet-unconsidered alternative decision making procedure which can reasonably be shown to be an advancement on the “best” idea currently on offer. Finally, I identify a promising pathway to achieving this alternative, arguing in particular that civil society, in contrast to government or the market, must provide the mechanism for realizing the necessary social change.The thesis aspires to make three main types of contribution: 1) practical contributions in the form of a variety of policy and strategy inputs in collaboration with local coastal management practitioners; 2) theoretical contributions via the critical comparison of competing solution alternatives related to coastal management in Florida’s coastal communities; and 3) methodological contributions to sustainability studies by demonstrating an approach to scientific research which I argue is more appropriate than other more dominant approaches in terms of its capacity to fulfill the field’s interdisciplinary and normative ambitions.
  • Flädjemark, Ulrika, 1962- (author)
  • Viljan att vara reko : biopolitik och professionsetik – rehabkoordineringens janusansikte
  • 2023
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Rehabiliteringskoordinator (reko) har tillkommit som en ny, lagstadgad funktion i linje med att göra arbetsåtergång för sjukskrivna ett prioriterat område inom vården. Reko har som uppgift att stödja patienten, samordna den interna organiseringen i sjukskrivningsprocessen samt samverka med externa aktörer; såsom arbetsgivare och Försäkringskassans handläggare. Den förgivettagna metaforen är att rehabkoordinatorn agerar som ”spindeln-i-nätet” för att åstadkomma detta.Avhandlingen syftar till att studera rehabkoordinatorn i sjukskrivningsprocessen inom ramen för organisations- och professionsstudier. Utifrån syftet har två huvudsakliga frågeställningar formulerats; hur rehabkoordinatorns roll och funktion synliggörs i en vårdprofessionskontext, samt hur rehabkoordinatorn framstår som organisatorisk subjektivitet i förhållande till funktionens uppdrag. Avhandlingens teoretiska referensramar utgår från Michel Foucaults politiska filosofi med governmentality i förgrunden.Avhandlingens 19 semi-strukturerade intervjuer med rehabkoordinatorer har tillsammans med observationer samt offentliga dokument där rehabkoordinatorns arbetsuppgifter beskrivs, analyserats med tematisk nätverksanalys. I analysen har ett abduktivt förhållningssätt med utgångspunkt i en dispositiv analytisk strategi använts. Analysen visar att funktionen är otydlig i den dagliga verksamheten. Rehabkoordinatorn upplever oklarheter i hur uppdraget ska utformas, vilket även uttrycks i förhållande till hur lokal verksamhetsledning och kollegor uppfattar uppdraget. Otydligheten till trots uttalas en vilja att hjälpa och stödja patienten. Därmed skapar otydligheten och den goda viljans produktiva makt i förhållande till hur rehabkoordinatorn väljer att agera i rollen, två röda trådar som går hand i hand och interagerar med varandra.I styrande dokument framställs att vårdprofessionslogiken med dess intuitiva individcentrering och biopolitisk logik som övergripande legal styrning, enkelt kan sammanföras i en och samma roll vilket ger sken av ett rehabkoordineringens janusansikte som är oproblematiskt. Janusansiktets dubbelnatur kräver emellertid ett tydliggörande. Tydliggörande kommer till stånd genom att rehabkoordinatorn använder olika strategier, t ex genom klädsel och att använda rumslighet på ett sätt som koordinatorn finner lämpligt med utgångspunkt i den personliga tolkningen av hur rollen ska iscensättas. Att utarbeta strategier avseende hur rollen ska agera i förhållande till övriga vårdprofessioner, företrädesvis läkaren, är andra sätt att skapa tydlighet. Med utgångspunkt i offentliga dokument emotses ett görande från rehabkoordinatorns sida som överför en förväntad normering till patienten och övriga inom vårdorganisationen på ett sätt som gör att patienten förstår sitt eget bästa och agerar därefter. Rehabkoordinatorn formar i rollen som subjekt hur funktionen kommer att ta sitt uttryck genom följsamhet eller motstånd mot den förväntade normering som råder i styrande dokument. I subjektiveringsprocessen väljer rehabkoordinator som individ med vilket vetande i förgrunden som agerandet utövas och genom detta, hur subjektivitet formas. Andra metaforer än den förgivettagna spindeln-i-nätet ger här en bild av hur rollen formas; till exempel att agera detektiv, ventil, lots, brygga.Avhandlingen bidrar till förståelse hur statlig övergripande styrning konstituerar självstyrning och formering av organisatoriska subjektiviteter. I det här fallet det formande som rehabkoordinatorn uttrycker genom den subjektivitet som iscensätts för att klargöra otydligheten som kan ses ur två perspektiv, som möjliggörande och som hindrande. För att otydligheten inte ska leda till rolloklarhet behöver en dubbelriktad kommunikation komma till stånd inom vårdorganisationen – med chefer och med kollegor – med utgångspunkt i att tala klarspråk om det kontroversiella i rehabkoordinatoruppdraget där agerandet förväntas styras av det försäkringsmedicinska paradigmet.
  • Gegner, Harald, 1973- (author)
  • Statlig kunskapsstyrning : regionala utvecklingsledare i styrning av socialtjänstens barnavård
  • 2023
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Consisting of four scientific papers and a comprehensive overview, this thesis concerns governance in and of social work. More specifically, it studies governing of knowledge in social service with children and youth. Through the growing focus on evidence-based social work since 2000, state governing of knowledge has become an increasingly established concept. In general terms, it refers to the national level’s efforts to govern based on knowledge in order to solve social services’ ”knowledge problems”. However, there are more aspects to state governing of knowledge. Thus, this thesis focuses on the doing of such governance – a praxis that involves actors at national, regional and municipal levels. Here, regional development leaders in social service with children and youth are one of the central actors; consequently, they constitute the empirical focus of the thesis when analysing the doing of governing of knowledge. The aim of this study is to describe and analyse how state governing of knowledge is conducted by examining how development leaders perceive and concretise the task of governing of knowledge in social service’s childcare. The overall questions are as follows: 1. How do regional development leaders in social service with children and youth perceive and interpret the EBP knowledge model in relation to their task? 2. How do regional development leaders act when they govern with knowledge within social service? 3. What characterizes the professional practice of regional development leaders, and how can we understand it in the context of governance?Data have been collected through individual interviews and focus group interviews with 28 regional development leaders. In addition, the empirical material includes a field study with participant observations during network meetings and a questionnaire survey with 29 development leaders. The data have been analysed from three theoretical perspectives: governance as floating signifier, governance as joint doing, and governance as a relational exercise of power. The first perspective, governance as floating signifier, implies that governance changes over time, both in terms of how it can be understood and how it is applied. The second perspective, governance as joint doing, refers to governance as it takes place in and through interaction between actors involved in governance. Here, we can note a mutual influence between those who govern and those who are being governed. The third perspective focuses on power as a central element of governance and how it is constructed in a relational interaction between actors who are part of a common context of governance.The analysis shows that the ambiguity that surrounds state governing of knowledge creates a discretion for interpretation and action. This gives development leaders the opportunity to saturate their work with their own content, depending on the purpose and context, which is very much about developing and organising social work in social services. Working with development, change and innovation is thus of importance in the governing of knowledge of social service with children and youth. In carrying out their tasks, development leaders combine hierarchical top-down management with horizontal, relational management. This becomes evident in the development leaders’ choice of governance practices, which involves networking with managers in senior positions who have a mandate to make decisions. The interaction between development leaders and managers is characterised by mutual influence, which results in development leaders sacrificing certain areas of their mission in favour of activities that managers consider important to implement. Such governance praxis is likely to have implications for the outcomes of governing of knowledge. The establishment of the development leader as an actor in the governing of social work can be understood as a reaction to changing institutional conditions for the management and organisation of the public sector. The work of development leaders is characterised by a hybridised professional practice: they integrate seemingly incompatible logics and thus have to manage different tensions in a professional role, which is probably a prerequisite for navigating complex governing tasks.   
  • Hamidi, Zahra (author)
  • Examining Inequalities in Cycling Motility : A Pathway Towards Cycling Justice
  • 2023
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Realizing the environmental and social benefits of cycling requires effective policies that deliver increased and inclusive cycling. This thesis aims to contribute to the development of such policies by providing insights into what could make cycling achievable for more diverse social groups through engaging with theoretical perspectives from transport geography, the mobilities paradigm and social justice. In doing so the thesis examines the various elements that constitute an individual’s potential to use a bicycle and the connected inequalities.The thesis employs conceptions of accessibility and motility in combination with measures of inequality to examine the socio-spatial inequalities in cycling potentials. The first paper designs a new composite indicator based on Theil’s index of inequality and accessibility measures to study inequalities in bike-and-ride opportunities in Malmö. The second paper develops a quantitative operationalization of cycling motility by applying GIS-based and statistical analyses to empirical data collected using a survey study. Specifically, cycling motility is operationalized along three dimensions of access, competence, and appropriation. This is done by measuring cycling-related material and nonmaterial, as well as objective and subjective factors related to individuals and their social, cultural, and geographical environment.The subsequent papers put the concept of cycling motility in practice. The third paper builds on the approach developed in the second paper and examines inequalities in the cycling motility across different social groups from the three-dimensional justice lens of Nancy Fraser. Finally, the fourth paper provides insights into the relationships between individuals’ cycling motility and their realized mobility. The empirical findings highlight that such relationships vary across three urban contexts of Malmö, Gothenburg, and Beijing. Overall, the findings support that the operationalization of cycling motility is useful for studying individuals’ cycling potentials and capturing the connected between-individual differences, thereby helpful for development of policies that could realize the social and environmental potentials of cycling.
  • Herbert, Mikaela (author)
  • Vindlande vägar i bostadsojämlikhetens Sverige : berättelser om marknadspraktiker, flyktingplaceringspolitik och bostadsprekaritet
  • 2023
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Den här doktorsavhandlingen berättar om marknadspraktiker, flyktingplaceringspolitik och bostadsprekaritet i bostadsojämlikhetens Sverige. Huvudpersonerna i berättelserna är människor som sökte asyl och beviljades uppehållstillstånd i Sverige åren runt den så kallade flyktingkrisen 2015 och i fokus är deras boendevägar – deras vindlande vägar – under de första åren i landet. De flesta av forskningsdeltagarna är inkomstfattiga, vilket gör att de har erfarit betydande svårigheter att hitta någonstans att bo – erfarenheter som de delar med ett ökande antal inkomstfattiga hushåll i en tid präglad av bostadsbrist och tilltagande bostadsojämlikhet. Men genom att kategoriseras som asylsökande eller nyanlända omfattas forskningsdeltagarna därtill av särlagstiftning, som genom selektiva åtgärder som både villkorar, underlättar och kringskär deras bostadsmarknadspositioner men också skiljer ut dem från andra hushåll inom ramen för en förment generell bostadspolitisk modell. I syfte att nyansera och fördjupa förståelsen av bostadsojämlikhetens konsekvenser i en svensk kontext studeras i avhandlingen denna partikulära position.Utifrån en etnografisk ansats och med utgångspunkt i intervjuer, samtal, deltagande observationer och policyanalys utforskas hur forskningsdeltagarnas boendevägar formas och hur det går att förstå dessa i relation till å ena sidan de praktiker som forskningsdeltagarna utvecklar på svenska bostadsmarknader och å andra sidan den politiska styrningen av boende och bosättning för kategorierna asylsökande och nyanlända.Avhandlingen visar att boendevägarna kan beskrivas som kaotiska; med återkommande flyttar, in och ut ur olika, ofta trångbodda hushållsformationer och påfallande ofta med osäkra kontraktsförhållanden. Dock framgår att de formas genom beslut som fattas efter noga överväganden, utifrån skiftande behov och med hänsyn till relationer över tid och rum. Vidare framgår att olika marknadspraktiker har betydelse för deras möjligheter att få tillgång till bostad. Framför allt hyr de bostad inom ramen för en marknad för olovlig bostadsuthyrning, där bostäderna förmedlas genom arabiskspråkiga sociala nätverk. I avhandlingen förstås denna marknad i termer av assemblage och visar på hur den samskapas i konstellationer och i interaktioner mellan bland annat bostadssökande, kontraktsinnehavare och informella mäklare; kommunikationsverktyg; hyreskontrakt; lagar och regler samt tilldelningssystem såsom bostadsköer.Utifrån en kritisk ansats analyseras förarbetena till två flyktingplaceringspolitiska lagändringar: ”Bosättningslagen” samt inskränkningen av ”EBO-lagen”. Avhandlingen visar hur kategorierna asylsökande och nyanländas bosättningsmönster problematiseras och hur en ökad styrning av desamma syftar till att inte bara lösa problem direkt kopplade till målgruppernas boende utan också samhällsproblem som segregation, socioekonomiskt ”utsatta områden” och kommunernas kapacitet att erbjuda välfärdstjänster. Analysen visar vidare att skulden för dessa problem förläggs hos individerna (på gruppnivå, som kategori), samtidigt som fokus förflyttas bort från strukturella problem kopplade till byggande och fördelning av bostäder, liksom från kommunernas bostadsförsörjningsansvar för alla dess invånare.En av avhandlingens bärande idéer är att “flyktingkrisen”, genom att sätta press på det svenska bostadspolitiska systemet, fick dess oförmåga att tillgodose inkomstfattiga hushålls behov av bostad att skarpt framträda. Denna oförmåga försätter dessa hushåll i bostadsprekära situationer där de, med utgångspunkt i forskningsdeltagarnas berättelser, i stor utsträckning får förlita sig på informella eller olovliga marknadspraktiker.
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