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Sökning: hsv:(SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP) hsv:(Annan samhällsvetenskap) hsv:(Arbetslivsstudier) > Licentiatavhandling

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  • Viking, Tuija (författare)
  • En studie om interprofessionellt lärande i teamarbete : Fallet med en 'best practice´ för tvångsvård
  • 2019
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Det interprofessionella lärandet, IPL, i team har blivit ett populärt medel för att öka samarbete och kvalité i den sociala sektorn och hälso- och sjukvård. En alltmer specialiserad och fragmentiserad vård, som ofta genomförs i team, har lett till stor spridning av interprofessionell utbildning, IPE. Studerande och/eller medlemmar från olika professioner lär sig därmed, med, från och om varandra. Sådant lärande antas ske vid utbyte av och reflektion över varandras olika erfarenheter, perspektiv och kunskaper, d.v.s. professionella skillnader, och leda till förbättrad effektivitet och kvalitet i vården.Inom hälso- och sjukvårdsområdet har man dock bara i mindre skala undersökt vad IPL i etablerade team innebär och hur professionella skillnader påverkar lärandet. Denna licentiatuppsats hade som övergripande syfte att bidra med ökad kunskap inom detta område. Här studerades ett arbete, med kliniska riktlinjer för psykiatrisk tvångsvård, som skulle genomföras av ett interprofessionellt team. Huvudfrågan var hur teamet arbetade med riktlinjerna och hur professionella skillnader kom till uttryck och gav implikationer för IPL. Licentiatuppsatsen är en fallstudie. Undersökningen baseras dels på material (mötesprotokoll, mejlkommunikation, dokument och mediarapporter) från teamets tre-åriga arbete, dels nio intervjuer och en observation av seminariet där teammedlemmar presenterade de färdiga riktlinjerna. Studie 1 syftade till att undersöka hur teamet hanterade en kontrovers och hur de strategier som användes gav konsekvenser för interprofessionellt lärande. Studie 2 syftade till att studera hur teamet granskade kön/genus i arbetet med riktlinjerna och vilka implikationer det blev för riktlinjerna och för interprofessionellt lärande. Fokus här är därmed på ett lärande i ett "färdigt" team. Resultaten i studierna baseras på fallbeskrivning och narrativ analys. Fynden i studierna tolkades huvudsakligen utifrån sociokulturell teori och idéer och insikter från kontroversstudier (studie 1) och det genusvetenskapliga fältet (studie 2).Resultatet i studie 1 visade att kontroversen hanterades främst genom en kompromiss. Resultatet visar också hur lärandestrategier nyttjades vid användning av texter. Lärandet utmanades dock när maktstrategier användes genom hävdande av auktoritet snarare än utforskande av kunskapsläget.Resultatet i studie 2 visade hur kön/genus aktualiserades i en diskussion om könsskillnader i användning av tvångsbälten. I diskussionen användes professionsspecifika erfarenheter och kunskaper om kön/genus, vilket kan antas främjade IPL. Teamets lärande om komplexiteten kring kön/genus resulterade i riktlinjer som betonar makt och med fokus på den individuella patienten. Därmed ledde teamets analys och lärande relaterat till kön/genus paradoxalt till könsneutrala riktlinjer. Slutsatsen är att studierna, på olika sätt, visade förekomst av IPL och hur detta påverkades både positivt och negativt av professionella skillnader.
  • Mallam, Steven, 1987 (författare)
  • The Human Element in Marine Engine Department Operation: Human Factors & Ergonomics Knowledge Mobilization in Ship Design & Construction
  • 2014
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Physical environments influence how individuals perceive, behave and perform within an operational space and system. Marine engine department operations have dramatically developed from the initial introduction of ship mechanization in the nineteenth century, to ever increasing levels of computerized and automated functions today. This development has contributed to a consistent and continuing reduction of crew numbers, as well as altering engine department work demands and organization. Previous research has revealed an array of occupational hazards and work-related challenges associated with engine department operations, including a growing disconnect between the physical design of the engine department and evolving end-user tasks. These challenges have shown to negatively impact engine crew productivity, safety, health and wellbeing, and moreover, has implications for overall engine department and ship operations. This licentiate thesis investigates three areas which connect physical design and engine department operation from a human-centric perspective: (i) critical analysis of minimum rules and regulations regarding ship design, construction and crew competencies, (ii) exploration of end-user perspectives on functions related to physical design, and (iii) operationalizing the end-user within traditional naval architecture and engineering ship design methods. Results indicate incongruence between the requirements for minimum design, safety and construction standards, and seafarer training and competency requirements. These discrepancies are further extended to their influences upon the conceptual planning and design processes of a new-build ship project. Difficulties in communication and lack of a common understanding between system end-users and design stakeholders hinder effective application of human element knowledge throughout a project’s development. Creating an inter-disciplinary, participatory approach to ship development by integrating human-centered design methods and solutions throughout conceptual ship design can ultimately contribute to safer, more efficient shipping practices once in operation.
  • af Hällström, Anna, 1987 (författare)
  • If you want to go far, go with others – How using a collaborative project delivery model affects the project network in infrastructure construction projects
  • 2021
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The growth of projects has elicited much interest in the last decades, both in academia and amongst practitioners. The increase in scale and complexity has further brought attention to the particulars of interorganisational collaboration: as projects grow, the relevance and impact of interdependencies between participating organisations rise to the surface. No organisation is an island and so a project becomes an archipelago of interconnected networks. Current literature on interorganisational collaboration focuses on contract and procurement, both important aspects of project management. There is, however, less research pertaining to project realisation and how these changes in interorganisational collaboration shape the project process. A field where this change has been especially noticeable is the infrastructure construction industry, where collaborative project management models have been introduced to reduce adversity and improve project outcomes. These new models necessitate a study of changes these new models bring with them to the conventional ways of work within the field, as they call for new processes and roles in the projects, thus changing how the actors engage with the project network. As such models are based on collaboration, the role of social ties within the project become an especially interesting question. In this work, I expand on the theory pertaining to project networks in the empirical setting of infrastructure projects applying a collaborative project management model, with the aim of examining and gaining a deeper understanding of the collaboration between interorganisational project actors in a collaborative project delivery model. The methods used in this thesis are based in the qualitative research tradition and emphasise interviewing and observation. During this work, 44 interviews were completed in a pre-study and two case projects and observation of both project’s shared office space was carried out. I also analysed project documents and analysed the social network between respondents in the case projects. My results show the importance of social relations as enablers of the realisation of expected benefits of collaborative models. They moreover illustrate the changes necessary for the models to be effective, as well as study how the use of such project models affect the actors’ engagement in the project network.
  • Jonsson, Robert (författare)
  • Organisationstillblivelse och identitet : en studie av ÖstSam
  • 2002
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • "Organisationstillblivelse och identitet - en studie av ÖstSam" är en licentiatavhandling som syftar till att bidra med kunskaper om organisationers tillblivelse i termer av identitet. A v handlingen bygger på en studie av framväxten av organisationen ÖstSam. I tid sträcker sig studien från slutet av 1996 till början av år 2000. Från hösten 1998 har framväxten följts via intervjuer, observationer och dokument.Studien beskriver framväxten av ÖstSam. Vidare tolkas framväxten utifrån identitet som perspektiv. Detta görs genom att vad ÖstSam utvecklats till i termer av identitet presenteras. Hur ÖstSams identitet växt fram beskrivs också. Utifrån fallet ÖstSam och med hjälp av teorier som presenteras, diskuteras hur organisationers tillblivelse kan förstås i termer av identitet. Diskussionen mynnar framförallt ut i att grundarnas intentioner utgör underlag för innehållet i identiteten, vilket har visat sig omtolkas, rekonstrueras, över tiden. Mot bakgrund av detta menar jag att en organisations innehåll och process är förutsättningar för varandra. Båda är viktiga for vad en organisation utvecklas till. Studien visar också att kontexten påverkat utvecklaodet av vilka man är. Verksamhetens art, organisationens geografiska läge samt tid i form av historiskt arv och aktöremas tankar om framtiden för organisationen har varit av betydelse för vad ÖstSam utvecklats till i termer av identitet.
  • Lantz, Emelie (författare)
  • Non-career firefighters in rural areas - Exploring aspects contributing to retention
  • 2022
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overarching aim of this licentiate thesis is to increase knowledge about the implications of working as a non-career firefighter in order to understand how challenges and commitment affect retention. Retention of non-career firefighters (for example volunteer or part-time firefighters) is a well-known, multifaceted challenge in several countries. These non-career firefighters account for the majority of Fire and Rescue Services staff, but it is a challenge to recruit and retain them. Non-career firefighters often serve in rural areas and are an important component of local community safety. Several factors have been suggested as underlying causes contributing to the complexity of retention challenges, mainly related to demographic changes. A fall in numbers of non-career firefighters may lead to fewer people having to undertake a higher workload to sustain local access to essential services. Due to the difficulties attracting and retaining non-career firefighters, it is vital to gain a better understanding of the factors contributing to sustainable retention. There is a volume of research about volunteer firefighters, but few studies cover the context of other types of non-career firefighters’ employment, such as part-time firefighters, in relation to retention. In Sweden, non-career firefighters mainly work as paid part-time firefighters in contrast to the internationally more common form of serving as volunteer firefighters. The service delivered by these firefighters is essential. Therefore, it is important to gain more knowledge of the firefighters’ experiences to be able to minimise barriers, strengthen commitment and work towards ensuring long-term retention. This thesis provides additional knowledge about the current challenges. Part-time firefighters share challenges similar to other non-career firefighters, such as the balance between principal employment, the service as a firefighter and family life. Further, the working environment affects firefighters` experiences of the job and has an impact on motivation and commitment. A lack of appropriate facilities, old equipment and a culture without feedback and support can lower commitment. The thesis results show that different employment types of non-career firefighters also share reasons to stay committed to the service. The papers appended show that cohesive groups are essential and contribute to continued commitment in the service, regardless of, for example, being a volunteer or a part-time firefighter. Another important factor contributing to commitment is the feeling of personal development. In other words, expanding a self-awareness and new perspectives in life.
  • Nylund, Annette, 1961- (författare)
  • Learning at Work and Productivity in Swedish Business Firms : Based on the Swedish MEADOW Survey 2009/2010
  • 2017
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The background of the thesis is the ongoing struggle for better understanding of driving forces for economic growth. Some important and rewarding new steps have been taken the last decades in the research of economic growth theory. For example, the theory includes not only the use of technology but also the creation and implementation of new technology entwined with management and learning practices at work. However, the development of knowledge on the matter can be described as slow. The explanation is argued to be the lack of data, which complicates and prevents the development of theory. The lack of data and the intertwined dependence with the development of theory in the matter constitutes the starting point for the research in the thesis.The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the development of measures of management of work and learning practices at work that can be used in productivity models. The analyses are based on the micro-level data from the Swedish MEADOW Survey 2009/2010, at Statistics Sweden. Factor and regression analysis are performed, other analytical techniques are also used.Some key findings of how management and learning practices at work can be described and measured show that the business firms use the different practices in bundles. The findings indicate synergy effects on performance when more than one management and learning practice is applied. Two different management approaches are tested, both models predict productivity. However, there is a difference in the productivity model a such when it includes the two management approaches; the measure of the contemporary use has a better fitness then the theoretical model. Focus and delimitations of research questions in the forthcoming doctoral dissertation are discussed, see Future Research – the Logic Next Step, in Chapter 6. Final Reflections.
  • Sandberg, Rikard, 1984 (författare)
  • The work of construction site managers: problematizing perceptions of embodied work practices
  • 2017
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Over the past few decades, scholars have paid increasing attention to work of site managers in the construction industry. In particular, the work situations of site managers have been increasingly depicted as demanding and stressful. The reasons for these situations have been explained as arising from macro-level characteristics of the industry itself. This includes, for instance, the influence of structure (loose coupling) and culture (masculinity and paternalism) that is suggested to promote a particularly demanding work situations characterized by overwork, stress, fragmentation and pressure to be in control of all activities on site. This thesis takes a critical perspective on the assumption that the everyday work practices of site managers can be explained as causally derived from macro-level characteristics of the industry. Instead, a need to take into account the managers experiences, meaning-making and responses is called for. The aim of the thesis is to explore practical manifestations of site managers’ everyday work and how they experience and cope with their work life situations. For this aim, a case study design with an exploratory and interpretative approach has been chosen. The thesis discusses findings based on three appended papers. By applying an everyday practice lens on the managers work, the discussion highlights the emergence of four separate yet interrelated empirical phenomena that warrant further research. These are reproduction, normalization, autonomy and resistance. These phenomena are discussed in order to highlight nuances, complexities and paradoxes underlying site managers work and to conceptualize new understandings of work in the construction industry. Instead of viewing site managers work as derived from macro-level characteristics, the thesis argues for a need to increasingly consider how issues of overwork and workaholism become reproduced and resisted in context where these tendencies seem to be normalized. The thesis concludes by emphasizing the need for future research on site managers work situations to critically elaborate on the relationship between, on one hand masculine culture and identities vis-à-vis practices of (over)work, and on the other hand autonomy and resistance vis-à-vis control.
  • Shayboun, May, 1990 (författare)
  • Toward Accident Prevention Through Machine Learning Analysis of Accident Reports
  • 2022
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Occupational safety remains of interest in the construction sector. The frequency of accidents has decreased in Sweden but only to a level that remains constant over the last ten years. Although Sweden shows to be performing better in comparison to other European countries, the construction industry continues to contribute to a fifth of fatal accidents in Europe. The latter situation pushes towards the need for reducing the frequency and fatalities of occupational accident occurrences in the construction sector. In the Swedish context, several initiatives have been established for prevention and accident frequency reduction. However, risk analysis models and causal links have been found to be rare in this context. The continuous reporting of accidents and near-misses creates large datasets with potentially useful information about accidents and their causes. In addition to that, there has been an increased research interest in analysing this data through machine learning (ML). The state-of-art research efforts include applying ML to analyse the textual data within the accumulated accident reports, identifying contributing factors, and extracting accident information. However, solutions that are created by ML models can lead to changes for a company and the industry. ML modelling includes a prototype development that is accompanied by the industry’s and domain experts’ requirements. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how ML based methods and techniques could be used to develop a research-based prototype for occupational accident prevention in a contracting company. The thesis focus is on the exploration of a development processes that bridges ML data analysis technical part with the context of safety in a contracting company. The thesis builds on accident causation models (ACMs) and ML methods, utilising the Cross Industry Standard Process Development Method (CRISP-DM) as a method. These were employed to interpret and understand the empirical material of accident reports and interviews within the health and safety (H&S) unit. The results of the thesis showed that analysing accident reports via ML can lead to the discovery of knowledge about accidents. However, there were several challenges that were found to hinder the extraction of knowledge and the application of ML. The identified challenges mainly related to the standardization of the development process and, the feasibility of implementation and evaluation. Moreover, the tendency of the ML-related literature to focus on predicting severity was found not compatible either with the function of ML analysis or the findings of accident causation literature which considers severity as a stochastic element. The analysis further concluded that ACMs seemed to have reached a mature stage, where a new approach is needed to understand the rules that govern the relationships between emergent new risks – rather than the systemization of risks themselves. The analysis of accident reports by ML needs further research in systemized methods for such analysis in the domain of construction and in the context of contracting companies – as only few research efforts have focused on this area regarding ML evaluation metrics and data pre-processing.
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (24)
Edelbring, Samuel (1)
af Hällström, Anna, ... (1)
Wihlborg, Elin, prof ... (1)
Johansson, Kerstin (1)
Jonsson, Robert (1)
Skyvell Nilsson, Mar ... (1)
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Fundin, Anders, Prof ... (1)
Cregård, Anna, 1971- (1)
Cobaleda Cordero, An ... (1)
Larsson, Patrik (1)
Brink, Johan, 1976 (1)
Brödje, Anders, 1971 (1)
Burman, Margareta (1)
Mallam, Steven, 1987 (1)
Wernersson, Inga, 19 ... (1)
Edén, Elin, 1980 (1)
Sörqvist, Lars, Doce ... (1)
Kaulio, Matti A., 19 ... (1)
Hjorth, Fredrik, 197 ... (1)
Kans, Mirka, Fil. dr ... (1)
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Abrahamsson, Lena, p ... (1)
Osterman, Christer, ... (1)
Johansson, Stina, 19 ... (1)
Parding, Karolina, B ... (1)
Hansson, Carl-Gösta, ... (1)
Gustavsson, Per, Dr. (1)
Leif, Jonsson, Dr. (1)
Shayboun, May, 1990 (1)
Lantz, Emelie (1)
Tralau, Johan, Profe ... (1)
Sandberg, Rikard, 19 ... (1)
Backström, Tomas, pr ... (1)
Nylund, Annette, 196 ... (1)
Härenstam, Annika, P ... (1)
Hagén, Hans-Olof, Ph ... (1)
Lorenz, Edward, Prof ... (1)
Petersen, Daniella, ... (1)
Rapp, Cecilia, 1967- (1)
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