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  • Andersson, Mathias, et al. (författare)
  • Management Measures to Reduce Continuous Underwater Noise from Shipping
  • 2023
  • Rapport (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Underwater radiated noise (URN) from commercial ships is a significant source of elevated noise levels in the oceans and can have a negative impact on marine wildlife. Noise from commercial shipping places additional stress on the oceans, but is one of the least studied environmental pollutants, and there is an urgent need to reduce the aggregate stress levels. Until recently, reduction of underwater noise has not been prioritised by ship designers, shipowners, or crews. Even within the field of marine management, noise has received limited interest. However, the International Maritime organization (IMO) has adopted global guidelines on URN reduction, which are currently being updated. Within the EU, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD 2008/56/EC) Descriptor 11 criteria 11.2, now provides a framework for marine administrators to manage noise by establishing threshold values. Marine management focuses on the total noise load on the marine environment. Management entails several considerations before recommendations can be made. As a first step, interdisciplinary teams need to assess the aggregated noise levels and determine acceptable thresholds based on the local ecosystem, then assess which existing mandates and management tools can be used, and finally assess how effective these mandates have been in improving the environment. These activities must also be managed in a way that is acceptable to various relevant stakeholders, who would need to follow the decisions. The URN from a ship can be affected by the vessel’s design, either during its construction or during upgrades, and balances a trade-off against fuel efficiency. However, the URN can also depend on how the ship is operated. Regulating ship speed is one potential management tool, and its effectiveness needs to be assessed. Other management measures include how shipping lanes are drawn, areas to avoid, financial support, information, etc. This report focuses on possible policy measures that the Swedish authorities could adopt to lower URN by regulating the speed of ships. The report presents an interdisciplinary analysis, using a case study of an area in the southern Kattegat that covered several maritime zones, different national jurisdictions, intensive traffic, and high natural values. An important part of the work was to assess whether existing source models for ship noise could be used for the type of ships that are common in waters around Sweden. In this study, the JOMOPANS-ECHO (J-E) model was used.The J-E model was validated by comparing measurement data from a hydrophone station at Vinga on the Swedish coast that collected data from ships (254 passages) that used the port of Gothenburg. The analysis showed some deviation between the J-E model and measurement data, which could be due to differences in the length and speed of ships in waters around Sweden compared to the ships used in the development of the J-E model. However, this was likely to have negligible impact on the outcome of the case study.Analyses of ship traffic in 2021 showed that 4,511 unique vessels visited the study area at least once. Most ships followed the main routes, but no part of the study area was completely free from ship traffic. About 68% of the ships visited the study area for 1-4 days, while about 32% visited the area more regularly. The most common ship types were General Cargo Ships, Dry Bulk Ships, and Tankers. The ships that on average travelled at highest speeds were RoPax Ships, RoRo Ships, Vehicle Carriers, and Container Ships. The ships were registered in 64 countries. About two percent of the ships were registered in Sweden and about four percent in Denmark.Legal analysis showed that Sweden has the right and the responsibility to take measures to reduce underwater noise from ships to the extent that the noise can be deemed to pollute the marine environment. However, this mainly applies to Sweden’s territorial seas, which cover roughly half the area being studied for this report. In the portion that constitutes Danish territorial sea, Denmark has comparable opportunities for managing URN. In areas that are Swedish or Danish exclusive economic zones (EEZs), the ability to introduce mandatory speed limits is significantly limited. There, the most realistic option would be to request the IMO to establish speed limits, or alternatively to issue a recommendation to navigate at lower speeds, although such guidance could not be enforced on ships that do not voluntarily reduce their speed.It was estimated that lowering the ships' speeds to a hypothetical limit of 11 kn would reduce the average URN levels by 4.4 ± 2 dB, as registered by local receivers in the study area. This speed limit would affect approximately 44% of the ships in the area. A maximum speed of 13 kn would instead reduce the level by 1.9 ± 0.5 dB and would affect 11% of the ships on average. The reduction in noise levels may temporarily be much higher in the immediate vicinity of individual fast ships, and there might be a high degree of variation between different ships.The study and report make it clear that it is a complex task to assess the feasibility and benefit of introducing a specific marine management tool, in this case an enforceable local speed limit. But it is also clear that there are reliable methods to make the preliminary assessments, and that it requires interdisciplinary analyses and competence.
  • Furuhagen, Björn (författare)
  • Från fjärdingsman till närpolis : en kortfattad svensk polishistoria
  • 2009
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Polisen intar på flera sätt en central position i samhällslivet. Den är statens instrument för att upprätthålla lag och ordning och för att bekämpa brott. För medborgarna är polisen av största betydelse, då den dels är en instans som medborgaren vänder sig till för att få hjälp och skydd, dels är en instans som kan utöva makt över medborgaren. Polisen samarbetar dessutom med andra aktörer i samhället, bland annat kommunala instanser som skolor och sociala myndigheter. För att förstå dagens polis behövs historiska perspektiv. Vår nutida polis är nämligen en produkt av en historisk utveckling med djupa rötter. Det finns emellertid inte någon modern översikt som på ett samlat sett behandlar den svenska polisens historia fram till idag. Den här kortfattade historiken fyller denna lucka genom att beskriva den svenska polisens historia, främst under 1900-talet. Syftet är att ge en bild av hur polisen styrts, hur den varit organiserad och arbetat. Det säger i sin tur mycket om polisens roll i samhället och dess förhållande till medborgarna. Den svenska säkerhetspolisens historia tas däremot inte upp i denna text, inte heller den rättshistoriska utvecklingen av polisrätten.  Målgruppen för den här historiken är studenter och yrkesverksamma som behöver få en bild av polisens historiska utveckling, till exempel poliser och andra anställda inom rättsväsendet eller studenter inom polisutbildningen. I slutet finns en kort kommenterad bibliografi för den som vill fördjupa sig med mer läsning. Fotnoterna ger också utförliga hänvisningar till källor och litteratur.   Förutom en bakgrundsteckning byggd på annan litteratur om polisens äldre historia, bygger den här texten på genomgångar och analyser av de statliga offentliga utredningarna om den svenska polisen under 1900-talet. Sedan 1922, då serien statens offentliga utredningar (SOU) började ges ut, har den svenska polisen varit föremål för fler än 100 sådana utredningar. Vissa har utrett endast begränsade delar av polisens verksamhet medan andra utrett hela polisens organisation, arbete och inriktning.[1] Förutom alla dessa utredningar finns utredningar gjorda före 1922 och mindre utredningar och betänkanden gjorda på departementsnivå.[2] För att avgränsa denna korta historik fokuseras den på hur den svenska polisen styrts, organiserat och arbetat. De statliga utredningarna innehåller ofta utförliga beskrivningar om detta. Utredningarna visar också hur statsmakterna sett på polisen, vad man har velat använda polisen till och hur man ansett att den ska fungera. Vad som här skildras blir således inte endast en historia om den svenska polisen, utan det blir också en historia synen på den svenska polisen sedd genom de statliga utredningarna. En återkommande fråga i svensk polishistoria under 1900 talet har varit balansen mellan statligt respektive kommunalt inflytande över polisen och de därmed sammanhängande frågorna kring hur polisen bäst ska fungera i lokalsamhället och i kontakterna med medborgarna. Det finns mycket som tyder på att det statliga inflytandet visserligen effektiviserat och utvecklat polisen, men att det samtidigt försvårat polisens förankring bland medborgarna och i lokalsamhället. Denna problematik är en röd linje även i denna historik. Vi ska emellertid börja med polisväsendets ursprung och uppkomst långt tillbaka i tiden, och då måste utvecklingen utanför Sverige kort skisseras i generella drag. Svensk polis har nämligen utvecklats i linje med polisen i andra länder i vår närhet.  [1] En sökning med trunkering (polis*) i Riksdagsbibliotekets databas över samtliga SOU ger 103 poster.[2] Departementspromemorior den så kallade DS serien
  • Hallbäck, Håkan (författare)
  • Digitala brott och straffprocessuella åtgärder i digital miljö
  • 2009
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I takt med att digitaliseringen sedan 1980-talet förändrat samhället har även kriminella tillgodogjort sig och funnit sig tillrätta med den nya tekniken. Denna skrift är ett försök att i korthet beskriva och klargöra några av de straffrättsliga och straffprocessrättsliga aspekterna av den digitala tekniken.I första delen av skriften genomgås några vanliga brott som kan begås i anslutning till digital teknik. Efter detta analyseras den digitala tekniken ur straffprocessrättsliga synvinkel. Den processuella genomgången påbörjas med en undersökning av hur det befintliga regelverket fungerar i digital miljö för spaning och annan förutredning (utanför ramarna för förundersökning enligt rättegångsbalken). Därefter granskas den digitala tekniken i förhållande till reglerna om förundersökning och straffprocessen enligt rättegångsbalken.   Inledningsvis kan fastslås att det till stor del saknas lagstiftning för hantering av spaning- och förundersökningsåtgärder i digital miljö samt synes lagstiftaren inte ha hängt med i teknikutvecklingen. Vi har till exempel ett välfungerande regelverk såvitt avser beslag av telegram (27 kap 1 § 2 st m fl rättegångsbalken), men vi har inte något regelverk som talar om när och hur man ska ta omhand informationen som är lagrad på en hårddisk, mobiltelefon, usb-minne eller annat digitalt media. Det är även tunnsått med rättsfall och andra auktoritativa avgöranden. En del förslag till lösning av de frågeställningarna som finns runt hur den digitala tekniken skall behandlas straff- och straffprocessrättsligt blir därmed mer eller mindre kvalificerade gissningar av hur problematiken skall behandlas.     
  • Hassellöv, Ida-Maja, et al. (författare)
  • Use of port State control inspection data from the Paris MoU to assess pressure from shipping on the marine environment : A study of ships operating in the Baltic Sea region
  • 2020
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this report we analyse the relation between the Port State Control (PSC) system, as implemented by Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU), and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), which obligates EU member States to achieve a Good Environmental Status of their marine waters. The deficiency codes in the Paris MoU PSC THETIS list were reviewed to explore how the codes relate to, i.e. directly or indirectly affect, the marine environment. We further sorted these identified deficiency codes into different, partly overlapping, categories based on their relation to MSFD descriptors. The number of deficiencies in the different categories were thereafter used as indices to infer pressures on the marine environment from different classes of ships. The approach was applied on a PSC inspection data set of ships that operated in the Baltic Sea or Skagerrak in 2018 to investigate if the number of deficiencies in four deficiency categories differed among ship types, ships of different ages and ships from different flag states. We also analysed how deficiencies related to five different MSFD descriptors were distributed among ship classes. General cargo, container and dry bulk ships had on average more deficiencies per ship than other ship types. The youngest ships had on average fewer deficiencies per ship than older ships and ships from black and grey listed flag states had on average more deficiencies per ship than ships from white listed flag states. Ships registered in Sweden had on average fewer deficiencies per ship than average ships from white-listed flag states. The number of all deficiencies per ship was generally correlated with the number of deficiencies related to the marine environment. Thus, on a general level, the total number of registered deficiencies also reflected the relative environmental performance of different ship classes. However, on a more detailed level, when deficiencies related to specific MSFD descriptors were analysed, some deviances from this general pattern were observed. The number of ships, as well as the total travelled distance, differed greatly among the different classes of ships. The total pressure on the Baltic marine environment, will, therefore, be larger from the more common middle-aged ships than from older ships, even though older ships on average performed worse than young and middle-aged ships. Similarly, because ships from white listed flag states are much more common, the total number of deficiencies of ships registered in white listed flag states, and hence, the total pressure on the marine environment, is much higher than the total number of deficiencies of, and total pressures from, ships from black and grey listed flag states. The insight that the total pressure of a class of ships is affected not only by the average performance of the ships in that class, but also by the number of ships and the total travelled distance, does not in any way reduce the need to stop the operation of the worst performing individual ships, and by various means to improve the average performance of ships in the low performing general cargo and dry bulk ship classes. From a marine environment management perspective, it is also important to recognize that also continuous smaller improvements of the performance of the more numerous middle-aged ships and of ships registered in white listed flag states will increase the possibility to achieve Good Environmental Status of the marine environments in Europe. We conclude that although the Paris MoU scheme for Port State Controls is an important measure to prevent pollution from ships, there is no harmonization between the work of Paris MoU and the marine environmental management in the EU including the implementation of MSFD. At least eight of the eleven descriptors of the MSFD are influenced by shipping but at least three of them cannot be evaluated by the present scheme for PSC. It is possible, according to our view, to develop the present PSC system to also include control measures that focus on these three descriptors, that is, on the effect on biodiversity, sea-floor integrity and on the production of underwater noise. It is also important to investigate ways to add or modify deficiency codes that would capture the chemical composition of waste streams and remnant chemicals after tank cleanings. An additional development of the PSC system could be to also investigate the behaviour of ships during the period between PSC inspections, e.g. through the use of logged AIS-data. The proposed system development would likely require both new financial resources and competencies.
  • Holgersson, Stefan (författare)
  • Dialogpolis : Erfarenheter, iakttagelser och möjligheter
  • 2008
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Dialogpolisen har successivt fått en tydligare organisatorisk förankring inom polisen. Från början bestod dialogpolisverksamheten i Stockholm av vissa utpekade poliser som tjänstgjorde inom stockholmspolisens förhandlarorganisation. Numera utförs dialogpolisverksamheten av poliser som speciellt utbildats för denna arbetsuppgift. Dialogpolisen används i huvudsak vid demonstrationer och andra opinionsyttringar. Uppgiften för dialogpolisen är då att vara en länk mellan arrangör/opinionsyttrare och polisledning. Arbetet ska präglas av ömsesidig respekt, i syfte att säkra de grundlagsskyddade rättigheterna. På senare tid har dialogpolisen bl.a. börjat tas i anspråk vid händelser med etniska och religiösa förtecken för att försöka mildra konflikter och förhindra konfrontationer. Dialogpolisen har arbetsuppgifter innan, under och efter en aktivitet/ opinionsyttring. Denna rapport beskriver och exemplifierar dialogpolisens arbetsuppgifter. I rapporten redovisas även hur dialogpolisverksamheten har vuxit fram och att det finns ett behov av att fortsätta utveckla konceptet.
  • Holgersson, Stefan, et al. (författare)
  • Individuella arbetsprestationer i uniformerat polisarbete
  • 2008
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The report consists of an empirical study of uniformed police officers’ productivity.About 120 officers fulfilling ordinary uniformed police service have beenstudied through participant observation and interviews. Besides that, archivaldata on different types of interventions the officers have taken initiative to carryout, has been collected. To study the quantitative dimension of productivity, differencesin the production of interventions by own initiative have been analyzed.The result shows that the level of activity differs markedly, with a small group ofvery high producing officers that account for a considerable proportion of the totalnumber of interventions. On the other side, there is a group of passive officerswith low production. In general, police officers with shorter time in service havehigher production than officers with longer. To deal with the issue of qualitativeaspects of police work, the officers were, with use of the collected information,divided into different groups according to the extent they lived up to differentlevels of requirements. To pass the criterions for level I, the officers must treatpersons they interact with in a proper manner. They must also solve and reporttasks they were given in an acceptable way. To pass the requirements for level II,the officers must also take own initiatives making interventions to a passable extent.In the highest level, level III, the officers must also take care of situations ina problem-solving way; a working style that takes both experience and highcompetence. A little more than ten percent of the officers did not make the lowestlevel, and were categorized as unacceptable. About 40 percent passed the criterionsfor level I, a similar proportion level II, but only five percent passed therequirements for level III. Officers belonging to this group were characterized byrelative long time in service, they were highly motivated, had strong sense of integrityand were in good physical shape. For more officers to reach the highestlevel, different factors affecting motivation must be changed. What is consideredmost de-motivating varies. Irrational systems of filing reports, too little feedback,leaders not in touch with officers in the field, not relevant follow up systems,lack of opportunities for personal development and lack of further educationare common themes when police officers themselves describes what is consideredto be most frustrating. Another important factor is the follow-up systemsthat are used by the police. It focuses on simple measurable goals that the officersare supposed to fulfil. Experience shows, however, that such systems maybe counter productive, where the goal becomes to fulfil the goal and not what thegoal is supposed to measure. Additionally, it does not give any information aboutthe quality of the work. To improve the results the police organization must tryto correct or lessen the influence of these factors.
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