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Sökning: hsv:(SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP) hsv:(Utbildningsvetenskap) hsv:(Didaktik) > Licentiatavhandling

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  • Boström, Johan, 1978- (författare)
  • Teknik i förskolan – att motverka traditionella könsroller : En aktionsforskningsstudie
  • 2018
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This study shows that developing a gender sensitive technology education in apreschool setting is a very complex and multifaceted task. The preschool, andthe preschool teachers, are expected to help the children develop their technologicalawareness and interest in technology without being limited by traditionalperspectives on gender. However, as research has shown, teachers’ expectationsof children’s behaviour and interest in leisure time activities aregendered and reflect historically developed gendered roles in relation to technology.As this study shows there is a palpable risk of the preschool teacherson one hand focusing on girls and boys as homogenous groups, where a singleindividual gets to represent the group as a whole; and on the other hand, missinggender structures if the mindset is that gender does not factor into theirtreatment of the children at all – that they, automatically in their role astechers, act gender neutral. In this study, the pedagogical conversation wasimportant for the teachers possibility to reflect about their own preconceptions.However, the conversation did not seem to be enough, it was also importantfor the teachers to get to see and reflect on how they actually interactedwith the children in the technological activities. Only then did the teachersactually start to question their preconceptions and began to discuss new waysof acting.
  • Dalgren, Sara (författare)
  • Förskolans pedagogiska praktik som interaktion : Frågor och svar i vardagliga förskoleaktiviteter
  • 2014
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overarching aim of the present study is to elucidate how preschool teachers and children in their interaction accomplish institutional everyday activities in preschool. What is analyzed, more specifically, is how the preschool teachers and children use certain interactional phenomena as resources when they organize their social interaction. The study is a video-based study and ethnomethodological and conversation analytic perspectives are taken as theoretical and analytical points of departure. This means that parts of the video recorded material has been transcribed in detail and micro analyzed.The results of the study are presented in two empirical chapters where it is shown, in detail, how preschool teachers and children in their interaction accomplish everyday activities in preschool. In particular, it is illuminated how the interactional phenomenon question-answer-sequences can function as an important interactional and educational resource for the participants, when they organize their interaction. Further, the detailed analyses show that since the interaction is being organized through question-answer-sequences, it becomes possible for the teacher to capture and direct the children’s attention towards different mathematical, physical and linguistic contents, in line with the intentions of the curriculum, as well as create a shared experience of these curricula contents in practice.Altogether, the analyses of the study thus show how the educational practice of preschool is being accomplished locally – by preschool teachers and children in interaction.
  • Jäder, Jonas (författare)
  • Elevers möjligheter till lärande av matematiska resonemang
  • 2015
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • En av anledningarna till varför elever har svårigheter med matematik i skolan är att utantillinlärning utgör grunden för utbildningen för många av eleverna. Procedurella och konceptuella kunskaper behövs för att skapa en bred matematisk kompetens. Eleverna lär sig bara det som de får en möjlighet att lära sig, vilket innebär att de möjligheter till lärande som erbjuds eleverna i skolan måste beaktas. Ett väletablerat ramverk som gör det möjligt attanalysera de resonemang som krävs för att lösa läroboksuppgifter samt de resonemang som används av eleverna vid uppgiftslösning har använts för att undersöka möjligheterna att lära sig resonera matematiskt. Genom att använda ramverket möjliggörs en mer förfinad diskussion av vilken typ av kunskap som används av eleverna. Ramverket skiljer på kreativa matematiska resonemang, där en lösning måste skapas av eleven, och imitativa resonemang som bygger på utantillinlärning eller imitering av en tillgänglig lösningsalgoritm. Möjligheterna att lära sig beror på klassrummets normer som har förhandlats fram mellan elever och lärare. Dessa normer påverkas i sin tur av flera faktorer. I denna avhandling diskuteras läroboken, både som en, av flera bilder, av undervisningen och utifrån hur den används i klassrummet, samt elevernas uppfattningar om matematik. I avhandlingen ingår tre studier. Den första studien består av en analys av uppgifterna, med avseende på kraven på resonemang, i läromedel från tolv länder, i fem världsdelar. I den andra studien har elevers resonemang då de arbetar med uppgifter från läroboken i klassrummet analyserats. I den tredje studien används en tematisk analys för att undersöka de uppfattningar som eleverna visar upp, vilka sedan kopplas till de resonemang som används. Resultaten visar att läroböckerna från tolv olika länder har en liknande andelen uppgifter som kräver att eleverna använder kreativa matematiska resonemang. I genomsnitt krävde ungefär var tionde uppgift ett mer genomgripande kreativt matematiskt resonemang. Resultaten visaräven att elever i den svenska gymnasieskolan främst löser de första, lättare uppgifterna, där andelen uppgifter som kräver ett kreativt matematiskt resonemang är lägre. Eleverna använder också i stor utsträckning imitativa resonemang. Möjligheterna för elever att träna sig på kreativa matematiska resonemang verkar utifrån mina resultat vara begränsade. Då elever guidar varandra genom uppgiftslösning verkar det som att fokus främst ligger på att komma fram till ett svar som överensstämmer med facit. Inte heller då elever får hjälp av en lärare verkar möjligheter till annat än imitativa resonemang skapas. Eleverna indikerar dessutom uppfattningar om att matematiska uppgifter i de allra flesta fall ska kunna lösas genom ett imitativt resonemang och att utantillinlärning därför bör vara en central del av undervisningen. Lärarens roll i klassrummet är viktig för att skapa och utveckla de gemensamma klassrumsnormerna. Stor vikt bör läggas vid vilka uppgifter och vilka läromedel som används i undervisningen. Även elevernas sätt att arbeta i klassrummet måste beaktas i relation till möjligheterna till lärande, och den matematiska förståelsen bör spela en större roll. 
  • Alkhede, Maria, 1961- (författare)
  • Aritmetik i förskolan : en studie av taluppfattningens betydelse för matematikundervisningen
  • 2021
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Kunskapsområdet matematik blir alltmer fokuserat även i förskolan, med mål av vilket kunnande barnen förväntas utveckla. Därav finns det behov av att förstå vad barn faktiskt erbjuds lära och vad de utvecklar för förmågor innan de börjar skolan. Studiens övergripande syfte är att beskriva på vilket sätt förskollärare utvecklar och iscensätter aktiviteter om tal och räknande, och vilket kunnande som blir möjligt för barnen att utveckla. Studien har fokuserat på förskollärarnas lärande samt iscensättande av aktiviteter med matematiskt innehåll (aritmetik, taluppfattning och räknefärdigheter). Den första delstudien beskriver processen kring förskollärares kollektiva lärande. Genom att reflektera och diskutera egna dokumentationer utvecklas de i sin profession avseende lärandet av tal och räknande i aktiviteter med barn. Den andra delstudien beskriver hur förskollärare planerar och iscensätter en aktivitet med fokus tal och räknande, och hur detta påverkade barnens möjligheter till lärande. Studien utgår från ett variationsteoriskt perspektiv (Marton, 2015) samt Chi’s (2009) taxonomi, avseende i vilken form aktiviteterna iscensätts (aktiv - konstruktiv - interaktiv). Studiens resultat visar att förskollärarnas lärande om ämnesinnehåll är en komplex process, där förskollärarnas delade erfarenheter gör det möjligt för dem att över tid urskilja nya aspekter av tal och räknande och därmed också hantera innehållet i aktiviteter på ett förändrat sätt. Studiens resultat visar även skillnader mellan hur lärarna valde att iscensätta aktiviteterna och att detta resulterade i olika möjligheter för barnen att lära.
  • Cervin-Ellqvist, Maria, 1994 (författare)
  • (Re)harmonising the Academy: Integrating life-long learning and science communication in Swedish higher education
  • 2022
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Higher education today performs a complex system of functions with a variety of goals and expectations, including research, teaching, and disseminating research to the surrounding society. It is however not always clear what these functions should entail, and how they should be played out. Similarly, institutions, departments, and individual researchers’ role, or roles, are multifaceted and ever-evolving and researchers are frequently expected to take on new tasks and acquire new skills as a consequence of ambitions in policy. This licentiate thesis explores how the ambitions of Swedish higher education, as expressed in policy and regulations such as goal statements and promotion and recruitment processes, are realised in practice in two specific areas: students’ life-long learning and their acquisition of learning skills—with a focus on self-regulated learning, and researchers’ engagement in science communication. The aim is to investigate potential areas of disharmony between policy ambitions and practice, as well as among individual researchers’ multiple roles. The three papers included in this thesis illustrate different facets of how policy ambitions are realised in a Swedish STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) context. Paper 1 focuses on the extent to which students acquire learning skills, i.e., to what extent the ambition that students should acquire these skills is realised. This study used a questionnaire to investigate engineering students’ learning skills in terms of learning strategies, self-regulated learning, and awareness of what constitutes effective learning. Paper 2 explores to what extent researchers engage in science communication i.e., to what extent the ambition that researchers should engage in dissemination of science is realised in practice. By analysing data from a publication repository along with corresponding full texts, this study mapped the science communication practices at a Swedish STEM university. Finally, Paper 3 focuses on what characterises expert scientists’ writing process when addressing non-academic readers, providing input for training and eventual incentives that may promote science communication. Seven researchers in STEM with extensive experience of science communication were interviewed to pinpoint what strategies they use when writing science communication texts and how they regulate this writing process. My thesis paints a vivid picture of how higher education in Sweden today involves a complexity of functions and practices, and faces the challenge of integrating new tasks and skills, such as learning skills and science communication writing, into teaching and into academic scholarship. Taken together, the findings from the three papers align with previous research in Sweden and internationally, and suggest that policy ambitions in these areas are realised to some extent—as shown by students’ awareness of the effectiveness of various learning skills, and the fact that some researchers do engage in science communication. However, there is clearly room for improvement: students’ need more scaffolding of learning skills, which in turn may require incentives and training for higher education teachers, and researchers need incentives and training in science communication. In summary, this thesis suggests that there is a shortage of both incentives and training despite policy ambitions expressed for instance in the Swedish Higher Education Act and in regulations for promotion, tenure, and recruitment processes in Swedish and internationally. Overall, disharmonies seem to be built into the system and into individual researchers’ academic scholarship. Finally, my thesis provides some concrete suggestions about how to take small steps towards less disharmony, i.e., harmonising, or perhaps reharmonising, the academy.
  • Hagvall Svensson, Oskar, 1990 (författare)
  • Towards Entrepreneurial Engineering Pedagogy: Exploring the Unsettled Trajectories of Entrepreneurial Projects
  • 2019
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Background: Contemporary perspectives on engineering education have featured repeated calls for development of entrepreneurial ways of practicing engineering among engineering graduates, and entrepreneurial engineering pedagogy has recently become a burgeoning research topic. Previous work on entrepreneurial engineering pedagogy has proposed engaging students in self-directedly framing and tackling of real-world projects, in connection to external stakeholders. While there are empirical accounts of such entrepreneurial projects in engineering education, little is known about how educators design and implement such projects and how students experience them. Purpose: The thesis investigates entrepreneurial projects as a pedagogical framework in engineering education and sets out to i) inductively identify pedagogical models for designing and implementing entrepreneurial projects in engineering curricula, and ii) to study these pedagogical models in action, particularly challenges and how they are mitigated through scaffolding. Methodology: The three studies presented in the thesis employ qualitative research approaches based in multi-case study and ethnographic methods in learning environments where engineering students are engaged in entrepreneurial projects. In the first study, educators were interviewed regarding the pedagogical models they use to infuse entrepreneurial experiences into project-based courses. The second two studies draw on in-depth ethnographic data, with an interest in what students deem challenging about entrepreneurial projects and how teachers provide continuous and contingent support. Findings: Three pedagogical models for designing and implementing entrepreneurial projects were identified, all underpinned by an ambition to engage students in co-creating new knowledge together with external stakeholders. Tensions between students’ habitual ways of taking on curricular projects and the ways of practicing espoused by teachers were identified, causing students to struggle with connecting to externals and with sense-making the projects in light of their previous experiences. As such, the pedagogical models seemed to offer unsettled trajectories towards knowledge co-creation. Teachers were found to navigate these trajectories through arranging opportunities for reflection upon and negotiation of disciplinary practices. Conclusion: While previous work has put forth self-directed and impact-seeking projects as integral for supporting an entrepreneurial way of practicing engineering, the studies presented in the thesis suggest that students do not necessarily move seamlessly into taking on such projects. The thesis calls both for more ethnographic investigations and for more cross-case analyses of how engineering students are engaged in curricular knowledge co-creation, and how the unsettled trajectories of entrepreneurial projects are experienced by students and scaffolded by teachers.
  • Bergman, Becky, 1970 (författare)
  • Internationalisation at home? Home and international students' integration into engineering education
  • 2022
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Internationalisation is a strategy for over 90 percent of universities and student mobility is a key part of that strategy. At the same time, home and international students do not tend to mix. Recent government initiatives in Sweden have stressed the need for all students to develop their intercultural competence, yet only a small minority will travel. The concept of internationalisation at home argues that students can benefit from the exchange of ideas and broadened horizons on their own campuses, through bringing together home and international students. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the process of integration from a student perspective (both home and international), in particular, the effect of practices like intercultural group work on academic and social integration. Intercultural group work has been interpreted as students from different nationalities working in pairs or groups in a course. For engineering students, intercultural group work is an essential skill for the global workplace many will work in. Using a co-constructivist approach, the two appended articles present data collected through interviews and through student diaries, to build a picture of student experiences of integration into engineering education, including academic, social, human and structural elements. There are four key findings. Firstly, in-depth interviews revealed the complexity within the categories of “home” and “international” student experiences in group work. The feeling of being an insider in a group is affected by many more factors than nationality such as previous experience, the nature of the group work and personal aspects like openness and adaptability. Secondly, the longitudinal nature of the first study revealed critical incidents within the groups which affected the group dynamics. Thirdly, diary data showed the students’ appreciation of intercultural pair work in bridging the academic and social divide that can be experienced at the start of a programme. Finally, the use of an integration model highlighted the importance of looking at both human and structural factors in planning intercultural group work. These findings suggest the importance of a pedagogical structure around intercultural group work. Intercultural group work can facilitate integration, but care is needed. The teacher plays a crucial role in forming the groups, supporting them and facilitating the project in other ways, such as choice of task. The findings also suggest a programme perspective, such that consideration is given to timing of pair and group activities in the programme as a whole.
  • Boo, Sofia (författare)
  • Lärares arbete med individanpassning : Strategier och dilemman i klassrummet
  • 2014
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • A major challenge for teachers in crowded classrooms is to adapt the teaching to different pupil’s needs and abilities. Previous research shows that learning for pupils in the Swedish primary school has somewhat become an individual project. An increase in the individual work has been at the expense of whole class teaching. This has had a negative impact on pupils' academic performance. However, previous research also indicates that individual adaptation may affect results positively when the teacher is active, has knowledge of pupil’s needs and abilities and also a willingness to meet them.In the last few versions of the Swedish curriculum it is mentioned that teaching should be adjusted based on each pupil's abilities and needs. The purpose of this study is to investigate, describe and analyze how today's teachers in primary school (grades 1-6) handle individual adaptation in teaching, what strategies they use and what dilemmas that occurs. The study focuses on how work is carried out in practice. Qualitative interviews and participant observations are used in the data collection.This study has been conducted in two parts. The first part addresses five teachers and their classes in four different schools. In the second part the study has been extended with one of the above teachers whose classroom work was followed during a period of seven weeks. The results show that teachers are working hard to find methods that promote communication and interaction. They use different strategies to adapt teaching to each student. Individual work is still present but does not dominate the classroom work. Teachers individualize teaching by variation and interaction, by working together with tasks, with active relationship-oriented work and through continuous adjustments in the moment. The study also shows that teachers face several dilemmas when they individualize teaching in the classroom. One dilemma is among the ideal adaptation that teachers have a vision of, versus the time- and efficiencydriven adaptation that is possible to accomplish in the classroom. There is a tension between overall ideal images and teachers' practical everyday reality.
  • Gerholm, Verner, 1978- (författare)
  • Matematiskt begåvade ungdomars motivation och erfarenheter av utvecklande verksamheter
  • 2016
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This licentiate thesis deals with some influencing factors to develop mathematicalabilities among mathematical gifted adolescents. Krutetskii’s structureof the mathematical abilities and Mönks’ triadic model of giftedness isused as a theoretical framework.The thesis consists of two articles with different aims. The first aim is toinvestigate to what extent the students had participated in various mathematicalactivities during their years in school and what impact the students attachto these activities. The second aim was to examine some aspects of the importanceof motivation for the mathematically gifted adolescents.To answer the research questions data was collected with a questionnaireand an interview study of a total of 27 finalists in a national mathematicalcompetition for students in Swedish upper secondary schools.Generally the students were positive about the activities they had participatedin. Specifically acceleration in the subject and mathematical competitionsstand out as particularly significant activities according to the students.The study shows the significance of mathematical activities providing aframework to relate to, which will make the progression more visible for thestudents. Such activities could be mathematical competition problem solvingor acceleration in the subject.The results of the study indicates that intrinsic motivation together withextrinsic motivation with integrated or identified regulation are the most importanttypes of motivation. All students in the study had both intrinsic motivationand some type of extrinsic motivation.
  • Winzell, Helen (författare)
  • Svensklärares skrivdidaktiska kunskapsbildning : Blivande och tidigt verksamma gymnasielärare i svenska talar om skrivundervisning
  • 2016
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The teaching of writing is a central task for teachers of Swedish and it is a complex activity which requires knowledge of different areas such as language, communication, and text. The aim of this licentiate’s dissertation is to investigate when and how the knowledge needed for the teaching of writing is developed in teacher education as well as during the first years of teaching. The study is based on semi-structured qualitative interviews with prospective and novice upper secondary school teachers of Swedish.The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed in two ways. The first analysis focused on the way in which the prospective and novice teachers talked about text, writing, and the teaching of writing. The result shows that, at the beginning of the teacher education, prospective teachers focus on concrete aspects of text – such as syntax, punctuation and spelling – when they speak about text, writing, writing instruction, and assessment of student writings. In other words, they pay special attention to local text levels. At the end of the teacher education  programme, prospective teachers focus on aspects of text structure such as outline, the structure of paragraphs, coherence and cohesion. Certain aspects that the students pay special attention to are mentioned by the novice teachers, but these aspects are not central to them. Instead, novice teachers give special attention to the global text levels such as context, receivers and the purpose of the text, i.e. abstract aspects of text and writing. The pattern discerned shows a development that starts with a focus on the details at a local text level and expands into a more comprehensive view with a focus at a global level.The second analysis concerns the development of the knowledge base for the teaching of writing. This analysis focuses on two of the knowledge categories described by Lee S. Shulman (1986, 1987), namely subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), both of which can be seen as central for the teaching of writing. The knowledge base manifested in the prospective teachers’ utterances mainly consists of subject matter knowledge, whereas the greater part of the knowledge base manifested in the teachers’ utterances consists of pedagogical content knowledge for the teaching of writing. The teachers also manifest a more complex subject matter knowledge and speak about writing instruction in a way which is characterized by conscious choices, reflection and metacognition. The analysis thus shows that the PCK for the teaching of writing is mainly developed in the teaching profession; in other words, after the teacher education programme is finished.
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