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Sökning: hsv:(TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER) hsv:(Samhällsbyggnadsteknik) hsv:(Miljöanalys och bygginformationsteknik) > Rapport

  • Resultat 1-10 av 158
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  • Rempling, Rasmus, 1976, et al. (författare)
  • Performance requirements for Swedish transport infrastructure - A pre-study of challenges and possibilities
  • 2022
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In recent years, significant worldwide research has been conducted regarding the performance assessment of bridges and the concept of performance indicator has been introduced However, there are still significant discrepancies in how these indicators are obtained and used. Simultaneously, it is desirable to achieve processes and methods that are direct, i.e. that measured values are directly compared with projected values over time. This project concerns methods for verification of technical performance requirements. The feasibility study brought together interdisciplinary researchers, consultants, and entrepreneurs to gather knowledge, anchor the research agenda, and implement performance requirements. The project concludes that there is a need for a “Holistic multi-parameter verification/validation system” that relies on the knowledge gained in structural health monitoring research.
  • Kurkinen, Eva-Lotta, et al. (författare)
  • Energy and climate-efficient construction systems : Environmental assessment of various frame options for buildings in Brf. Viva
  • 2018
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In the collaborative forum Positive footprint housing® Riksbyggen is building the Viva residential quarter, which is a sustainability project at the very forefront of what is possible with contemporary construction. The idea is that this residential quarter should be fully sustainable in ecological, economic and social terms. Since 2013, a number of pilot studies have been completed under the auspices of the Viva project framework thanks to financing from the Swedish Energy Agency. The various building frame alternatives that have been evaluated are precast concrete, cast in-situ concrete and solid wood, all proposed by leading commercial suppliers. The report includes a specific requirement for equivalent functions during the use phase of the building, B. An interpretation has been provided that investigates the building engineering aspects in detail, as well as an account of the results based on the social community requirements specified in Viva, durability, fire, noise and energy consumption in the Swedish National Board of Building, Planning and Housing building regulations (BBR), plus Riksbyggen’s own requirements, Sweden Green Building Council’s Environmental Building Gold (Miljöbyggnad Guld) and 100-year life cycle. Given that the alternatives have different long-term characteristics (and also that our knowledge of these characteristics itself varies), these functional requirements have been addressed by setting up different scenarios in accordance with the EPD standard EN 15978. Because Riksbyggen has specified a requirement for a 100-year life cycle, we have also opted for an analysis period of 100 years. The results show no significant differences between concrete and timber structures for the same functions during the life cycle, either for climate or for primary energy. The minor differences reported are accordingly less than the degree of uncertainty involved in the study. The available documentation on the composition of the relevant intumescent paint coating on solid wood frames differs from source to source, so it was not possible to fully allow for the significance of this. The LCA has not included functional changes in the building linked to load-bearing characteristics, noise, moisture, health or other problems that may result in increased maintenance and replacement. The concrete houses have been dimensioned for 100 years, for instance, in accordance with tried and tested standards and experience. The solid wood house is not dimensioned in the same way, and this has led to us having to assume various scenarios.The results also show the following:• The uncertainties involved in comparing different structures and alternative solutions are very significant. The results are affected by factors such as life cycle, the functional requirements taken into consideration, transportation, design and structural details, etc.• Variations in the built items and a considerable degree of uncertainty in the assumptions make it difficult to obtain significant results on comparisons. Only actual construction projects with known specific data, declared from a life cycle perspective that takes into account actual building developer requirements and involving different scenarios (best, documented and worst-case) for the user stage can currently be compared.• In the other hand, comparisons restricted to different concrete structures only, or to different timber structures only, ought to involve a lower degree of uncertainty. These would then provide results that are significant as well as improvement requirements that are relevant.• There is potential for improving concrete by imposing requirements on the material• There is potential for improving solid wood frames by developing and guaranteeing well-documented long-term characteristics for all functional requirements.The LCAs were performed as an iterative process where all parties were given the opportunity to submit their viewpoints and suggestions for changes during the course of the work. This helped ensure that all alternatives have been properly thought through.Because, during the project, Riksbyggen opted to procure a concrete frame, in the final stage the researchers involved focused on ensuring the procurement process would result in the concrete frame as built meeting the requirements set out above. As things currently stand, the material requirements for the concrete are limited by the production options open to the suppliers, and this is therefore being investigated in the manufacture of precast concrete frames for the Viva cooperative housing association.
  • Forsemalm, Joakim, 1973, et al. (författare)
  • Urban Qualities: ett kunskapsområde
  • 2013
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Den här kunskapsöversikten är ett försök att utkristallisera relevant forskning såväl som praktisk kunskap för Mistra Urban Futures om urbana kvaliteter. Översikten är kopplad till ett arbete som genomförts under vår och höst 2011 med syfte att skapa underlag för den Strategiska plan som utgör grunden för Mistra Urban Futures planering och aktiviteter. Under våren 2011 arbetade sex grupper med varsitt kunskapsfält – urbana kvaliteter, urban förändring (”transitions”), urbana kulturer, urbana rättigheter, urban tillgänglighet och urban uthållighet. Tanken var att dessa skulle utgöra de sex bärande fokusområdena för centrets verksamhet. Sedermera kom dessa sex områden att slås ihop till tre - FAIR, GREEN och DENSE – vilka nu utgör de tre övergripande problem- och kunskapsområdena för Mistra Urban Futures.
  • Berden, Michael, et al. (författare)
  • Smart Construction logistics
  • 2018
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The growth in urban population and economic upturn is leading to higher demand for construction, repair and renovation works in cities. Houses, public utilities, retail spaces, offices and infrastructure need to adapt to cope with the increasing number of residents and visitors, urban functions and changing standards. Construction projects contribute to more attractive, sustainable and economically viable urban areas once they are finished. However, transport activities related to construction works have negative impacts on the surrounding community if not handled appropriately. It is estimated that 15 to 20 percent of heavy goods vehicles in cities are related to construction, and 30 to 40 percent of light commercial vans [1]. In the cities studied in the CIVIC project, construction-related transport was found to be one of the biggest challenges to improving sustainability. Smarter, cleaner and safer construction logistics solutions in urban areas are needed for environmental, societal and economic reasons. However, in many European cities and metropolitan areas the sense of urgency is not evident or a lack of knowledge is creating passivity. The goal of the CIVIC project is to facilitate and support efficient, sustainable and broadly endorsed transport to, from and around urban construction sites that minimises disruption in the surrounding community, improves construction productivity and optimises energy efficiency. The CIVIC project found that the impact of construction works on mobility and livability of a city was only a very limited part of the urban planning in the cities studied: Amsterdam, Vienna, Brussels, Stockholm and Gothenburg. The studied cities focused on large-scale infrastructure projects such as building motorways, railway stations and underground train systems or development projects, for example, whole new city areas. It is not only these large projects that need to be considered focusing on the impact of construction related transports. Additionally, there are many small-scale development projects in cities with a combination of different official and private actors. Contractors and developers/clients are displaying increasing interest in construction logistics since research shows that improved construction logistics can improve the productivity of a construction project by about 30 percent. Construction companies using innovative logistics concepts see less congestion around the sites and improved productivity and road safety. Thus, there is a need to align public planning coordinating construction projects with traffic planning in order to manage city infrastructure bottlenecks. The ultimate goal is coordinated planning between the public partner of construction projects and the private construction contractors and developers on the necessary measures for mobility, livability and road safety in the city. This handbook has been developed for local governments, clients, developers, contractors, or any other actor that can influence logistics planning and the setup of construction projects. It can help local governments collaborating with private partners to realise more sustainable, and safer, construction works with less inconvenience and cleaner air. In addition, it can help clients, developers and contractors to ensure smooth and efficient construction operations. Hence, sustainable construction logistics could be a future deal-breaker. The handbook first provides a description of the challenges of urban construction logistics and the governance of construction logistics. Secondly, it presents the Smart Governance Concept developed under the CIVIC project, combining different tools to improve construction logistics and its governance. This concept can be applied on two levels: the city level and the project level. On a city level, a sense of shared ownership and urgency should be created to optimise construction logistics on the project level. This is the first step of the concept. Steps 2 to 6 outline different tools and methods for the development of a solution: in step 2, a conceptual solution is required to create a common understanding of the prerequisites for the specific project and possible methods for organising logistics. Step 3 entails the different instruments, policies and guidelines that are needed for creating the formal conditions for the solution. In step 4, the specific stakeholders are involved to identify important criteria that influence the selection of the final solution. Step 5 then aims to select the final solution by providing cost calculations and traffic optimisation models. Step 6 entails the collection of data and follow-ups of KPIs. The final step 7 regards the evaluation of the different projects that feed back into the continuous development process of the optimisation of construction logistics at a city level. This final step is presented together with step 1 since these both concern the city level. The Smart Governance Concept should be part of development/construction projects from the very beginning, meaning from the planning phase.
  • Femenias, Paula, 1966, et al. (författare)
  • Flytt i samband med renovering: Preliminära resultat från en pilotstudie
  • 2019
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • En stor andel flerfamiljshus har idag uppnått en ålder som gör att de står inför mer eller mindre omfattande renoveringar. Samtidigt saknas det kunskap om hur dessa renoveringar påverkar hyresgästerna. I rapporten presenteras en pilotstudie som har målet att utveckla en metod för studier av flytt och kvarboende i samband med renovering. Huvudfråga i denna pilotstudie är varför hyresgäster väljer att flytta i samband med renovering. Studien har som fokus 34 identifierade renoveringsprojekt som ägs av tre större allmännyttiga bostadsföretag i Göteborg. Alla hyresgäster som säger upp sin lägenhet för att göra ett internt byte, byta hyresvärd eller köpa sig en bostad i de fastigheterna söks upp för en intervju. Studien täcker in avflyttande hyresgäster från det datum att en renovering först kommuniceras och upp till två år efter färdig renovering. Utöver det skickas en enkät till de som valt att bo kvar eller flyttat in efter renoveringen ungefär sex månader efter färdigställd renovering. I pilotstudien har 34 intervjuer genomförts med avflyttande hyresgäster varav 15 vid personliga möten och 19 via telefon. Samtidigt har 35 hyresgäster som valt att flytta under samma tid inte kunnat nås eller avböjt att delta i studien. Av de 34 hyresgäster som valt att flytta är det bara en fjärdedel där det finns ett samband med renoveringen. Istället är det orsaker kopplat till familj, arbete och önskemål om en annan bostad som ligger bakom de flestas flytt. Av de nio avflyttningar som kan kopplas till en renovering så har renoveringen i fem fall varit direkt avgörande för flytten. I övriga fall har renoveringen istället blivit ett tillfälle eller en push att söka ett annat boende. Av de fem fall som direkt kan kopplas till renoveringen är det två som har med hyreshöjningar att göra och tre som har med oro inför evakuering och störning i samband med renovering att göra. Att flera boende väljer att flytta på av grund av oro före en renovering pekar på möjligheter att förbättra information och kommunikation i samband med en renovering. Samtidigt skickades en enkät till två avslutade faser av två skilda renoveringsprojekt med 113 svar eller en svarsfrekvens på 29 procent. Den statistiska analysen av enkätresultaten består av bivariata korstabeller inklusive signifikansvärden. Överlag är de boende nöjda med renoveringen, med informationen de fått i samband med renoveringen och med evakueringen. Det finns ett signifikant samband mellan att äldre är mer missnöjda med renoveringen än de yngre. Analysen visar också på signifikanta samband kopplat till område.
  • Adl-Zarrabi, Bijan, 1959, et al. (författare)
  • Superisoleringsmaterial i byggnader: Rekommendationer från IEA EBC Annex 65
  • 2017
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • En betydande minskning av energianvändningen per capita kan uppnås genom en kombination av effektivare värme-, ventilations- och kylsystem samt förbättrad termisk prestanda av byggnadens klimatskal. Energibesparingspotentialen har uppskattats vara nära energiförbrukningen inom transportsektorn. Den nuvarande utmaningen är att göra denna potential till en verklighet. I de flesta industrialiserade länder kommer nya byggnader stå för mellan 10 % och 20 % ökning av energianvändningen för uppvärmning till 2050. Samtidigt står det befintliga byggnadsbeståndet för 80 % av sektorns energianvändning. Renovering av byggnader har därför hög prioritet i många länder. Högpresterande isoleringsmaterial (superisoleringsmaterial, SIM) kan i hög grad bidra till att lösa denna utmaning om tillförlitlig data (egenskaper och hållbarhet) och säkra implementerings-tekniker tillhandahålls genom hela leverantörskedja (designers, ingenjörer och byggare). EBC (Energy i Buildings and Communities) är ett program under IEA (International Energy Agency) för att möjliggöra forsknings- och utvecklingssamarbete mellan de 24 medlemsländerna. Annex 65 ”Long-Term Performance of Super-Insulating Materials in Building Components & Systems” är ett projekt under EBC. Syftet är att samla och analysera tillgänglig information om högpresterande isolerings-material för att: · synliggöra ett decennium av utvecklingsarbete för applikationer inom byggsektorn, · utveckla experimentella och numeriska verktyg för att tillhandahålla tillförlitliga data (egenskaper och hållbarhet) för slutanvändarna av SIM, · skriva riktlinjer för säker installation, · stödja standardiserings- och bedömningsförfaranden, · förbättra kunskapen och förtroendet hos användaren med hänsyn till hållbarhetsfrågor. Resultaten av projekten kommer att publiceras under 2018. Denna rapport sammanfattar den mer omfattande huvudrapporten till IEA EBC programmet. Bland slutsatserna kan nämnas att värmeledningsförmågan hos SIM är mellan 2–5 gånger lägre än för konventionella isoleringsmaterial som vanligtvis har en värmeledningsförmåga på 0,028-0,032 W/(m·K). Detta betyder att värmeförluster genom byggnadens klimatskal kan reduceras med mellan 50–80 % om tjockleken på SIM är i samma storleksordning som de konventionella isoleringsmaterialen. Teoretiska överväganden och första praktiska tester visade att vakuumisoleringspaneler (VIP), särskilt de med kiseldioxidkärna, förväntas uppfylla kraven på hållbarhet vid byggnadstillämpningar i mer än 50 år. Både VIP och Avancerade porösa isoleringsmaterial (APM) har framgångsrikt installerats under de senaste 15 åren i byggnader. Mätningar och erfarenhet från praktiska tillämpningar sträcker sig emellertid upp till 15 år för VIP och mindre för APM.
  • Erhorn, Hans, et al. (författare)
  • Source book on Guidelines for better enforcement of quality of the works. QUALICHeCK report
  • 2017
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The energy performance of buildings has become a major boundary condition for new buildings but, increasingly for existing buildings as well. At the European level, the EPBD has been the major driver. Whereas the original EPBD was not imposing to the Member States a requirement level to be achieved, the EPBD recast imposes cost-optimal requirements and for new buildings from 2019/2021 onwards the level nearly-zero energy buildings (NZEB). Of course, one should aim for not only good energy performance but also good quality of the works, as good quality of the works is the precondition for high building energy performance. There can be many reasons for poor quality of the works. Within the context of the QUALICHeCK project, there was a strong focus on compliance frameworks and enforcement, but there might be much lighter and easier to implement approaches, which will also receive broader societal support. In practice, various studies, including studies carried out in the framework of QUALICHeCK have highlighted that it is not evident to assume that the quality of the works is compliant with expected results. Often the declared EPC of a building is better than what is achieved in reality, due to faults during the construction process. This results in not only a loss of investments but also a decline in energy performance caused by poor quality of the works. To enforce the quality of the work is one of the low hanging fruits on the way to cost efficient high performance buildings. In this context, this source book intends to analyse the conditions for compliance and the reasons for non-compliance of the quality of the works in buildings: how to make sure that the work on a building is compliant, and thus that the minimum energy performance requirements are met and/or that the owner or tenant is well informed. To achieve a good compliance of the quality of the works, a three-step approach has been identified: 1. To obtain compliant quality of the works and to prove that they are compliant, there should be clear procedures to obtain and prove the quality of the works, 2. There should be clear (legal) procedures about how to decide on non-compliance of the quality of the works, and how to decide on related actions, 3. There should be effective control and sanctioning mechanisms to be applied in case of non-compliance of the quality of the works. This source book describes this three-step approach with examples and references to other documents from the QUALICHeCK project, which provide more details. Different ways to check compliance are described, together with the ways to define penalties so that they are effective, proportionate and dissuasive. The importance of political will and societal support is also emphasised. The way to handle innovative products and systems and the economic impact of compliance are also discussed. The source book provides guidance and support for compliant quality of the works and will be useful to all stakeholders interested in improving energy performance of new and existing buildings.
  • Erhorn-Kluttig, Heike, et al. (författare)
  • Documented examples of existing situations regarding quality of works. QUALICHeCK Report: "Towards improved quality of the works"
  • 2016
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This report, written in the context of the IEE project QUALICHeCK, summarises critical situations on the construction site that are liable to put the careful execution and thus the high quality of works at risk. It gives an introduction into the importance of high quality constructions and their realisation on the building site in connection with the trend towards high performance buildings such as the nearly zero-energy buildings required by the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Recast) for 2019 respectively 2021. First, a matrix of possible critical situations encountered on the construction site was developed, ranging from general issues like missing specifications, insufficient knowledge and training of the workers, etc. to more specific problems with certain building envelope components and material and to building service systems and their components. The critical situations are opposed to four technology focus areas in the QUALICHeCK project (transmission characteristics, ventilation and air tightness, sustainable summer comfort technologies, and renewables in multi-energy systems). Reasons for problems with the quality of works have been structured and comprise poor specifications of projects, standards or regulations, lack of competences, critical economic conditions and lack of control. All in all, 28 studies and other documented experiences that show the probability, the reasons and the impact of incorrect realisation processes at the building sites have been collected in the participating countries of the project and are inserted into the matrix. They are also included in a tabular overview and presented in greater detail, including references. For several countries the results of the BUILD UP Skills projects, that analysed the need for competent workforce, could be included. Several documented studies deal with specific technologies such as heat pumps, solar thermal systems, PV systems, ventilation systems or insulation material and technologies such as loose fill material or external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS). Other studies are based on building inspections to guarantee a high quality of works and give an overall impression of mistakes occurring on construction sites. Based on the gathered documented experiences there seems to be considerable knowledge of the situation in some of the focus areas like building envelope airtightness and ductwork airtightness (especially in Northern and Middle European countries), but less knowledge of issues like sustainable summer comfort and renewables in multi-energy systems. Additionally, a first collection of best practice solutions to avoid low quality realisations is presented in the report. They will build the basis for further work in the project. So far, the collection includes several guidelines for improving the quality of works, some training and certification schemes for installers and other workers that are partly driven by the industry involved and some control schemes realised by experts from third parties. The control schemes are mostly voluntary. If they are associated with financial schemes they often present a mandatory check for receiving the financial support. This document is the final public version of a draft report published in March 2013 that was intended for discussion with stakeholders, both bilaterally and during workshops. This earlier collection of studies and experiences has been extended based on further work within the project and feedback from stakeholders.
  • Johansson, Pär, 1986 (författare)
  • Superisolerande puts för renovering och nybyggnation
  • 2022
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Putsade fasader tillhör den vanligaste typen av fasadmaterial i flerfamiljshus i Sverige motsvarande 27 % av fasadarean. Bristande energiprestanda och inomhusklimat är bland de vanligaste anledningarna till renovering av dessa byggnader. I detta projekt studeras olika kommersiella putsblandningar med aerogelpartiklar. Gemensamt för dessa är att de når en värmeledningsförmåga på 0,028–0,048 W/(m·K). Fokus i projektet har varit på att ta fram data för att kunna göra hygrotermisk riskbedömning (kopplad fukt och värme), med fokus på den hygrotermiska prestandan, långtidshållbarhet och kompatibilitet mellan aerogelputs och andra material i murade tjockputskonstruktioner. Planering för pilotstudier av vattenbesprutning (för att simulera regn) och uttorkningsförsök av väggprototyper i laboratorium är genomförd och försöken är pågående. Vidare påbörjades fältförsök under hösten 2021 baserat på hygrotermiska beräkningar. En yttervägg isolerades med 4 cm utvändig aerogelputs. Utomhusklimatet och fuktnivåerna i aerogelputsen mäts kontinuerligt genom givare monterade på strategiska platser. Dessa resultat ska sammanställas för att, tillsammans med resultat från beräkningar och försök i laboratorium, ge underlag till rekommendationer och riktlinjer för typiska väggkonstruktioner.
  • Maivel, Mikk, et al. (författare)
  • Overview of existing surveys on energy performance related quality and compliance. QUALICHeCK Report: "Status on the Ground"
  • 2015
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This report is part of a series of reports to be produced in the context of the IEE QUALICHeCK project. The primary objective of this report is to gather preliminary information on quality and compliance issues in 9 focus countries (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Greece, Romania, Spain, and Sweden) on the 4 technology areas specifically addressed in the project (transmission characteristics, ventilation and airtightness, sustainable summer comfort technologies, and renewables in multi-energy systems). It is not meant to accurately and exhaustively describe the status of quality and compliance in those countries for those technology areas. This report also includes some information from countries outside the consortium, in particular from the United Kingdom. The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive recast (EPBD recast) gives ambitious goals for the building sector to reduce energy use as well as greenhouse gas emissions. It requires Member States to engage in the generalisation of Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB), both for new and existing buildings. Although experience has shown that such buildings can be realised in practice, there exist many challenges to drive the whole market in this direction. One specific challenge concerns the compliance of buildings to NZEB requirements, in particular how to ensure they actually comply with applicable regulations or programme specifications. Another challenge lies in upgrading the quality of the works to meet NZEB standards at commissioning but also on the longer term. The IEE QUALICHeCK project addresses these two issues with two main objectives: To set up a series of actions which should result in more attention and practical initiatives for: 1. Actual compliance with the claimed energy performance for new and renovated buildings, i.e., ‘boundary conditions which force people to do what they declare’; 2. Achieving a better quality of the works, i.e., ‘boundary conditions which stimulate and allow the building sector to deliver good quality of the works’. Chapter 2 of this report describes the overall situation in the 9 focus countries, with specific attention to the status on the quality of input data, the quality of the works and the effectiveness of compliance frameworks. Chapter 3 gives examples of observed performance in daily practice grouped according to the 4 focus technology areas. Chapter 4 briefly presents some examples of interesting schemes, whether already implemented or under development. Several studies and expert-statements highlight critical issues on the input data used in Energy Performance Certificates (EPC). This seems to arise, at least to a significant extent, from the absence of verification after the works are finished. Compliance frameworks are typically limited to verifications at building permit stage, therefore, not with "as-built" data. Most countries do not have control mechanisms at later stages, including design changes during construction, commissioning, final design/production information, and operation. Therefore, errors due to design modifications compared to the initial EPC submission or poor workmanship (affecting the EPC input data) seem common. In addition, EPC calculations are checked by authorities with very small and seldom random samples. To overcome this problem, several countries or regions (AU (in Salzburg region), BE, FR) have recently introduced interesting schemes to check the consistency of the input data after completion of the works. Other problems identified on the EPC input data include: - unclear procedures; - uneasy access to the EPC input data; - mistakes or fraud by persons providing the input data; - lack of competence of persons providing the input data. Chapter 3 summarises 31 specific studies addressing specific concerns on performance data from the field, the compliance of the input data, the quality of the works, or the compliance frameworks. Although the situation is contrasted between countries and technologies, this partial information confirms the need to further work on schemes to improve the confidence in the compliance of input values and in the quality of the works. As illustration with regard to transmission characteristics, a Belgian field study conducted in the late 90s on 200 dwellings has shown significant discrepancies between reported and actual insulation levels, with little impact on the requirements supposed to be met. A Swedish study has highlighted challenges for the determination of thermal bridges with an appropriate trade-off between simplicity and accuracy. Regarding ventilation and airtightness, several studies have shown significant deviations 2 Overview of existing surveys on energy performance related quality and compliance between expected and actual performance (as per EPC rules) and suggest major sources of problems in the design and the quality of the works. There are also interesting examples regarding renewables, e.g., on domestic hot water solar thermal installations in France with, on the one hand, a field campaign on 9 large installations showing an even distribution of very good to very poor results; on the other hand, very good results on 11.817 installations in individual houses audited under a specific certification programme. This chapter also shows the difficulty to define compliance criteria for summer thermal comfort criteria, based on an Estonian field study on 28 apartments buildings, as 65% of the apartments monitored did not comply with the present requirement (less than 150 degree-hours below 27 °C). In all EU countries, national procedures exist to support the mandatory availability of EPCs for new and renovated buildings. Chapter 4 describes approaches developed or under development to (or potentially interesting to) increase confidence in the compliance of the EPC input data and the quality of the works, and to ease the access to EPC input data. Some approaches are also briefly mentioned in Chapters 2 & 3. The approaches mentioned or briefly described in this report to increase the confidence the EPC input data include: - standard format for documenting the input data and reporting the results of the energy calculations, in order to make the EPC input data and the results documentation transparent (Estonia); - automatic checks in the calculation software and/or during upload into the EPC database (Austria, Belgium) ; - product data databases to help ensure that correct product data is used (e.g., in Belgium and France); - catalogues of construction methods (e.g. thermal bridges catalogues). As for the quality of the works, the approaches include: - voluntary building certification schemes that require measurements and tests (e.g., in Austria and Spain); - voluntary certification schemes for construction workers and/or companies (e.g., in Belgium, France, or Romania); - mandatory inspection of the building service systems (e.g., in Cyprus, or Sweden). Overall, although this report does not pretend to give an accurate picture of the quality and compliance status in the 9 focus countries for the 4 technology areas of interest, it suggests that the awareness on those issues, as well as on the measures taken to overcome them range very widely, from little or no field knowledge to in-depth analysis, and from naïve to fairly elaborated schemes. Some very interesting approaches should be analysed in more detail in later phases of the QUALICHeCK project. This report also confirms the need to tackle quality and compliance issues for successful EPBD implementation, both in terms of awareness raising, as well as development of appropriate tools and schemes to increase confidence in the effectiveness of the implementation of the EPBD.
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Åhlström, Lisa, 1978 (6)
Viklander, Maria (5)
Morf, Andrea, 1968 (5)
Ranhagen, Ulf, 1947- (4)
Österlund, Helene (4)
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Dodoo, Ambrose, 1979 ... (3)
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Gluch, Pernilla, 196 ... (2)
Lund, Emma (2)
Pettersson, Fredrik (2)
Johansson, Pär, 1986 (2)
Larsson, Jörgen, 196 ... (2)
Dahlblom, Ola (2)
Karlsson, Sten, 1951 (2)
Grimvall, Anders (2)
Björklund, Anna (2)
Ekholm, Anders (2)
Al-Ayish, Nadia (2)
During, Otto (2)
Aldenius, Malin (2)
Gipperth, Lena, 1963 (2)
Lundy, Lian (2)
Leonardsson, Kjell (2)
Peterson, Anders (2)
Svensson, Tony (2)
Sundblad, Eva-Lotta, ... (2)
Fredholm, Susanne, 1 ... (2)
Billger, Monica, 196 ... (2)
Bolin, Lisa (2)
Aronson, Eran, 1976- (2)
Kurkinen, Eva-Lotta (2)
Nagy, Agnes (2)
Femenias, Paula, 196 ... (2)
Beiron, Jens, 1959- (2)
Corvellec, Hervé, 19 ... (2)
Nimmermark, Sven (2)
Bomble, Lisa, 1978 (2)
Grönlund, Erik, 1964 ... (2)
Jeuthe, Henrik (2)
Roos, Sandra, 1977 (2)
Olsson, Krister, 196 ... (2)
visa färre...
Chalmers tekniska högskola (39)
Göteborgs universitet (17)
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (16)
Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (16)
Lunds universitet (12)
VTI - Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (11)
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Luleå tekniska universitet (7)
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (7)
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet (7)
Högskolan i Gävle (6)
Jönköping University (5)
Mittuniversitetet (5)
Högskolan Dalarna (5)
Linnéuniversitetet (3)
RISE (3)
Havs- och vattenmyndigheten (3)
Linköpings universitet (2)
Högskolan i Borås (2)
Karlstads universitet (2)
Umeå universitet (1)
Uppsala universitet (1)
Malmö universitet (1)
Naturvårdsverket (1)
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Svenska (95)
Engelska (62)
Tyska (1)
Forskningsämne (UKÄ/SCB)
Teknik (158)
Samhällsvetenskap (23)
Naturvetenskap (20)
Lantbruksvetenskap (11)
Humaniora (3)
Medicin och hälsovetenskap (1)


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