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Search: hsvkat:504 mat:dok (lärosäte:(gu) OR lärosäte:(du) OR lärosäte:(kau) OR lärosäte:(lnu) OR lärosäte:(ltu) OR lärosäte:(lu) OR lärosäte:(miun) OR lärosäte:(mdh) OR lärosäte:(su) OR lärosäte:(umu) OR lärosäte:(uu) OR lärosäte:(oru)) > (2010-2014) > (2013) > Swedish

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  • Medina, Eduardo, 1957- (author)
  • Från ”tyst vår” till ”hållbar utveckling” : En kritisk diskursanalys av miljöfrågans utveckling 1962–1987
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This dissertation studies the development of the environmental issue from a discursive perspective. Through an analysis of views on nature and the environment in several NGOs and main political organs, the dissertation tries to explain how a certain view became hegemonic. The analysis pertains to the period between the publication of Silent Spring in 1962 and the introduction of the concept sustainable development by the UN in 1987. From a realistic starting point and with critical discourse analysis (CDA) as its method, the dissertation aims to identify causal powers and mechanisms that have generated and institutionalized the environmental discourse. An analytical model is developed and applied on three levels; a sociolinguistic, institutional, and macrosocial level; which also reflect the methodological progression of the study from description to explanation.The result shows that the discursive practice was hegemonized by a Western view promoting economic growth. This discourse gradually gained ground at the expense of an anti-systemic discourse which posited structural societal changes as the answer to environmental problems. Mechanisms such as the exclusion of some views and actors from common discursive practices were crucial for the process of homogenizing the discourse and developing consensus. Through incorporating that part of the environmental movement which did not fight the dominant economic and political system, the UN turned it into support for its own project, which is part of the process of hegemony. At the same time the environmental objectives of the hegemonic discourse were established in the institutional spheres.The institutionalization of the environmental issue changed the focus from social critique to a question of development and technology, something which helped displace the original critical and partially anti-systemic character of environmental discourse. Through turning the critical and negative account of the situation into a more harmonious and hopeful vision, for instance in terms of sustainable development, a foundation was laid for the later development of ecological modernization. When the hegemonic discourse invested the concept of sustainable development with emphases on progress and economic growth, it encapsulated the environmental issue within the framework of the prevailing social system.
  • Andersson, Ewa, 1980- (author)
  • Oberoendets praktik
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The Independent PracticeDuring the last hundred years, the music industry has evolved with the record labels playing a central role. However, many argue that this situation is about to change as record sales have decreased during the last ten years. This imminent change in the music industry will not only affect the multinational record labels, but also the independent record labels.  As record sales have decreased during the last ten years, the number of members in the Swedish Independent Music Producers Association (SOM) has increased and the association now includes 300 independent record labels which are responsible for around 30 percent of the music being produced in Sweden. However, they can be considered a dominated group within the music industry, since they only have around 10 percent of the total market shares when it comes to selling figures. Considering the changes in record sales, the domination of the major record labels and the somewhat fascinating growth of independent actors during turbulent times, this thesis will study how the Swedish independent actors relate to the practices and ideals relevant in the daily work of running an independent record label. The practices studied in this thesis are the practice of work, the practice of recognition and the practice of content production.The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how independence is constructed among the members of SOM. The thesis is based on material collected in a web survey as well as seven interviews with representatives of indie labels. The web survey was distributed to all members of SOM, and the interviewed informants were selected by snowball sampling, using a locator to find informants. The survey material was analysed with cluster and variance analysis, while the interview material was analysed using content analysis – searching for themes connected to the practices. All material is understood through the theoretical frame of the field theory.The main results of the study are that there are different ways of relating to practices among the Swedish independent actors, and that these ways of relating are closely connected to their position within the field. There are common ways of relating to practices such as always promoting DIY, the importance of music and the need to resist the dominance of the major labels. However, the independent actors are not consistent in how these commonalities work in practice. For example, DIY is not applied if it is not economically necessary, and the need to resist the major labels is only apparent when the independent actor has a weaker position within the field. The more established an independent actor is within the field, the lesser resistant he is against the dominating structures of the music industry.  As a result of a weakening resistance against the major labels, the independent actors turn to struggle each other.
  • Fernqvist, Stina, 1977- (author)
  • En erfarenhet rikare? : En kvalitativ studie av barns strategier och barnfattigdomens villkor i välfärdsstaten
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • In the context of the Swedish welfare state, the issue of child poverty has over the past decade become increasingly prominent within the political agenda. Most research on child poverty has been based on statistics and research on children’s everyday life and their experiences in situations of economic hardship has been in demand in international as well as Swedish research. The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyze children’s experiences of living within economic hardship as part of their identity work. In addition, it highlights how their agency can be understood as a way of dealing with their situation, as well as how child poverty – and the child position in a welfare state setting -  is understood and conceptualized by the society they live in.  The analysis was based on an interview study involving seventeen children between the ages of 6–18 in families living on or below the limit for receiving welfare benefits. The purpose of the interviews was to explore how these children experience economic hardship at home and among same-aged children, focusing their own strategies and agency.The thesis uses the field of childhood sociology as a theoretical starting point, and the empirical findings are analyzed with an interactionist approach which highlights the meaning of interaction and agency in relation to identity work. The strategies deployed by the children in this study was interpreted in the context of the limited space for agency that the child position entails as well as how their positioning as children, by themselves and others, creates a new understanding of the way poverty is managed by them. This thesis seeks to problematize the issue of child poverty in Sweden by stressing its complexities.  The thesis also emphasizes that it would be a simplification to label these children as merely stigmatized since the status of poverty as a stigma for children can be questioned.
  • Hultman, Henrik, 1979- (author)
  • Liv och arbete i pizzabranschen
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis unravels the pizza trade through a sociological inquiry into its history, its businesses, and its people. In Sweden, the typical pizza place is a small independent business, owned and operated by one or a few people with immigrant backgrounds. Hence, the trade is an immigrant small business niche. The analysis is concerned with how the trade ‘works’; how its structural properties are established, maintained and challenged.Two questions serve as point of departure: how is the trade populated, and what does everyday life in the pizzeria look like? These ‘simple questions’ serve to uncover the diachronic and synchronic life nexus of the restaurant keeper, and how this is embedded in and shaped by the trade as a ‘social world’.Thirty-four life stories form the basis of the analysis of life courses as they lead up to, and continue in, the trade. The resulting life-course pattern is visible as three types of insertion sequences, distributing people to the trade in different ways. They differ in the extent to which they are smooth or fraught with friction. Some insertion sequences make life as a restaurant keeper appear acceptable, if not desirable, while others make it into a forced and awkward choice for the individual. The analysis of the life stories accounts for how people are installed in the social world, which is the precondition for its existence. Equally important is the way in which the social world is maintained on a day-to-day basis, thus directing attention to the workings of the pizzeria and the synchronic life nexus of the restaurant keeper. The inquiry details the everyday challenges which the restaurant keeper in the pizza trade must deal with. Operating a pizzeria entails working in an industry with sharp competition and low status. At the same time, it means working independently, being part of a life mode that both presupposes and enables a life pattern within the bounds of what some people regard as a ‘normal’ or ‘good life’.
  • Hammare, Ulf, 1961- (author)
  • Mellan löften om särart och krav på evidens : En studie av kunskap och kunskapssyn i socialt inriktade ideella, privata och offentliga organisationer
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Between the Promise of Specificity and the Demand for Evidence – A study of knowledge and the approach to knowledge in socially oriented non-profit, private and public sector organizationsIn the social work field it is possible to identify two parallel processes in time. On the one hand a qualitative developmental process―even towards a form of standardization―where central concepts are academisation, professionalization, scientifically produced knowledge, expertise and evidence based methods. Simultaneously, there is a drive to create the conditions for increased diversity, where hopes are especially being pinned on the non-profit sector. In spite of representations and expectations concerning the non-profit sector and its so-called specificity, however, much of existing research lacks a comparative perspective, i.e., studies where non-profit organizations are related to comparable activities in the private and public sector.The aim of the study―with special focus on issues concerning evidence based knowledge in social work―is to compare and analyse whether and in that case how employee conceptions differ between the sectors, and whether and in what way non-profit employees and their activities can be said to fulfil the expectations of contributing to increased diversity. Data is from a questionnaire directed to about 1300 social work employees.The results show a greater interest in research and more marked efforts at professionalization in the public sector, while above all in the non-profit sector there was skepticism about science paired with reservations about work carried out in a professional way. In the non-profit, but also in the private sector, issues of ethics, views of humanity and values were paid greater attention. Also stressed here was the importance of creating relationships, the unique human encounter, genuine commitment, and human kindness. However, there was significant uniformity across all sectors in the use of methods, where three dominated: solution focused measures, network support/therapy, and psychosocial work.
  • Israelsson, Magnus (author)
  • Internationella komparativa studier av lagar om tvångsvård vid missbruk : -omfattning, trender och mänskliga rättigheter
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights state that everyone has the right to good health. According to the conventions, the states have obligations to prevent and combat disease, and if necessary, ensure that the conditions for treatment of the disease are appropriate (UDHR 1948, UNCESCR 1966). The broad wording in the conventions on the right to good health includes the right to care of substance use disorders. In the 1960ies the World Health Organization recommended, that people with such disorders should be seen as sick and that the legislation governing such care should be in accordance with special administrative legislations and not criminal legislation. The recommendation indicates WHO:s clear position that persons with substance use disorders primarily should be treated as persons suffering from disease and in need of care, and not primarily as disruptive individuals or criminals who should be disciplined or punished. This applies also to situations when treatment and care cannot be provided on a voluntary basis, but compulsorily. In Swedish context, the most commonly mentioned law in these cases is the social special legislation Law (1988: 870) on care of misusers, special provisions (LVM). Ever since the implementation of LVM in 1982, its legal position as well as application in institutional care has been subject of critical discussions within social work as well as in social science research. Such debate in the Nordic countries has until now mostly been marked by two important limitations. First, most comparisons are restricted to very few countries, e.g. four of the Nordic countries; secondly the notion of involuntary care is often limited to social legislation on compulsory care without taking criminal justice legislation or mental health legislation into account. The present dissertation studies legislations on compulsory commitment to care of persons with substance use problems (CCC), and compares these legislations from a larger number of countries, on global or European levels. This approach makes it possible to explore the great variation in CCC legislation between countries, i.e. type of law (criminal justice, mental health care and social or special legislation),  time limits (maximum duration) as well as levels of ambition, ethical grounds, criteria for admission, and adaption to human and civil rights.  In addition, the comparisons between many countries are used to investigate factors related to different national choices in legislations from country characteristics, e.g. historical and cultural background as well as economic and social conditions, including level and type of welfare distribution. Available datasets from different times permits trend analyses to investigate whether CCC or specific types of such are increasing or decreasing internationally.         Empirical materials: Article I is based on three reports from the WHO on existence of CCC legislation, before the millennium shift, in 90 countries and territories in all populated continents. Articles II and IV are based on own data collection from a survey in 38 European countries. Article III uses a combination of those data and additional information from country reports in scientific and institutional publications in three times of observation during more than 25 years, and including a total of 104 countries. Additional data for Articles I and II are information on various countries' characteristics obtained from different international databases.         Findings based on data from WHO reports at the eve of the millennium show that CCC legislation was very common in the world, since 82 per cent of the 90 countries and territories had such law. Special administrative (“civil”) legislation (mental health or social) was somewhat more prevalent (56 %), but CCC in criminal justice legislation was also frequent and present in half of the countries. The study shows that economically stronger countries in the western world and many of the former communist countries in Eastern Europe, the so-called "first and second worlds" in cold war rhetoric, more often had adapted to the recommendations made by WHO in the 1960ies, with CCC more often regulated in civil legislation. In the so-called "third world" countries, CCC in criminal justice legislation dominated. The new data collection from 38 European countries ten years later confirmed that legislation on CCC is very common, since 74 per cent of the explored countries have some type of legislation. The most common type was now CCC in criminal legislation (45%), although special administrative legislation (mental health or social) was almost equally common (37%). Special administrative legislation on CCC (both acute and rehabilitative), was more common in countries with historic experience of a strong influential temperance movement, and in countries with distribution of health and welfare more directed through the state, while countries with less direct government involvement in distribution of health and welfare and lacking former influence of a strong temperance movement more often had CCC in criminal justice legislation. During all the 25 years period from early 80ies up to 2009, it was more common for countries to have some type of law on CCC than not, although some reduction of CCC legislation is shown, especially during the last decade. But within countries having CCC, more cases are compulsorily committed and for longer time duration. This is related to a global shift from civil CCC to CCC in criminal justice legislation, directly in the opposite direction from what WHO recommended in the 60ies. Changes in CCC legislation are often preceded with national political debate on ethical considerations, and criticisms questioning the efficiency and content of the care provided. Such national debates are frequent with all types of CCC legislation, but ethical considerations seem to be far more common related to special administrative (civil) legislation. National legislations on CCC within Europe should conform to the human and civil rights stipulated in ECHR (1950). There seems, to be some limitations in the procedural rules that should protect persons with misuse or dependence problems from unlawful detentions, regardless type of law. The three types of law differ significantly in terms of criteria for CCC, i.e. the situations in which care may be ensured regardless of consent.        Conclusions: It is more common that societies have legislation on CCC, than not. This applies internationally – in all parts of the world as well as over time, for a period of 25 years, at least. Sweden’s legislative position is not internationally unique; on the contrary, it is quite common. Law on CCC tend to be introduced in times of drug epidemics or when drug-related problems are increasing in a society. Changes in CCC legislation are often preceded by national debates on ethics, content and benefits of such care. These findings here discussed may reflect different concurrent processes. A shift from welfare logic to a moral logic may be understood as more moralization, perhaps due to relative awaking of traditionalism related to religious movements in various parts of the world (Christian, Hindu, Muslim or other). But it may also be understood from more libertarianism that stresses both individual responsibility for one’s welfare and the state´s responsibility to discipline behaviours that inflict negatively on the lives of others. Possibly do these two tendencies work in conjunction to one another. At the same time, however, there is a stronger emphasis on care content within criminal justice CCC, especially in the Anglo-Saxon drug court system. Some shift within Civil CCC is also noticed, i.e. from social to mental health legislation. Thus drug abuse and dependence is increasingly more recognized and managed in the same way as other diseases, i.e. an increased normalization. Since social CCC has been more in focus of research and debates, this may also result in CCC turning into a more hidden praxis, which from ethical perspectives is problematic. The thesis shows that there are examples of focus on humanity and care in all three of the law types, but there are also examples of passive care, sometimes even inhumane and repressive, in all types. Thus, type of law cannot be said to in general correspond to a specific content of care. Although CCC can be delivered in accordance with human and civil rights, there is still a dissatisfying situation concerning the procedural rights that should ensure the misuser his/her rights to freedom from unlawful detention. The possibility to appeal to a higher instance is missing in about 20 percent of European CCC laws, although not differentiating one type of legislation from the others. A clear difference between the three law types concerns criteria that form the basis for who will be provided care according to the laws. This is of major importance for which persons of the needy who will receive care: addicted offenders, out-acting persons or the most vulnerable. The criteria for selecting these relate to the implicit ambitions of CCC – correction, protection, or for support to those in greatest need for care. The question is what ambition a society should have concerning care without consent in case of substance abuse and addiction problems. The trend that CCC according to special administrative legislation is declining and criminal legislation increases in the world should therefore be noticed.  Keywords: Alcohol, drugs, substance misuse, coercive care, compulsory commitment to care, involuntary care, mandatory care, legislation, human and civil rights, comparative analysis, prediction models, and trend analysis
  • Kronkvist, Ola, 1968- (author)
  • Om sanningen skall fram : polisförhör med misstänkta för grova brott
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis has explored the context of police interviews with suspects of serious crimes. Focus group studies, a case study and additional interviews have shown several aspects of information flow, decision making, interviewing tactics, human rights and tacit knowledge as these interviews are planned, performed and evaluated.The informants, homicide investigators, describe their work as an information generating and information evaluating process. They apply a series of methods, e. g. different forms of tactics in the use of investigative information during the police interviews. Based on the informants’ description and the case study, their methods seem to have research evidence in general, where such is available. The informants specifically stress the important role of planning and evaluation.The investigative process generates a vast amount of situations where decision making is needed. In these, the bases for the decisions are mainly the information flow of the investigation, which tends to be obscure and in constant change. The investigators’ decision making is thereby exposed to the risk of confirmation bias. The informants express an ambition to work objectively and to presume the suspects’ innocence. However, this generates a psychological conflict, which might affect the human rights of the suspect in negative ways. The informants describe several ways to handle this conflict.The informants describe that they have several concerns when making decisions. These can be categorized as legal, organizational and tactical concerns. Taken together, legal rule conflicts and the organizational ambition to lead the investigators in a target oriented way using quantitative measures, result in strong incitements for investigations to be finalized when they are good enough, rather than when they are good.The informants describe their profession as one where it is possible to develop expertise and where tacit knowledge plays an important role. When previous research on tacit knowledge is combined with the interview results, there seems to be a level between the tacit and the explicit knowledge. I have called this low-key knowledge. This low-key knowledge can be verbalized in the proper context in communication among those initiated in the subject at hand. The low-key knowledge also seems to risk being over-voiced in certain contexts.
  • Lilliehorn, Sara, 1976- (author)
  • Betydelser av bröstcancer i ett livssammanhang
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of the thesis is to describe and analyse how a group of women experience that their every-day lives are affected during and after primary breast cancer treatment. The thesis is a consecutive, longitudinal study that takes an explorative qualitative approach. Seventy-one women younger than 60 years of age with primary breast cancer were consecutively included in the study. The women were interviewed four or five times over a period of 4 to 6 years from end of radiotherapy. The analyses of the interviews were inspired by grounded theory and narrative analysis. The thesis encompasses four papers. Paper I focused on the women’s contact with health care. The results of this study indicate that it is crucial for patients in a vulnerable situation to be admitted into a supportive system – ‘admitted into a helping plan’ – that, more or less explicitly, displays a well-thought-out plan of care. This is a process built on individual relationships with members of the health-care staff, but it ends up in a relationship to health care as a helping system, a ‘safe haven’ to attach to. Study II explored the women’s ideas about what motivated and discouraged their return to work. The results illustrate that the meaning of work fluctuates over time and that the processes of returning to work are conditioned by the patients’ individual life situations. Returning to work was regarded as an important part of the healing process because of how it generated and structured the women’s everyday lives. Returning to work meant demonstrating well-being and normalcy after breast cancer. Study III examined how life was lived and valued during and after treatment for breast cancer compared to pre-cancer life. The analysis showed that being afflicted with breast cancer was evaluated from a context of the women’s former everyday lives and stressed that how the women experienced breast cancer was a matter of personal circumstances. Study IV focused on how the women experienced and dealt with their altered bodies. The results showed that the women followed three different body-mind trajectories that depended to a significant extent on the severity of side effects and bodily alterations that resulted from their treatments.Being afflicted by breast cancer implies vulnerability and losses, but it can also involve benefits and provide new perspectives on life. How the overall breast cancer experience is valued seems to be very much a matter of circumstances in everyday life. This thesis highlights circumstances that focus in particular on contacts with health care, the body, the work situation, and the family situation. 
  • Lövgren, Veronica, 1963- (author)
  • Villkorat vuxenskap : Levd erfarenhet av intellektuellt funktionshinder, kön och ålder
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse lived experience of social categorisations such as intellectual disability, gender and age. The following overarching questions will direct the focus of the thesis, on how 13 middle-aged (aged 38-60 years) women and men who receive disability services according to the Act (1993:387) concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS), describe their everyday life practices:- In what way(s) are the social categorisations disability, gender, and age expressed in the interviews? How do the participants relate their lived experience of the social categorisation in relation to arenas such as work, family, and leisure time? How can this lived experience be understood in relation to the structures and conditions that form the institutions within the disability services?With a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach, the thesis is based on repeated audio- and video-recorded qualitative semi-structured interviews and field visits. The altogether 16 participants were divided into two groups: the main group consisted of 13 adults and a reference group, which consisted of 3 younger informants (aged 25-29 years).Despite political ambitions that state that people with disabilities should have opportunity to live like others, this thesis shows that their everyday life is, in fact, conditioned by institutional structures. The structures that conditions the disability services together with the social construction of disability, but also of age and gender, frames leisure time, social networks, family life, practicing partnership, mobility (especially for women), and working life – in short, these conditions their abilities to fulfil the expectations that are imbedded throughout the social construction of adulthood.The relationship with the labour force can be seen as an illustrative example: The ability to be part of a regular working force was central for the interviewees. However, the analysis showed that the work that was available for the participants, is a welfare state effort, that is situated in an intersection where a logic of care meets a logic derived from the open labour market, thereby creating a situation filled with contradictions. On the one hand, the informants felt an obligation to fulfil an almost Protestant work ethic. One the other hand, their work efforts are not acknowledged by society as work. On the one hand, daily activity is a voluntary right, on the other hand; the informants have little opportunity to relinquish this right, depending on the particular organisation of the disability services. The participants also expressed concerns about losing this work, a worry that can be seen as paradoxical in respect of their legislative right to daily activity. The analysis has highlighted how the participants, in many situations, suffer a disadvantageous position with regard to hermeneutical resources to make sense of their experience. They also face structural obstacles to fully live an adult life. This could be described as experiencing societal norms of what one is expected to live up to, but at the same time be deprived of real opportunities to fulfil these requests – thereby, to live a contradiction. Lived experience of intellectual disability, gender and age, can therefore be considered as being a lived experience of a conditional adulthood.
  • Petersson, Frida (author)
  • Kontroll av beroende. Substitutionsbehandlingens logik, praktik och semantik.
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis concerns maintenance treatment with methadone or buprenorhine in Sweden. The general aim has been to contribute to an understanding of the everyday practice of maintenance treatment, how power is exercised and how clients are constructed in a local, outpatient treatment context. The study has been conducted at three clinics in the city of Gothenburg and the empirical material comprises fieldnotes from observations, individual interviews with clients and professionals, as well as two focus group interviews with members of clinic staff. In addition, textual documents used in the everyday work at the clinics have been collected. From a general social constructionist perspective, a micro-sociological approach has been applied to the data. Goffman’s interactionism is a major theoretical point of departure. Interviews, narratives and meeting talk are analysed as discourses, with special attention to accounts for decisions and rule-breaking behaviour. In addition, Foucault’s works on power and the distinction between discipline and border control occupy a central place in the analysis throughout the dissertation. The main findings are that maintenance treatment does more than provides its clients with medication to control their opiate addiction. In their own stories, the clients describe a kind of institutionalization, triggering identity transformations as well as resistance. The combination and interaction of disciplinary, pastoral and sovereign power technologies, as well as accounts for rules, rule-breaking and sanctions, contribute to the construction of institutionally anchored client categories and in the final analysis, either pitiable or blameworthy clients. The thesis exposes a number of tensions and contradictions within Swedish maintenance treatment. First, despite its attributed status of evidence-based practice for opiate addiction, it is constantly questioned and criticized as treatment approach, since it conflicts with the national goal of a drug free society. Secondly, clients experience a tension between treatment as life-saving (in relation to inclusion) and as a danger of life (in relation to exclusion). A third tension is located between the binary client positions blameworthy, manipulative addict and pitiable, worthy patient, and a fourth one is the recurring, unsolved question whether methadone and buprenorphine clients are ”cured” from their addiction or if they are still drug addicts. Fifthly, there are contradictory views on maintenance treatment as a work in itself, and treatment as a secret and an obstacle to a normal life. Finally, there are tensions between sovereign, disciplinary and pastoral power. These forms of power are based on different logics and are exercised in different ways, but meet, merge, coincide and compete in the studied clinics. These identified tensions reflect the inconsistent context of maintenance treatment and are, in turn, mirrored in and managed through the specific practice, semantics and logics of this way of controlling addiction.
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Szebehely, Marta, Pr ... (1)
Näsman, Elisabet (1)
Thelin, Angelika, 19 ... (1)
Andersson, Ewa, 1980 ... (1)
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Lövgren, Veronica, 1 ... (1)
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Rönnbäck, Eva (1)
Hedrén, Johan, docen ... (1)
Svensson, Kerstin, P ... (1)
Gerdner, Arne, Profe ... (1)
Hammare, Ulf, 1961- (1)
Lindqvist, Rafael, P ... (1)
Hamberg, Katarina, P ... (1)
Salonen, Tapio, Prof ... (1)
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Fernqvist, Stina, 19 ... (1)
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Kronkvist, Ola, 1968 ... (1)
Olsson, Lars-Erik, D ... (1)
Gunnarsson, Evy, Pro ... (1)
Hultman, Henrik, 197 ... (1)
Roos, Jeja-Pekka, Pr ... (1)
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Israelsson, Magnus (1)
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Khoo, Evelyn, Univer ... (1)
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Umeå University (3)
Linnaeus University (3)
University of Gothenburg (2)
Uppsala University (2)
Stockholm University (2)
Mid Sweden University (2)
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Mälardalen University (1)
Lund University (1)
Marie Cederschiöld högskola (1)
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