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Träfflista för sökning "hsvkat:504 mat:dok (lärosäte:(gu) OR lärosäte:(du) OR lärosäte:(kau) OR lärosäte:(lnu) OR lärosäte:(ltu) OR lärosäte:(lu) OR lärosäte:(miun) OR lärosäte:(mdh) OR lärosäte:(su) OR lärosäte:(umu) OR lärosäte:(uu) OR lärosäte:(oru)) ;lar1:(hj);srt2:(2015-2018)"

Sökning: hsvkat:504 mat:dok (lärosäte:(gu) OR lärosäte:(du) OR lärosäte:(kau) OR lärosäte:(lnu) OR lärosäte:(ltu) OR lärosäte:(lu) OR lärosäte:(miun) OR lärosäte:(mdh) OR lärosäte:(su) OR lärosäte:(umu) OR lärosäte:(uu) OR lärosäte:(oru)) > Jönköping University > (2015-2018)

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  • Jonsson, Björn (författare)
  • Graffitins spänningsfält. En studie av graffitikultur och interventioner på en lokal arena
  • 2016
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overall aim of the thesis is to explore and analyse graffiti in a translocal context, by asking questions about the actors' view on activity, meaning and interaction. The study has been located to a physical place, Jönköping, where actors with different interest perform graffiti-related activity. The study is based on qualitative data where participant observation and interviews form the two main methods. The study also utilizes other materials, such as newspaper articles and municipal documents. Central for the theoretical orientation is that empirical data has been collected that is first-hand information on how the actors themselves find meaning in graffiti. This implies a constructivist perspective on knowledge where meaning shifts depending on whose perspective is analysed. Theoretically, the study also is linked to Becker and his arguments that research in deviance must take notice of the interaction between actors who are perceived to deviate and those actors who respond to the deviant group.The actors consist of two main groups; graffiti writers and interveners. Graffiti writers mainly consist of young men who describe themselves as belonging to a global graffiti culture. The word “interveners” has bee selected as a generic name for actors who are involved in graffiti issues due to professional duties. Similar to the graffiti writers' interveners find the meaning in graffiti by actively select information from an “outside”, which corresponds with their professional commitment. The analysis links different approaches to perspectives of combating crime, confirming art and caring for the young men's socialisation. From those different understandings, three parallel patterns of interaction are observed. Interaction developed around graffiti as a crime has elements of a battle situation. From the graffiti writers' perspective, this fight is important when designing the local scene as an integral part of a global graffiti context. At the same time there are disadvantages managing an enemy. On a personal level, individual graffiti writers have to make an estimate how graffiti writing will affect life in the long term. Interaction developed around graffiti as an art form unites graffiti writers and interveners in an ideological consensus where graffiti can be seen as an art form that adds creative qualities to urban space. One significant difference is that the graffiti writers find the local arena as an important place. This local orientation is not necessary when actors from a cultural sector put attention on graffiti. Youth workers way of caring for graffiti writers follows a tradition of social work. This approach focuses the graffiti writers themselves and how to redirect them to accepted forms of artistic expression. The youth workers have good potential to make contact, but it seems difficult to establish long-term relations because graffiti writers themselves do not find it necessary to formalize graffiti as a scheduled activity.A conclusion made is that there is something locked up about graffiti issues because actors see graffiti from their "own" perspective, and at the same time they remain critical of alternative approaches. Somewhat contradictory to an interaction structured around distinctive perceptions, the study shows that actors express uncertainty about what they are doing. Such critical self-reflections seem to be perceived as personal objections and are not shared with others. This, together with the fact that interest in graffiti comes and goes in waves, adds ambivalence to the conflictual field of graffiti. The thesis ends with a hypothetical discussion of how the conflict level could change if graffiti would be met with a differentiated policy.
  • Enell, Sofia (författare)
  • Transit i samhällsvården : När unga utreds på särskilda ungdomshem
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis is about assessments of young people in secure accommodations. Institutional assessments relate to the paradox in child welfare of combining control and care. The procedure raises questions about their implications for young people, their caseworkers and evolving care trajectories. Although institutional assessments of young people have a historical heritage, research about their implications is lacking. The aim of the thesis is to explore young people’s and their caseworkers’ experiences of assessments in secure accommodations and their implications for young people’s care trajectories. Methods used are primarily repeated interviews with 16 young people during a period of two years and one interview with their caseworkers. Surveys about 85 youths, participatory observations and written assessments are also included. This thesis takes an interactionist approach and the material has been analysed with the main concept of care trajectory along with the concepts of self-presentation, total institution, institutional identity and texts as coordinators.The results are presented in four papers. The concluding analysis shows that assessments in secure accommodations can be divided into three elements: the practice, the text and the placement. These three elements have different implications for the young people and the caseworkers. For the young people the practice and the placement converge into an assessment universe that, with the text, intensifies their shaping of self-identity. The young people’s experiences are characterised by lack of control over their self-presentations, the present and the future. For the caseworkers, the practice has implications for their understanding of the young people’s individual troubles, the text for negotiating with other actors and the placement in their efforts to achieve change in the young people’s troublesome situations. The assessments’ implications for stability and foreseeability in the young people’s further care trajectories are limited. Moreover, the procedure of assessing young people in itself contains instability through involving several professionals in different parts of the assessment and decision-making process. Despite lack of stability, the thesis reveals that some young people experience the assessment as a place for self-development and where the course of the care trajectory changes to the better.
  • Hedman, Karl, 1967- (författare)
  • Managing Medical Emergency Calls
  • 2016
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation is a conversation analytic examination of recurrent practices of interaction in medicalemergency calls. The study expands the analytical focus in past research on emergency calls betweenemergency call operators and callers to pre-hospital emergency care interaction on the phone betweennurses, physicians and callers. The investigation is based on ethnographic fieldwork in a Swedish emergencycontrol centre. The data used for the study consists primarily of audio recordings of medical emergency calls.Fundamental procedures in medical emergency calls examined in the dissertation are: (1) questioning; (2)emotion management; (3) risk management and (4) instruction giving. Emergency call-takers ask questions toelicit descriptions by callers of what is happening and to manage symptoms of patients to help keep them safeuntil ambulance crews arrive. In the questioning practice about acutely ill or injured patients call-takers usemainly yes-no questions and clarify problems by questioning callers making a distinction between defined andundefined problems. The analysis reveals four core types of emotion management practices: (1) call-takerskeep themselves calm when managing callers’ social displays of emotions; (2) promising ambulanceassistance; (3) providing problem solving presentations including emergency response measures to concernsof callers, and (4) emphasising the positive to create hope for callers. Call-takers use seven key procedures tomanage risk in medical emergency calls: (1) risk listening through active listening after actual and possiblerisks; (2) risk questioning; (3) risk identification; (4) risk monitoring; (5) risk assessment; (6) making decisionsabout elicited risk and (7) risk reduction. Instruction giving using directives and recommendations isaccomplished by call-takers in four main ways: (1) acute flow maintaining instruction giving when callers areprocedurally out of line; (2) measure oriented instructions for patient care and emergency responsemanagement; (3) organisational response instructions and (4) summarising instruction giving. Callers routinelyacknowledge risk identifications and follow instructions delivered by call-takers to examine statuses and lifesigns of patients such as breathing, movement and pulse, and perform basic first aid and emergency responsemeasures.The findings generated from this study will be useful in emergency call-taker training in carrying out interactiveprocedures in medical emergency calls and add to the larger research programmes on on-telephoneinteraction between professionals and citizen callers. This is an essential book for pre-hospital emergency careproviders and institutional interaction researchers and students.
  • Jansson, Peter M., 1965- (författare)
  • Våldets onda cirklar : En explorativ undersökning av mäns barndomsupplevelser, maskuliniteter, känslor, våld samt terapeutiska interventioner mot våld
  • 2016
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Avhandlingens överordnade syfte är att utforska möjligheterna för ett integrerat forskningsperspektiv på mäns våld samt exemplifiera hur sådan forskning kan bedrivas. Det konkreta syftet är att öka kunskapen om hur våldsamma mäns barndomsupplevelser, socialisation, maskulinitetskonstruktion och emotioner kan relateras till deras våld mot andra män, mot sig själva och mot kvinnor samt till hur terapeutiska interventioner mot våld kan analyseras och utvecklas i korrespondens med denna kunskap. Med vetenskapsteoretiska utgångspunkter hämtade från den kritiska realismen och ekologiska metoder relaterar studien forskning från olika skolbildningar till varandra; - psykologisk: om barndomserfarenheter och socialisation, socialpsykologisk: om emotioner och interaktion samt sociologisk: om social klass, könsmaktsstrukturer och hegemonisk maskulinitet. Detta genomförs för att kunna få tillgång till kunskap om hur olika faktorer samverkar vid mäns våld.I studie I och II studerades möjligheterna att undersöka de sociala banden mellan terapeut/terapi och klient inom terapeutiska behandlingar mot våld. I studie I operationaliserades indikatorer på emotionerna stolthet och skam och i studie II testades dessa på terapeuter inom en KBT-orienterad terapi. I studie IIIundersöktes män i olika maskulinitetspositioner, där urvalet för den ena gruppen hämtades ur populationen män dömda till terapi för våld och missbruk och den andra ur populationen män som organiserat arbetade för jämlikhet och mot våld mot kvinnor. I studien jämfördes de båda gruppernas förhållningssätt till faktorer som i tidigare forskning relaterats till våld och våld mot kvinnor. I studie IVundersöktes våldsdömda mäns karriärer fram till deras nuvarande position som våldsbejakande kriminella i avsikt att öka kunskapen om det samspel mellan faktorer som i olika situationer leder fram till deras våld mot andra män, sig själva och kvinnor. Samtliga empiriska studier använde kvalitativa metoder för datainsamling och analys. I studie IV användes individuella intervjuer och biografisk analys, I studie II ochIII användes gruppintervjuer samt deduktiv innehållsanalys. I studie I, den teoretiska reviewartikeln, utgjorde sociologisk, socialpsykologisk och psykologisk teoribildning empiri.Avhandlingen visar att det finns fler fördelar är nackdelar med ett nivåövergripande perspektiv. Nivåintegrerande studier försvåras av att de kräver en komplex metodologi för att kunna hantera samverkan mellan faktorer bakom våld på olika nivåer men ger å andra sidan en mer holistisk förståelse av fenomenet i fråga. Resultaten visar att integrerande perspektiv kan minska risken för ekologiska felslut och ökar förståelsen av komplex samverkan mellan faktorer bakom mäns våld, något som kan komma att bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen inom våldsterapiområdet. Den teoretiska reviewartikeln (studie I) exemplifierade hur teoretiskt och metodologiskt driven forskning om sociala band kan göras pragmatiskt tillämpbar av terapeuter inom våldbehandlingar. Den tillämpade studien av en KBT-terapi (studie II) gav exempel på hur operationaliserade indikatorer på stolthet och skam kan användas praktiskt för att bestämma kvalitén på det sociala bandet mellan terapeut och klient. Den studerade KBT-terapin innehöll som förväntat både skam- och stolthetskapande moment vilket utgör värdefulla utgångspunkter för vidare forskning. Jämförelsen mellan män i idealtypiskt motsatta maskulinitetspositioner (studie III) visade att både gruppen av män som arbetar mot våld mot kvinnor och männen dömda till behandling mot våld, bär på ambivalenta attityder gentemot våld och våld mot kvinnor. Jämförelsen visade vidare att gruppernas maskulinitetskonstruktioner och attityder till våld korresponderar med grupperingarnas olika tillgång till ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella resurser. Den biografiskt fokuserade kvalitativa studien av män i våldsbehandling (studie IV) undersökte explorativt hur karriären fram till våldskriminell kan se ut och hur barndomsupplevelser, socialisation, maskulinitet och emotioner hos enskilda våldsverkande män kan tänkas ha samverkat med varandra när våld äger rum. Resultaten visade att de män som vittnar om utsatthet för allvarligt våld i barndomen är mer skambenägna och vid kränkningar från andra tenderar att omedvetet och utan föregående känslor av skam direkt reagera med aggressioner och våld mot båda könen. Övriga män var visserligen skambenägna men beskrev en mer kontrollerad våldsreaktion. Två män som blivit brutalt fysiskt mobbade i grundskolan, berättade om ett mer kontrollerat våld. En preliminär hypotes är att männen kan ha lärt sig att kognitivt, för att undslippa fortsatt mobbing, ta kontrollen över processen där skamkänslor ersätts med aggressioner. Föräldrarnas personliga problem tillsammans med deras bristande sociala kontroll och omsorg antogs ha ett samband med flera av männens skolproblem, deras umgänge med avvikande ungdomar, deras senare svårigheter med att kunna försörja sig med konventionella medel samt deras våldskarriärer.
  • Skillmark, Mikael, 1982- (författare)
  • Uppdrag standardisering : införande och användning av manualbaserade utrednings- och bedömningsverktyg i socialtjänsten
  • 2018
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis addresses the issue of standardization in social work. Standardization is a necessary and fascinating, though underestimated, phenomenon, which governs, regulates and calibrates social life. In Swedish social services, we have witnessed an increased use of top-down imposed manual-based tools for investigative and assessment work. In human service organisations, such as social services, this raises questions about social workers’ control in terms of how work should be executed as well as the implications of standardization for professional discretion. The aim of this thesis is to investigate and understand standardization as a phenomenon, focusing on its consequences for social work as a profession and a field of practice.The thesis consists of four papers investigating the implementation and execution of manual-based assessment tools (BBIC, FREDA and SARA) in social services. The empirical material is based on interviews with a total of 68 social workers, managers, politicians and officials as well as documents and observations of risk assessment events. Each paper results from the analysis of an exclusive data set, with the concepts used in the analysis coming from theories of professions and organisations.The results show that increased standardization is a way for social workers to seek legitimacy as well as to claim jurisdiction and increase professionalism. The execution of the tools in social work is conditioned by significant key implementation factors in organisational contexts as well as the compatibility between the construction of tools and users’ needs and expectations. Along with previous research and theory, the results from the four papers are used to develop a tentative taxonomy of different discretionary positions that social workers can take with regards to standards in their practice. Those positions illustrate that it is not straightforward how the increased standardization of investigative and assessment work will impact professional discretion. It is argued that a balance between standardization and professional discretion is possible.
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