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Search: hsvkat:504 mat:dok (lärosäte:(gu) OR lärosäte:(du) OR lärosäte:(kau) OR lärosäte:(lnu) OR lärosäte:(ltu) OR lärosäte:(lu) OR lärosäte:(miun) OR lärosäte:(mdh) OR lärosäte:(su) OR lärosäte:(umu) OR lärosäte:(uu) OR lärosäte:(oru)) > (1995-1999) > (1997)

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  • Jönhill, Jan Inge (author)
  • Samhället som system och dess ekologiska omvärld. En studie i Niklas Luhmanns sociologiska systemteori
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part is an exposé of Niklas Luhmann’s comprehensive sociological systems theory. Systems theory is a theory focusing upon the distinction between system and environment. In the first chapter the systems theoretical foundations as related to theory of science, its basic methodology, its central concepts and their historical development are presented and discussed. In the second and third chapter the presentation and discussion takes its point of departure in the two primary levels of analysis: the theory of social systems as communication systems; and the as well special as general theory of society as social system, respectively. One of Luhmann’s many challenging thesis – inspired by the phenomenology of Schutz and the second order cybernetics of von Foerster – is that the sociologist primarily is an observer of observations of (other) observations; another that social systems operate as autopoietic systems, i.e. as self-referential and “self-producing”, operatively closed, but cognitively open systems. The theory of society comprises of four parts: 1) the theory of communication media, 2) of evolution, 3) of differentiation, and 4) of society’s self-description. According to the theory of differentiation, the systems of economy, politics, law, science, family, etc., are operating as functions systems in the system of society. One conclusion of the analysis is that in modern society the distinction between inclusion and exclusion is a main, guiding distinction for the understanding of how persons are connected to society. The second part of the thesis is a systems theoretical analysis of the ecological environmental problems of society, thereby showing the relevance of systems theory in the understanding a contemporary sociological issue. The analysis is carried out around three theses: 1) Society can only relate and react to the environmental problem through communication; 2) Modern society is, to a high degree, dependent upon technology. Therefore, it is exposed to risks. Risk should be seen mainly as a form of danger caused by decisions of one’s own. Risk is thus not contrary to security, but a distinction between danger and risk; 3) Functional differentiation, which is shown to have a lot of advantages to the modern complex society, also causes great difficulties in attempting to solve environmental problems. However, this insight brings, as is shown, the only key to solutions. The environmental issue makes more urgent not only the development of an ”environmental sociology”, but first and foremost a general theory of society.    
  • Barron, Karin (author)
  • Disability and gender : Autonomy as an indication of adulthood
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The overall aim of this dissertation was initially to examine the relationship between a continuedrequirement of practical assistance in adult life and autonomy. As the work has proceeded, thefocus has come to increasingly be on identifying social obstacles to autonomy, particularly fordisabled young women.The fast part deals with the transition from adolescence to adulthood for physically disabledyoung people. Some of the questions raised in this study are developed further in thesucceeding three articles. The first article (Part II) focuses on physically disabled girls/youngwomen and how they internalize societal norms and values. The interest is on how these normsand values affect the possibility to autonomy in everyday life for the young women. The secondarticle (Part III) emhasizes the importance of a gender perspective in educational research ondisability. The third article (Part IV) deals with ethical problems in qualitative social research onmarginalized groups.The comprehensive summary consists of a discussion on the research process in this work.The methodological approach has been qualitative interviews with 24 physically disabled youngpeople. The summary also includes a discussion on the chosen theoretical perspective, i.e.social constructionism, and a brief overview of some of the results in this work. Then follows adiscussion on the results in a somewhat broader societal framework. Finally them is a briefsummary of the different parts of the dissertation.
  • Eriksson, Johan, Professor, 1967- (author)
  • Partition and redemption : a Machiavellian analysis of Sami and Basque patriotism
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Since the end of the Second World War, the location of most interstate borders has been fixed.This suggests that the common phenomenon of ethnic groups partitioned by internationallyrecognized state borders is permanent. Nevertheless, a recurrent dream of 'redemption' (i.e. thebuilding of a self-ruling polity which unifies the separate segments) is capable of inciting patrioticmobilization even in the face of a very long period of unbroken partition. Little is knownabout this clash between dream and reality. How can an ethnoterritorial group which is apparentlypermanently partitioned between separate, sovereign states be redeemed? In seeking asolution to this puzzle, I attempt a Machiavellian type of analysis, defined as an approach whichcombines a patriotic perspective with a strategic view of the choice of specific means and endsin a way which is free of state-centrism. I also employ Machiavelli's theory-building method,which is a form of abduction.This study focuses on six aspects of the problem of partition and redemption: the territorialsetting, the historical process, partitioning state contexts, perceptions of partition and homelandmythology, strategies, and outcomes. Two instances are selected for case study and comparison:the Sami in northernmost Europe, and the Basques in Spain and France. Both groups arepartitioned between separate states, are a minority in each one, and lack control over all existingstate governments.The analysis reveals the unexpected result that the less numerous, greater dispersed, morepartitioned, and generally weaker Sami have been more successful in redemption than have theBasques. While the Sami have built common bodies which officially represent Sami in all fourpartitioning states, the Basques have only a limited transborder cooperation between the BasqueAutonomous Community (BAC) in Spain and non-Basque regional authorities in France. It ismore important to have compatible building blocks in each state (like the three Nordic SamiParliaments), than to have a single powerful one (like the BAC). Without fairly similar andharmonized partitioning states, like the Nordic countries, it is extremely difficult for transborderpolity-building to succeed. Another main conclusion, which disputes the findings of other research,is that redemption is possible even when a group remains partitioned, given that thegoal of statehood is abandoned in favour of a less ambitious transborder homerule. In order torealize this goal, the most generally applicable method is a stepwise strategy aimed at creatingcompatible building blocks in each state. A variant of this is the blueprint strategy, that is, usingan achievement in one state as a model for the struggle in other states. In contrast to nonparti -tioned groups, partitioned groups can refer to their own achievement in other states.The subject of interest here transcends the domestic-international divide. Similarly, theanalysis transcends academic boundaries, mainly those of political theory, international politicsand comparative politics. This combination provides a starting-point for further inquiry into thepattern of overlapping polities which is emerging, and of partition and redemption in particular.
  • Hosseini-Kaladjahi, Hassan, 1943- (author)
  • Iranians in Sweden : economic, cultural and social integration
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This study explores three dimensions in the integration of Iranian immigrants in Sweden: economic, cultural and social. To test the generalisability of the ideas presented, and to place them in a wider framework the integration of Iranians has been compared with those of three other minorities: Chileans, Poles, and Finns. Data used in the statistical analyses have been obtained from the Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic relations (CEIFO).Economic integration of an immigrant group in a new society has been defined as its economic equality with the host population. The first part dealing with this aspect of integration compares Iranians with Swedes by three economic indicators: the ratio of unemployment, socio-economic status and income. By all indicators Iranians hold a considerably lower position as compared with Swedes. Both socio-demographic factors related to the Iranians and discrimination exercised by Swedish employers have been found to be relevant to the economic integration of Iranians in Sweden.The comparison of Iranians with the three other minorities, in terms of discrimination, indicates that the discrimination of these minorities corresponds to their cultural distance from Swedes. Iranians, with the remotest culture from Swedes among the four minorities, suffer the highest degree of discrimination. Finns, with the closest culture, suffer the lowest degree of discrimination. And the two other minorities lie between these two groups, respectively. Discrimination manifests itself mainly in a differential size of incomes which derives from the differential distribution of these groups among the least desirable occupations.The second part dealing with cultural integration evaluates the adaptation of Iranian to Swedish culture by two indicators representing cognitive and normative acculturation. This part is especially focused on the proposition that the westernisation process in Iran and differential reactions against this process are relevant in the acculturation of Iranians in Sweden. Two hypotheses formulated on the basis of this proposition- the negative effects of commitment to Iranian culture and radicalism on the acculturation of Iranians in Sweden- have been supported by the indicator of normative acculturation, but not by that of cognitive acculturation.The comparison of the four minorities has demonstrated that generalities, clustering and uniqueness all exist among the factors explaining their acculturation. The generalities and clustering are more striking in cognitive acculturation. Similarities are more evident between Iranians and Chileans.Finally, the last part dealing with social integration concentrates on the association of Iranians with Swedes. Assuming that association of two individuals with each other requires a common language and a minimum degree of intersubjectivity, it has been generally hypothesised that: 1) social integration of minorities in the new society will be a function of their cultural distance from the host population, and 2) all processes contributing to the increasing or decreasing of cultural distance will contribute also to the increasing or decreasing of their social integration.On the basis of these general hypotheses the following concrete hypotheses have been tested. 1) Among the four minorities, Iranians, as culturally remotest from Swedes, will have the least degree of social integration, followed by Chileans, Poles and Finns, respectively. 2) Commitment of Iranians to Iranian culture, as a medium increasing cultural distance, will correlate negatively with their social integration in Sweden. 3) Countercultural elements in Swedish society, as a medium of cultural-distance reduction, will contribute to the social integration of immigrants in this society. All hypotheses have been supported by the existing data.
  • Höjdestrand, Erik (author)
  • Det vedervärdiga videovåldet : Att återupprätta moralisk ordning : [restoring moral order]
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This dissertation is a study of the intense debate over video violence in Sweden, triggered by a television programme, Studio S, in 1980. Often viewed as a moral panic, the debate is here analysed from a discourse-oriented perspective. The main focus thus is on what was actually said about the subject, rather than by whom or for what purpose.The first chapters focus on how video violence was described and thus defined in the debate. An analysis of the television programme and the press reactions to it shows that video violence was constructed as an image rather than a concept in a process which itself relied heavily on the use of images. Also, different aspects of the phenomenon were consistently conflated and the result was vague enough to permit a multitude of meanings to be read into the phenomenon, which thereby could emerge as a universal symbol of evil.In the second part of the book, it is shown how the phenomenon of video violence was put to use in politics and civil society. It is argued that the debate, like moral debates in general, should be viewed as a kind of ritual, preoccupied with preserving the moral order, that is the collectively defined boundary between good and evil. The specific discursive construction of video violence made it better suited for a civil campaign than for political debate and legal regulation. In both areas, however, the opposition to it was made meaningful not by virtue of its practical consequences but symbolically, as a confirmation of the moral order. Constructed as evil, the video violence posed a threat to this order. As an opportunity to confirm the order, as well as coming to terms with other potential threats, most notably those relating to youth, the debate over video violence ultimately proved quite useful, not despite but rather thanks to those of its characteristics that have sometimes been deemed irrational or exaggerated.
  • Jacobsson, Kerstin (author)
  • Så gott som demokrati : Om demokratifrågan i EU-debatten
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This dissertation investigates how the question of democracy was discussed in the Swedish debate onparticipation in Western European integration and membership in the European Union. It also examinessome implications following from the discursive construction of democracy in relation to Europeanintegration. By investigating the use of the concept of democracy, the ambition is to trace changes inconceptions of democracy over time.A point of conceptual departure is that recent collective experiences are reflected in the language-usebut also that struggle over defining political concepts is a key part of political struggle. Conceptualchange may be politically innovative, in the sense that new things become possible to conceive of andto realize. Conceptual change may thus open up the possibility for changes in political practice.The study covers the years 1988-1994. The empirical base consists of two types of written material: first, official documents: parliamentary records, government bills and public investigative reports; and second, editorials and debate articles in three Swedish daily papers: Arbetet, Dagens Nyheter andSvenska Dagbladet.The study finds a certain shift in the dominant Swedish discourse on democracy, whereby themeaning of some concepts have changed and whereby some concepts have become more central to theunderstanding of democracy than others. Most notably, efficiency plays a central role in the investigated discourse on democracy. The emphasis shifts from the procedures of democratic participation and control to substantial political outcomes. A shift away from a procedurial conception of democracy is identified, and also a tendency in the debate to confuse democratic gains and gains in efficiency and practical politics.
  • Jeffner, Stina (author)
  • "Liksom våldtäkt, typ" : Om betydelsen av kön och heterosexualitet för ungdomars förståelse av våldtäkt
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This dissertation deals with significance of gender and heterosexuality in relation to youngpeople's perception of rape. The main focus is on the relationship between what is regarded as"normal" (ideas about and experience of gender and heterosexuality) and what is regarded as"extreme" (ideas about and/or experience of rape). The empirical material consists primarily of16 interviews with Swedish fifteen-year-olds of both sexes, discussing what they regard asconstituting rape. The author interprets their perceptions of rape in the light of cultural normsabout gender and heterosexuality. The main thesis of the dissertation is that what these youngpeople understand, in principle, to be rape is negotiated and re-interpreted in the encounter withconcrete examples. The author discusses six "conditions" - how no is said, the significance oflove, the effects of alcohol, notions of the whore, notions of the rapist as deviant, and theconsequences of rape for girls who are raped - used by the young people as their tools fornegotiation in the re-interpretation process. The author presents a model according to which theconditions comprise a "space for negotiation" Between what the young people regard as rapeand what they regard as "good sex". In this dissertation, the author argues that when they arerelated to cultural codes for heterosexual interaction, the conditions may be interpreted asexpressions of deeply rooted rules regarding gender and heterosexuality, According to thefindings, the conditions may also serve simultaneously to limit the space for action available toyoung women while extending this space for young men. The dissertation illustrates that whenyoung people apply the conditions, they may affect the "extreme", shifting it in the direction ofthe "normal". In extension, the author argues against regarding rape as a "deviation" from so-called "normal" heterosexual interaction, and for a conception of rape as belonging to acontinuum of cultural codes for heterosexual interaction.
  • Jeffner, Stina (author)
  • "Liksom våldtäkt, typ" : Om betydelsen av kön och heterosexualitet för ungdomars förståelse av våldtäkt : [on the importance of gender and heterosexuality to young people's perception of rape]
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This dissertation deals with significance of gender and heterosexuality in relation to youngpeople's perception of rape. The main focus is on the relationship between what is regarded as"normal" (ideas about and experience of gender and heterosexuality) and what is regarded as"extreme" (ideas about and/or experience of rape). The empirical material consists primarily of16 interviews with Swedish fifteen-year-olds of both sexes, discussing what they regard asconstituting rape. The author interprets their perceptions of rape in the light of cultural normsabout gender and heterosexuality. The main thesis of the dissertation is that what these youngpeople understand, in principle, to be rape is negotiated and re-interpreted in the encounter withconcrete examples. The author discusses six "conditions" - how no is said, the significance oflove, the effects of alcohol, notions of the whore, notions of the rapist as deviant, and theconsequences of rape for girls who are raped - used by the young people as their tools fornegotiation in the re-interpretation process. The author presents a model according to which theconditions comprise a "space for negotiation" Between what the young people regard as rapeand what they regard as "good sex". In this dissertation, the author argues that when they arerelated to cultural codes for heterosexual interaction, the conditions may be interpreted asexpressions of deeply rooted rules regarding gender and heterosexuality, According to thefindings, the conditions may also serve simultaneously to limit the space for action available toyoung women while extending this space for young men. The dissertation illustrates that whenyoung people apply the conditions, they may affect the "extreme", shifting it in the direction ofthe "normal". In extension, the author argues against regarding rape as a "deviation" from so-called "normal" heterosexual interaction, and for a conception of rape as belonging to acontinuum of cultural codes for heterosexual interaction.
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  • Result 1-10 of 51
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doctoral thesis (51)
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other academic/artistic (51)
Åberg, Jan-Olof (2)
Jeffner, Stina (2)
Meeuwisse, Anna (1)
Thörn, Håkan, 1961 (1)
Börjeson, Bengt, Pro ... (1)
Öhlund, Thomas (1)
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Neergaard, Anders (1)
Allvin, Michael, 195 ... (1)
Denick, Lars, Profes ... (1)
Benner, Mats (1)
Eastmond, Marita, 19 ... (1)
Öberg, Peter, 1960- (1)
Eriksson, Johan, Pro ... (1)
Richard, Elvi (1)
Weinehall, Katarina, ... (1)
Barron, Karin (1)
Stattin, Mikael, 195 ... (1)
Jacobsson, Kerstin (1)
Lindquist, Per (1)
Mäkinen, Ilkka Henri ... (1)
Byqvist, Siv, 1939- (1)
Ravndal, Edle, Dokto ... (1)
Bäckström, Ingegärd, ... (1)
Ohlsson, Lars B. (1)
Cuesta, Marta (1)
Dahlén, Tommy, 1955- (1)
Hylland Eriksen, Tho ... (1)
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Ingold, Tim, Profess ... (1)
Egelund, Tine (1)
Einarsdotter-Wahlgre ... (1)
Einarsdóttir, Torger ... (1)
Karlsson, B. G. (1)
Naranjo, Eduardo (1)
Gidlund, Janerik (1)
Franssén, Agneta (1)
Freyne-Lindhagen, Ma ... (1)
Jönhill, Jan Inge (1)
Hosseini-Kaladjahi, ... (1)
Similä, Matti, Docen ... (1)
Höjdestrand, Erik (1)
Jannisa, Gudmund (1)
Jonsson, Tola B. (1)
Perez, Enrique (1)
Steen, Immanuel (1)
Kurube, Noriko, 1947 ... (1)
Mäkelä, Klaus, Docen ... (1)
Lindquist, Galina, 1 ... (1)
Handelman, Don, Prof ... (1)
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Lund University (19)
Stockholm University (11)
Uppsala University (9)
University of Gothenburg (6)
Umeå University (5)
Södertörn University (3)
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Örebro University (1)
Karlstad University (1)
Högskolan Dalarna (1)
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Swedish (28)
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