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Sökning: mat:dok lärosäte:mau år:(2015) > Samhällsvetenskap

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  • Anderberg, Andreas, 1981- (författare)
  • Straffbar oaktsamhet
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Cory, Erin (författare)
  • Re-Membering Beirut : Performing Memory and Community Across a 'Postwar' City
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • More than 20 years after the end of Lebanon’s civil war (1975-1990), reconciliation remains elusive. A number of factors contribute to this stasis. No agreed-upon historical narrative exists by which Lebanon’s 18 ethnoreligious groups can make sense of the war, and the state has interests – both economic and political – for burying common memories and erasing common spaces. In light of these erasures, the capital Beirut, like much of the country, remains divided along spatial, ideological, and mnemonic lines.The extant literature has generally considered the perils of what Samir Khalaf (2006) calls Beirut’s “geography of fear.” By contrast, this dissertation considers the city a realm of possibility. “Re-membering Beirut: Performing Memory and Community Across a ‘Postwar’ City,” fuses ethnographic research, analysis, and performative writing to introduce the ide of “re-membering,” a term I use to describe how people engage the residual material of the city-at-war – its textures, tempos, routes, and representations – to render legible the shared pasts and current political claims of historically divided communities. Through case studies including a walking tour, a protest, and street art, I argue for considering the city’s in-between spaces as loci for emergent cross-communal politics, and for movement as both object of analysis and method. The sometimes ephemeral publics that take shape around these performances and practices reconfigure how Beirutis understand themselves in relation to their city and each other, whilc simultaneously revealing the city’s persistent ideological and spatial terrain.The project contributes to a fuller picture of how people across the Middle East and North Africa (the MENA region) are using urban space and cultural production – in the wake of the Arab revolutions and most urgently in the midst of the ongoing Syrian crisis – to communicate shared pain and dissent, and to mobilize in the face of failing or oppressive political systems. As the region once again divides itself along both old and new fault lines, the study explores the perils of occluding violent histories, as well as the critical role of culture in inter-communal postwar healing.
  • Harvard Maare, Åsa (författare)
  • Designing for Peer Learning : Mathematics, Games and Peer Groups in Leisure-time Centers
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Constrained by national tests and the mathematics curriculum, teachers have problems finding time for exploratory and hands-on mathematical activities, especially so in classes with a reduced pace of progression, for example because of a large proportion of second-language learners. Could the leisure-time center, where time is not earmarked, provide such opportunities? The conclusion of this thesis is that this can be done, on the condition that designed activities build on the central premise of the leisure-time center: children have the right to choose which activities to engage with. The thesis is interdisciplinary, combining design research, situated cognition/embodied interaction, and pedagogy. The empirical material comes from a design project conducted in collaboration with the Rook, a multicultural school with an integrated leisure-time center. The participating children were 7-9 years old. The games studied were card and board games, especially combinatorial mathematics games (Set and Nim). The situated and embodied approach towards design is reflected in the analysis, which approaches visual artifacts as parts of multimodal communicative scenes with many co-present participants engaged in playing games or solving problems. It is shown that children learn the game through observation and participation, either as players or in non-playing roles. For many games, rules are written in a format that is inaccessible to children. One of the design tasks in the project has been to develop secondary artifacts related to games: graphic guides, conceptual maps, and paper-based exercises that can be used by children without adult support. The premise of the learners’ right to choose has many consequences for the design of learning activities. One is that motivation changes from being a property of the learner to a property of the activity. In order to highlight this difference, this thesis proposes the notions of learnability and learnworthiness to describe those aspects of an activity and its context which make it motivating from the learner’s perspective. The thesis concludes with a discussion of how design can increase the learnability and learnworthiness of a learning activity. Watching the activity being practiced is the most important resource for potential participants to determine its learnability and learnworthiness. The qualities determining the learnworthiness of an activity are reciprocity, mastery, and the potential for closure. Watching a peer successfully solving a task increases the learnability for the observers as well. If problem-solvers think aloud and use their hands to move or point at cards, collaboration and learning by observers is facilitated. Providing games with non-competitive side activities creates opportunities for deliberate practice, and offers a safe entry for children who are reluctant to engage as players.
  • Hasslöf, Helen (författare)
  • The educational challenge in "education for sustainable development" : qualification, social change and the political
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis explores how Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as an overarching perspective makes meaningof educational aims and purposes. Sustainable development, as a concept, is by necessity complex, and deals withintegrated dimensions of environmental, social-cultural and economic sustainability. It involves a diverse range ofembedded values and ideologies and calls for engagement in value-related and political issues relating to environment,equality and lifestyle. In my thesis, I have turned to the actors in social practice who are set to realise the educationalperspectives of ESD – the teachers. Accordingly, the analyses departure from secondary and upper secondary schoolteachers’ reciprocal meaning-making when discussing the desirable aims of teaching and ESD. Building upon previouseducational research, the thesis has three purposes, and the results are presented in four articles. The results of thestudies bring new empirical knowledge and perspectives to educational research and practice, by adding furtherunderstanding of the political and democratic dimensions of ESD.The first purpose is to investigate and describe the complexity of the concept of sustainable development from a conflictperspective and to analyse meaning-making discussions of sustainability in an educational context. This is elaborated inthe first study (Article I). To achieve this, a Conflict Reflection Tool (CRT) has been developed, by combining theconflicting dynamics of sustainable development with dialogic and univocal functions of speech. In the included casestudy, the CRT analysis of teachers’ discussions shows how fact-based, univocal science utterances closed thediscussion for conflicting perspectives to emerge. However, conflicting views did emerge and were re-valued in adialogic genre through the interplay of different dimensions of sustainability and different societal levels of conflicts.The second purpose is to investigate how the desired aims of ESD are (re)articulated in areas of educational tension inorder to make particular meaning by teachers with experience in ESD practice. Three complex ESD areas are in focus,namely, the development of students as political subjects (Article II), qualification in relation to ESD (Article III), andeducation for social change in relation to ‘sustainable’ living (Article IV). In each of these areas, the functions ofqualification, socialisation and subjectification (c.f. Biesta) are relationally analysed to further problematise educationalpurposes. Through analyses with inpiration from discourse theory, the results show in Article II the emerging discourse ofcritical thinking as room for subjectification where students were invited to be adressed as political subjects. This discoursewas articulated in struggle with the aims of qualification and socialisation, i.e. challenged by elements articulating a morescientific and rational worldview. Article III shows three discourses of qualification. Of these three, scientific reasoningand awareness of complexity are articulated as contrasting epistemological discourses of qualification. However, in thethird discourse, qualification as critical thinking, these different epistemological views are articulated as intertwined asdifferent ways to view sustainability. Article IV shows how the teachers struggle between three positions: the rationalsubject, as a neutral conductor; the responsible subject, as a role model, or the reconstructing subject, as a reconstructor.The overlapping positions depend upon how socialisation towards sustainable lifestyles, political and ethical perspectivesare identified in relation to the educational aims and the emerging myths of social change.The third purpose is to develop analytical methods where conflicting articulations of environmental issues andsustainability are taken into account based on language and discourse theory for conducting empirical investigations ofmeaning-making.
  • Palm, Peter (författare)
  • Challenges of Commercial Real Estate Management : An analysis of the Swedish commercial real estate industry
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Avhandlingen består av fem artiklar som var och en adresserar ett specifikt område inom förvaltning av kommersiella fastigheter. Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen är att se till de utmaningar förvaltning av kommersiella fastigheter innebär. De två första artiklarna utgör en plattform för resten av avhandlingen och är en kartläggning av branschen. Artikel I fokuserar på branschens kund och service medvetenhet i deras årsredovisningar. Artikel II är en uppföljande intervjustudie av företagen i artikel I gällande ledningens uppfattning gällande vilka organisations frågor som är av strategisk natur för att leverera god kundservice. Tredje artikeln adresserar kontorsmarknaden och hur fastighetsägarens organisatoriska attribut påverkar annonseringstiden av kontorslokaler. Den testar eventualiteten att internet som marknadsplats för uthyrning av kontor är en så kallad lemons market, där företrädelsevis ”dåliga” objekt marknadsförs. De två sista artiklarna studerar sedan incitament i förvaltningsorganisationen om den bedrivs in-house eller är outsourcad. Den första av dessa två berör specifikt hur incitament för att genomföra arbetsuppgifter regleras och den andra artikeln ser istället till hur beslutsfattaren säkerställer sig information från förvaltningen för att kunna ta väl informerade beslut. I första artikeln får vi med oss att den kommersiella fastighetsmarknaden i Sverige är kundorienterad. Vi kan konstatera att branschen redan före 2004 hade gjort skiftet från produkt orientering till kund/service orientering. Däremot kunde vi inte konstatera att kundfokus hade ökat i företagens årsredovisningar mellan åren 2004-2008. Slutsatsen från artikel II är att oavsett förvaltningsorganisation, in-house eller outsourcad, är argumentationen från ledningen i dessa företag att val av organisering av förvaltningen är bottnad i service leveransen till deras kunder/hyresgäster. Tredje artikeln är ett test av internet som marknadsplats för kontor i Malö CBD där teorin om market for lemons testas. Organisering av förvaltningen var en av kvalitetssignalerna, tillsammans med storlek, kontor på orten och om företaget varit i Hyresnämnden. Slutsatsen är att vi inte kan förkasta hypotesen om att marknadsplatsen är en market for lemons. Slutsatsen från artikel IV och V lyfter fram skillnaden i hur incitament skapar i förvaltningsorganisationerna, då den är organiserad in-house alternativt outsourcad. Förvaltningen i outsourcade organisationer regleras primärt av kontraktet, mellan ägarbolaget och service bolaget som de är anställda av, där det stipuleras när och hur de förväntas leverera såväl information som kund service. Förvaltningen i företagen med in-house förvaltning arbetar istället genom frihet under ansvar där de bedöms genom resultatet av deras service istället för genom checklistor och Job beskrivningar. Oavsett organisering av förvaltningen så finns där inte några monetära incitament för förvaltaren som baseras direkt på deras individuella prestationer.
  • Pettersson, Jonna (författare)
  • Incalculable Community
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis argues that the Western thinking of political community has assumed the community to require a unity or unifying principle that serves as delineation. It suggests that sameness, reflected in history, space, language, or reason, has been assumed as the condition of possibility of the political community. Consequently, a particular identity is made a prerequisite for membership and vouches for the sameness of the community, which, in turn, ascertains that unifying delineations are upheld. Since sameness is either established against, or productive of difference, the thesis maintains that any attempts to broaden the scope for inclusion will give rise to new externalities, as long as sameness continues to be assumed as the condition of possibility for the community. The aim of the thesis is twofold, on the one hand, it critically assesses attempts to widen the meaning and reach for political belonging and discusses how remaining within the framework of a community predicated on sameness makes it difficult for these attempts to live up to their aspirations. On the other hand, the thesis has also a hermeneutical and normative approach in that it seeks to divert the thinking of political community from assumptions of calculability, unity, and boundedness. Since both the sameness of the own and the difference of the other are predicated on an assumption of identity, the thesis approaches this task with the aim to develop a notion of sameness that does not presuppose difference and a notion of difference that does not presuppose identity. Doing this, the thesis engages in close readings of texts in democratic theory, citizenship theory, pluralist engagements with the problem of unity and delineation, and continental philosophy. It argues that in order to confront the problem of closure and exclusion, the question of political co-existence needs to be reformulated and relocated so as to grasp the meaning of an incalculable community.
  • Rönnbäck, Julia (författare)
  • Det är väl typiskt tjejer : om basket, kropp och femininitet
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this dissertation is to analyse how a group of female basketball players – aged 15 to 18 and located in one of Sweden’s largest cities – construct and negotiate gender and femininity through bodily and verbal practices. The study is grounded in poststructuralist theories – primarily using the theoretical work of the philosophers Judith Butler and Michel Foucault. The methods used are qualitative: participant observations, interviews and written dialogues via Facebook. The writing method used is ethnographic fiction.The first part of the analysis shows how the female basketball players frequently talk about appearance and also how they repeatedly talk about the fleshier matters of the body – such as muscles and fat. These recurrent verbal practices are parts of the processes through which the girls construct gender and femininity, and a way of exercising relational power. The girls themselves explain their frequent talk about body and appearance as something “typical” for girls and thus they use a discourse that circles them (as young women) in order to make themselves understandable.The second part of the analysis depicts how the female basketball players – in the locker room – before every game construct similar and socially recognizable female bodies. These recurrent bodily practices are further parts of the processes through which the girls construct gender and femininity. Additionally, in the second part, the analysis show how the female basketball players – through verbal and bodily practices – transform gender and convert femininity within sport and also how they, in game situations, embody two different discourses: “Girl Power” and “the insecure (sporting) girl” that encompass young (sporting) women.One conclusion in the thesis is that discourses that surround young (sporting) females appear to be central in their creation of gender identity. Furthermore, the (sporting) girls are active participants in the ongoing debate regarding what (sporting) girls are, can be and should be.
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