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  • Stolen, Reidar, et al. (författare)
  • Solcelleteknologi og brannsikkerhet
  • 2018
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Bruken av solcelleteknologi er i stor vekst i Norge. I denne studien er branntekniske utfordringer ved bruk av solcelleteknologi undersøkt, med hensyn på brannstart, brannspredning og brannslokking. Studien danner et kunnskapsgrunnlag for å ivareta brannsikkerheten under montering, drift og under slokkeinnsats, samt for å utforme et enhetlig og tydelig regelverk. Resultatene fra studien viser:Brannstart: Solcelleinstallasjoner inneholder mange koblingspunkt, som kan være potensielle tennkilder, og en liten mengde brennbare materialer. Dermed er det som trengs til stede for å starte en brann. Det er viktig at alle kontaktpunkter i solcelleinstallasjonen er robuste og tåler den påkjenningen de blir utsatt for gjennom sin levetid uten at det oppstår dårlig kontakt som kan føre til brann.Brannspredning: For utenpåmonterte solcellemoduler er det ofte en åpen luftspalte mellom modul og bygning. Dersom det er en brann i denne luftspalten, vil varmen kunne bli akkumulert, noe som kan føre til raskere og større brannspredning enn om bygningsoverflaten ikke hadde vært tildekket. I fullskalaforsøk med solcellemoduler montert på tak spredte brannen seg under hele arealet som var dekket av moduler, men stoppet da den nærmet seg kanten av dette arealet. Dette illustrerer viktigheten av at områder med solceller utenpå en bygning blir seksjonert for å unngå brannspredning. Eventuelt kan det benyttes mindre brennbare materialer på taket under solcellemodulene for å motvirke den økte varmepåkjenningen som solcellemodulene gir. Luftspalten mellom modul og bygning kan potensielt også gi endringer i luftstrømningen langs bygget, som igjen kan påvirke brannspredningen.Brannslokking: Brannvesenet har behov for informasjon om det er solcelleinstallasjon i bygget og hvilke deler av det elektriske anlegget som kan være spenningssatt. Under slokkeinnsats må brannvesenet ta hensyn til berøringsfare, og fare for at det kan oppstå lysbuer og andre feil som kan føre til nye antennelsespunkt. Ferskvann kan brukes som slokkemiddel, dette må spyles fra minimum 1 meters avstand med spredt stråle og minimum 5 meters avstand med samlet stråle. Solcellemoduler kan komplisere brannslokking ved at de danner en fysisk barriere mellom brannvesenet og brannen, samt fordi det må tas hensyn til plassering av spenningssatte komponenter. Når disse punktene er tatt høyde for, bør ikke utenpåmonterte solcelleinstallasjoner være et problem.Videre arbeid: For utenpåmonterte solcelleinstallasjoner, er det lite forskning på vertikal montering (på fasader), og hvordan en eventuell endret branndynamikk kan påvirke brannspredning og slokking. Videre er det i dag økende bruk av bygningsintegrerte solcelleinstallasjoner, noe som gir mange mulige nye utfordringer for brannsikkerheten og for regelverk, ettersom solcellen da er en del av bygningskroppen, samtidig som den er en elektrisk komponent. Tysk statistikk tyder på at brannrisiko for slike installasjoner kan være større enn for utenpåmonterte solcelleinstallasjoner, og dette vil det derfor være viktig å undersøke nærmere.
  • Andersson-Sköld, Yvonne, 1957-, et al. (författare)
  • Mikroplast från däck- och vägslitage : en kunskapssammanställning
  • 2020
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna kunskapssammanställning handlar om mikroplast från vägtrafikens däck- och vägslitage. Eftersom kunskapen om mikroplaster från vägtrafiken är begränsad samtidigt som däckslitage bedöms vara den största källan till utsläpp av mikroplast i Sverige, gav regeringen inom ramen för sitt arbete med plast och mikroplast Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI) i uppdrag att under 2018– 2020 ta fram och sprida kunskap om mikroplast från vägtrafiken. Varje kapitel i denna rapport sammanfattar befintlig kunskap om mikroplast från vägtrafiken avseende en eller flera aspekter. Dessa aspekter är: källor, spridning och förekomst; miljö- och hälsoeffekter samt risker; egenskaper och kemisk sammansättning; däck- och vägslitage; provtagningsmetoder; analys- och provberedningsmetoder samt åtgärder. Dessutom finns ett kapitel med sammanfattande slutsatser och allra sist ett kapitel om forsknings-, utvecklings- och utredningsbehov.Syftet med rapporten är att den ska utgöra ett underlag för att minska emissioner och spridning av mikroplast från vägtrafiken. Ett mål med rapporten är att sammanställa och sprida kunskap om mikroplast från däck- och vägslitage och att redogöra för nuvarande kunskapsläge. Ytterligare ett mål är att identifiera kunskaps- och forskningsbehov avseende mikroplast från vägtrafiken.Underlaget till denna kunskapssammanställning utgörs av vetenskapliga artiklar och rapporter samt facklitteratur och information från branschen och från experter.
  • Andersson-Sköld, Yvonne, 1957, et al. (författare)
  • Microplastics from tyre and road wear: a literature review
  • 2020
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This literature review concerns microplastics from tyre and road wear caused by road traffic. As there is limited knowledge about microplastics in general, and microplastics from road traffic in particular, the Swedish Government commissioned the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) to, during 2018-2020, develop and disseminate knowledge about microplastics from road traffic. The chapters in this report summarises existing knowledge about microplastics from road traffic with respect to the following aspects: sources, spread and presence; effects on and risk to the environment and human health; characteristics and chemical composition; tyre and road wear; sampling methods; analysis and sample preparation; and measures. The report also includes a chapter with overall conclusions, and a chapter about further research, development and investigation needs. The purpose of this report is to provide a basis for reducing the generation and spread of microplastics from road traffic. One aim of the report is to collate and disseminate knowledge about microplastics generated by tyre and road wear, and to review the current level of knowledge. A second aim is to identify knowledge gaps and research requirements in relation to microplastics from road traffic. This literature review is based on a review of scientific articles and reports, as well as technical literature and some information from experts and industry.
  • Mill, O., et al. (författare)
  • Analysis and development of hydro power research : synthesis within Swedish Hydro Power Centre
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The market for hydropower re-investments in Sweden is approx 2.5 billion SEK/yr the coming decade. Large investments will also be carried out in Swedish tailing dams. This will result in challenging projects and need of experts. A crucial factor for a successful management of these challenges is the supply of engineers and researchers with hydro power and dam skills and knowledge. Swedish Hydro Power Centre (Svenskt vattenkraftcentrum, SVC) is a competence centre for university education and research environments within hydro power and mining dams. SVC comprises of two knowledge areas: Hydraulic Engineering and Hydro Turbines and Generators, respectively. SVC builds high-quality and long term sustainable knowledge at selected universities...
  • Jahanmiri, Mohsen, 1953 (författare)
  • Pressure Sensitive Paints:The Basics & Applications
  • 2011
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Surface pressure measurement is one of the fundamental measurements in fluid dynamics experiments. Pressure sensitive paint (PSP) is a relatively new tool that has the unique capability of providing a field measurement over the entire surface of a model. This method is based on the attenuation by oxygen of the luminescence emitted by certain excited molecules in the visible or ultraviolet spectrums. The higher the pressure, the higher the partial pressure of the oxygen and the more the intensity emitted by the coating is attenuated. Then all that is needed is to measure the intensity of the emission to find the pressure. Because of its many advantages over the traditional techniques, it has been extensively used in almost all the fluid dynamics flow regimes. The following document describes the basics of PSP and its applications.
  • Li, Ying Zhen (författare)
  • Study of fire and explosion hazards of alternative fuel vehicles in tunnels
  • 2018
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • An investigation of fire and explosion hazards of different types of alternativefuel vehicles in tunnels is presented. The different fuels are divided into four types:liquid fuels, liquefied fuels, compressed gases, and electricity, and detailed parameters are obtained. Three types offire hazards for the alternativefuel vehicles: pool fires, jet fires and fireballs are identified andinvestigated in detail. Fromthe perspective of pool fire size, the liquid fuels pose equivalent or evenmuch lower fire hazards compared to the traditionally used fuels, but theliquefied fuels may pose higher hazards. For pressurized tanks, the fires are generally much larger in size butshorter in duration. The gas releases from pressure relief devices and the resulting jet firesare highly transient. Forhydrogen vehicles, the fire sizes are significantly higher compared to CNGtanks, while flame lengths only slighter longer. Investigation of the peakoverpressure in case of an explosion in a tunnel was also carried out. Theresults showed that, for the vehicles investigated, the peak overpressure of tankrupture and BLEVE are mostly in a range of 0.1 to 0.36 bar at 50 m away. Thesituations in case of cloud explosion are mostly much more severe andintolerable. These hazards need to be carefully considered in both vehiclesafety design and tunnel fire safety design. Further researches on thesehazards are in urgent need.
  • Rempling, Rasmus, 1976, et al. (författare)
  • Performance requirements for Swedish transport infrastructure - A pre-study of challenges and possibilities
  • 2022
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In recent years, significant worldwide research has been conducted regarding the performance assessment of bridges and the concept of performance indicator has been introduced However, there are still significant discrepancies in how these indicators are obtained and used. Simultaneously, it is desirable to achieve processes and methods that are direct, i.e. that measured values are directly compared with projected values over time. This project concerns methods for verification of technical performance requirements. The feasibility study brought together interdisciplinary researchers, consultants, and entrepreneurs to gather knowledge, anchor the research agenda, and implement performance requirements. The project concludes that there is a need for a “Holistic multi-parameter verification/validation system” that relies on the knowledge gained in structural health monitoring research.
  • Brandin, Jan, 1958-, et al. (författare)
  • A review of thermo-chemical conversion of biomass into biofuels-focusing on gas cleaning and up-grading process steps
  • 2017
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • It is not easy to replace fossil-based fuels in the transport sector, however, an appealing solution is to use biomass and waste for the production of renewable alternatives. Thermochemical conversion of biomass for production of synthetic transport fuels by the use of gasification is a promising way to meet these goals.One of the key challenges in using gasification systems with biomass and waste as feedstock is the upgrading of the raw gas produced in the gasifier. These materials replacing oil and coal contain large amounts of demanding impurities, such as alkali, inorganic compounds, sulphur and chlorine compounds. Therefore, as for all multi-step processes, the heat management and hence the total efficiency depend on the different clean-up units. Unfortunately, the available conventional gas filtering units for removing particulates and impurities, and also subsequent catalytic conversion steps have lower optimum working temperatures than the operating temperature in the gasification units.This report focuses on on-going research and development to find new technology solutions and on the key critical technology challenges concerning the purification and upgrading of the raw gas to synthesis gas and the subsequent different fuel synthesis processes, such as hot gas filtration, clever heating solutions and a higher degree of process integration as well as catalysts more resistant towards deactivation. This means that the temperature should be as high as possible for any particular upgrading unit in the refining system. Nevertheless, the temperature and pressure of the cleaned synthesis gas must meet the requirements of the downstream application, i.e. Fischer-Tropsch diesel or methanol.Before using the gas produced in the gasifier a number of impurities needs to be removed. These include particles, tars, sulphur and ammonia. Particles are formed in gasification, irrespective of the type of gasifier design used. A first, coarse separation is performed in one or several cyclone filters at high temperature. Thereafter bag-house filters (e.g. ceramic or textile) maybe used to separate the finer particles. A problem is, however, tar condensation in the filters and there is much work performed on trying to achieve filtration at as high a temperature as possible.The far most stressed technical barriers regarding cleaning of the gases are tars. To remove the tar from the product gas there is a number of alternatives, but most important is that the gasifier is operated at optimal conditions for minimising initial tar formation. In fluid bed and entrained flow gasification a first step may be catalytic tar cracking after particle removal. In fluid bed gasification a catalyst, active in tar cracking, may be added to the fluidising bed to further remove any tar formed in the bed. In this kind of tar removal, natural minerals such as dolomite and olivine, are normally used, or catalysts normally used in hydrocarbon reforming or cracking. The tar can be reformed to CO and hydrogen by thermal reforming as well, when the temperature is increased to 1300ºC and the tar decomposes. Another method for removing tar from the gas is to scrub it by using hot oil (200-300ºC). The tar dissolves in the hot oil, which can be partly regenerated and the remaining tar-containing part is either burned or sent back to the gasifier for regasification.Other important aspects are that the sulphur content of the gas depends on the type of biomass used, the gasification agent used etc., but a level at or above 100 ppm is not unusual. Sulphur levels this high are not acceptable if there are catalytic processes down-stream, or if the emissions of e.g. SO2 are to be kept down. The sulphur may be separated by adsorbing it in ZnO, an irreversible process, or a commercially available reversible adsorbent can be used. There is also the possibility of scrubbing the gas with an amine solution. If a reversible alternative is chosen, elementary sulphur may be produced using the Claus process.Furthermore, the levels of ammonia formed in gasification (3,000 ppm is not uncommon) are normally not considered a problem. When combusting the gas, nitrogen or in the worst case NOx (so-called fuel NOx) is formed; there are, however, indications that there could be problems. Especially when the gasification is followed by down-stream catalytic processes, steam reforming in particular, where the catalyst might suffer from deactivation by long-term exposure to ammonia.The composition of the product gas depends very much on the gasification technology, the gasifying agent and the biomass feedstock. Of particular significance is the choice of gasifying agent, i.e. air, oxygen, water, since it has a huge impact on the composition and quality of the gas, The gasifying agent also affects the choice of cleaning and upgrading processes to syngas and its suitability for different end-use applications as fuels or green chemicals.The ideal upgraded syngas consists of H2 and CO at a correct ratio with very low water and CO2 content allowed. This means that the tars, particulates, alkali salts and inorganic compounds mentioned earlier have to be removed for most of the applications. By using oxygen as the gasifying agent, instead of air, the content of nitrogen may be minimised without expensive nitrogen separation.In summary, there are a number of uses with respect to produced synthesis gas. The major applications will be discussed, starting with the production of hydrogen and then followed by the synthesis of synthetic natural gas, methanol, dimethyl ether, Fischer-Tropsch diesel and higher alcohol synthesis, and describing alternatives combining these methods. The SNG and methanol synthesis are equilibrium constrained, while the synthesis of DME (one-step route), FT diesel and alcohols are not. All of the reactions are exothermal (with the exception of steam reforming of methane and tars) and therefore handling the temperature increase in the reactors is essential. In addition, the synthesis of methanol has to be performed at high pressure (50-100 bar) to be industrially viable.There will be a compromise between the capital cost of the whole cleaning unit and the system efficiency, since solid waste, e.g. ash, sorbents, bed material and waste water all involve handling costs. Consequently, installing very effective catalysts, results in unnecessary costs because of expensive gas cleaning; however the synthesis units further down-stream, especially for Fischer-Tropsch diesel, and DME/methanol will profit from an effective gas cleaning which extends the catalysts life-time. The catalyst materials in the upgrading processes essentially need to be more stable and resistant to different kinds of deactivation.Finally, process intensification is an important development throughout chemical industries, which includes simultaneous integration of both synthesis steps and separation, other examples are advanced heat exchangers with heat integration in order to increase the heat transfer rates. Another example is to combine exothermic and endothermic reactions to support reforming reactions by using the intrinsic energy content. For cost-effective solutions and efficient application, new solutions for cleaning and up-grading of the gases are necessary.
  • Kurkinen, Eva-Lotta, et al. (författare)
  • Energy and climate-efficient construction systems : Environmental assessment of various frame options for buildings in Brf. Viva
  • 2018
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In the collaborative forum Positive footprint housing® Riksbyggen is building the Viva residential quarter, which is a sustainability project at the very forefront of what is possible with contemporary construction. The idea is that this residential quarter should be fully sustainable in ecological, economic and social terms. Since 2013, a number of pilot studies have been completed under the auspices of the Viva project framework thanks to financing from the Swedish Energy Agency. The various building frame alternatives that have been evaluated are precast concrete, cast in-situ concrete and solid wood, all proposed by leading commercial suppliers. The report includes a specific requirement for equivalent functions during the use phase of the building, B. An interpretation has been provided that investigates the building engineering aspects in detail, as well as an account of the results based on the social community requirements specified in Viva, durability, fire, noise and energy consumption in the Swedish National Board of Building, Planning and Housing building regulations (BBR), plus Riksbyggen’s own requirements, Sweden Green Building Council’s Environmental Building Gold (Miljöbyggnad Guld) and 100-year life cycle. Given that the alternatives have different long-term characteristics (and also that our knowledge of these characteristics itself varies), these functional requirements have been addressed by setting up different scenarios in accordance with the EPD standard EN 15978. Because Riksbyggen has specified a requirement for a 100-year life cycle, we have also opted for an analysis period of 100 years. The results show no significant differences between concrete and timber structures for the same functions during the life cycle, either for climate or for primary energy. The minor differences reported are accordingly less than the degree of uncertainty involved in the study. The available documentation on the composition of the relevant intumescent paint coating on solid wood frames differs from source to source, so it was not possible to fully allow for the significance of this. The LCA has not included functional changes in the building linked to load-bearing characteristics, noise, moisture, health or other problems that may result in increased maintenance and replacement. The concrete houses have been dimensioned for 100 years, for instance, in accordance with tried and tested standards and experience. The solid wood house is not dimensioned in the same way, and this has led to us having to assume various scenarios.The results also show the following:• The uncertainties involved in comparing different structures and alternative solutions are very significant. The results are affected by factors such as life cycle, the functional requirements taken into consideration, transportation, design and structural details, etc.• Variations in the built items and a considerable degree of uncertainty in the assumptions make it difficult to obtain significant results on comparisons. Only actual construction projects with known specific data, declared from a life cycle perspective that takes into account actual building developer requirements and involving different scenarios (best, documented and worst-case) for the user stage can currently be compared.• In the other hand, comparisons restricted to different concrete structures only, or to different timber structures only, ought to involve a lower degree of uncertainty. These would then provide results that are significant as well as improvement requirements that are relevant.• There is potential for improving concrete by imposing requirements on the material• There is potential for improving solid wood frames by developing and guaranteeing well-documented long-term characteristics for all functional requirements.The LCAs were performed as an iterative process where all parties were given the opportunity to submit their viewpoints and suggestions for changes during the course of the work. This helped ensure that all alternatives have been properly thought through.Because, during the project, Riksbyggen opted to procure a concrete frame, in the final stage the researchers involved focused on ensuring the procurement process would result in the concrete frame as built meeting the requirements set out above. As things currently stand, the material requirements for the concrete are limited by the production options open to the suppliers, and this is therefore being investigated in the manufacture of precast concrete frames for the Viva cooperative housing association.
  • Nyström, Ingrid, 1965, et al. (författare)
  • Biokombi Rya - Biobränsleförgasning satt i system
  • 2007
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Inom projekt Biokombi Rya har ett flertal olika forskargrupper gemensamt studerat systemeffekterna av att introducera förgasning av biobränsle i Göteborgs fjärrvärmesystem, i Västsverige som region och ur ett mer generellt och långsiktigt systemperspektiv. Syftet med projektet är att öka kunskapen inför eventuell framtida utbyggnad av biobränsleförgasning i Sverige samt att utreda vilka förutsättningar som är nödvändiga för att sådana anläggningar ska bli ekonomiskt och miljömässigt intressanta inom en relativt kort tidsrymd (ca 10 år). Fokus ligger på integration av anläggningar för förgasning av biobränsle med befintliga kraftvärmeverk med kombicykel samt med fjärrvärme. Projektet vänder sig till beslutsfattare inom området på nationell, regional och lokal nivå.Övergripande systemanalys inom projektet har särskilt fokuserat på biobränslemarknaden och framtida prisbildning för biobränsle samt på den långsiktiga konkurrenskraften för biodrivmedel via förgasning. Projektet i övrigt utgår från en tillämpad fallstudie av delvis konvertering av Rya Kraftvärmeverk (Rya KVV) i Göteborg till förgasat biobränsle, vilket alltså innebär integration mellan förgasningsanläggning och ett naturgaseldat gaskombikraftvärmeverk knutet till ett fjärrvärmesystem. I denna del ingår även en konceptuell studie över olika tekniska processalternativ för produktion av värme, el och drivmedel, inklusive ett mer långsiktigt alternativ för vätgasproduktion. Inom projektet används gemensamma scenarier för energimarknaderna ca år 2020.Några av projektets viktigaste slutsatser är:• Förgasning av biobränsle kan bli intressant för både el- och drivmedelsproduktion och bidra till reducerade CO2-utsläpp, förutsatt att nivån på priset på biobränsle inte är alltför hög relativt fossilbränslepriserna. I de flesta fall är också riktade styrmedel för att premiera förnybar el- och/eller drivmedelsproduktion (t ex certifikat) en förutsättning. Vid gynnsamma förutsättningar för både ”grön” el- och drivmedelsproduktion kan en konkurrenssituation om biobränsle uppstå.• Den långsiktiga konkurrenskraften för biodrivmedel från förgasning är i hög grad beroende av teknik- och kostnadsutveckling inom både transportsektorn och andra sektorer, t ex för lagring av el och väte, bränsleceller och uthållig CO2-fri elproduktion. Tillgängligheten för insamling och lagring av CO2 från fossila anläggningar ökar konkurrenskraften betydligt, men denna effekt neutraliseras om CO2 samlas in även från biobaserade anläggningar. Vilken typ av biodrivmedel som får bäst konkurrenskraft beror till stor del på distributions- och fordonskostnader.• Göteborgs fjärrvärmesystem, med en stor andel spillvärme, och Rya Kraftvärmeverk, med relativt andra kombicykler låg elverkningsgrad, har egentligen inte de optimala förutsättningarna för att förgasning av biobränsle ska vara ekonomiskt intressant.• I flera fall kan det trots detta vara ekonomiskt intressant att bygga en anläggning för förgasning av biobränsle i Göteborg. Av de förgasningsbaserade alternativ som studerats, visar sig produktion av syntetisk naturgas från flis för användning som fordonsbränsle var den ekonomiskt mest robusta lösningen, förutsatt att det finns riktade styrmedel för ”grön” drivmedelsproduktion, t ex drivmedelscertifikat. Ombyggnad av Rya Kraftvärmeverk till delvis biobränslebaserad kraftvärme via förgasning är även detta ekonomiskt intressant i flera fall. Kraftvärme baserad på biobränsleförgasning med högre elverkningsgrad än vad som är möjligt i Rya Kraftvärmeverk skulle dock kunna vara än mer intressant.• För att en förgasningsanläggning ska vara ekonomiskt intressant är det viktigt att uppnå så hög el- respektive drivmedelsverkningsgrad som möjligt samt att anläggningen får längsta möjliga drifttid. För drivmedelsproduktion finns det betydande fördelar med att kunna utnyttja värmeöverskottet från anläggningen i ett fjärrvärmesystem eller liknande.• För fjärrvärmesystemen i regionen som helhet finns det, enligt modellresultaten och för de scenarier som använts, starka drivkrafter att öka elproduktionen i kraftvärmeverk. Med gynnsamma förutsättningar för biobränslebaserad elproduktion har konventionell biobränslebaserad kraftvärme bäst ekonomi. Med drivmedelscertifikat eller liknande kan förgasningsanläggningar istället få en betydande roll för produktion av biodrivmedel, även knutet till medelstora fjärrvärmenät.• Produktion av biodrivmedel, som DME och vätgas, kan ske till kostnader som är konkurrenskraftiga gentemot dagens bensinpris, särskilt om produktionen blir möjlig att integrera med svartlutsförgasning (här studerat för vätgas). För vätgasproduktion är i samtliga fall ekonomin och den totala effekten på CO2-utsläppen dock starkt beroende av möjligheterna att samla in och lagra CO2.• För samtliga studerade tekniker och delsystem påverkar scenarieantaganden om utvecklingen av energimarknaderna och omvärldens energisystem i hög grad resultaten. För att utvärdera robustheten och de totala klimateffekterna för en enskild investering krävs därför systemanalys, som tar hänsyn till denna omvärld.
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VTI - Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (1641)
Linköpings universitet (1343)
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Linnéuniversitetet (197)
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Mälardalens universitet (161)
Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (146)
Uppsala universitet (140)
Högskolan i Gävle (132)
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet (129)
Karlstads universitet (125)
Högskolan i Halmstad (112)
Jönköping University (99)
Umeå universitet (82)
Malmö universitet (73)
Örebro universitet (70)
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Högskolan Kristianstad (4)
Konstfack (2)
Stockholms konstnärliga högskola (1)
Röda Korsets Högskola (1)
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Samhällsvetenskap (851)
Naturvetenskap (811)
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Humaniora (122)
Medicin och hälsovetenskap (82)


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