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  • Salomonsson, Johanna, 1978- (author)
  • Verbale Interaktion mit missverstehen : Eine empirische Untersuchung zu deutschsprachigen Diskussionsforen
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This study examines the functions of phrases with the word missverstehen in any inflected form in German discussion groups. The corpus consists of about 600 different messages with a phrase containing the verb missverstehen from all kinds of discussion groups speaking the German language. The hypothesis is that those phrases do not always refer to a factual misunderstanding in the communication. There is no such thing as total understanding in communication, since people cannot fully know how other people are thinking. Instead understanding is a social construct. Misunderstanding occurs when a group member cannot interpret a message so that it correlates with what the sender has meant. This understanding contains both the discussed theme as well as the relation between the group members.Relevance occurs when interpretable information is communicated through contextualization cues. Some cues carry information about the discussed theme, others communicate face work. A misunderstanding is caused by missing contextualization cues, i. e. the message is irrelevant. The study shows how the communicators can construct a disagreement as a misunderstanding, which it in turn has an impact on face work. The phrase is then being used together with added contextualization cues in order to construct a common understanding. Thereby the communicators can influence the interaction.This is done in a sequence in the discussion group. Hence the script theory (Schank/Abelson 1977) aims to describe the phenomenon of how a phrase with the word missverstehen can be used for different purposes. One script is defined for each purpose. The difference between the scripts is being maintained by the contextualization cue that carries the information about how the relations between group members are interacted.
  • Fredriksson, Christine (author)
  • Erwerbsphasen, Entwicklungssequenzen und Erwerbsreihenfolge : Zum Erwerb der deutschen Verbalmorphologie durch schwedische Schülerinnen und Schüler
  • 2006
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The central theme of this work is the interaction and the influence of grammatical input as an external factor in language acquisition and in learning strategies and learning processes as cognitive requirements. Until now, this problem has been viewed from the perspective of explicit and implicit processes, including concepts such as consciousness/unconsciousness, outer rules/inner rules, and analysed/unanalysed knowledge. But because of these differing interpretations, how the learner uses grammatical input and what role that plays in the development of the target language has only been minimally investigated. In the tradition of interlanguage theory, and based on connectionist, information processing and variability theories, in this work a descriptive model is developed that describes acquisition at the level of processing and that helps to explain developmental patterns which are observed in the acquisition of German verb morphology by tutored learners. The specific cognitive processes involved in L2 acquisition are differentiated as three dimensions that are conceptualized as continua: 1. The dimension of selective attention and intake which is defined by the two poles of attention to form/attention to meaning and understanding/noticing. This dimension is dependent on the situational context (formal/informal style) and determines whether verb forms are learned as analysed or unanalysed regarding their function in the target language. 2. The dimension of storage of information in which form-function mappings in short-term memory become permanent routines by associative connection. 3. The dimension of development in which analysed form-function mappings arise out of unanalysed routines by restructuring.The confirmation of these processes rests on an analysis of written data from Swedish learners at the beginning and advanced levels. They were elicited over two years and were based on the use of different written tasks. The results of this investigation indicate that German verb morphology is not acquired from rules but rather by associative connections of different kinds of form-function mappings in a network. This process can be described in acquisition phases, developmental sequences, and an acquisition order.
  • Holtz, Hajo Michael (author)
  • Die AGB-Kontrolle im Wettbewerbsrecht : Zugleich ein Beitrag zum Verhältnis von UWG und dem Recht der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen
  • 2010
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • I Tyskland regleras allmänna villkor i standardavtal (tyska Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen) av avtalsrätten, närmare bestämt §§ 305–310 i tyska civillagen (BGB). Lagen ställer bland annat krav på innehållet i allmänna villkor. Som en del av avtalsrätten har dessa bestämmelser endast effekt på avtalsparterna och påverkar formellt inte tredje part. Tredje parter skulle dock kunna påverkas av allmänna villkor i standardavtal. I praktiken kan detta bli relevant i konkurrenssituationer där standardavtal inte överensstämmer med lagkraven och därmed kan anses vara olagliga. När företag konkurrerar med varandra kan frågan ställas om en konkurrent som inte är part i avtalet kan åberopa rättsmedel mot det företag som använder olagliga avtalsvillkor i sina standardavtal. Användningen av olagliga allmänna villkor kan ge konkurrensfördelar eftersom de rationaliserar avtal och överför risk till avtalsparter utöver vad som är tillåtet enligt lagen. Ett möjligt rättsmedel finns i den tyska marknadsföringslagen, lagen mot otillbörlig konkurrens (UWG), nämligen ett föreläggande om att upphöra med den otillbörliga affärsmetoden.Det har emellertid varit kontroversiellt om det finns en rättsgrund för en talan av konkurrenter. En rättsgrund som ligger nära till hands är den s.k. lagstridighetsprincipen som undersöks närmare i denna avhandling. Det som krävs för att lagstridighetsprincipen ska anses vara uppfylld är ett brott mot en lagbestämmelse som är avsedd att reglera marknadsbeteendet i marknadsaktörers intresse. §§ 307–309 BGB, som gäller innehållet i allmänna villkor, kan vara sådana lagbestämmelser. Vid tiden av författandet av avhandlingen hade den tyska federala högsta domstolen (BGH) ännu inte beslutat i frågan. Denna avhandling försöker därför analysera och bedöma de olika befintliga tillvägagångssätten och utvecklar till och med ett nytt, eget tillvägagångssätt för bedömningen av den föreliggande frågan. Analysen fokuserar på § 4 nr 11 UWG och undersöker om §§ 307 till 309 BGB faktiskt avser att reglera marknadsbeteende i marknadsaktörers intresse. Undersökningen visar att §§ 307 till 309 BGB ger alla konkurrenter lika villkor när det gäller rationalisering av kontrakt och risköverföring i standardavtal. På så sätt kan argumenteras att reglerna även är tänkta att (indirekt) skydda konkurrenter som tredje parter. Denna slutsats illustrerar att marknadsrätten och avtalsrätten, i alla fall i detta sammanhang, har betydande likheter och överlappningar. Av denna anledning analyseras och undersöks i avhandlingen även det allmänna förhållandet mellan dessa två rättsområden närmare.
  • Håkansson Ramberg, Maria, 1980- (author)
  • Validität und schriftliche Sprachkompetenz : Eine Studie zur Bewertung schriftlicher Leistungen im Fach Deutsch an schwedischen Schulen
  • 2021
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Validity is a fundamental aspect of quality within the field of testing and assessment. Despite this fact, little research has been conducted on the validity of written assessment in a Swedish educational context and even less regarding assessment in an additional foreign language. In particular, there is little work on teachers’ scoring and the relation between ratings of students’ performances in upper secondary education and the external reference levels of the CEFR, the widely used framework from Council of Europe. Against this background, the present study was designed with the aim of examining the validity of the assessment of students’ written language proficiency in German at different steps according to the Swedish school system. The focus is on (1) raters’ construct conceptualisation, (2) inter-rater consistency of the Swedish raters, and (3) the relationship between Swedish ratings and ratings at a B1 level of the CEFR. The student data comprise 60 texts written in L2 German by Swedish upper secondary school students in courses aiming for three different steps of the national curriculum. The essays were scored by (a) students’ own teachers, b) external Swedish raters using Swedish national performance standards and (c) external CEFR raters in terms of the B1 level of the CEFR. Analysis of scores and rater comments were based on qualitative and quantitative methods, for example qualitative data analysis (QDA) and descriptive, correlational and reliability statistics. The results were analysed in relation to theoretical concepts of validity and central validation frameworks. The findings show that raters pay attention to a wide range of aspects in students’ written proficiency, although, to some extent, different interpretations of how student texts should be evaluated in relation to the national performance standards and a tendency to comment more on certain aspects could be observed. Analyses of inter-rater consistency indicate that the ablitity of Swedish raters to rank students’ performances is satisfactory, but that there are challenges in reaching general agreement, especially for intermediate and higher scores. Additionally, the results suggest that a pass level of Tyska 5 at upper secondary school is roughly equivalent to a B1-level of the CEFR. Finally, the thesis highlights the importance of rater training and discussions about assessment as part of strengthening teachers’ professional assessment competence. By exploring validity from different perspectives, the study provides a more complete picture of learner written assessment in an additional foreign language in Sweden and contributes to a deepened conceptual understanding of validity aspects within a Swedish educational context.
  • Jobin, Bettina, 1969- (author)
  • Genus im Wandel : Studien zu Genus und Animatizität anhand von Personenbezeichnungen im heutigen Deutsch mit Kontrastierungen zum Schwedischen
  • 2004
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This study investigates, theoretically and empirically, the role of animacy in the development of gender systems. The theoretical background is a grammaticalisation approach to language change. Concerning gender, this presupposes that classifications begin as semantic distinctions in the realm of animacy with flexible, contextually based agreement between the gender-marking elements. This kind of gender is called contextual gender. In the course of time, these classifications will spread into other areas, they become desemanticized and the agreement relation grammaticalizes into one of government where the inherent gender of the head noun controls the gender of the agreeing elements, irrespective of contextual factors When this leads to a great number of violations of the principles of contextual agreement in the realm of animacy, a new cycle of semantic classification will begin, creating layers of classifications. For German and Swedish two different layers are discerned respectively. The empirical starting point of this project was the observation of two opposite developments in the area of female person reference in Germany and Sweden. As a consequence of feminist critique of language, mainly targeted at the use of socalled masculine generics, in Germany the use of female gender-specific nouns increased substantially, the major means being female derivation with –in, so-called motion. Although similar means for female derivation exist in Swedish, i.e. -inna and -ska, the number of derivations used is decreasing. In order to isolate socio-cultural and historical facts from language-internal mechanisms behind the diverging tendencies, a historical sketch of the development of equal rights, of language criticism and of the development of the female suffixes is drawn for the respective countries. It is obvious, that the German strategy to achieve gender-fair language use is established by making women visible by means of motion, while in Sweden the use of gender-neutral forms for a long period of time has been regarded as a sign of equality. This ‘neutral’ use of former masculine and male-specific forms has been made possible by the merging of the two nominal genders masculine and feminine into uter (Sw. utrum). A contrastive study of comparable German and Swedish newspaper texts shows that the lack of motion in Swedish is partly compensated by composition and attribution with gender-specific lexemes. Still, the 64% gender-specific noun phrases in Swedish cannot compare with the 95% in German. But the use of gender-specific forms for well over half of the person references calls into doubt the general opinion shared by most Swedes that Swedish has a gender-neutral person reference system. Linguistic asymmetry persists as long as gender-specification is restricted to one half of the gendered population, whatever the means for specification. The almost exclusive use of gender-specific forms in German is seen as indicative of a grammaticalisation process. Haspelmaths invisible hand explanation of grammaticalisation is used to show how the development of -in in German fulfils just about every requirement on a grammaticalisation process – language-external as well as -internal – while -inna and -ska neither are promoted sufficiently by the speech community nor does there exist a paradigm that could accommodate them. In contrast to Swedish, where the suffixes remain strictly derivational, it is demonstrated that -in is turning into an inflectional marker. The German gender sub-system for person reference is developing into a semantically based system with genderflexible person denominations. A study of the pronouns agreeing with non-personal-agents in a parallel corpus of EU-documents shows that other aspects than purely referential or formal ones impinge on the choice of agreement forms. Non-personal-agents in certain contexts expose both agency and intentionality, which turns them into suitable agreement partners for animate pronouns. In Swedish, all animate pronouns are sexed, leaving a “Leerstelle” for these inanimate but agentive and intentional referents. In German, this problem is covered by the polysemy of the personal pronouns. Non-personal-agents are shown to be one possiblesource for the spreading of a linguistic innovation from the realm of animacy into inanimate contexts via semantic and thematic roles that share important features with animates proper. The last study makes use of different types of German monolingual corpora in order to investigate the agreement between inanimate nouns with female inherent gender – from non-personal-agents and abstracts to concrete nouns – and agent nouns which can potentially expose agreement by female derivation. Although the results are rather heterogeneous, they allow the formulation of the hypothesis that agreement is more likely to occur with nouns for which a metaphorical bridge to stereotypical conceptions of femininity can be constructed and that key collocations with high frequency such as die Kirche als Trägerin or die DNA als Trägerin der Erbinformation contribute significantly to the spread of the agreement pattern.
  • Johansson, Nina (author)
  • ". . . die grenzen der Witwen wird er feste machen . . ." : Konstruktionen von Weiblichkeit im lyrischen und didaktischen Werk der Herzogin Elisabeth von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1510-1558)
  • 2007
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The present dissertation examines constructions of femininity in the lyrical and didactical works of Elisabeth von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1510-1558). It shows how this widow ruler and promoter of the reformation transforms and re-interprets contemporary ideas about women and gender according to her own personal interests, and how gender roles are thus negotiated in her texts. In accordance with current theoretical ideas about subjectivity, discourse, and gender, it is shown among other things how Elisabeth von Braunschweig-Lüneburg uses established genres to further her own personal agenda, and how she manipulates contemporary notions of gender in order to create authority for herself as a political force, as an upholder of Christian virtues, and, most importantly, as a writer. The analysis is based on an understanding of subjectivity as dialogical – as a negotiation with the surrounding culture – and of gender as socially constructed. Using the theories presented by Judith Butler and Joan Wallach Scott as a basis, the study shows how Elisabeth works within the various discourses available to her in order to describe established gender roles in a fashion that challenges prevailing notions of femininity and a woman’s place in society. The study focuses on a number of aspects of femininity important in Elisabeth’s texts as well as in the cultural context in which they were written. The textual construction of woman as writer, ruler, preacher, wife, mother, and widow is examined. The dissertation presents not previously acknowledged insights into the ambivalence coloring Elisabeth’s descriptions of women and femininity.
  • Jönsson, Maren, et al. (author)
  • 'Ob ich ein ritter wære'. Genderentwürfe und genderrelatierte Erzählstrategien im Nibelungenlied
  • 2001
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This dissertation examines the significance of gender in the Nibelungenlied, paying particular attention to the concept of femininity, and with regard to characterisation, plot and narrative strategy. It reveals a concern with social roles, above all in the transgressions of the norm, in the deviations from ideal prototypes. It is a concern which involves both class roles as well as the socio-culturally-shaped sex roles. With a broad-based research model as starting-point, there is a discussion on the inter- and intra-gender level of the interplay between the protagonists, in speech and action and by means of non-verbal gesture and objects that have associative functions. The methodological approach of the study is text-oriented, and comprises a comprehensive discussion of the relevant literature. It focuses not only on the plot and the network of relationships, but also on narrative structure and the types of intrusions by the authorial narrator. It poses the question of how the aspect of gender influences reception. In particular, it stresses the significance of the use of contrast and parallel, of vocabulary and of the narrative points of view, and shows how fundamental the question of gender is both for the plot and in the assessment of the characters. The study reveals an intention of the text, one which is marked by a critical stance towards the happenings in the epic and a clear attempt to reinterpret the mythological in human terms.
  • Knust, Martin, 1973- (author)
  • Sprachvertonung und Gestik in den Werken Richard Wagners : Ein­flüsse zeitgenössischer Rezitations- und Deklamationspraxis
  • 2007
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Richard Wagner besaß eine eminente schauspielerische Begabung, war aber physisch für die pro­fessionelle Schauspielerlaufbahn ungeeignet. Er kompensierte diese Verhinderung auf mehrere Weisen: Zum einen las und sang er sehr gerne dramatische Texte vor. Zum zweiten betätigte er sich als Regisseur, und zwar als erster Regisseur im modernen Sinne. Zum dritten hob er den Schau­spielvortrag seiner Zeit – sowohl dessen akustische Komponente, die Sprechkunst, als auch des­sen optische, die Gestik des Akteurs – in seiner Musik auf. Um diese Thesen zu erhärten, wird erstmals das gesamte dramatische Vokalschaffen Wagners analysiert, werden sämtliche Inszenie­rungen Wagners, sofern sie dokumentiert sind, rekonstruiert, seine theoretischen Schriften unter diesem Aspekt ausgewertet und, um sein Profil als Theaterrezipient herauszuar­beiten, alle überlie­ferten Theaterbesuche Wagners erfaßt. Dadurch wird eine – wenn man Wagners Zeitgenossen trauen darf – wesentliche Schicht seines Schaffens, die über ein Jahr­hundert hinweg vergessen war, wieder freigelegt.
  • Löwe, Corina, 1970- (author)
  • Von Jungen Pionieren und Gangstern : Der Kinder- und Jugendkriminalroman in der DDR
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This dissertation examines detective novels for children and young adults written and published in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). The aim of the thesis is to study how the genre developed under the conditions of a socialist society. The analysis of the 66 texts included in the corpus is based on a socio-historical approach assuming that dialogical interdependencies between texts and society exist and can be verified. Central to the analytical work with the texts is the thesis that detective novels written for young readers reflect the socio-political development in East-German society. It shows, however, that—because of their strong didactic impetus—the texts did generally not, like detective novels for adults, develop into a forum for socio-critical discussions. In the diachronic development, which extends from the beginning in the Soviet occupation zone to the post-reunification period, it is shown that changing socio-political conditions interact with the texts, which becomes particularly obvious in the changing presentation of the detectives and criminals.Studying the texts, the dissertation presents basic research and an overview of the genre. Ten texts from the corpus are subject to a detailed analysis in order to deepen the general insights with examples. This way, different aspects of detective novels for children and young adults in the GDR are emphasized, e.g. the interaction between text and illustration. The embedding of figures in a socialist community produces further motives frequently occurring in the texts such as: the Heimat motive or the anti-fascist society.Although the majority of the texts do not go beyond stereotypical representations of characters, criminal cases, and locations—and hence demonstrate the close link between (normative) ideas of society and their literary implementation—the body of texts contains some innovative exceptions in which the social development is questioned and even cautiously criticized.
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