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Multi-grounded acti...
Multi-grounded action research
- Goldkuhl, Göran (författare)
- Linköpings universitet,Uppsala universitet,Institutionen för informatik och media,Linköping Univ, Dept Management & Engn, Linköping, Sweden.,Informationssystem och digitalisering,Filosofiska fakulteten,Uppsala Univ, Sweden
- Cronholm, Stefan (författare)
- Högskolan i Borås,Akademin för bibliotek, information, pedagogik och IT,Univ Borås, Dept Business & IT, Borås, Sweden.,InnovationLab,University of Borås, Sweden
- Lind, Mikael (författare)
- RISE,Mobilitet och system,Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden,Res Inst Sweden RISE, Mobil & Syst, Gothenburg, Sweden.;Chalmers Univ Technol, Mech & Maritime Sci M2, Gothenburg, Sweden.,Chalmers tekniska högskola,RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- 2020
- 2020
- Engelska.
Ingår i: Information Systems and E-Business Management. - : SPRINGER HEIDELBERG. - 1617-9846 .- 1617-9854.
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- The research approach of multi-grounded action research (MGAR) is presented and analyzed. This is based on a review of issues and concerns in information systems action research. MGAR builds on the epistemological principles of multi-grounding. This combines empirical, theoretical and internal grounding. The multi-grounded approach builds on elements from grounded theory; i.e. building theory inductively from data through coding procedures, but it also comprises an abductive use of extant theory. MGAR is described through six knowledge contributions: (1) the MGAR process model, (2) the MGAR knowledge model, (3) the MGAR theory model, (4) the principle of the multi-grounded change outcome, (5) the principle of the multi-grounded theory outcome and (6) the principle of mutuality of purposes. MGAR has been applied in an IT service management (ITSM) case, which serves an illustration and a validation of MGAR. In this MGAR case, the improvement of ITSM has been conducted and studied through a multi-organizational setting. In the case, there was a special focus on the service quality of IT services and the relations between service providers and customers.
- NATURVETENSKAP -- Data- och informationsvetenskap -- Systemvetenskap, informationssystem och informatik (hsv//swe)
- NATURAL SCIENCES -- Computer and Information Sciences -- Information Systems (hsv//eng)
- SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP -- Ekonomi och näringsliv -- Företagsekonomi (hsv//swe)
- SOCIAL SCIENCES -- Economics and Business -- Business Administration (hsv//eng)
- SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP -- Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap -- Systemvetenskap, informationssystem och informatik med samhällsvetenskaplig inriktning (hsv//swe)
- SOCIAL SCIENCES -- Media and Communications -- Information Systems, Social aspects (hsv//eng)
- Action research
- Information systems
- Qualitative research
- Multi-grounding
- Grounded theory
- Empirical grounding
- Theoretical grounding
- Internal grounding
- Situational inquiry
- IT service management
- Business and IT
- Handel och IT
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