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Sökning: onr:"swepub:oai:DiVA.org:hb-30337" > Advanced approaches...

  • Awasthi, Mukesh KumarCollege of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi Province 712100, China (författare)

Advanced approaches for resource recovery from wastewater and activated sludge: A review

  • Artikel/kapitelEngelska2023

Förlag, utgivningsår, omfång ...

  • 2023
  • printrdacarrier


  • LIBRIS-ID:oai:DiVA.org:hb-30337
  • https://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-30337URI
  • https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2023.129250DOI

Kompletterande språkuppgifter

  • Språk:engelska
  • Sammanfattning på:engelska

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  • Due to resource scarcity, current industrial systems are switching from waste treatment, such as wastewater treatment and biomass, to resource recovery (RR). Biofuels, manure, pesticides, organic acids, and other bioproducts with a great market value can be produced from wastewater and activated sludge (AS). This will not only help in the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy, but also contribute to sustainable development. However, the cost of recovering resources from wastewater and AS to produce value-added products is quite high as compared to conventional treatment methods. In addition, most antioxidant technologies remain at the laboratory scale that have not yet reached the level at industrial scale. In order to promote the innovation of resource recovery technology, the various methods of treating wastewater and AS to produce biofuels, nutrients and energy are reviewed, including biochemistry, thermochemistry and chemical stabilization. The limitations of wastewater and AS treatment methods are prospected from biochemical characteristics, economic and environmental factors. The biofuels derived from third generation feedstocks, such as wastewater are more sustainable. Microalgal biomass are being used to produce biodiesel, bioethanol, biohydrogen, biogas, biooils, bioplastics, biofertilizers, biochar and biopesticides. New technologies and policies can promote a circular economy based on biological materials.

Ämnesord och genrebeteckningar

Biuppslag (personer, institutioner, konferenser, titlar ...)

  • Ganeshan, PrabakaranDepartment of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Engineering and Sciences, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, India (författare)
  • Gohil, NisargDepartment of Biosciences, School of Science, Indrashil University, Rajpur, Mehsana 382715, Gujarat, India (författare)
  • Kumar, VinayEcotoxicity and Bioconversion Laboratory, Department of Community Medicine, Saveetha Medical College & Hospital, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Saveetha Nagar, Thandalam, Chennai 602105, India (författare)
  • Singh, VijaiDepartment of Biosciences, School of Science, Indrashil University, Rajpur, Mehsana 382715, Gujarat, India (författare)
  • Rajendran, KarthikDepartment of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Engineering and Sciences, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, India (författare)
  • Harirchi, ShararehHögskolan i Borås,Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi,Swedish Centre for Resource Recovery(Swepub:hb)shha (författare)
  • Solanki, Manoj KumarPlant Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology Group, Institute of Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland (författare)
  • Sindhu, RaveendranDepartment of Food Technology, TKM Institute of Technology, Kollam 691 505, Kerala, India (författare)
  • Binod, ParameswaranMicrobial Processes and Technology Division, CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR-NIIST), Trivandrum 695 019, Kerala, India (författare)
  • Zhang, ZengqiangCollege of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi Province 712100, China (författare)
  • Taherzadeh, Mohammad J,1965-Högskolan i Borås,Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi(Swepub:hb)MJT (författare)
  • College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi Province 712100, ChinaDepartment of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Engineering and Sciences, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, India (creator_code:org_t)

Sammanhörande titlar

  • Ingår i:Bioresource Technology3840960-85241873-2976


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