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Sökning: onr:"swepub:oai:DiVA.org:lnu-61885" > Learning by plannin...

Learning by planning; collaboration across the environment

Pretty, Annabel, 1965- (författare)
Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand
Hyltén-Cavallius, Sara, 1964- (författare)
Linnéuniversitetet,Institutionen för design (DE)
Ingår i: Open Design for E-very-thing. ; , s. 1-12
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)
Abstract Ämnesord
  • Learning by Planning; Collaboration across the Environment, is a partnership, and collaboration between two Schools separated by some 17,000 kilometres, the Design School, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden, and the Architecture Department at Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland NZ. Notwithstanding this vast literal spatial distance, the commonalities of design pedagogy are readily apparent within both programmes, even though, one being a core design field, and the other sitting within architecture end of design continuum or spectrum. This paper aims to investigate this mutuality by learning from one another by way of disseminating framework’s, tools, design methodologies, and teaching praxis, and the core pragmatic similarity, that of embedded Sustainable Design. This proposition will parallel the context of each case studies of both courses / programmes chosen, from each Institute, and will conclude with a summary where foreseen outcomes will be addressed; Learning by Planning: Collaboration across the Environment.


HUMANIORA  -- Konst -- Design (hsv//swe)
HUMANITIES  -- Arts -- Design (hsv//eng)


studio live projects
speculative design
sustainable design

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Pretty, Annabel, ...
Hyltén-Cavallius ...
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