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Futuring as Part to Design Education : Hacking for a Sustainable Campus Environment

Lundmark, Sofia, PhD (författare)
Södertörns högskola,Medieteknik
Rodela, Romina, Ph.D. 1975- (författare)
Södertörns högskola,Miljövetenskap
Ingår i: Journal of Futures Studies. - 1027-6084. ; 28:4, s. 11-24
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)
Abstract Ämnesord
  • This article reports on a study where we used a novel method to work with university students at a media technology and design programme to innovate on questions related to futuring in an educational context. Participating students used creative methods, paper crafting and design methods to “hack” the university campus in a post-COVID-19 scenario. This study situates hackathon as a design method that can be used to foster problem-solving and critical thinking skills in the context of current challenges. The students were asked to identify possible challenges in a post-COVID-19 return on campus and consider solutions to these challenges. They were tasked to shape their solutions in the form of a “sustainable artefact” meant to facilitate a smoother, safer, and welcoming return to campus life. In this study we reflect on how they engaged critically with the campus green and built infrastructure and how have they considered changes that would make their return to campus life a positive experience. Through the analysis of students’ assignments, we demonstrate how this method allowed for space in finding one’s own voice, how the design material supported students’ work on future design, and how aspects of future design are helping students finding a way of acting upon current calls to re-work our cities.


HUMANIORA  -- Konst -- Design (hsv//swe)
HUMANITIES  -- Arts -- Design (hsv//eng)
NATURVETENSKAP  -- Data- och informationsvetenskap -- Människa-datorinteraktion (hsv//swe)
NATURAL SCIENCES  -- Computer and Information Sciences -- Human Computer Interaction (hsv//eng)


Speculative futures
Sustainable artifacts
Design education

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Lundmark, Sofia, ...
Rodela, Romina, ...
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Södertörns högskola

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