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Sökning: onr:"swepub:oai:DiVA.org:su-178795" > Atmospheric Charact...

  • Uyama, Taichi (författare)

Atmospheric Characterization and Further Orbital Modeling of kappa Andromeda b

  • Artikel/kapitelEngelska2020

Förlag, utgivningsår, omfång ...

  • 2020-01-07
  • American Astronomical Society,2020
  • printrdacarrier


  • LIBRIS-ID:oai:DiVA.org:su-178795
  • https://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-178795URI
  • https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/ab5afaDOI

Kompletterande språkuppgifter

  • Språk:engelska
  • Sammanfattning på:engelska

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  • We present kappa Andromeda b's photometry and astrometry taken with Subaru/SCExAO+HiCIAO and Keck/NIRC2, combined with recently published SCExAO/CHARIS low-resolution spectroscopy and published thermal infrared photometry to further constrain the companion's atmospheric properties and orbit. The Y/Y-K colors of kappa And b are redder than field dwarfs, consistent with its youth and lower gravity. Empirical comparisons of its Y-band photometry and CHARIS spectrum to a large spectral library of isolated field dwarfs reaffirm the conclusion from Currie et al. that it likely has a low gravity but admit a wider range of most plausible spectral types (L0-L2). Our gravitational classification also suggests that the best-fit objects for kappa And b may have lower gravity than those previously reported. Atmospheric models lacking dust/clouds fail to reproduce its entire 1-4.7 mu m spectral energy distribution (SED), and cloudy atmosphere models with temperatures of similar to 1700-2000 K better match kappa And b data. Most well-fitting model comparisons favor 1700-1900 K, a surface gravity of log(g) similar to 4-4.5, and a radius of 1.3-1.6 R-Jup; the best-fit model (Drift-Phoenix) yields the coolest and lowest-gravity values: T-eff = 1700 K and log g = 4.0. An update to kappa And b's orbit with ExoSOFT using new astrometry spanning 7 yr reaffirms its high eccentricity (0.77 0.08). We consider a scenario where unseen companions are responsible for scattering kappa And b to a wide separation and high eccentricity. If three planets, including kappa And b, were born with coplanar orbits, and one of them was ejected by gravitational scattering, a potential inner companion with mass greater than or similar to 10 M-Jup could be located at less than or similar to 25 au.

Ämnesord och genrebeteckningar

Biuppslag (personer, institutioner, konferenser, titlar ...)

  • Currie, Thayne (författare)
  • Hori, Yasunori (författare)
  • De Rosa, Robert J. (författare)
  • Mede, Kyle (författare)
  • Brandt, Timothy D. (författare)
  • Kwon, Jungmi (författare)
  • Guyon, Olivier (författare)
  • Lozi, Julien (författare)
  • Jovanovic, Nemanja (författare)
  • Martinache, Frantz (författare)
  • Kudo, Tomoyuki (författare)
  • Tamura, Motohide (författare)
  • Kasdin, N. Jeremy (författare)
  • Groff, Tyler (författare)
  • Chilcote, Jeffrey (författare)
  • Hayashi, Masahiko (författare)
  • McElwain, Michael W. (författare)
  • Asensio-Torres, RubenStockholms universitet,Institutionen för astronomi(Swepub:su)rasen (författare)
  • Janson, MarkusStockholms universitet,Institutionen för astronomi(Swepub:su)mjanso (författare)
  • Knapp, Gillian R. (författare)
  • Serabyn, Eugene (författare)
  • Stockholms universitetInstitutionen för astronomi (creator_code:org_t)

Sammanhörande titlar

  • Ingår i:Astronomical Journal: American Astronomical Society159:20004-62561538-3881


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