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Sökning: onr:"swepub:oai:DiVA.org:su-215252" > Introduction :

Introduction : The Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2030, and International Law

Ebbesson, Jonas, 1963- (författare)
Stockholms universitet,Stockholms miljörättscentrum (SMC)
Hey, Ellen (författare)
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022
Ingår i: The Cambridge Handbook of the Sustainable Development Goals and International Law. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. - 9781108477338 - 9781108769631 ; , s. 1-49
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
Abstract Ämnesord
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Agenda 2030, and international law interact in multifaceted and complex ways. On the one hand, neither Agenda 2030 nor the SDGs fundamentally question the role of the international economic system, which is entrenched in international law and supportive of activities that do not necessarily further sustainable development. On the other hand, Agenda 2030 aims to transform our world, by evoking a bold cosmopolitan understanding of sustainable development, so that no one is left behind. This cosmopolitan understanding of sustainable development should inspire the application and development of international law, if indeed no one is to be left behind. International law offers ample opportunities for implementing such an approach to sustainable development.


SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP  -- Juridik -- Juridik (hsv//swe)
SOCIAL SCIENCES  -- Law -- Law (hsv//eng)


Agenda 2030
sustainable development
cosmopolitan approaches
international economic law
human rights law
international environmental law
rättsvetenskap med inriktning mot folkrätt
Legal Science, specialisation Public International Law

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vet (ämneskategori)
kap (ämneskategori)

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Hey, Ellen
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Stockholms universitet

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