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Increase in ticagrelor use over time is associated with lower rates of ischemic stroke following myocardial infarction

Henriksson, Robin (författare)
Umeå universitet,Avdelningen för medicin,Unit of Research, Education and Development, Region jämtland Härjedalen, Östersund, Sweden
Ulvenstam, Anders (författare)
Umeå universitet,Avdelningen för medicin,Unit of Research, Education and Development, Region jämtland Härjedalen, Östersund, Sweden
Soderstrom, Lars (författare)
Unit of Research, Education and Development, Region jämtland Härjedalen, Östersund, Sweden.
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Mooe, Thomas (författare)
Umeå universitet,Avdelningen för medicin,Unit of Research, Education and Development, Region jämtland Härjedalen, Östersund, Sweden
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Ingår i: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. - : BMC. - 1471-2261 .- 1471-2261. ; 19:1, s. 1-11
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)
Abstract Ämnesord
  • ObjectivesTo evaluate the impact of a rapid change in preferred treatment from clopidogrel to ticagrelor on the risk of ischemic stroke following acute myocardial infarction (AMI).MethodsData for AMI patients treated with either clopidogrel or ticagrelor were obtained from the Swedish Register of Information and Knowledge about Swedish Heart Intensive Care Admissions (RIKS-HIA). Patients were divided into two cohorts, each covering a two-year time period; the initial prescription of ticagrelor (20 Dec 2011) was used as a cut-off point. Patients in the early cohort (n=23,447) were treated with clopidogrel, while those in the later cohort (n=24,227), were treated with either clopidogrel (47.9%) or ticagrelor (52.1%). Kaplan-Meier analyses were used to assess the risk of ischemic stroke over time, with multivariable Cox regression analyses used to identify predictors of ischemic stroke.ResultsOf 47,674 patients, there were 1203 cases of ischemic stroke. Cumulative Kaplan-Meier incidence estimates of ischemic stroke after one year were 2.8% vs. 2.4% for the early and late cohorts, respectively (p=0.001). Older age, hypertension, diabetes, previous stroke, congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and ST-elevation myocardial infarction were associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke. Percutaneous coronary intervention and statins at discharge were associated with a decreased risk of ischemic stroke, as was higher estimated glomerular filtration rate. Membership of the late cohort correlated with a 13% reduction in the relative risk of ischemic stroke.ConclusionsThe introduction of ticagrelor as well as an improved management of AMI was associated with a lower rate of ischemic stroke in a relatively unselected AMI population.


MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP  -- Klinisk medicin -- Kardiologi (hsv//swe)
MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES  -- Clinical Medicine -- Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (hsv//eng)


Ischemic stroke
Secondary prevention
Acute myocardial infarction
Antiplatelet therapy

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Henriksson, Robi ...
Ulvenstam, Ander ...
Soderstrom, Lars
Mooe, Thomas
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och Klinisk medicin
och Kardiologi
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BMC Cardiovascul ...
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Umeå universitet

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