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Diffusion Tensor Tractography versus Volumetric Imaging in the Diagnosis of Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia

Santillo, Alexander Frizell (författare)
Mårtensson, Johanna (författare)
Lund University,Lunds universitet,Uppsala universitet,Enheten för radiologi,Medicinsk strålningsfysik, Lund,Sektion V,Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lund,Medicinska fakulteten,Medical Radiation Physics, Lund,Section V,Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund,Faculty of Medicine
Lindberg, Olof (författare)
Karolinska Institutet
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Nilsson, Markus (författare)
Lund University,Lunds universitet,Medicinsk strålningsfysik, Lund,Sektion V,Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lund,Medicinska fakulteten,MR Physics,Forskargrupper vid Lunds universitet,Medical Radiation Physics, Lund,Section V,Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund,Faculty of Medicine,Lund University Research Groups
Manzouri, Amir (författare)
Waldo, Maria Landqvist (författare)
van Westen, Danielle (författare)
Lund University,Lunds universitet,Diagnostisk radiologi, Lund,Sektion V,Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lund,Medicinska fakulteten,Neuroradiologi,Forskargrupper vid Lunds universitet,Diagnostic Radiology, (Lund),Section V,Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund,Faculty of Medicine,Neuroradiology,Lund University Research Groups
Wahlund, Lars-Olof (författare)
Lätt, Jimmy (författare)
Lund University,Lunds universitet,Medicinsk strålningsfysik, Lund,Sektion V,Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lund,Medicinska fakulteten,Medical Radiation Physics, Lund,Section V,Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund,Faculty of Medicine
Nilsson, Christer C (författare)
Lund University,Lunds universitet,Kliniska Vetenskaper, Helsingborg,Sektion II,Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lund,Medicinska fakulteten,Clinical Sciences, Helsingborg,Section II,Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund,Faculty of Medicine
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Ingår i: PLOS ONE. - : Public Library of Science (PLoS). - 1932-6203. ; 8:7, s. e66932-
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)
Abstract Ämnesord
  • MRI diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies of white matter integrity in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia have consistently shown involvement of frontal and temporal white matter, corresponding to regional loss of cortical volume. Volumetric imaging has a suboptimal sensitivity as a diagnostic tool and thus we wanted to explore if DTI is a better method to discriminate patients and controls than volumetric imaging. We examined the anterior cingulum bundle in 14 patients with behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and 22 healthy controls using deterministic manual diffusion tensor tractography, and compared DTI parameters with two measures of cortical atrophy, VBM and cortical thickness, of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Statistically significant changes between patients and controls were detected in all DTI parameters, with large effect sizes. ROC-AUC was for the best DTI parameters: 0.92 (fractional anisotropy) to 0.97 (radial diffusivity), 0.82 for the best cortical parameter, VBM of the ACC. Results from the AUC were confirmed with binary logistic regression analysis including demographic variables, but only for fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity. Ability to classify patient/nonpatient status was significantly better for mean diffusivity vs. VBM (p = 0.031), and borderline significant for fractional anisotropy vs. VBM (p = 0.062). The results indicate that DTI could offer advantages in comparison with the assessment of cortical volume in differentiating patients with behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and controls.


MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP  -- Klinisk medicin -- Radiologi och bildbehandling (hsv//swe)
MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES  -- Clinical Medicine -- Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging (hsv//eng)

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