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Risks of depression, anxiety, and suicide in partners of men with prostate cancer : a national cohort study

Crump, Casey (författare)
University of Texas,Virginia Commonwealth University
Stattin, Pär (författare)
Uppsala University,Uppsala universitet,Urologkirurgi
Brooks, James D. (författare)
Stanford University School of Medicine
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Sundquist, Jan (författare)
Lund University,Lunds universitet,Allmänmedicin och klinisk epidemiologi,Forskargrupper vid Lunds universitet,LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum,Övriga starka forskningsmiljöer,Family Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology,Lund University Research Groups,LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre,Other Strong Research Environments
Edwards, Alexis C. (författare)
Sundquist, Kristina (författare)
Lund University,Lunds universitet,Allmänmedicin och klinisk epidemiologi,Forskargrupper vid Lunds universitet,LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum,Övriga starka forskningsmiljöer,Family Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology,Lund University Research Groups,LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre,Other Strong Research Environments
Sieh, Weiva (författare)
University of Texas
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Oxford University Press, 2024
Ingår i: Journal of the National Cancer Institute. - : Oxford University Press. - 0027-8874 .- 1460-2105. ; 116:5, s. 745-752
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)
Abstract Ämnesord
  • BACKGROUND: A diagnosis of prostate cancer (PC) may cause psychosocial distress not only in a man but also in his intimate partner. However, long-term risks of depression, anxiety, or suicide in partners of men with PC are largely unknown.METHODS: A national cohort study was conducted of 121 530 partners of men diagnosed with PC during 1998-2017 and 1 093 304 population-based controls in Sweden. Major depression, anxiety disorder, and suicide death were ascertained through 2018. Cox regression was used to compute hazard ratios (HRs) while adjusting for sociodemographic factors.RESULTS: Partners of men with high-risk PC had increased risks of major depression (adjusted HR = 1.34, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.30 to 1.39) and anxiety disorder (adjusted HR = 1.25, 95% CI = 1.20 to 1.30), which remained elevated 10 or more years later. Suicide death was increased in partners of men with distant metastases (adjusted HR = 2.38, 95% CI = 1.08 to 5.22) but not other high-risk PC (adjusted HR =1.14, 95% CI = 0.70 to 1.88). Among partners of men with high-risk PC, risks of major depression and anxiety disorder were highest among those 80 years of age or older (adjusted HR = 1.73; 95% CI = 1.53 to 1.96; adjusted HR = 1.70, 95% CI = 1.47 to 1.96, respectively), whereas suicide death was highest among those younger than 60 years of age (adjusted HR = 7.55, 95% CI = 2.20 to 25.89). In contrast, partners of men with low- or intermediate-risk PC had modestly or no increased risks of these outcomes.CONCLUSIONS: In this large cohort, partners of men with high-risk PC had increased risks of major depression and anxiety disorder, which persisted for 10 or more years. Suicide death was increased 2-fold in partners of men with distant metastases. Partners as well as men with PC need psychosocial support and close follow-up for psychosocial distress.


MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP  -- Klinisk medicin -- Urologi och njurmedicin (hsv//swe)
MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES  -- Clinical Medicine -- Urology and Nephrology (hsv//eng)
MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP  -- Klinisk medicin -- Cancer och onkologi (hsv//swe)
MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES  -- Clinical Medicine -- Cancer and Oncology (hsv//eng)
MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP  -- Klinisk medicin -- Psykiatri (hsv//swe)
MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES  -- Clinical Medicine -- Psychiatry (hsv//eng)

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