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Sökning: onr:"swepub:oai:gup.ub.gu.se/221069" > Borrowing in Tanzan...

Borrowing in Tanzanian Ngoni lexicon: Some semantic trends in a language contact situation.

Mapunda, Gastor (författare)
Rosendal, Tove, 1957 (författare)
Gothenburg University,Göteborgs universitet,Institutionen för språk och litteraturer,Department of Languages and Literatures
Ingår i: Language Matters. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1022-8195 .- 1753-5395. ; 46:2, s. 180-194
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)
Abstract Ämnesord
  • The Tanzanian language Ngoni has interacted for long with Swahili, which is the more prestigious and dominant lingua franca in Tanzania. This language contact situation affects Ngoni, which frequently borrows terms from Swahili, both for concepts which are new to the Ngoni speakers, but also terms which replace existing Ngoni vocabulary. This paper investigates how borrowed words are integrated, based on a framework including semantic generalisation, specialisation and shift. The study is based on fieldwork conducted in the Songea District in the Ruvuma Region of Tanzania, in the three villages Peramiho, Kilagano and Mhepai. It was found that borrowing was most frequent in the semantic fields ‘modern world’, ‘food and drink’ and ‘clothing and grooming’. Additive borrowing was found to be more frequent than substitutive. Only semantic widening of borrowed terms was attested. However, combined with a tendency of replacement of old Ngoni terms with both Swahili and Ngoni hypernyms, it indicates that speakers’ competence of the language is waning. This loss of competence may additionally be linked to a more general attrition of Ngoni culture and traditions, which may affect language maintenance.


HUMANIORA  -- Språk och litteratur -- Studier av enskilda språk (hsv//swe)
HUMANITIES  -- Languages and Literature -- Specific Languages (hsv//eng)
HUMANIORA  -- Språk och litteratur -- Jämförande språkvetenskap och allmän lingvistik (hsv//swe)
HUMANITIES  -- Languages and Literature -- General Language Studies and Linguistics (hsv//eng)


contact situation
semantic trends
Songea district
substitutive borrowing

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