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7b.10: Thiazide Diu...
7b.10: Thiazide Diuretics and Fracture-Risk among Hypertensive Patients. Results from the Swedish Primary Care Cardiovascular Database (Spccd)
- Bokrantz, Tove (författare)
- Gothenburg University,Göteborgs universitet,Institutionen för medicin, avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin,Institute of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine
- Ljungman, Charlotta, 1977 (författare)
- Gothenburg University,Göteborgs universitet,Institutionen för medicin, avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin,Institute of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine
Kahan, T. (författare)
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- Schiöler, Linus, 1977 (författare)
- Gothenburg University,Göteborgs universitet,Institutionen för medicin, avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa, enheten för arbets-och miljömedicin,Institute of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Section of Occupational and environmental medicine
Hjerpe, P. (författare)
Hasselstrom, J. (författare)
Wettermark, B. (författare)
Bostrom, K. (författare)
- Manhem, Karin, 1954 (författare)
- Gothenburg University,Göteborgs universitet,Institutionen för medicin, avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin,Institute of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine
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- Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2015
- 2015
- Engelska.
Ingår i: Journal of hypertension. - : Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health). - 0263-6352 .- 1473-5598. ; 33 Suppl 1
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- OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether treatment with thiazide diuretics reduces the risk of osteoporotic fractures in hypertensive patients in primary health care. Further we aimed to examine the impact of duration of thiazide use, the consequences of discontinuation of use and effect-modifications by gender. DESIGN AND METHOD: This retrospective cohort study includes 60 893 individuals, diagnosed with hypertension during 2001-2008 included in the Swedish Primary Care Cardiovascular Database. All patients were followed from a fixed baseline (1 Jan 2006, or the date the patient received their first diagnosis of hypertension if that date came later) until they had an incident osteoporotic fracture, died, or reached the end of the study at 31 Dec 2012, whichever came first. Patients exposed to thiazide diuretics (dispensed drugs recorded through the Prescribed Drug Register) were compared with hypertensive patients never exposed to thiazides. RESULTS: During follow up 2421 osteoporotic fractures occurred. Current use of thiazide diuretics was found to be associated with significantly reduced risk of osteoporotic fractures (adjusted hazard ratios 0.88; 95% CI 0.81-0.97) independent of blood pressure level. In addition, risk appeared to decline with longer duration of use. In contrast, discontinuation of dispensed prescriptions of thiazides was associated with increased risk of osteoporotic fractures (HR 1.17; 95% CI 1.04-1.31).However, a trend towards attenuation of the increased risk with longer duration past treatment period was seen. When analyzing men and women separately similar results were seen, for both genders, although only statistically significant for men. CONCLUSIONS: In this large retrospective cohort study of hypertensive men and women from Sweden, we could identity a protective effect on osteoporotic fractures among current users of thiazide diuretic drugs independent of blood pressure level. However, the risk of fracture was found to be increased in patients shortly after discontinuation of treatment compared to patients never prescribed thiazide diuretic drugs. The reason for an augmented outcome on osteoporotic fractures among patients with former thiazide diuretic therapy needs to be further elucidated.
- MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP -- Klinisk medicin (hsv//swe)
- MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES -- Clinical Medicine (hsv//eng)
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Bokrantz, Tove
Ljungman, Charlo ...
Kahan, T.
Schiöler, Linus, ...
Hjerpe, P.
Hasselstrom, J.
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Wettermark, B.
Bostrom, K.
Manhem, Karin, 1 ...
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Göteborgs universitet
Karolinska Institutet